Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1565177-Chapter-7
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1565177
The final battle takes place.
Prompt for Chapter 7: I want to see a resolution to at least one conflict/story line you created these past weeks. Tell me about a tool your character or group of characters uses. Think outside the toolbox! Otters use rocks to break mussels open on their bellies, they use tools too. Make the name of the tool bold the first time you mention it.

Master Cho’s katana, or samurai sword, was sheathed at the time of the attack but that did not mean he was unprepared. While from the outside, it may appear that the sword was THE tool of a guardian, it was really a small part of his arsenal. Most battles were fought on the battlefield of the mind and soul.

Lyn Nu’s actions were as predictable as the migration of the cranes. Master Cho’s could control his opponent by understanding his motivation, skill and temperament; all of which Lyn Nu displayed as if he were holding up a sheet of rice paper with instruction about himself.

With a slight drop of the left shoulder and a sweeping leg to the right, Master Cho was able to easily step out of harm’s way. His movement had been so quick and effortless that Lyn Nu was momentarily baffled by the fact he had missed his target.

Master Cho’s sword remained in its scabbard.

Again and again the younger warrior attacked, each more brutal and thus, uncontrolled than the previous. Finally, with a mighty yell, he charged in close, swinging across a broad arc. There was no way he could miss.

Master Cho, instead of stepping out of the way, unexpectedly changed his tactics. Stepping into the attack, he blocked Lyn Nu’s arms and countered with a single sharp blow to his chest. The movement was lightening fast and effortless. None-the-less, Lyn Nu was sent back sprawling on the ground.

The battle went on for several minutes, Lyn Nu attacking and Master Cho sliding in and around, his sword still not drawn. The audience, front line soldiers of Lyn Nu and the villagers, had spread around the meadow. They remained silent except for occasional gasps and whispers.

Finally, Lyn Nu began to tire. His aggressive battle style had worn out the young warrior while Master Cho did not even seem to be breathing hard. As Lyn Nu stood gasping, his sword at his side barely off the ground, Master Cho finally drew his weapon. It was time to end this confrontation.

Everyone could see that this battle was over. Master Cho assumed an attack stance, preparing to strike the killing blow. It would be fast and merciful. The meadow became a place of complete stillness and silence.

The sound of trumpets and hoofs interrupted the moment. While Master Cho and Lyn Nu remained motionless, all others turned to see what the commotion was all about. Moments later, a platoon of Royal Black Silk Knights rode into the field. The leader quickly dismounted and approached Master Cho; stopping a respectful distance away.

“Master Cho. I have come to ask you to not kill my son, Lyn Nu. He is young and has much to learn. I will be forever in your debt,” said the large muscular knight.

The guardian knew this man. He was famous throughout the land. There was a time when they had actually fought alongside each other decades before. A visit from the Royal Black Silk Knights was indeed and honor. To have the Captain of the Guard actually request a pardon was something Master Cho could simply not turn down.

The guardian relaxed his stance and lowered his sword. He knew that Lyn Nu would attack immediately. He also knew that he would not defend himself, accepting the killing blow as a service to the Emperor whom the Black Silk Knights represented.
As his body fell lifeless to the ground, Master Cho felt the long growing aches of his bones fly from his body as if they had wings. He stood up and looked past the man that had slain him; past the platoon of knights to the far edge of the meadow.

She stood there waiting for him, beautiful in her white kimono.

Little Flower held her arms out to him as he walked past the unseeing eyes of those all around him. They embraced for a long while. Eventually, they turned and walked hand-in-hand down a familiar mountain trail he somehow had long ago forgotten.

She had waited for him and now, together, they went to see what next experience awaited them.


Lyn Nu was completely disgraced by the killing of the guardian. His army, no longer willing to follow such a man, quietly disbanded and returned to those villages and farms from which they had come.

The villagers were in shock. No one amongst them could remember a time when the guardian was not there to protect them. Instead of fearing the future, they had quietly surrounded their fallen hero with a moment of silent reflection. Eventually, he was raised above their heads and taken to the village temple where he would receive the sendoff of a true warrior-hero.

The Black Silk Knights, by order of the Emperor, established a permanent post just outside of the small village. It would be their task, into eternity, to keep they village safe, to be the new guardians.

Word count 828
© Copyright 2009 Hyperiongate (hyperiongate at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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