Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1553627-Pyrrhuss-Lament
Rated: E · Monologue · Drama · #1553627
Pyrrhus laments situation
Pyrrhus's Lament

Love came overwhelming and unsolicited.
Like a serpent’s coil of unrelenting grip;
The crush of it fills my heart with hopelessness;
A punishment only the gods could find amusing
The thought of her makes me pace fretfully.
And seeing her leaves me breathless, my heart racing.
It’s more than just her beauty, but all that lies beneath.
Her pride, that never gives coin to compromise,
A rich purse, that could redeem her lowly state,
And raise her shame to a high and lofty prominence.
She remains unblemished despite all that’s happened;
A strong, unbroken and compelling woman.
And herein lies the sad truth of this miserable tale.
She’s the one woman I can never hope to win,
Because between us is too much bitterness.
One act so damning, that no mother could forgive.
And for this I’m condemned, an innocent man.
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