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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1555368
Jackus is revealed to my readers.
Chapter 1... Discovery

The sound of my feet padding along the cold marble floor echoed out across the halls of the dark dungey castle, a soft light beaming from the occasional flicker of the old wax candles lining the walls. My breaths quickened as I came close to the doors, the large red arched doors seeming almost alive as I blasted through them, as I looked, before me was another group of undead, their stench and auras unmistakable. My staff already in hand, roared out a bright light in protest to the unatural obsenities before me, I pushed it forward the light burning away their bodies returning their tortured souls back to the peace of heaven. I smiled as started to boost through the disolving bodies, thier remanants turning to dust as I passed, my feet feeling lighter as I moved, before me now was a huge winding staircase that looked massive and intimidating, without hesitation I made a start on the stairs timing my steps creating a rythm to keep my speed constant, a while passed, it seemed as if I wasn't going any where, then suddenly I came to another hall, long and dusty the candles on the walls were uncomfortably unlit and had not been for some time the cobwebs a sign of inactivity.

The halls were alot darker a few moments passed before my eyes adjusted, the haze lifting on the hall as it did so, I noded to my self and boosted down the hall my staff begining to react once more, from above horrible monstrosities came falling before me, disfigured humans, bones shifted into blades, this was no doubt the work of a necromancer, the very opposite of an angel, I came to a stop and slamed the end of my staff to the floor, a white rune glyph shooting out around me, symbology began to draw the relevant symbols and the energy around me converted to positive light form energy I was in my element, the monsters jumped down at me and I retaliated by sending positive energy at them causing them to be blown away and burn their bodies, I took a step back as the final monster jumped towards me, it's body levitated in the center of the rune-glyph white lighting sparking from it occasionaly, it let out a howl of pain as the glyph surrounded it and closed in on it crushing it into a ball.

The monster dropped to the floor and rolled down the hall, I boosted forward once more a different door, unlike the others it had a dark presence behind it and was probably the necromancer, as I neared, the door blasted open to reveal a strange looking man, his hair white, his skin wrinkled and dry his eyes, dark voids, he pointed his staff towards me, I felt dark energy flowing from it going into the ground near my feet, my immediate reaction was to slam my staff down "Disspell!" I shouted as a form of reasurance, the energy negated I activated my glyph once more, the energies around me turning positive, I moved a rune to the front of me, aiming it towards the old man. He responded by holding his staff in the air, it's twisted back branch emmiting a horrific purple haze like aura, around his feet was a strange looking glyph, which dissapeared after a few moments. As it dissapeared, a rumble shook the castle it's self and two huge flesh like blobs appeared infront of him his creeky old voice accompanying "Get him! My Abominations!" They flopped forward, it's form unable to sustain any real movement, a big pink blob came up close before revealing a huge monsterous mouth, it scooped the ground and me with it.

From inside, I could see it's heart and all the majour components clearly, I built up some of the remaining positive energy into a ball shape and aimed it towards the heart, I concentrated on the ball causing it to fly towards the heart exploding on contact, the energy causing it's body to burn brightly with a greenish light, it's body disolved around me leaving me covered in digestive juices, my robes steaming from the juice. My attention now came towards the next Abomination, I began an encantation of positive energy, small light balls began to dance around me elegantly as I dodged around the abomination, I waited till I had a large enough ammount of energy and formed it all into one ball and then shaped it into a star shape, I let out a sigh and pushed my arm into it, only, my arm did not appear instead the energy reacted, strange symbols appearing around the star, energy build up forming at each point and intersection, I let out what would be a battle cry and concentrated on aiming towards the necromancer, the beam shot out with a low rumble causing the floor below to break up under the preasure of the attack, the beam struck through the approaching Abomination causing it to erupt into a simmilar green flame, the rest flowing strait at the necromancer, he reacted by putting his staff strait forward the energy hitting it and turned into negative dark energy, a little shocked I decided the next attack would be his last. The necromancer took the stolen energy and summoned more Abominations, I stood almost in a trance, a strange rune appeared beneath me I smiled some as I felt the energy empower me, I held my hand up to the heavens, the Abominations closing in every moment, as they neared their attack range, they let out a howl, but for them it was too late!

I layed waste to the monsters in a single strike, their bodies dissipating into nothingness as I brought the holy blade to my side, energy seeming to flow from my very existance, my wings now visible, I boosted forward just slightly off the ground, the necromancer defended with his staff, sadly for him the blade struck through his staff and him leaving him in two on the floor with his staff. I wiped the blood from my sword and placed it back in it's scabbard, the castle was reacting as if alive, the walls around be buckling under the weight of it's self without power from it's master it was now an unstable pile of rocks, I raced back through the halls, lumps of rubble falling all around, the one lit walls were now just a mess of rocks and lumps of white goo, I blasted out of the entrance and dived for cover as the castle crashed to the ground, a loud crashing like roar could be heard for miles, as if the castle was gasping it last and final breath. I suddenly felt a strong feeling, one I was not used to, one of anger and hate, confusion and frustration, just what made that one person less important than the whole village he was attacking, surly he would have a reason behind his actions, no one just attacks another for no reason right? Humans confuse me so much...

With that I headed back to the village to confront the people there, unaware of what was happening to my self I was described as a monster as I entered the village, the hunters and the farmers that were able to find a weapon tried to chase me from the village, I was vigilant to get some awnsers, with out a second thought I brought my hand forward, its usual white glow was replaced with that of a dull almost grey colour, I stopped for a moment in shock at this suddent change, which I was soon snapped out of from the pain of a farmers pitchfork entering my chest deeply, normaly a fatal wound. I looked at the pitchfork in my chest, I expected to die at that moment, only I came to realise I was not in pain at all, I pulled out the fork and tossed it to the side and boomed with a loud voice "You fools! It is I the one who you sent to kill the old wizard in the castle... I seek awnsers... You will tell me what I want to know NOW!" The question was awnsered by the onslaught of the village attacking with pitch forks swords and various other farming equipment, I knocked the youngest to the floor and took him hostage, my arm had become stretchy and flexible, I wrapped it around the boy and asked once again "Why did you want that old man in the castle dead? He was weak and feeble, any of you could have done that your selves..." The farther approached on his knees begging for his sons life. After some time I gave up on them and slaughtered the whole village, but spared the boy. I told him to tell every one he saw of what had happened here and he was to spread the message of fear as far as he could...

And so the boy did, he ran as fast as his legs could carry him, he spoke to many of the strange demonic looking man with green eyes grey skin and black clothing and hair, sadly for them all, they did not believe the boy and this would lead to the rise of my self. To purge the world of all those who would make my job impossible... To remove the what I am now called... Corruption...
© Copyright 2009 Kizumuki (kizumuki at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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