Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1556280-Time-War
Rated: 13+ · Other · History · #1556280
Discovering the key to time travel, a deadly war threatens to break out.
The wind shook the trees volintely as James FitzGibbon walked into the village of Queenston. The War of 1812 was over, this little village was at peace again. It was a very long time since it ended though, it was hard to imagine conflict breaking out here. But FitzGibbon didn't notice the peacefullness around him. His wife had died, her funeral ended just one hour ago. Soon FitzGibbon would be leaving to go to Britian and spend the rest of his days there. He felt that nothing was left for him here. Leaving for Britian seemed like the best choice. But would it really be good there? Would it be better to stay closer to my wife's grave? He wondered.

Years later Jame's FitzGibbon walked down the hallway of Windsor Castle of London, England. It was noon and he planned to go and eat lunch. His stomach growled as he smelled the delious food coming from the meal room. He passed by an open door when something caught his eye. He peered into the door and noticed that the room was a big mess. This was somebody's room, James could tell.
I hope he's okay. James thought. He looked into the closet and noticed a hole in the wall. Not just any hole. A voilet light glowed and the wind inside whistled. What is that?! FitzGibbon thought. He looked into the hole and saw that it didn't seem to end. All of the sudden FitzGibbon tripped over a sock and fell into the hole.

Chapter 1
Brodie groaned as he carried his heavy backpack.
"Why do we have to study so much? It's a real pain." Brodie complained.
"Well, it is the final exams, and there worth half our mark! Remember what happned last year?" Nick, his friend advised. Last year in grade 4, Brodie was so overwhelmed with homework for the final studies he quit. He got very low marks on the final exams, but he had passed. He had to go to summer school though.
"I guess your right." Brodie mumbled. Brodie and Nick had reached Tiger Park, where they usually have to walk through in order to get home. Nick took the ussual trail he used to get home.
"See ya later, Brodie!" Nick called. Brodie waved goodbye and contniued the walk home. He passed a park bench when he spotted someone. He was dressed in the old style Britain miltary uniform and had white hair styled like most men in the 1800's. He had blue eyes and walked around slowly, looking around nervously at everything.
"Who on earth would be dressed like that?" Brodie thought. Brodie put his backpack down and unzipped it. He lifted his social studies textbook and opened it to page 450. There was a picture of James FitzGibbon on that page, which looked identical to the nervous man walking around.
"Something's not right about this." Brodie whispered as he placed the textbook back in his backpack and zipped it up. Brodie continued to walk along the trail, trying to avoid the old-fashonied man. Brodie thought he was just about to get away when a voice called him.
"Excuse me sir, could you derict me to the Queen's castle?" The man called.
Brodie groaned. He knew he should just keep walking, but his mother was very strict with being polite. Brodie turned around to face the man.
"I think you mean the Mayor's office." Brodie said.
The man frowned.
"No. It's called the Queen's Castle." The man said slowly.
"That's what it was called in the 1800's. Right now it's the year 2009."Brodie expalined. But his expalnation was pure terror to the man.
"2009! What kind of year is that!? When I fell into the hole, it was 1850-" The man shouted.
"Whoa,whoa,whoa! Did you say 1850? Who ARE you?" Brodie said, feeling very confused.
The man's expressoin was now even more stunned.
"You don't know who Iam?" The man asked.
"No. Nore did I see anyone dressed like that." Brodie said and pointed at the man's clothes.
"Why. Iam Lt.James FitzGibbon! Hero of The War of 1812!" The Man cried, sounding despreate for Brodie to belive him.
Brodie felt light headed as he fell over, but regained his balance in time.
"No, that's impossible. The real Jame's FitzGibbon died in 1863 in Britian." Brodie said.
"I-Iam not dead. Iam standing right in front of you. And I assure you IAM the real James FitzGibbon. Now it's time for me to ask the questions around here. Where Iam I?" James FitzGibbon said coldy and took a step forward. Brodie took a step back. If "FitzGibbon" here was going to be hostile, he could outrun him by a mile. He may not be the smartest kid around, but he had top gym marks.
"Y-you're in Tronto." Brodie said.
"Tronto? I never heard of a city called by that name." FiztGibbon said.
Broide slapped his own face. Of course! Tronto was called York origannaly a long time ago. "I should have payed attention in history class. But then again I didn't know I'd ever be talking to people from centurys back." Brodie thought.
"Well, origganly it's been called York. Then it's name has been changed to Tronto, a very long time ago." Brodie explained slowly. FitzGibbon's face went pale.
"Oh.no, I really am in the futre! I have to get out of here!" Jame's said and ran down the path.
"Wait! Your'e going the wrong way!" Brodie called as he chased after him.
"And their probaly isn't a way back to your time anyway." Brodie grumbled to himslef. Brodie ran as fast as he could, but his backpack slowed him down dramatically and he couldn't catch up with FitzGibbon. FitzGibbon ran into an intrsection and a car was coming in his deriction !
"NO! STOP!" Brodie screamed and threw his backpack off of his back. Brodie dashed toward FitzGibbon. Brodie grabbed his arm and yanked him back to the saftey of the sidewalk just in time for the car to go by.
Both Fitzgibbon and Brodie were panting by the time the car passed.
"What-was-that?"FitzGibbon panted.
"That was a car. But I don't have time to explain everything about our modern world. Come on, if anyone else see's you like this, you will be in big trouble. And I mean BIG." Brodie said as he guided him along back to the place where he dropped his backpack. FitzGibbon still looked stunned and confused, but didn't argue.
Brodie led the way all the way back to his house. Brodie avoided any people and went on the smallest trails. he didn't want anybody seeing him with a person that claims he's from a time over a century ago.
"So you're using the smaller trails? Good stragety. In the war of 1812, we always took he smaller paths." FitzGibbon said approvingly. Brodie ignored him. How could he let himself belive that this person came from a centruy ago? He was probaly bluffing. Brodie glanced at James. His coat was dirty and his face was greasy and he still looked confused at all the buildings. Brodie sighed.
"But I can't ditch him. he wouldn't last very long here on his own." Brodie thought, remembering his close call to getting run over.

Broide stopped at a tall, tangerine coulored house made out of stone.
"Here we are." Brodie said and prayed that FitzGibbon didn't ask what kind of house it was. Brodie led him to the back of the house where an old,dusty cellar door lay. It creaked nosily as Brodie opened it.
"Stay in that Cellar,do not come out. Help yourself to some food down there. I'll check on you later." Brodie instructed. FitzGibbon obyed, but before Brodie could walk three steps he heard the sound of crashing and cans hitting the floor.
"OW! How do you open these blasted cans!?" FitzGibbon cursed. Brodie sighed and went down into the Cellar.

Chapter 2
The sound of the mallet silnced the anxious whispers in the meeting room.
© Copyright 2009 Honeyfern forever. (loinheart46 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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