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The history of dragon mountain on the dragonswords mud. The making of the immortals, |
According to ancient scrolls in dragon mountain, the dragons came here while there still wern't any sentient life on our world. There wernt even any gods drifting around back then. Where they came from it doesnt say, but it is said that the supreme dragon god 'Gthrdrrrahg'(roughly translated 'the golden one' or Goldie as the eldest dragons call her), brought them here to be safe from an unnamed enemy. They settled here on the biggest mountain that the world had and since that day it has been called dragon mountain. From the mountain the younger dragons spread over the world and over the ages they made new homes and colonies. The one thing that held the dragon race together was the "dragon councils" that they held every a hundred thousand years or so. It was allways held in dragon mountain and here most of them were born and came when they were to die. When near death the dragon would travel deep within mountain to a place called the halls of the dead, where they could die in peace without risk of their bones being dececrated. When the dragon councils were held, all of dragon kind of the world would gather to discuss what has lately happened and what concerned the dragons as a whole. When some of the normal creatures grew awareness this was throughly discussed for fifty thousand years. It was generally decided that the other creatures were to be left alone and that the dragons would only have sporadic contact with them. With the arrival of man however, things changed. Man they instantly know would be different and the dragon shamans, the keepers of the old ways, foresaw trubble with this race. Humans spread faster than any other race over the world and in their wake the other sentient races were forced into contact with eachother. While the subject of man was still being discussed the attacks on dragon kind were beginning to pour in. At first it was dismissed as sloppy dragon that could as easilly have died from forgetting how to land. Then an old, wise and respected dragon died at the hands of men and a fundament argument came into being. It was about what to do about humans. There were three different oppinions, a:) dominate the humans and force things back to the way things were before man arrived. b:) Begin to trade with them and gradually be accepted as one of the scentient beings in the world. C:) Ignore them or go to sleep, they lived too fast to stay more then a millenia or two. The agrument came into conflict and the confict turns to war. This was the first dragon war, unknown to the world outside of dragon mountain. Three seperate councils were formed, beneath the first one. The council of war, the council of understanding and the council of sleep. The war greatly reduced the number of dragons and only a tenth survived. Eventually a truce was setteled and it was decided unless dragon mountain and dragon kind as a while was threatened humans would be left alone. Then when the war had calmed the unthinkable happened, a group of adventurers broke into dragon mountain and attacked the nursary. The group of adventurers consisted of one of each of the sentient beings. The adventurers were easily dispatched but the old was enflamed once again. Timat the most outspoken in 'the council of war' urged dragon kind to war against the rest of the world. Rythgol, Speaker of the council of understanding called for calm but the rage of having their nercery defiled were too strong. And dragon kind went to war. This war is generally called 'The War of the Dragons' and is the blodiest and most devestating war our world has ever seen. The leaders of the other two factions, Tiamat who spoke for domination and Rythgol that spoke for trade, where hunted down and captured. What remained of the dragon community decided that they were to suffer the worst punishment that the community could think of. Banishment and when they did die they weren't allowed into the halls of the dead. After these two had banished the dragons realized what the war had cost them. They realized that they had lost much of their former glory and because of this the dragon community as a whole decided to move into Dragon Mountain and try to recapture the glory they once had. The war went badly for dragon kind, three champions of the ravange world rose above the rest, forging great sword from ancient scrolls and dragon magic, they turned the dragons magic against them and managed to for the war to an halt. Forcing the dragons to come to their senses again. At the top of dragon mountain Rythgol struck a deal with the three, the dragons would return to dragon mountain and the surrounding marked area, they would not wage war on the mortal world again. Tiamat and the council of war refused to accept this deal and left the mountain , exiled and never allowed to return. In return the three gave the knowledge of making the dragon swords and all the ancient lost scrolls. To seal the agreement, and insure that both parts would keep their part, the dragon shamans combined their holy power with the sacrifice of Rythgols life to call down Gthrdrrrahg, the golden ones, attention and witness the treaty signed in blood. For their valor, honor and compassion Gthrdrrrahg instilled the power of great gods into the Three. They in turn took their seats in the heavens and healed the land. To keep some order over those that stayed in dragon mountain a king was appointed, an old and powerful dragon whom could keep order. The king were more of an enforcer of the law then an acctualy king, since he was answereble to both the council of understanding and the council of sleep. Rythgol and the three, Arn, Ssylth and Chao were revered for their sacrifice and to this day the council of understanding and the council of sleep keep their end of the bargin. ... While Tiamat and the council of War plots heated revange in the world. |