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A Country that wants to grow but can't find what they need to do so. |
A great surprise For Harvest Town Way far away on the other side of the dark forest was a very small town named Harvest. Long before the town got its name, the people tried to find something that would make the town grow. They tried many different things, such as, meats, oil, minerals and fish. Perhaps maybe they could grow by making clothing but nothing came about from any of those things. The town was very poor and it looked like it wasn’t going to ever change. The town had nothing that they could trade for with the other towns that was just over the great White Mountain. One night after the moon was high up in the sky, some travelers came into their town. They just needed to rest till morning and then they would be on their way. There was so many of them that the town didn’t have enough room to give them all shelter and decided that they would have to camp out on the land that surrounded their town. Morning came very quickly and the travelers got packed up to go. They went back into the small town to say Thank You for the place to rest. As they entered the town they asked the people they met why is this town so empty and poor. The people talked to them and told them how they had nothing to trade with any other towns. Then a group of travelers said I think we can help you. Last night as we were setting up our tents we noticed that your soil is very healthy and will grow food like no one has ever tasted before. If you let us have the land around your town we will farm for you and your town will have the food to trade and you will grow and be able to live much better. The town’s people gathered and talked about what the farmers had offered them. They all agreed that they really had nothing to lose. They all went to welcome the travelers to their town. The travelers who now were named as farmers were delighted and started right away with farming the ground and building their houses. Before long they had all kinds of fruits and Vegetables. Everyone from other towns came to trade with them. They started to call our town, Harvest Town. That is how we got our name. As the years went by the town got very popular. The town had so many people that wanted to live there that they used the land that was surrounding the farmers to build homes for everyone. One day another traveler, in a wheel chair, with a little girl came into our town. He was an old man with wrinkled skin and he had a round bald spot at the top of his head. His hands were callused and he had a blanket over his legs. The girl was light skinned and had brown curly hair that hung to about the middle of her back. She was tall and thin. Her brown eyes had a lost look to them but yet she smiled and was full of energy. They bought a small farm on the edge of town. It was very run down and looked like no one had lived there for many years. The mayor of the town told the old man and the little girl that they would have to use the land for farming because the soil there is perfect for it. The old man said that it wasn’t a problem and that within a week or two they would definitely have something to offer the town. The old man and little girl smiled and started off to their new home. The little girl couldn’t believe her eyes at the work that needed to be done to the house alone. At the same time she very well knew that she would get it done. She began by cleaning the house first. While she did that her grandpapa, who she called papa, went out side and started to pull weeds and rake from in his chair. After he was finished with that he ties this thing to the back of his chair and started to pull it through the freshly raked land. As he moved over the dirt it loosened it and turned it over. His grand daughter brought him out some cold water. She told him how the house was all cleaned and that she was making supper. The grandfather nodded and said thank you to her and started moving the chair. About an hour later the grandfather came into the house. He sat there in amazement at the beautiful job she did on the house. Every room was spotless and everything they had brought with them was put away in its place. She smiled and wheeled him to the table. As she walked away to the kitchen, he said, well I’ve got the one section of field done. Did you unpack our seedlings that your mom had given us? Yes! I did and everything you will need will be right in this lower cabinet. You are a wonderful grand daughter Millie! And you are a fabulous Papa! She brought his and her plate in and they both just started to eat it. Both of them cleaned up the supper mess and went to bed. The next morning Millie was up before her Papa. She started a pot of tea and went out side to the field that her papa had finished. She started to plant the seeds she had in this big green bucket. When she was finished she went in. Her Papa was still sleeping so she made him breakfast and went to wake him up. She knocked on his door and then started to open it. He had just gotten up and in his chair. Good morning! I brought you breakfast. I took the seeds from the green bucket and planted them in the field you completed yesterday. Thank you my dear Millie. You are welcome Papa. After they both ate they went right to work to finish their planting and to do the repairs on the house. Time went by quickly and before the two of them knew it their fields were covered with these beautiful vines that no one had ever seen grow so beautiful and healthy before. They weren’t all the same type of vine though. In each section of land there was a sign saying green bucket, blue bucket, and white bucket and so on... By the next week they had started to grow berries of many different kinds, but this one section of field that was a little smaller than the others had a sign with the name Millie instead of a color bucket. It had flowers growing on the vine and these cute little round green things. They were much different than anything anyone in town had ever seen. Every night Millie would sit in the field and play her guitar and sing. Her neighbors would love her songs and voice and started to walk over to the fence and watch and listen. Millie’s Papa would watch from the house window or the front porch arid listen to her. He loved it when she sang. It reminded him of Millie’s mother. They both had the same great voice. As Millie sang and sang, the neighbors took a walk over to the porch. They introduced themselves and told the old man how his fields were so healthy. He nodded and said thank you! See that little 9 year old standing out there in that field! It’s the love that she has for her Mom and me that has made the fields do so well. The neighbors left scratching their heads and trying to make sense out of everything the old man had said. They started to come over every night with little things like coffee, rolls, pancakes, pies, all sorts of things and they would talk and sing and dance. They also played games. It was like a family reunion with neighbors and everyone was so nice and wanted to help in any way. The old man was stubborn and didn’t want their help he would tell them, Go help my Millie. She could use a little rest time. That girl of mine is always on the go, always doing one thing or the other. So, that is exactly what the neighbors did. They went to help Millie who accepted their help. The next couple days Millie would check her vines. Then one morning she sighed and said to her two friends and her Papa, today is the day. Her Papa knew exactly what she meant. Come with me MaUi and Heather, I’ll show you what I am going to do today! They went running out the house, following Millie to the barn. She tugged on this big cart that was filled with empty rusted cans. The other two grabbed hold and pulled as well. They brought it out to the field named Millie. She grabbed a bunch of cans and started placing the round balls that were green and orange and about the size of a dinner plate, on the cans. It almost looked like she was making a place for them to sit that was cleaner than the ground. These are what you call the fruit of this vine, Millie said excitedly. Matti and Heather asked her why she was placing them on the cans. She told them that they need to be placed on the cans so the moisture from the ground doesn’t rot them and so the sun will shine on them and make them a very bright orange. Matti and Heather went back and got cans to help her. Suddenly out of the field came a very loud scream and Matti came running to Millie. You have to see this. It is very big, Matti shouted. Matti’s eyes were as big nickels. I think I know what you’re talking about but show me. Millie said in a confident but questionable voice. Matti took both Millie and Heather to the center of the field where there sat a very big, big ball. That is one big fruit, Matti said and Heather agreed. Millie said this is what my mom called the great pumpkin but it is already bigger than the one she got every year. Millie continued to tell her friends more. My mom named it Blossom and said it was The GREAT PUMPKiN, She named it after my great grandmother whom I never had chance to meet. I will name this after my mom. The GREAT PUMPKIN is named MILLIE. Millie took four cans and a sheet of metal that was in the shed and places the pumpkin on it. It was already orange and Millie said she was pretty sure that it was done growing. Millie was wrong with that. Everyday for the rest of that week it grew bigger and bigger till it broke loose from the vine. Millie, Papa and her friends couldn’t believe their eyes. It was the size of the wheels on Papa’s chair. Millie told Matti and Heather that this pumpkin doesn’t get traded. It is the one we get our seeds from for the next year and we use the fruit for our house. My Papa and I make cookies, pies, bread and lots of other things with it for Thanksgiving Day! Wow!! Matti and Heather said full of excitement. I wish my family did all that baking. Millie looked at them with a puzzling face and said well, they probably will now. If they want I’ll teach them! The three children finished the work and went off to play on the tire swing in back of Heather’s yard. They played for about an hour or so and then Millie said goodbye to her friends and headed back to her home. Millie was surprised as she came into the house. The table was set and he had dinner in his hand and was placing it on the table. WOW! She said as she sat down. I wanted to surprise you! Papa said, so I fixed our dinner, I hope you like it. Oh! I do, I do, Papa, Thank you! Millie, tomorrow we need to get an early start. We have to get our fruit to the Mayor and he is going to take us to where we can get a trade for it. Papa said as his finishes the little bit left on his plate. As Millie gets up to clear the table she says, Sure thing! Papa, that’s fine with me. Papa was up before Millie and fixed her breakfast. Millie smiled as she came in the dining room. Good Morning Papa! You were up before me today! She said as she sat down. Papa nodded and said with a smile, our neighbors were up early too. They came over and place all the fruit on our wagon for us! All we have to do is eat and go! That was so nice of them. I will make them a pie or something and tell them thank you! Millie said with the excitement that she would get to bake again. Papa smiled and nodded again. The Mayor was waiting for them along with most of the other farmers there in town. They knew that their town was changing again and it was going to be a good change. They arrived at the first town about 3 hours later. The town could not believe what Harvest Town had brought them. The Mayor was so excited he started telling everyone of the great pumpkin that the Kipples had grown (Kipples is Millie’s and her Papa’s last name). The Mayor was so happy because not only did the town do the trading better than before but the farmers of Harvest Town also began to make a small profit as well. That was good for the farmers, they would be able to buy more land or even pay someone to help out on their farms. Now it was off to the other towns. They went to two other ones and had the same fabulous reaction. It was late and everyone was tired and headed home. They arrived back in town by 12 midnight. All of them could only think about their nice warm cozy homes and their beds. That is where they went too! Straight to their beds and slept in a little late the next morning. Papa was woken up quite quickly with a lot of noise coming from outside of their home. He got in his chair and went to the window. There were people everywhere, gazing over the fence of the field marked Millie. They were all looking at the giant Pumpkin inside the fence. He rolled into Millie’s room and woke her up. What is it? Millie said as she started to yawn. Come my dear, you need to see this. Papa replied very quickly. Millie followed Papa out to the front porch. People from all the other towns came to see the giant pumpkin of Millie’s. As the crowd gathered around the porch a tall man in a blue suit came up on the porch. He reached out for Papa and my hand and shook them. I am Mr. Doming, I am the president of the Farming Council and I am here to congratulate you! I have a certificate for you as well for the best harvest of pumpkins in all our towns and for the Great Pumpkin that sits in the field over there. It is the biggest and healthiest pumpkin around. Oh thank you so very much! Millie said in an exciting and polite way. That Great Pumpkin is named Millie. Millie is my Moms name and she passed away last year. She told me to plant these seeds and it is her love that has made this happen for me. Thank you again so very much! Everybody from all around had brought food and baked things and music and we celebrated the whole day. Every year Millie won a prize for her pumpkins. Every year The Great Pumpkin grew better than the year before. She was so happy and proud of her and her Papas success. Now, the town was known as Harvest Town- Home of the Great Pumpkin! Every year in the center of town they would have a great big harvest party. Everyone from all around would come to see the great pumpkin named Millie and would join the celebration and have lots of fun. |
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