Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1557741-An-Unplanned-Hunt
Rated: GC · Short Story · Fantasy · #1557741
A Hunter decides to check out a new monster, but things don't always end as planned.
This is a Monster Hunter related story about a monster, “Pariapuria”, which eats a lot of food from the players dropping meat, which in turn gets the monster a nice fat bulging belly, and then after it’s eaten it’s fill it will not attack nor even pay any attention to the hunters, allowing them to attack the monster without being attacked themselves. It’s nice to see when you feed it a lot of meat that you’ll see it slowly get fatter with food. Too bad he can't eat you, but you can get a view of the mouth though.

Page with info about the monster - http://monsterhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Pariapuria
Now enough of that, Onwards to the Hunt!

“…and for the last time, I told you, I didn’t know that we would be required to bring those cool drinks!”
“Well, I thought you said that you knew where it was going!”
“I said I might know where it was going!”
"If we go check that first area again, it could b-"
“Oh just forget it, let’s just head back to the camp and collect our supplies, this heat is killing me…”

Well, so much for our streak of not going back to camp. We set up a challenge between the two of us to see how many monster quests we can complete from different people asking for help and not going once to camp for supplies, excluding when we get there first and then head out. We normally wouldn’t take items from the box unless we desperately needed them, which so far we didn’t need ever until recently. All we had to do was fight a stupid crab and get our money to finally get that upgrade we both so badly wanted to obtain, but it looked like we would have to abandon this quest since we didn’t have any idea where it could have gone after searching all over the desert.

“Well, should we keep going and try to at least find it?”
“What would be the use? We already broke our little challenge, we’re low on supplies, and not to mention nearly got eaten alive from those stupid sand fish in that one area. Let’s just head back to town, restock, and come back again. Oh, and this time don’t forget those drinks.”
“Hey, I already told you that I had no idea it was going to take this long, that’s why I didn’t bring them since most of the time we would kill what we needed done quickly.”
“Alright, alright it’s not your fault...”
“Thank you, that’s all I wanted to hear.”

My name is Samson and I am a Monster Hunter. My life is dedicated to the hard, dangerous, and rewarding work of hunting down monsters ranging in size of small animals to monsters the size of mountains. Many other hunters looking for riches have gotten themselves killed since they were not as experienced as many others or have died from deadly creatures found only from myth and legend.

My weapon of choice for slaying these beasts is my favorite set of dual swords which are a pair of Guild Sabers specially given to me as a gift for my dedication to the guild’s cause for monster hunting. My partner, Victor, loved using his Light Bowgun, which looked like a grenade launcher, and liked the idea of carrying around ammo on the field, since it made him feel more important to the hunt by using different shots embedded with nature’s elements, such as fire, water, ice and thunder and other types of effective bullets, such as healing, poison, sleep, and stun. We both wore our own unique set of armor crafted to suit our needs. Victor often wore his rocky Basarios armor with jewels that allowed him to reload faster and my Gypceros armor with special jewels that made me feel stronger by allowing me to take stronger hits from a monster when attacked.

After our little walk back to town, we decided not to end up going back to the desert after all. I thought to just stop for the day but figured that maybe one more quest will be alright, just a different one not concerning crabs. I was looking though the papers for something to hunt and that’s when I overheard some people talking about how a recently discovered monster was in a nearby region of the Valley. I myself have never been there before, but I’ve always wanted to go and check it out. One detail they mentioned about this new creature was the first group who saw it called it some sort of, “Amphibious Pseudowyvern.” which... I had no clue as to what that can even be. Upon hearing that, I went looking for Victor and told him my idea about going to find it and check it out. Not only to get a chance to see the Valley, but maybe even catch a sight of this rare creature and it's materials...

Victor held up his hand, stopping me from talking.
“You said it was amphibious right? Well, I sure as hell don’t want to go swimming anytime soon. I don’t want to chance clogging up my gun with water since I don’t know how good it will work. Maybe sometime later in the future, someone will find a way were we can then use bowguns underwater and fight, but I don’t want to take that chance right now.”
I gave him a questionable glance, “Yeah, I understand about that, but aren’t you in the least bit wondering what it is that’s out there?”
Adjusting his Bowgun, he looked out over the town down below. “…Maybe.”
Jumping up I blurted out quickly, “Let’s go find out!”
Sighing, he was quiet for a bit then spoke, “Ok, so we go and find out what it is. We find out it’s something that too strong for us to handle, so are we by any chance getting killed from that creature?”
Shaking my head I sat back down. “No, no, no. I didn’t say let’s go and slay it, just find out what it is. If it is too strong then we’ll just head on back. Think of this as a... preview of what's to come.”
Throwing a glance my way, he said, “What about the papers to show we’re supposed to be there in that location? They said it was off limits to hunters currently, since they wanted to do research on this new species and the area around it before they allowed anyone else permission to set up hunting grounds.”
I smiled an evil smile. “Who said we needed them?”
His eyebrows rose up quite a bit at that. “Wait, you mean… just head straight over there without letting anyone know? Hang on for a second…”
“It’s just going to be us two going. We’ll leave during the night under the cover of darkness so no one will see us. As long as we aren't spotted and we're quiet enough to not attract attention we can get in there just fine.”
he buried his face into his hands. “Oh, why do I have a bad feeling about this?”
“It’s like I can tell something is going to go wrong.”
“Like what can go wrong? We're just going to go look at something for a while, what's bad about that?”
He slowly looked up from hiding. “I don’t know, but if we go I think we shou-
“Record data on it, save it for later reference, and be the first ones to slay it?” I said, smiling.
Closing his eyes he took a deep breath. “…No, but if you so badly want to go see it, I’ll go with you and go help out, but if anything should happen or get close to getting us attacked or killed, I’ll be the first one out of there and I’m taking you with me to get the hell out of there, got it? If you try and stay, I'll knock you out and drag you back if I have to.”
“Fine…” I mumbled, crossing my arms in a defiant type of gesture.
Standing up from his seat, he collected his things and started to head back home. “Alright, so we meet at the gate later tonight? Say, around midnight?”
“Yeah, good idea, I'll see you then. Don't you be late!”

Well, as anyone would have thought, why go check out something that’s not even been seen or for that matter, checked out on before where no information on something new has been recorded? I thought it would be a fun idea to go and learn about this new monster first and maybe, just maybe, make friends with it and keep it as a pet. I've always wanted my own monsters, but the guild doesn't allow them inside the Castle walls.

Later that night, I brought along an extra bag full of meat and another of herbs to try and maybe feed it. We didn’t know what it would eat, but if it would eat what we can give it, maybe it’ll not see us as a threat and be relaxed around us. After the guards by the gate moved to switch posts, we quickly ran though and headed over to the valley along the rocky terrain. When we arrived, it seemed very empty of life. Not until later as we traveled deeper into the mountains and along the cliffs did we begin to see creatures, such as the annoying bugs, raptors, and other such animals. We figured since it was going to be near water, there would have to be either some isolated spots of rivers or lakes nearby or several locations of where it could be. Thinking it could be anywhere, we were smart enough to bring materials used for making a map, since having maps when one is in a big place is always a good thing. I figured that by splitting up, we could cover a lot more ground  for mapping and get a better chance of finding the new creature and maybe even find some rare stuff lying around to collect. As I started thinking as to how we have always stuck together as a group whenever on a hunt, something told me that either Victor or I would have trouble later if we went alone, so I had said to meet back where we split after exploring for a while, though not too long alone, and to conjoin our findings. Victor didn't like the idea of going on our own.

He dropped his pack on the ground. “Wait, why do you want to split up? Are you crazy!? Who knows how big this thing could be! It could be really fast and easily kill you!”
I shrugged. “So? I’ll just toss the food at it and run away then.”
“What if it doesn’t like the food? Don’t you think it’ll still come after you?”
“What monster doesn’t like fresh meat or fish? Depending on what it eats that is. The point is, why wouldn't it?”
He stood quiet for a bit. “Well, you do have a point about that… still, I don’t like the idea of going alone. Even if this new monster isn’t the one to attack you, something else can.”
I gave a quick laugh. "Isn't that the danger we always go though?"

“How about this: We go our own two ways, draw the maps for later use, and then just come back another time if we even see it at all?”
“That still doesn’t help any…”
“Hey, you did say you would come along and help, remember?”
“Yeah, yeah… I know. It’s just I still think it’s a bad idea, I mean, I know it’ll be the only way we’ll find anything if we do since we can cover more ground that way, so…” He trailed off, stuck in his own thoughts.
I waited for a few seconds. “You got a better idea?”
“Hm. Well...” He mumbled something under his breath.
I leaned in closer. “Yes?”
He threw his hands in the air in a wild gesture. “Alright, fine. We can split up, but we don’t stay alone long, you got that?”
I nodded and picked up his pack for him. “Deal; Where do you want to check out first?”
Turning around and looking at the ledges near us, he pointed over to a small path going down and around a hill. “I guess I’ll take this rocky path, I’ll need to get alert just in case, and I might as well take the tricky path, right?”
I turned around and pointed to a small incline that we passed a while ago. “Agreed, I’ll go along the side of the mountain and check around the back for anything interesting.”
He paused for a second. “Ok, but be careful, you never know what can happen, even to the best of us.”
“True… so you better be careful too alright?”
He nodded and gave his signature thumbs up pose. “Right.”
“Ok, let’s meet back here later. Good luck.”
“Same to you.”

We started to go our own ways and I still couldn’t help but feel like something was off about today, like some hidden thing that I couldn’t describe. I simply shook it off and began to look at my immediate surroundings to begin and draw a very rough outline of the area for the time being, marking spots and setting up locations as to where things could be collected and mining spots to gather minerals from or other points of interest. I worked my way along paths until I came upon a rather large open cave where air could flow though from one side to the inside around the chamber like a big open air room and had a big lake off along the side where it was so clear you could see down to the bottom. On the far side across from where I stood, there seemed to be a small opening to a cave. I
(It’s got to be in here… I know I would be living here if I was a water creature, perfect since it is not that cold or hot. It has lots of water and most likely there’s fish and other things around here for it to eat too.) I thought to myself.

I started to make my way to the entrance when I suddenly felt something slam into me from behind, where then I felt a deep sharp pain in my back and was roughly pushed down to the ground face first, causing me to drop my things and have the bags of meat and herbs to land on the ground next to me. I felt something heavy being pushed onto my back at two spots and what I had figured to be a set of feet. I started to roll to the side and find whatever attacked me, when I realized I couldn’t move. I tried to move each of my limbs to try and fight back, but no luck.
(What the…? Damn, paralyzing toxins are in my body!)
I tried to look over my shoulder from the ground and see what was on me, when I noticed the rather large foot that was on my arm. It looked a rather dusty yellow with a hint of green on its skinny feet. I heard it give a quick roar, but it was rather high pitched, sounding like a raptor which I then knew what it was.
(Ah hell, it’s a Gendrome… Why didn’t I check my surroundings before moving around? I can’t believe I didn’t see it sooner, why the hell did I drop my guard? How could I have been so careless? Alright, fine, whatever… once I’ve gotten though this paralyzed state, I’ll kill that thing! I’ve always hated them, always!)

As I lie helpless, unable to reach my blades on my back, I felt it begin to try and claw though my armor, tearing apart the straps holding my weapons, making them become loose. It quickly knocked my swords away and began to bite me directly and started to rip and tear into my armor at the back when I heard another sound almost like a strange squeaking sound, but it was odd and a lot different then anything that I’ve ever heard before in my life as a hunter. Whatever it was, it sounded like it was getting closer, and I started to feel the ground shake a little. As I am lying down on my belly with my face to the side, I was really unable to see what was coming my way, except for the bags of meat and herbs in front of me. I felt the Drome stop clawing at my back, jump off of me, and quickly take off. I saw it enter my view at a distance running away, throwing a few quick roars at whatever it saw, then simply left the immediate area. I figured Victor came along, finding a path that led to where I was, but then that’s when I saw from the other side of my view what caused the thing to take off in a hurry.

It moved like a Tigrex would on all four legs, yet it didn’t act like one. This type seemed almost “relaxed” in its movement, slowly moving about like it was lazy compared to like a Tigrex would move. The body reminded me of a giant fish, and it had a rather large jaw, most likely used for very strong bites to kill and eat its prey. The back also reminded me of a fish too, with fins and spikes aligned along its back, it even had a tail like a fish, where it looked like it was lined with webbing to the tip. The colorization of this new creature was of a somewhat brown or bronze color, covering the entire back, while its underbelly was a milky tanned color. It stopped moving when the Drome was out of its sight, and started to turn my direction.
(Damn, it’s coming this way! Oh please let it eat the food in the bag first and not let it attack me…)

…Which unfortunately it didn’t do. It simply walked over the bags and got closer to me, where I lay still unable to move. I could see the face now that it was so much closer that it looked somewhat like some sort of sea dragon. Its head was almost pointed, but seemed more rounded around the back of the head; it was such a unique shape. I could see the large yellow eyes scanning the newly acquired things it just took over and thinking of what to do with me.
(It’s my entire fault for getting killed like this; I should have checked my area before moving… if only Victor was here he’ll be able to at least get it’s attention long enough for the toxin to run it’s course and then be expelled from my body… Damn, why in the hell did I decide to split up?)

It was now hovering over my body with one front foot right above my head and it placed the other on the back of my legs holding them down, as if to prevent me from escaping. Not like I could anyways, with my body numb as hell and unable to move. It began to sniff me over, checking around at my head and moving down my body, where it then finally started to lick at my body, trying to get a taste of what the newly found meal will be.
(How ironic, the Hunter becomes the Hunted. Least I got a chance to see what it was though, too bad I will be unable to tell anyone about it though.)

I couldn’t help but see that the feet still had pointed claws like a wyvern’s hind claws would have, yet they were a slight bit smaller in length, since I figured it mostly swam in the water if anything. I thought about how it would swim since it didn’t have any webbed feet when I felt the creature’s other front claw begin to try and tear at my armor, where it actually started to pull pieces off! Frantically, I tried to get my body to move, but it was all for nothing, as the strong toxins that numbed my body were still flowing though my muscles. I could only watch in fear as it continued to remove pieces of my armor, one by one, like I was some sort of crab having its whole shell being removed. The armor was slowly being broken at the sides to where small cracks started to show and could be felt until it finally broke in half at the back and sides.

I felt cool air wash down along my sides and shoulders. I began to wonder if there was even going to be a way out of this. I had hoped that maybe by chance when it was done removing my armor that about the same time the toxins would wear off, and I could move again and make my escape, or so I had hoped. It simply just tore off the armor carelessly and I got a few scratches not only from the creature’s claws, which felt like sharp pointed rocks, but from the armor itself as it slid across my skin in different spots. It continued the process of taking my armor off and breaking it to get to the “prize” it had really wanted. I felt it place its front legs on my back and legs, its skin feeling like it was a smooth but wet piece of hide, yet was somewhat cool to the touch. Only my helmet was left on, but it simply used its thick blue tongue to slip under the edge of the headgear around my neck to slide it off of me. As it did so, I saw the blue muscle make its way to my face, and felt the thick, wet, and slimy saliva ooze across all of my face as it lifted the helmet off of my head, causing me try to spit and gag from it. It proceeded to begin licking my body and the saliva from its mouth started coat my back and all of my clothes with slime as it was getting my flavor. It stopped for a moment, but then it began to back up and move out of my view above my head where I heard it moving away. Could it be…?
Did it really leave me alone? Maybe I was lucky after all, maybe something caught its attention and it decided I didn’t taste all that good. Maybe it was Victor making his way over here right now!

Suddenly I felt something cover my head and things quickly became covered in a shadow and to my horror it started to use it’s strong blue tongue to slowly wrap around my back and pull me inwards into it’s gaping maw. I desperately tried to struggle by moving my hands, legs, head, anything; still no results since the toxins were still there. All I simply could do was watch as how this monster was going to eat me whole… while I am still alive and breathing.

I was simply stunned as to how long the paralysis is lasting, almost a whole five minutes it locked my body from moving. Even if this monster didn’t come along to eat me, I would still be dead from the Gendrome as it would slowly pick at my body as I lie there frozen from the potent poison in its claws. The creature slowly picked up my body into the air and pointed its mouth with me in it upwards, where it then began to slowly make short, quick, upwards thrusts of its head while opening its mouth and taking gulps to try and obtain more of my body in its mouth. I felt myself slowly start to slide down its tongue into the mouth and saw a dark and slimy muscled hole from what little light I had inside of it.

I can only be led to believe that was its throat that would soon follow into its belly which would become my last place to ever go if something didn’t happen soon to get me out of this mess. My face became covered in the saliva of the monster as I was slowly being pulled deeper into the mouth, making the meal, which in this case would be me, much easier to swallow. My underclothes became soaked in the thick clear ooze and more of my body was being pulled closer and closer to the back of the mouth when finally I felt my head slide against the top of the throat which pushed down into the gullet of this beast. I felt a sudden rush of sickness wash over me and I kicked as hard as I could while in this thing’s mou-

Wait… I can kick? I tried kicking again. I felt my legs hit the top of the mouth.
I could move my legs! I can move my body again! The toxins finally were purged from my body! Quickly, I tried to struggle my whole body in a final drastic attempt to escape, moving this way and that way, pushing my hands around and trying to get a hold on something while kicking my legs as hard as my limbs could allow, trying to get free of the thing’s hungry grasp. I felt it close its mouth around the back of my legs and stop my legs from moving around, its small teeth pricking at my skin, only to forcefully take another swallow of my body, quickly pulling my head and shoulders into the monster’s throat where I no longer could see light. It was then that I realized my fate to this creature. There was simply no way of getting out of this situation now. It could overpower me easily, yet here it was slowly enjoying its meal… taking the time to savor the entire piece of living meat in its mouth.

I started to lose hope that Victor would by chance happen to walk along the path, see me being eaten, and then quickly rush over to help. Only thing that would be left for him to see now would be my supplies, weapons, and the broken and shredded armor just lying there on the ground and no hunter to go with it. Only a monster with a full belly from its latest meal which took no effort for it to obtain, would be seen near it. It took another gulp and more of my body got pulled into the hot and slick tube, where the top half of my body got pulled in, my arms pinned to my sides unable to grab anything at all now which made my struggle to get a hold onto something utterly useless. Another strong swallow was taken and even more of my body was pulled deeper into the beast. I could feel the strong, thick, wet muscles from the throat push the darkness all around me as it pulled my body down, griping and pushing, almost like in a wave, where I feel it moving against me from the waist where then it would make its way up to my shoulders and finally my head, forcing me away from the moonlight outside. Another gulp, and this time I felt the bottom of my feet being pulled into its mouth where it finally closed and sealed me within itself forever. It would take another few strong swallowing motions to get its prey down and finally sate its hunger.

From the inside I could only hear the swallowing sounds and the audible gulps it would make now and then, gravity on the monster’s side, helping feed the predator in its quest for satisfaction. The wet walls kept my body bound together with no room for movement, squeezing me tightly. I’m more then sure I would have made some sort of large bulge forming at the neck and slowly sliding down to the creature’s chest where finally it would slowly disappear into the belly where then that round form would stop at. Eventually, I felt my head push against a thick wall of muscle, which I then knew where I was about to enter into. The entire throat gripped at my body, kneading it and making it easier to take in, and disgustingly enough, it was relaxing. I actually started to become limp from the moving along my body, but I think it was mostly from the fact I gave in to my fate and just wanted it to end quickly and not to die a slow and painful death. Suddenly, I felt my body became forcefully pushed downwards into its stomach, landing in a heap at the bottom of its belly. I felt around, feeling the giant mass of meaty flesh of this monster whose prey was taken without so much of a struggle. I could feel the pitch black surroundings of flesh around me slowly push inwards, covering my body, trying to blanket and smother me with the cold grip of death. Below me, I could feel that there was a small puddle of ooze, clinging to my legs and was slowly becoming warm, as was more of it was beginning to form from the flesh of wall holding me, pooling unto my body. My life was sealed forever now, and there was not a thing I could do about it. Slowly I began to think back upon my life and how it all worked out, from the adventures I’ve had with many a person, though good times and bad. I felt oddly tired and started to lie against the sides of the belly, trying to get relaxed more since my efforts to get out would only be in vain. Soon, the slimy goop was getting thicker and deeper, where it was currently up to my chest. It felt like I was sitting in a deep pool of honey, where it was getting harder to move due to the thickness. Strangely, there was some air inside, but just enough to breathe a little, while the smell was heavy of raw meat. At the rate the fluids are coming, this stomach would be soon filled up with the slime, having me eventually swimming in a chamber full of warm, sticky, slimy digestive fluids. I figured if anything, maybe I’ll drown before I get digested alive. As the air became less, I felt very dizzy and started to fall faint. I leaned against the side of the fleshy wall and closed my eyes, hoping this is all a dream and I'll wake up.

I wonder what Victor would think about all this…

The Monster, having finally obtained what it desired for, took the time to feel the prey moving inside of it and it eventually could feel it stop moving in its gut. It still wondered why as to having the prey such an easy meal, where normally the other food it obtained would put up a fight. Maybe it was something that the one creature did to the other when it pushed it over causing it to just lay there on the ground, it thought. The taste of this new meal was a very exotic flavor, having different texture from what it was used to eating from different meals. It was a strange creature, using an outer shell to protect its own soft body. It was a good thing to continue what the other creature was doing and remove it to get the true taste of what it was. It slowly made its way back to it’s lair to sleep off this big meal which would sate the hunger for a while. It got to a good spot to rest, and began to lie down for the night. It liked the idea of having this new prey not putting up a fight. It was a good sized meal, but not too big to swallow either. It always liked the feeling of having something traveling down its throat; struggling and making bulges appear on its neck. These small ones were much better then those other 2 legged creatures that would try to kick and scratch, using it’s pointy legs and claws inside its mouth, but it simply swallowed it down whole and felt the prey wiggling in it’s throat, making the lump twitch on it’s way down. This new meal acted as if it “wanted” to be eaten. If that was the case, it liked that idea a lot. It would have to hunt for more when another came, as this new prey made it’s way to the top of its favorite list…
© Copyright 2009 Baked Beans (yellowbean at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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