Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1574579-A-Quest
by Nayen
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1574579
A tale of a pair of twins with powers, work in progress.
*Note* Preface*Note* 

It's a stormy night, the clouds are a deep shade of black. An Omen. Rain is pouring down like buckets being dumped on the kingdom.The elaborate front entrance opens to the palace and a bulky figure steps in through the crack as rain pelts down behind him.Lightning flashes and the room is lit for a brief moment, displaying two figures.The man in the doorway sees the woman across the hall waiting.
"My dear Queen Kyamen,may I ask what you are doing up at this hour?" The man says in a deep voice by the door.
"I want my children safe," the queen says quietly,"but alas, this is the woe of a woman, my dear Penceal, you would not understand!"

Penceal let that comment brush off his shoulders. He chose instead to say,"So you did have a child?"
"Not a child...twins." He gasps, "My! This cannot be true! Do they have...?
"I do not know ," she snaps, "They are merely infants, born but only a week ago.If they do posses  powers," she faltered,"they will be taken away." She said with tears in her eyes.

Her hand is drawn to her smallest finger, where lies her ring with NayenKoan inscribed on the inside. Which in this particular kingdom meant Queen.
"May I take a look at them?" Penceal asks,startling her.
She nods and leads him of into a dimly lit hallway.

They took a left,than a right, another right, down some stairs to turn again and go up more stairs. Penceal was utterly confused, but the Queen seemed to know where she was going.

"Are we-" Penceal pants, holding a stitch in his side.
"Were here my darlings!" the Queen calls into a doorway on their left.
"Mommy's home sweeties!" She steps in the door and motions Penceal to follow.

As they enter the room, they see a solid oak crib (made from the finest craftsman) but what was more important to our story were the two little babies wrapped in silk inside it sleeping. They were identical down to the very last toenail.
"A boy and a girl?" Penceal asks with intrest. The Queen nods.

"Just as the prophecy said." He said turning to look at the Queen, but found her holding her hands over her ears. He looked down at the babies and noticed a small difference, one had a freacle right by their ear, while the other had one lower down. The babies both had brownish fuzz on their heads. Penceal decided to make a quick decision and reach down to wake them up when the Queen wasn't looking his way. His hand snaked down, but when it was halfway down, their eyes opened at the exact same time. Bright green eyes stared at him. He found himself being pushed away, very slowly.The Queen was staring at him in terror.when he was about 4 inches away, their eyes closed and the pushing stoped.

"My dear Queen Kyamen," he said,"I believe we have our answer." 

*Reading* End of Preface.*Reading*
*Note* Chapter 1 *Note*   

"Man your're a freak!"; "You're such a weirdo!"; "Creep!"

After you get called these things a million times, it sinks in no one likes you.

I should tell you about myself, I'm a girl for one,brown curly  hair, medium height, not too heavy, and my favorite part- my light green eyes.
I lived with my Aunt Jennifer, but she makes me call her Aunt J. We lived in a small apatment building just a little ways  out of the small tourist town. Aunt J. worked at a dress shop in town so naturaly I got handmade clothes.

I forgot to tell you, my name is Adria Rai Nayen by the way. I get picked on about that a lot too. "Why Adria?" the kids at school say, "Why not Adrian? Couldn't your mother name you correctly?" I've never met my mother before. My mother is doing 'buisness' Aunt J. says. "Your mother couldn't keep you around when she had very important work to do, when she's ready you can see her." She used to say. Little did she know that made me cry harder at night.
I've learned to live with it for now, but it's been thirteen years and my good ol' mom is still doing 'buisness'  somewhere far away.

The only thing that I have from my mother is a ring. By no doubt it's a beautiful ring! I wear it everyday, all the time, but what I'm puzzeled about is that inscribed on the inside is, NayenKado . I mean, come on? I'm starting to think that my mom is locked up in a rubber room with a staight jacket.
You might be thinking by now,(or not), why does this girl get picked on so much?

Shhh. don't tell anyone..... But I think I have powers!

I can push and pull things and people away or towards me  without touching them!

I learned this when I flung a poor kid named Ricky Mitchell across the gym in 1st grade. It wasn't on purpose! I was mad at him because he was picking on me in the hallway. So when Ricky tripped on his shoelace, I looked at him hard and he slammed into the wall all the way across the room.(Would that count on being on purpose?) That time no one knew or thought it was me. That power comes very handy in dodgeball.I trained myself with inanimate objects first, then moved on to people in gym.

I have other powers too, but not as strong as my push-pull-power. This is the reason I get picked on; The kids are scared of me, dumb, right? They think if they can beat me down by calling me names that I'll think their buff and crud and won't hurt them. Jeez, all they need to worry about is if I use them as human shields during dogeball!

Now, I don't know if my Aunt J. knows I have powers, because she's caught me once or twice at it, once when I was making crayons fly around the room, then again when I was zooming the dishes into the dishwasher instead of using my hands, (makes it easier though!) , and then this one time... You get the idea. Well, looking back from were I am now, tings got weird on June 11th.

It was a nice day out, and I was walking to the Dress Place (Where Aunt J. works) from school,  when I stopped at  the ice cream stand and got some ice cream and sat at my usual seat on the bench by this big tree. I could start to hear voices, familier voices. Kids from school! I realized and dived behind the tree to get away. I dropped my icecream when I heard them, so I couldn't eat it any more. When they came up the road to the stand, they stopped to buy some. Not a big deal, I thought, They'll be gone soon.
Once they were done with their ice cream, they got french fries. Two big things of them. I was getting pretty mad, 'cause if I moved they would see me, so the way I had to sit made my butt numb after two seconds. Then they all had to go to the bathroom. I was ready to make my get away when two of the six kids said they didn't need to. Drat. I'll never get out of here.

I'll have to admit, I was dog tired, it was basket ball today in gym, and I had to concentrate a little harder to make the ball go in the hoop, and ended up hitting a kid on the head. I was almost asleep when I heard one of them say my name. I listened harder.
"Did you see what Adria did to Brandon in gym?" a girl said
"Yeah," a gruffer boys voice said,"saw it in the changing rooms, she's such a creep!" 
I sighed, another person thinking I'm either a loser, creep, weirdo, freak, I think thats enough.
"D'you hear that?" the girl said. "Hear what?" a higher voiced boy said. "I thought I heard someone!" She said "I'm not lying!"  " I'll go check it out-"

I don't know anything other than running as fast as my legs could carry me. Behind the ice cream stand, around a old lady with a dog, through a puddle of water,then flat out running on the sidewalk to the Dress Place, only a little ways more! Then- WHAM! I fell to the ground, twisting my ankle in the process. It wasn't so bad because I used my power to push myself to the grass beside the sidewalk, but my ankle hurt really bad. 

"Woah!" I heard a boy's voice say from inside one of the nearby stores. "Uncle Leyn! I'll be right back, K?" and than I heard some feet coming towards me. Please not a school kid, please! I thought desperately. I found myself being lifted up by my shoulders off the ground. Holding me was the cutest boy I had ever seen. He looked at me,and I saw he had brown curly hair like mine,and oh my gosh! My same light green eyes!  "You sure had a fall there", he said, "Why on earth were you running so darn fast?"  I admit, it took me a moment to think at all.

"I was..." " Being chased?" He asked said when I hesitated "Well sort of", I said. "Thats what it looked like to me, lets take a look at that ankle shall we?" He reached tenderly for it and touched it a little. "Ouch!" I said, I couldn't help it, It hurt bad. "Sprained I think." He concluded. "I'll help you walk, I can ask my uncle if I can take you home." When he saw I was going to protest he shushed me and walked down to the store he must of come out of. Man, I thought who the heck is this guy?   

*Reading* End of Chapter 1*Reading*
*Note* Chapter 2 *Note*

I have to say, the walk home was a little strange.
Once the boy got back, saying his uncle a-okayed him helping me home, he helped me up and let me lean against him as we walked, (in my case hobbled!) to the Dress Place. "So," he said briskly, not weighed down by me at all,
"I was kida rude back there, my name's Akadri by the way." A little weird, I thought to myself. but I like it. "And your name is?" Akadri asked me. "Adria. "Got any nicknames Adria?" He asked looking down at me as we hobbled along. "No just Adria." "Okay," he said "that works." "What do mean, 'that works'?" I said kind of annoyed, I didn't want this cute boy to be a name caller too. "Nothing!" he said in a hurry,"I thought a pretty little thing like you might have a nickname, like, pumpkin, cutie, rosy, anything like that." I looked up at him and saw, really fantly, he was blushing. "No, the only thing my aunt calls me sometimes is Ky, which must have been my moms nickname because she says I'm like a living repleca of my mom." Jeez, I better slow down or I'm gonna tell him my whole life story!

"You live with your aunt?" He asked, looking puzzeld. "Yeah, my mom's...somewhere." I said, not knowing what else to say. "Why is that a problem?" "No, it's that I live with my uncle, and you live with your aunt. Kinda strange. I don't remember my parents at all, my uncle says their off, somewhere,waiting for me." "Ah!" I gasped falling to the sidewalk, clutching my ankle. "You okay?" Akadri asked tenderly, "I could carry you instead." My cheeks must have looked like I'd been slapped my face was blushing so hard. "No," I managed to stammer, "We're almost there." As he reached for my hand, my ring and a ring on his finger collided and I pulled my hand back. "Here," he said, pulling me up in his arms. Wow! I thought, Akadri is super strong! My ears felt like they were on fire as he adjusted me in his arms so he could walk. He must have seen the look on my face so he said,"My uncle is a wood worker if your wondering, I'm sort of his apprentice." "Cool, My aunt works at a dress store, which by the way is right over there." I said pointing, hoping he would put me down. I know my ankle hurts and all, but I'd rather be caught dead then let Aunt J see me being carried by a boy.

I think he got the message,because he set me down and helped me walk to the door of the shop. "I'm done with school, so maybe I'll come around to see you again, I better get going. See ya later Adria!" He called running up the road. "Bye!"
I pinched myself back into reality, but I couldn't stop one thought from running through my head-
He's coming back!
"My, my, don't you look mighty fine Adria!" called Aunt J from the fitting room. "Thanks Aunt J," I said setting my backpack down on a chair by the door. "What, no homework?" she called eyeing my light load. "Aunt J, there's only a half day of school left!" "Right, why a half day anyway?" "Some dumb thing where we have to meet our new teachers for the next year." "Well isn't that something." She said coming toward me with a pink lacy dress. I sincerely hoped that is not for me. "Hey Adria," she said, confirming my nightmare, "can you come try this on?" I groaned and hobbled over to her. "Don't worry! This isn't for you, I wouldn't make you wear something ghastly like this in public, it's for that one girl," she said snapping her fingers. "oh well, I can't remember, she's coming to get it in  a few days anyway. She's about your size. She desigened it,ugh. I hate it when people do that and expect it to come out perfect!"  "Don't worry Aunt J." I said confidently " you're good at whatever you do." "Why aren't you the sweet heart."

"Ouch!" I gasped as I turned to touch my ankle. "Adria...?" Aunt J. asked, I was prone to not tell her things like this.
"It's nothing! I swear!" I tried to tell her. Of course, she had to come bouncing over to me to check on it.
"Adria! How come you didn't tell me about this! When did this happen?" I sighed and told her I tripped coming down here, leaving out that I was running from school kids and that I met Akadri. "Sit." she commanded and went over to tthe first aid kit hanging on the wall. It's just about closing time, I thought looking outside. Aunt J. doesn't get many customers, but we never fall behind on money.

*Check2* WORK IN PROGRESS!!!!!! *Check2*
© Copyright 2009 Nayen (nayenkado at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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