Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1554808-Chapter-4--Consequence
Rated: GC · Other · Erotica · #1554808
Esmeralda faces consequences of behavior choice
Chapter 4 Consequence

Esmeralda fled the garden, the taste of his seed and apple mingled in her mouth. She returned to the harem flustered, not believing what had taken place. Taking wine, she swizzled it about and spat into her night basin.

“What came over me?" she wondered. The taste was still on her tongue but it was the sweetness of the apple more than anything that troubled her. She moistened her lips and the recollection came once more to mind... the smell of his waving cock, just beneath her nose.

“I must put this all out of my mind’” she muttered.

“Is something troubling you?” said a voice over her shoulder. It was Eshmire the King’s second wife.

“No,” she answered, I’m going for a swim, wanna come?”

“That would be nice,” Eshmire answered.

There had always been some tension between the two girls, as one would expect between first and second wives. After all, they were competing for the favor of the King and everyone knew who the favorites were. But there was also a sort of camaraderie because all the young women realized that a pregnancy could at any time change the order of merit Since the sultan insured that each received some share of his attention, the attitude of the girls towards one another was more tolerant than destructive. The wives bided their time waiting to see what, if anything, was going to happen.

They left the Pavilion and went to the pool designated for the women. As they approached, servants positioned screens of bamboo that would keep prying eyes away. Dropping their garments the girls dove in and began swimming about. The cool water was refreshing and they enjoyed escaping from the heat.

“What was the garden like? " asked Eshmire at length.

“It was beautiful," Esmeralda answered, "more than you could imagine.”

"Whatever did you do to get the king's permission? You know we're all dying to see it."

"I've no idea why he chose me first, but I'm sure that everyone will soon have a chance to go in."

"Do you have permission to enter, any time you wish?"

"Yes, the King left word with the guards, that I could enter or leave at my discretion."

"I wish I had the same opportunity," said Eshaw, "not that I would deny you your due. I'm happy that you've opened the door for us and look forward to seeing it someday."

At length the wives finished their swim and climbed out of the pool. Servants closed about with new robes and assisted getting them dressed. Esmeralda smiled at Eshmire. In a kind voice she said,

"Thank you so much for the company; perhaps tomorrow we can do this again."

Turning away she began heading back towards the Pavilion.

"I would be pleased," Eshmire called out.

As Esmerelda departed, the vision of the Moor's phallus came once more to mind. She saw it waving in front of her lips, wet with desire. A thirst came to her throat and she longed for the taste of it. Angrily she shook her head to put the matter from mind and while the vision ceased her thirst continued growing ever more acute.

“I told you so, said the king. Did I not predict this would happen?

Scheherazad paused. "You did indeed," she answered.

Dunazad jumped in, “Is it the squeezings of the apple, smeared on his penis that’s causing her anxiety?

"Whatever makes you think that?" replied the king.

“Because you said she should have swallowed it.... that it’s the only antidote,”

“So I did," he answered.

“And that means," said Dunazad with a growing excitement, "that the only antidote for the forbidden fruit is the seed of a man's desire!"

"How perceptive," he smiled

"And she spit it out..."

"A most unfortunate decision. Now please continue the story."

Scheherazad took a breath and picked up on the thread.

As the day went on the memory of what happened kept returning ,over and over, and the thirst in her could not be slaked. She paced frantically about with an unbridled and frenetic energy until finally the sun went down and everyone was preparing for bed.

Eshmire had watched from a distance, wondering what had come over Esmeralda, trying to figure out the reason for her disconcerted behavior. She resolved to keep a close eye on what was happening and find out the cause of it.
As darkness settled over the palace the young wife could bear her suffering no more. With her veil in place and shawl about her shoulders, she went quietly to the garden gate and approached the sentry.

“Let me pass,” she ordered.

“Who do you think you are?" asked the guard.

“The kings first wife," said Esmeralda raising her veil.

“Forgive me, " he answered and opened the gate.

It was peaceful inside and the moon was rising. Pale light shown down on the pathways and a green luminescence rose up from the foliage. A creeking of crickets made sounds in sharp contrast to the croaking of frogs. She walked down to the bridge and paused.

“I wonder if he’s still here?" she asked herself.

Taking heart, she crossed over and walked up to the apple tree. Leaning against the trunk sat the Blackamoor eating an apple.

"Good evening High Lady. What brings you at this hour?"

"I wanted to apologize for the way I acted, she replied, and for calling you an Infidel."

"But that’s what I am," he answered, "What do you want?"

Her thirst was becoming unbearable and she fretted impatiently.

"I wish to finish what I started earlier," she told him bluntly.

"I thought you had," he answered.

“Please, she implored, "don’t make this more difficult than it is.”

"I have no wish for that," he answered," but my noodle is limp."

"Oh please! don't say that," she said, wringing her hands.

"Well...." he answered, "perhaps the fire can be rekindled."

Oh please, yes, I'll do whatever I can to help."

"Your dancing has an effect on me," said the Moor, "as I’m sure you noticed earlier.

"I did, to my great woe," she answered, " Had I only known that you lurked in the bushes..."

"Too late now for that," he pointed out.... "but maybe if you entertained, as you did before, the desire would return.

"Should I bare my breasts?"

"This time why don't you bare everything."

"Don't humiliate me further," she groveled," I've suffered enough already."

"Have you now... Does it shame you to bare your proud ass to a negro?"

"Must you insist on it?"

"You asked for the token and I told you the coin."

"Damn you!" She cursed and began removing her clothes. She wondered what would be worse, revealing again her breasts or the lower part.

"Better not to think of it," she whispered, as she grided her resolve.

"Did you say something?" Inquired the Black.

"I was talking to myself," Esmeralda answered.

"What were you saying?"

"What a disgusting creature you are!"

"Only because you are a disgusting twit! For the last year you've passed me a thousand times and never taken the slightest notice."

"Have I?"

"Have I?" he mocked," Have I? Indeed you have, my pumpkin seed, so why should dancing naked bother you...since I don't even exist."

"If I offended you...."

"Stop! "he cut her off... "No apology. Please! Just get your ass bare and start dancing."

When she was naked, Esmeralda began dancing in the manner that she had earlier. In the moonlight her body glowed a pale white as she twirled about with a ghostly grace and elegance. She took to heart his words and pretended he didn't exist. As she danced about him he took a switch and as she passed snapped it stinging across her buttock.

"Pay attention he warned. I love to be noticed. Try and ignore me and you'll get more of this gentle reminder."

Esmeralda felt shame and hate mingled together. Fury strained beneath her buson as tears glistened. The the sting smarted and a welt sprang up. The pain brought dark energy to her dancing, and fear of repetition insured a spirited performance. After about a quarter hour she began to tire. With a final florish she twirled about and brought the routein to closure. She scowled at him stepping close, hands on hips and legs spread.

"Seen enough?" she asked.

The moor tapped the cane in his hand considering... At length he spoke.

"Enough for now," and opened his corset. The pride of his manhood stood erect and poised.

He casually bit once more into his apple.

"Was there something you wanted to finish?" He inquired.

Her breath came hard and with unrestrained eagerness, dropped to her knees before him.

"Not so fast," he chided. "Let me finish my apple."

He removed his tunic and stepped out of his robes. His shoulders were broad and chest like a barrel. His arms were strong and legs squat and powerful. His Abs rippled with hard muscle and in his hand waved the phalus, just as she remembered.

"Lay down on your back," he ordered, "and I'll lower myself."

Sliding her knees to one side, she rolled on her buttocks and reclined beneath him. Dropping to the ground he put a knee on either side of her head. Her lips pursed and eyes shone with anticipation. The Blackamoor took another bite and let the suspense built as frustration mounted. Leisurely he chewed the meat of the fruit until the juices ran down the sides of his mouth. At length he leaned forward, stretching over, until his elbows came down on either side of her hips. She reached up and grabbed hold of it, pulling the head into her mouth. She sucked as he eased it down into her throat. This time Esmeralda knew what to expect and pulled off before it made her gag. Her tongue underneath, slid back and forth, enticingly.

As she worked him, the Moor lowered his mouth onto her vagina. The touch was startling, but not unpleasant. His hot breath and thick lips smothered her flower. The sensation was both pleasant and frustrating. His nibbling lips and teasing tongue searched about for the weakness of her sex. A shock jolted as his tongue slid beneath her trembling bulb and began kneading. Groaning her lips opened ever so slightly and he took advantage, pressing deeper. She gurgled, then closed tight and held firm. Her cheeks dimpled, drawing vacume, coaxing the first drops of a coming promise. She savored the taste.

The Black raised up and took another bite from his apple. He chewed the fruit, and the pulp slobbered down. He lowered himself again letting the the juice soak into her swirl of pubic hair. Then his hands closed in and fingers spread apart the doorway to her womb. His breath was hot and his heart pounded, pushing his tongue into the opening.

Then he came, and she cried out as it surged. The spray of semen filled her mouth.. She swallowed hard as it dribbled out the corners and ran down her cheeks. The taste was welcome and amid the torrent of relief, she drank, and her long and unabated thirst was at last satisfied. She lay still as he pulled out and got to his feet. Then he reached down and helped her up.

"Bastard!" she spat.

"Bitch!," he countered.

Leaving the garden Esmeralda returned to the harem and had to pee. Finishing her business she noticed a rivulet of moisture trailing down her leg. It smelled familiar. With her finger she smudged a drip and put it to her lips. It tasted like apples.

© Copyright 2009 percy goodfellow (trebor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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