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A continuation! The second installment. Woot woot. |
NICOLAI: Well, Rinie, listen. I think Laurelai here and I are gonna head out early. We've, uh, got a lot to take care of, if you know what I mean. (He chuckles a bit, promoting a dry grin from IRINA, who even still is feeling rather turned on just from being so close to the other woman.) I just wanted to introduce you, and wish ya luck on your date tonight. (He grinned and tipped her a wink, turned and nodded briefly to FIONA, then tugged gently on LAURELAI's wrist, attempting to steer her away. LAURELAI looks most disheartened by this, but she does keep her smile turned onto IRINA. She wants to take her strike now, but the timing just isn't right, so she follows NICOLAI reluctantly, pausing at the gate to the parking lot, turning around, and casting her one final come-hither gaze. After their departure, there is a slightly awkward silence between the two women.) IRINA: Well, uhm, Fiona...it was really great to meet you. (She chewed her lip nervously for a moment and let out an awkward giggle.) Sorry my friend is such a lecher. FIONA: (She chuckles in response, closing her eyes for a moment.) Oh, no, it's fine. He's not really my type anyway. IRINA: (She casts a distracted glance at her watch. She does not want to be rude, but she also does not want to be late for her date. On the other hand, she likes Fiona a LOT, and has a very deep, natural affinity for her, being that faith is very inherent within her also. She pushes a stray strand of hair that fell loose behind her ear and offers her a consolatory smile. ) I'm really sorry about this, but I really only stopped by to drop off Nick's present. But you seem cool--really cool. Why don't you swing by my shop sometime, and maybe we'll go out for drinks or something? FIONA: Sure, that sounds nice actually. You seem cool, too. (IRINA stands up, and while FIONA is desperate to ask her about her date, she bites back her tongue.) If it's alright, I'll bring some friends by this weekend and we'll set something up. IRINA: (She shoots her a fleeting but genuine smile, gathering up all of her possessions from the other table.) Sure, that sounds great. Bye! FIONA: Bye! (IRINA has almost bustled through the gates when she calls after her.) I'm really glad to have met you! (And indeed she was. She watches the place where IRINA left for a few seconds even though the other girl is already gone. She has a very thoughtful, calculating expression on her face. Then, before a waiter can come along and start hasseling her, she grabs her own bag and scurries out her own self. Fade to black.) Scene Nine: A Nearby Alley (Even before dim, shadowy yellow illumination lights this scene, there should be pulsing trance music echoing around, as though from inner-city bass. Rise light to reveal some of the sins huddled in a group in a dingy alley near the Toy Shop. ERIC and GARY are lounging against the wall, sharing an oily, smokey cigarette. GORDON found a perch on an overturned crate and he is gorging himself on a bucket of chicken. PATRICIA has seated herself on the ground itself as though it were a throne, and SAMANTHA is laying with her head in her lap, allowing her to stroke her hair and occasionally pass her a bottle of vodka from which she'd lazily sip. They are caught unawares when, unwittingly, a small group of virtues, intent on visiting the Toy Shop, stumble across them. FIONA and HENRY are deep in serious conversation, leading the way, while CHARLES and PARKER follow slightly behind, bickering amongst themselves. However, all four of them slow to a stop as they see who awaits them just ahead. ERIC pitches the cigarette butt aside and he and GARY square off. GORDON crumples the remnants of his chip bag and tosses it aside, earning him a VERY ugly look from CHARLES, before standing his own self. SAMANTHA is feeling too lazy to get worked up, and PATRICIA is much to arrogant to jump up just because a couple of silly little virtues stumbled along. Even still, she is prepared to step in if need be. A massive showdown is about to occur.) GARY: Well, well, well. What HAVE we here? Do you see what I see, Gordo? GORDON: Oh yeah, I see it. Seems like a couple of little worrywarts have stumbled across OUR alley. ERIC: Well, whaddaya know, boys? I think you might be right. (He saunters up right in front of CHARLES, who has the nerve to stare him down, disdainfully.) And I wonder what brings them out of their picket fence world to such a dangerous, dangerous place? CHARLES: (His eyes are narrowed with distaste as he glares down at the man in front of him.) Last I checked, this alley didn't "belong" to anyone, Dreffs. Now, please step aside. There are people in need who-- GARY: (He interjects, stepping right up next to ERIC, earning him an appreciative giggle from SAMANTHA.) People? What people? Or perhaps you meant...person? (None of them respond, except HENRY steps a foot closer to his ally, the better to defend FIONA while PARKER gets a very calculating look on his face. He is already deep in thought, planning out the attack.) We KNOW where you "think" you're going, buddy boy, and who you "think" you're going to see. But we just can't be having that, can we, fellas? (There is a chorus of laughter and jeers from the other sins, and PATRICIA gently pushes an unperturbed SAMANTHA from her lap and finally stands up, taking her battle formation.) PARKER: Let us through, Gary. (ERIC shoots GARY a dirty look at this statement. How dare he steal his show?) We do not have the time to be playing around with you in this dank alley. Really, I'm surprised that you, Patricia, of all people would allow yourself to be seen in such company, in such a locale. Its very out of character for you. PATRICIA: (She tries her hardest to sneer and act as though the statement has no effect on her.)I do not need to clear my decisions on companions nor travel locations with you, Griffon. And as it is, until two minutes ago, both were much preferable to the way that they are now.(PARKER does not rise to her bait, although his fists do ball at his sides. They have unconsciously squared off. Even as we watch, ERIC begins to become somewhat translucent-- his invisibility is kicking in, and GORDON lazily begins opening and closing his fists. Each time he does this, a handful of thorns appears and disappears. Let's get some charged, jumped up power rock playing in the background--perhaps Edguy's Ministry of Saints. Now that the sins are showing every sign of agression, FIONA and CHARLES unconsciouly mimic them. A glowing white aura of some sort surrounds FIONA's head, after a moment centralizing into a pulsating, glowing orb in the center of her forehead. For the rest of this encounter, she will be one step ahead of the Sins, since she will be able to judge all of their movements before they happen. Even though the air seems quite still, CHARLES' long hair begins to whip around his face; as do his clothes. The rest of them have not yet allowed themselves to be provoked-although GARY does look pretty irritated at the present. PATRICIA is watching with apparent scorn--but she will also soon jump in. She is just trying to make it seem as though this is not worth her time. SAMANTHA yawns widely and openly, seeming quite bored. PARKER won't jump in until he has planned out some plan of action. HENRY looks quite perturbed, but even he is antsy to get out some of his pent up energy.) HENRY: Now come on, guys....we don't want to fight any more than you do. Just let us pass, and we'll go our separate ways. ERIC: Au contrair, my optimistic little snot. I think that you ARE looking to start the shit storm. Why else would you still stand there all persistent like instead of scurrying your little behinds the hell outta here?(He cackles as though seized by sudden inspiration, while GARY rolls his eyes behind him and assumes the position. He knows that Eric would be content to sit there and bully the Virtues all day, but that they won't take it for much longer.) |