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Rated: E · Article · Educational · #1568009
Between regrets of the past and fear of the future we forget about now...
                                                                                        What about now?

      I hear many people complaining that they don’t have time to know, to understand or to feel. They will first make the money to buy the car, then the money for the house they dreamed of, and after putting some money in the bank so they will feel secure they will do the rest.

      I am not here to challenge the way you live your life or the priorities that you have planned for your future. I am not saying that is good or bad. I strongly believe that each one of us is only choosing his good and his bad.

      I am here merely to remind you about now. I am here to remind you about this little light that everyone has inside, about the divine in you. To understand the bigger picture of reality is necessary to understand that the divine in you, the peace in you, and the infinity in you is in the now. When you think you don’t have time you are only going away from yourself. Is not that you don’t have time, is closer to reality that time has you. You are a prisoner of time. I am not speaking about the reflection that you see in the mirror every morning. This I know that is and always will be changing. I am saying about you, behind your birth certificate, behind your diplomas, behind the husband or wife, behind the father or mother, behind the son or daughter, behind the money in the bank, behind the color of your skin, behind your fears.

        The truth is that you are like a chameleon camouflaging during your life in some of the above. You are only using your power and is possible that you forgot that you are none of them when you are coming into this world or when you are going from it. Your mind is powerful and will trick you in believing that you are, but you know better. Sometimes you choose not to think except, from time to time this inner light comes to play with you, a reminder that you are a lot more than your mind s reality. You are a lot more than the sum of all your successes and failures. You are a lot more than somebody teaches you from holly books; you are a lot more than the reflection in the mirror that your eyes see every morning. Usually you don’t recognize it the moment it comes and maybe your mind is even scared. Mind has this lacuna, is getting scared of the unknown and start going into this so called future. Is going at tomorrow that never comes. Each day is becoming a good day for waiting tomorrow. This is the little trick that your mind uses on you. The secret behind is that you are not your mind. Believing that you are is only a choice and it works as long as you forget who you really are. In order for your mind to succeed in fooling you is enough to complicate everything when in reality you are a simple being.  You are and have been your feeling.

         Stop for a second now and remember how you knew that you felled in love? How you knew that you are missing somebody? How you know that making love is so beautiful? How you know that there is something more to what your eyes see?  How you know that you are powerful or weak? How you know that somebody is telling the truth? There is only one answer to all this questions. You know because you feel.

Your mind has only questions but, in the same time you have all the answers. To be able to hear the answers you have to feel your existence. You have to feel grateful for every breath you take. Everything is happening now, when you regret things in the past and you are scared of the future. You think that you are a sheep because you have lived between them for a long time. I am writing these lines only because I am another you and I saw my true reflection. Every one of us is a lion choosing to live like a sheep.

Even this is not bad or good. It is only a choice that we have. I am here only to remind you of this choice that you have. Stop believing that somebody has the answers for you. This world that you see exists with wars and suffering, with lies and deceives because we think that the truth is out there. Believe me that there would be nothing out there then peace and happiness if we would allow our self to be who we were meant to be, divine and simple beings.

Every time you hear words like patriotism, race, normal, society, miracle solutions, formula for peace, formula for happiness look inside of the heart of who is speaking and see if he or she has this inside. It is really easy to see the feelings behind words. How can a word exist without a feeling behind?

Imagine a world where we all only know. We know that we are divine; we know that we are happiness; we know that we are brothers and sisters; we know that we are all one. We have no questions that our leaders and politicians will answer because we don’t need an answer. We don’t need somebody to say to us the value of our work, because we will appreciate each other and we will take care of each other.

If you are so kind to remember something from what I wrote please remember that there is no formula to peace, no matter if inside or outside, in the world. To know peace you have to feel peace in your hear. For you to feel peace, you have to be in the now and pay attention to every detail. You will find that everything is perfect because you are the creator. Understand that if you are not in that precise instant in that precise place, it will not be real for you, it will not exist. Another important thing that we forget from time to time and we start having regrets about the past is that if anything would have been different during your life you will not exist in this precise moment.

Look around yourself and see that everything is perfect and everything is beautiful because you create this instant. Remember that if you appreciate or you don’t appreciate life is only your choice. In the end everything comes to you and the choice you make.


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