Mighty stacks so tall and strong
Slowly rising out of the mill yard
Awed me as a small boy.
The first time daddy and I
Drove across the old green bridge
And down through the mill yard
I remember thinking I had found
The source of all the gray clouds
And bad weather that came
to our side of the mountain.
Mighty stacks so tall and strong
Slowly rising out of the mill yard;
I remember huge stacks of pulpwood
And chips scattered about.
Day and night 24 wheeled behemoth
Diesel trucks rolled along
Downloading hardwood
For the hungry paper machines
And other mysterious contraptions
Within the mill to feast upon.
Mighty stacks so tall and strong
Slowly rising out of the mill yard
Disgorged smoke and odors.
In the summer mornings
Out mowing the ball fields
I would smell the sulfur dioxide
And think how nasty and normal
It all was and how life must be alright
since the nine o’clock whistle
Still signaled night time.
Mighty stack so tall and strong
Slowly rising out of the mill yard,
Now they seldom billow
All day and night long.
Cut backs and job loss,
Unemployment and economy’s decline.
The clouds no longer roll on,
Another memory is gone.
I remember standing
In the shadow of the mill stacks.