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A widow takes a chance with a new man. |
Staci sipped her third mojito of the night, taking a break from dancing and enjoying the pounding bass coming from the speakers. This was her first time being in a club in years and she was thoroughly enjoying herself laughing, dancing, and drinking the night away with her friends LaToya and Misty. She hadn’t thought of her husband all night. That was a first. Since Ray had died in combat in Iraq eighteen months ago, he was almost always on her mind. Her friends told her it was time to move on, but Staci didn’t know if she was ready for that. She didn’t want to dishonor Ray’s memory. Staci was definitely not interested in the men LaToya and Misty constantly tried to hook her up with. They didn’t give up, however, no matter how many times she blew off their attempts. LaToya, a doctor who was often mistaken for Halle Berry, had tons of male friends and she hadn’t been through half of them yet. Misty, a petite and bubbly blonde pixie type, didn’t lack in the men department either. Between the two of them, they knew half of Atlanta. Staci felt she paled in comparison to the two of them. Tall and willowy with skin the color of dark chocolate, her friends told her that, if she fixed herself up a little, she’d be more stunning than most models, but Staci never truly believed them. Still, tonight she’d taken more care with her appearance than usual. Her long hair was straightened, hanging mid-way down her back and she wore her favorite red cocktail dress--form-fitting at the top with a loose skirt that swirled around her long legs as she danced. She had to admit, she did look good. LaToya and Misty made an odd pair dancing together and Staci laughed watching them. She scanned the room, eyes settling on a tall white guy standing by the bar. He was long and lean with dark brown hair and two day’s worth of stubble, wearing black pants and a black button-down shirt. Nice. Staci was surprised at her instant reaction to him. She’d had blinders on toward men for the past fifteen years--the time frame thirty-year old Staci had been with Ray, her high school sweetheart. The stranger looked over at her and smiled, a very nice smile, non-predatory and warm. To her surprise, she smiled back instead of averting her gaze like she’d normally do. The mojitos were definitely working their magic on her. LaToya came back to the table, out of breath from dancing. “What are you doing sitting here when you could be out there with us?” she asked, nodding her head toward the packed dance floor. “Just enjoying the scenery,” Staci said. “Oh?” LaToya’s eyes bugged. “And just what scenery might that be?” Trying to be discreet, Staci gestured over toward the good-looking man at the bar. He glanced her way again and she felt a delicious tingle. “Him?” LaToya said at maximum volume causing Staci to cringe. “Hey, Misty,” she called, cupping her hands around her mouth. “You gotta get over here.” Staci felt her face warm as LaToya caused a scene. She didn’t dare look over at the handsome stranger, now. Misty pranced over, wiggling her denim-clad booty to the beat of Lady Gaga. “What’s up?” she asked, sliding into her chair. “Staci found herself a hottie.” To Staci’s horror, LaToya pointed across the room at the guy who was looking her way again. She ducked down in her chair a little. “Sexy,” Misty said approvingly. “But, you know you can’t pick him up, right?” Staci was confused. “Why not?” “Oh, honey,” LaToya put her smooth hand on Staci’s bare shoulder and sat down in her own chair. “You can’t meet a man in a club. It’s just not safe. Everyone knows that.” Staci slammed down her glass, causing a little of the mojito to slosh over the side. “Then why did you two bring me here, for God’s sake?” “To have fun,” Misty smiled at her. “What if my having fun involves leaving with that guy?” Staci leaned forward over the tiny table. She couldn’t believe it. The first man she’d been interested in for ages and her friends, who allegedly wanted her to meet someone, were steering her away from him? “There are plenty more fish in the sea,” Misty patted her arm and danced off with LaToya, leaving Staci alone again. Fuck that, Staci thought. If he comes over here, I’m sure as hell gonna talk to him. She wiped up the spill with a napkin. It was a bigger mess than she’d thought. She stood to get some more napkins and bumped into someone. . “Hi there,” the cute stranger said with a smile that, up close, showcased perfect white teeth. “Hi yourself.” “I couldn’t help noticing that you’d spilled your drink. I brought you another,” he handed her a fresh mojito. “Thank you,” Staci said, meeting his steel-grey eyes--eyes, that were sexy and friendly, definitely not predatory-- and feeling a funny sensation in the pit of her stomach. “Would you like to join me?” she gestured toward the table. “Sure,” he said, extending his hand. “My name’s Jessie.” “Nice to meet you Jessie,” Staci took his hand and felt a jolt as her skin touched his. “What’s your name?” “Oh! I’m sorry. What was I thinking? Of course you don’t know my name. It’s Staci,” suddenly she couldn’t stop babbling and she felt her face flame again. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Staci,” Jessie said, kissing the back of her hand before releasing it. Oh. Her stomach flip-flopped. They nursed their drinks in silence for a moment, then Jessie asked, “Want to go for a walk?” “Sure,” Staci was already up, grabbing her tiny purse. Jessie guided her to the door with his hand flat against her lower back. Staci, a feisty paralegal, normally hated chivalrous gestures from a man and was surprised to find she liked his command. Interesting. She wondered if he was just as domineering elsewhere. Once outside in the cool evening air, Jessie took her hand in his and they walked down the tree-lined sidewalk, still crowded with revelers at this time of night. Staci leaned in close to his body, feeling his warmth, as they walked. “Are you cold?” Jessie asked. Fall had begun and the nights were dipping into the forties. She was but she didn’t want to complain. “I’ll be alright.” He slipped his arm around her waist anyway, pulling her closer to him, his body heat doing wonders for her cool skin. She inhaled deeply, taking in his rugged, masculine scent. She was feeling him, but still a little apprehensive. She hadn’t been with any man since Ray--he had been her one and only. “My hotel room is right down the street, if you’d like to come up for a drink.” Jessie looked down at her. Staci was five ten but she still had to look up to meet his gaze. She paused, considering the pros and cons. He was staying in a hotel so that meant he didn’t live around here. She didn’t have to worry about getting involved. That made her decision easy. “Sure,” she said. “I’d love to.” It was time for her to get her groove back. And she had pepper spray in her purse just in case he tried anything funny. “I’m here for a software convention. I‘m in sales,” Jessie said, his fingers making small circles on her hip. “My flight back to Chicago leaves in the morning.” Staci hadn’t dated in a while, but she was pretty sure this meant she wasn’t staying the night with him. Just as well. That would help her to keep her heart out of it. “You seem lost in thought. Tell me something about you,” Jessie said. “I’ve never been with any man other than my husband,” Staci said. Damn, girl. Way to blurt it out. Where did that come from anyway? “You’re married?” Jessie looked down at her, his brow furrowed. “Yes. I mean, no. I mean, I’m widowed.” There she was stammering again. She felt like an idiot. “I’m sorry to hear that,” Jessie said, giving her waist a squeeze. “It stinks. But I don’t want to talk about that tonight,” Staci said. “Tonight is all about having fun.” Jessie smiled, entering the lobby of the mid-range hotel and ushering her inside. “I’ll make sure to show you a good time,” he promised. Now here she was, standing in the bathroom gripping the cool porcelain sink. What was she doing here with a stranger? She’d quickly texted her friends that she’d left and not to worry about her and turned off her phone so they’d leave her alone. I don’t want to disappoint you, Ray I’ll always love you. A tear formed in the corner of her eye but before she could wallow in self-pity, Jessie knocked on the bathroom door. “Room service,” he said. She laughed. “In the bathroom?” “No, silly,” he said as she came out into the tiny room that seemed to be dominated by the queen-sized bed. “I had to get you back out here somehow.” He held a bottle of red wine and two glasses which he filled half full, handing her one. “Cheers,” he toasted her. She sipped the wine and set her glass down beside his on the nightstand. Jessie took a step toward her, embracing her into his arms, which, though long and lean, felt strong around her. She leaned her head against his shoulder, marveling at how different he felt than Ray who had a shorter, stockier build. Staci quickly banished Ray from her mind for the moment. She looked up at Jessie and he kissed her softly, his lips sweet like wine. It was a gentle, probing kiss and Staci felt her panties growing moist as she kissed him back, leaning into him. She pushed her hips into his, suddenly in a hurry. Brave from the alcohol, she slid his shirt from the waistband of him jeans, unbuttoning it. She fanned her fingers across his smooth chest. Jessie was gazing down at her with a small smile playing on his lips. At once shy and bold, Staci unzipped his pants, freeing his sizable erection. She stroked its velvety smoothness with her hand, causing a moan to escape his lips. Staci knelt before him, sliding his pants over his hips, and took his cock in her mouth. He tasted of salt and she pleasured him with her lips and tongue, his hands gripping her hair. “Better stop that,” his voice was husky. Jessie pulled her to her feet and she kicked off her heels. He unzipped the back of her dress, then slipped the satin fabric slowly off her shoulders, gradually revealing her perky breasts, taut belly, and slender hips. Then the dress pooled in a heap on the floor. Staci was naked except for her black silk panties. Jessie’s fingers stroked her breasts, teasing her sensitive nipples then dipped lower, his hand across her belly and down lower still. His fingers caressed her through the silky fabric of her panties. She was so wet. She wanted him so bad her legs were trembling. He hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her panties and lowered them to the floor. He knelt before her, this thumb rubbing small circles over her clit. Staci was melting. Jessie replaced his fingers with his tongue and Staci thought she was going to explode with pleasure. She didn’t want that yet. “Now,” she said, tugging him upward. Jessie backed her to the bed and lowered her onto it. He gazed down at her body, looking her up and down before joining her, covering her. She loved the feel of his legs against hers, hair against smooth-shaven skin. He pushed into her with smooth strokes and she groaned. He moved deeper inside her and they moved against each other, ever so slowly, prolonging the intense pleasure Jessie had already built in her. Staci looked down to where their bodies met, fascinated by the contrast of their skin--his pale, hers dark. Sexy. She was almost there, so close to coming when Jessie pulled almost all the way out of her, propping himself above her on his arms. Staci grabbed his hips trying to pull him back to her and he laughed, eyes gleaming. “What?” he asked. “You know!” she said, frustrated. “Say it.” “Fuck me. Fuck me now.” Jessie slid ever so slowly, inch by tantalizing inch, back into her. Staci writhed against him, hands moving over his muscular butt, dipping between his legs, softly stroking his balls. “I like that,” he said, then lifted her legs, wrapping them around his waist. He plunged deep inside her. Oh, God. And then she was losing control, coming, blinded, as a pleasure more intense than any she’d known before overtook her. Jessie was right behind her, sweating and saying her name over and over, his face contorted in desire. Afterward, he stayed inside her, rolling them both over onto their sides. Wow, Staci thought. This was so worth it. I don’t care if he does kill me now. They held each other; Jessie kissed her tenderly on her eyelids, cheeks, lips. She’d expected him to get up right after, not stay connected to her, cuddling with her. She eventually dozed off, relaxed and happy, her last thought being that she didn’t feel like she’d dishonored Ray. When she woke he was still holding her. Uh oh. Staci gently disentangled herself from him and slipped off the bed, dressing quietly in the semi-dark room, lit only from streetlights outside. She was almost at the door and she turned to get one last look at her magic man. He was watching her. “Where are you going?” he asked. “Home.” “Without saying goodbye?” “I didn’t want to wake you. You have a long day ahead of you.” Jessie sat up. “I’ll be back in two weeks,” he said. “I’m moving to Atlanta. I’d like to see you again if that’s alright with you?” Staci froze. This was so not part of the script. He was supposed to disappear forever. This was supposed to have been a one-night-stand. “Is that ok with you?” Jessie asked again. Was it? All of a sudden Staci realized it was. Jessie made her feel happy, content, and adored, things she hadn’t felt in some time. “Yes, I’d like that very much.” “I’ll call you when I get back here,” Jessie said, crossing the room toward her, naked and gorgeous. Jessie took her into his arms, kissing her until she was breathless. He broke the kiss and cupped her chin. “See you soon.” “See you,” she said, walking out. Jessie closed the door behind her and she paused, leaning against it, remembering the night. She was flushed with pleasure. Things were looking up. She knew deep in her heart that Ray would be happy for her. This was her fresh start. |