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====PART 5====

"What is the next issue of the day?" Glaukius turned his attention to the scroll reader, who stepped forward.

"The siege in the north between the city of Rila and the nomadic army of Azarkin, is brought to attention once more by the Honorable Rono."

"As you know, the city of Rila is under attack by Azarkin. As a direct result our trade from the north has declined precipitously. But our intervention is not justified on trade alone. It is required by every conceivable moral. Let us not forget Rila is an Illyrian city and as such we have a duty to come to the aid of our brethren." Rono looked directly at Glaukius, "I beseech you, my King, to ignore King Listan's refusal of our aid and send the Illyrian army into the north." Rono sat down as several statesmen rose - among them was Rambis.

"Rambis." Glaukius chose and Rambis nodded in his King's direction in a gesture of gratitude.

"Because of the small size of Rila's army, what should only be a minor engagement has taken on the larger scope of a siege. As this noble Senate," There was a slight role of the eyes on these words, detectable only if one was in close proximity to him, "is aware, Listan's army is one third of ours and utterly lacks the capabilities of ours in combat." He smiled, paused, and scanned the Senate floor.

"In the interest of modesty I will ignore my own name and make no reference to the rich warrior tradition of the Thracian people. Instead I only remind you, my King, that this city has always heralded a great army from the earliest days to your own warrior years." Rambis now looked directly at the King, soliciting a slight smile from Glaukius. He continued, "That heritage continues today in the leadership of both the Lord Rono and Prince Duncan. But I will not bore you with further continuation, and so I will end by stating my full support for Rono's recommendation."

"Thank you, Rambis." Glaukius said as Rambis sat down and others stood for their chance to speak, "Duncan." Glaukius called on his son who was standing.

"Thank you, my King. The events in Rila are saddening and, yes, our army is superior. But we seem to have lost sight of the simple fact that we have already extended our hand to King Listan and he has declined. So the question I ask is why should our soldiers die in a dispute in which neither combatant wants our participation?" The Prince sat.

"I believe I have heard enough." Glaukius said, taking a sip from his cup, as the standing men sat back down.

"Listan has always addressed his affairs in his own way. He has often given a cold shoulder to his allies as well as his enemies. Yet, he has built Rila into a center of trade and culture. In the end, he is a Sovereign King. We are bound to honor his wishes and will not intervene in his affairs."

"Are there any other matters before the floor?" He asked the scroll reader.

"Yes, my King. Nobleman Hyss has petitioned the Senate to appeal his conviction that was handed down to him by the trial Tribunal. The Tribunal found Nobleman Hyss guilty of the cruel murder of Nobleman Caris. As a result the Tribunal handed the punishment of execution to be carried out one hundred days after a decision on this petition for appeal."

"Does anyone . . ." Glaukius coughed harshly. He drank from his cup and cleared his throat, "Does anyone in this Senate endorse Nobleman Hyss' petition?". He surveyed the floor to see if anyone would come to the convicted man's aid. Rambis was the only man to stand on the quiet floor. Glaukius, though a bit surprised, nodded for Rambis to speak.

"I have taken a very personal interest in this tragic matter because, like you, I am often the target of hideous gossip, myself. I find it deeply troubling that Nobleman Hyss was found guilty of this terrible act on testimony from a jilted former lover and a resentful former employee. " Rambis paused for a moment.

He continued, "It is a fact that Nobleman Hyss operates the finest wagons in our city and I would expect it of such a man to show the same devotion in all aspects of his life. Therefore, it is in the interest of justice that I implore the Senate to charge a second trial council to re-examine this tragic event."

Rono looked up at the balcony with a slight gesture of his hand, asking the women if they were aware of Rambis surprising defense. Prince Duncan also looked up at them for answers. Both men, however, received the same puzzled stares and dumbfounded shrugs from the women.

“Did you know about this?” Aertenia asked Bresia.

“Not in the least.”

“Does the floor vote in favor of the petition?” Glaukius broke the silence. Rambis was the first to raise his hand as Rono gave him a cold stare. A few more hands followed after Rambis'. And these were followed by a few more, and a few more.

“My King,” The scroll reader leaned up to the King, “A majority favors the petition.”

“A council is to convene in twenty days to re-examine this matter." Glaukius announced, "This session is closed.”

The Senators stood up and dispersed. Some, including Rambis, left the room whereas other huddled together is small groups, and still others went over to compliment Glaukius.

====PART 6====

Rambis walked through the hall and went behind a rather large marble column that overlooked the entrance of the Senate garden.

"You did it!" Hyss appeared around column. Hyss was of average height and had a well kept thin beard, a small mouth, and small eyes.

"Do you have it?" He responded bluntly.

"Yes." Hyss pulled out a bag from his clothes and handed it over to Rambis, who slid it in his, "How much will you need to influence the council?"

"No, we are done." Rambis was about to walk away when Hyss grabbed his arm.

"No! I need you." He snarled as Rambis calmly looked down at his arm as Hyss clenched it.

"Then avoid murder in your garden in broad daylight." He remained calm.

"Rambis you have a duty to me!" Hyss looked around, making sure his voice was not loud enough to overhear.

"I am not someone to argue with." He stared levelly at Hyss and motioned with his head for the man to leave. They looked at one another for another moment, and as Hyss was about to leave, Rambis grabbed him by the shirt and cornered him on the hallway column, "If you touch me again, I will rip your face off." He let the man go, and they went their separate ways and Hyss scurried off.

Rambis went down the main hallways, passing the marble busts that decorated them. He came across one that he didn't recognize. Granted, there were many didn't generally recognize, but this particular bust caught his attention. He walked over to it and ran his hands over the side of the statue, feeling the contours and curves of the bearded bust.

Rambis walked over to a marble bust. One of many that lined the Senate hall. This particular bust was unique in its rarity and he could not tell whose image it was in - King or deity. He ran his hand over the side of the statue, lightly feeling the curves and contours of the bust.

"Do you know who that is?" Glaukius approached startling Rambis enough to turn to his left.

"The god of something or another." He faced Glaukius, who let off an amused laugh.

"That, dear boy, is an Illyrian King, my great-grandfather."

"What was his name?" Rambis turned his attention back to the bust.

"It doesn't matter." Glaukius put his hand on the statue's shoulder and continued, "He fought his battles and won his wars and ruled until his dying day. But he never learned to rule himself. Now only a handful of people remember him - most of them in the Senate, trying to impress me."

He put his hand on Rambis' shoulder. "I know you want to be known. I understand that." Glaukius smiled gently at him, "And I know you want to rule. And I can understand that, too. But it isn't how you rule some sword that makes you memorable, it's how you rule your heart and your head. Until you learn that, your story will not be worth telling." He patted him on the shoulder and walked away.

====PART 7====

Rambis continued walking and saw Aertenia down the hall. He went and joined the group.

"Since when do you a personal interest in Hyss?" Rono asked about Rambis' defense of Hyss in the Senate as they all joined by the main door.

"Self Preservation. I have my share of enemies in there. How many of their daughters have I been offered and refused, Rono?" Rambis countered.

"Well, I thought it was a very good speech." Bresia chimed in, approvingly.

A light breeze had engaged the evening as they came out onto the dusty street and headed to the Senate stable so Rambis could pick up his horse. He lived in the periphery of the town and with his disposition for lateness, riding into town was often necessary. They soon came to a half full stable, which, was little more than a large, primitive version of a barn.

Rambis took his horse and they headed back onto the street toward the main castle. A majority of the streets were lined with well kept trees. In a quintessential display of prosperity of the time, the streets were bustling with lantern lit taverns, many of which displayed flowers. Couples walked through in fashionable clothes and exquisite jewels and trinkets to match. Music played in some of the taverns while others were deafening with the sounds of laughter and hundreds of simultaneous, and incoherent, conversations.

The group came to the formal steps of the castle and parted ways. Aertenia, Rono,and Duncan went into the castle. Rambis got on his horse and gave Bresia his hand, pulling her up on the horse behind him. They headed toward the periphery of the city.

The Illyrian periphery was sloped upwards and was covered with dense trees. They approached the manor house where Rambis lived, which had been another gift from Glaukius to his father when he had ceded control of the Tribe over to Glaukius. It was the largest personal dwelling in the city and through the years had seen its share of juvenile delinquency; especially when Rambis was in and Aertenia was out.

They went inside the house, past the foyer, and into a back bedroom. She washed up before going to bed. She entered the bed room, extinguished the candles, and got in the bed.

====PART 8====

Rambis and Bresia laid in bed in the dead of night. Her back facing him as his hands wrapped around her.

"Rambis," She turned and faced him, "Do you think Hyss is innocent?" Her eyes were level with his and he stared silently at her for a moment before answering.


"So he bribed you then?" A sense of disappointment rang in her voice.

"Bresia, he will be found guilty again and be a bit poorer for his troubles."

"I did not hear you say that." Her discontent now turned into anger as she abruptly left the bed.

"Where are you going?"

"I have things to think about."

"Can't you think tomorrow?" He quipped.


"You realize, I did not do anything wrong." He sat up in bed as she continued dressing.

"How can you be this obtuse?" She scoffed in disbelief.

"Bresia, I prolonged the man's death at most."

"Good night." She did not look back as she left and he fell back on the bed, frustrated.

====PART 9====

Aertenia walked into Rono's study and saw him sitting at his scroll covered desk, staring out through the rather large window at the city night. His hands were clasped together so that his thumbs held up his chin.

"Rono, it is late and I am tired."

"I will be there soon." He replied as she came up behind him and sat on the table.

"I know you're upset with Rambis but he is who he is - you know this." She shrugged and hinted at a smile.

"No, Rambis made his rare appearance and did well. What more can you ask of him? It's Glaukius and Duncan that bother me."

She signed, "Darling, sometimes people will disappoint."

"The word is not 'disappoint' when thousands of lives may be lost because two Kings refuse to settle some petty feud."

"I think defending a woman's honor hardly constitutes as petty."

"When it risks war, it does."

"Would you defend my honor if it was threatened?" She slid herself directly in front of him now and rested her feet on his chair.

"I know what you're doing."

"I still want to know."

"Aertenia, I married you because I thought you were capable of defending your own honor quite well." He smiled, leaning back as she let out a shocked laugh that was closer to a scoff than a laugh.

"I will ignore that, and since you are clearly not well, I will give you some advice - let Rambis lead the Thracians into the north against Azarkin. Rambis will be grateful and the matter will be resolved." She smirked.

Rono smiled for a moment contemplating her words, "I can't revolt against Glaukius. Not now that he is at the end and Duncan is about to ascend to the throne."

"What is this obsession you and Rambis have to continuously disregard Duncan's ability to rule because he could never outrun you two as a child?

"He still can't." He argued.

"That is true, but a separate concern." She thought for a moment, "Everything in his life has prepared him for this. Yes, there are a handful of politicians who fantasize of overthrowing him. But every leading figure - Illyrian and Thracian - supports Duncan. He will be fine."

"Things seem very simple around you. Flawed, but simple." He smiled as she got off the table.

"One of my many talents. Now, I am going to bed," She blew out one of the candles and took his hand, "and I am taking you with me." She blew out the other.

© Copyright 2009 tylerdurden (thetylerdurden at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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