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based on the seven deadly sins and seven holy virtues |
Penny Vachon (fire) Parker Griffon (Kyle) (teleport) Charles Kelly (Derrick)(wind) Curtis Medina (beast master) Victoria Verence (illusion) Henry Williams (CJ) (strong speedster) Fiona Thornton (telempathy) Rachel Miller (telekinesis) Eric Dreffs (Nate) (invisiblity) Patricia Olson (Me) (regeneration) Samantha Jefferson (Luna) (earth) Gordon Davis (Jermaine) (nature) Laurelai Bright (ice) Gary McGrew (Jake) (electricity) Irina Jones: David Black: (Dan) Mitchell McPharan: (Matt) Nicolai Logan: Sin's Voice: Staci Virtue's Voice: Kari Mary Black: Maxwell Telenov: The Pinnacle of Evil: Hate, Fear, Death, Corruption, Compulsion, Indulgence The Pinnacle of Good: Love, Life, Integrity, Strength, Unity, Reservation --Neither side can claim peace-- Basic Premise: A woman will give birth to either a great healer of worlds or a great destroyer of lives, depending on which of the men in her life fathers the child. The agents of good and evil are dispatched to make sure the "right" man wins. 1) We are introduced to our heroine and her best friend. Basic characterization of Irina and Nicolai is established, including the fact that it has "been a while" for Irina. 2) The legions of darkness are dispatched after their mission is explained. 3) Irina's work at the toy store is disrupted by the arrival of David, looking for a scene to stage his next painting. They agree to have dinner. 4) The legions of light are dispatched after their mission is explained. 5) Irina catches the attention of Mitchell at the clothing store. She semi-reluctantly agrees to meet him at the bar. 6) While selecting a birthday present for Nicolai, Irina finally meets Henry, Penny, Gary, and Rachel. (Hope, Patience, Greed, and Rage) The two groups now know their mortal enemies are on the case. 7) Irina gives Nicolai his gift while Fiona and Laurelai (Faith and Lust) stalk the pair unseen at first. 8) The Virtues decide to visit the toy shop after an altercation with the Sins in which Samantha was seriously injured. Irina tentatively agrees to go to a party the following night. 9) Rachel, Patricia, and Eric hatch a plan to wipe out the competition despite their orders, and they will use the other sins as their pawns. 10) Irina meets with David for a lovely dinner and a promise of a second date. 11) Parker, Victoria, and Fiona plan defensive strategies. 12) Irina has an interesting night with Mitchell at the bar. Yeah, they have sex but don't worry, she doesn't get pregnant. 13) Victoria is slain by Millenium Necro Gary (wow, was that perfect or what?), leading to a revenge by the Virtues. 14) Irina dreams of clowns, corpses, and kings. Act 2 1) ARG! I need more death and destruction scenes. Okay, new plan. In this scene, the Virtues strike out their first revenge and end up taking out Gordon (yeah, yeah, make your racist comments here for me killin the black guy.) although Eric, Charles, and Parker all take some serious beatings as well. 2) After her puzzling, unnerving dreams, Irina decides to distance herself from all three of the men in her life to "figure things out". They are confused, hurt, and angry, but can do nothing about it once she's set her mind to it. 3) Instead she attends the party at Parker's house, and spends time getting to know the virtues a bit better. She decides her initial mistrust and discomfort was baseless. 4) Unbeknownst of the evil plan that Rachel and Patricia concocted, Gary attempts to curry Irina's favor. The plan is thrown into even greater chaos with the arrival of Eric, who meets Irina for the first time and is of course immediately overcome with jealousy. There is now competition and bad blood between him and Gary. Still, proud to her word, Irina does not encourage either of them. 5) Charles conveniently meets up with David and his sister, and he prompts him to give Irina a little prod in the right direction. Also, even though it is forbidden by decree, Charles begins to develop feelings for Mary. Rachel notices this, and plans to use it to her own advantage. 6) David acts upon Charles' advice and stops to pay Irina a visit. After a little persuasion, she agrees to welcome him into her home where they have a surprise romantic night in. Things begin to heat up a little bit but they both decide its for the best to put on the brakes. 7) Rachel encourages Gary to throw a wrench into the plans by kidnapping Mary with the intent of both distracting David long enough for Mitchell to make his move and to lure Charles into a trap, which he falls for. Eric DEMOLISHES Charles, but Charles' final act is to free Mary so she can attempt to warn her brother of the danger his life is in. 8) Mitchell has been maintaining a stony silence this whole time after Irina's dismissal, and the sins are falling dangerously behind in the game. Samantha, however, is now up and about again, and she goes to work her magic on Irina while Eric and Patricia goad Mitch into stepping up to the plate with Irina. 9) On his own time, Mitchell finally stops by Irina's house. They have words, but he manages to wear her down predictably. She consents to let him take her out, and they end up having sex. Again. Yeah. 10) After its accidental destruction owing to her argument with Mitch, Irina decides to rebuild Nick's chess set herself at the Toy Shop. Throughout this endeavor, she is visited in order by Penny, Eric, Henry, Gary, Fiona, and Laurelai. At the end of the scene, David and Mitchell finally encounter each other for the first time, forcing Irina to choose between which affair she is going to continue. 11) After a teary conversation with Nick, Irina realizes that she is too happy with David to ever lose him and that she has already fallen in love with him. She rushes to tell him, receiving Mary's bad news far too late. Though devastated to hear of Charles' demise, she is prepared to finally make her life with David. 12) When she finally admits to Mitch her intents, things gets a little rough, especially as he has all of the remaining sins with him. A tussle ensues, and then Mitchell is struck down by Henry. The sins immediately surge forward to seek vengeance and an epic death battle scene ensues while Irina, Mary, David, and Nick flee. 13)Of the virtues, only Fiona and a badly hurt Penny remain, Parker having fled the scene and the rest having been slain. Of the sins, all have been slain except for Rachel and Patricia, who remain behind, and Gary, who had taken his opportunity to run. They commit a brutal coup-de-gras against Penny. The mortals, meanwhile, delve deeper into the shadows of the city, where Irina's new dedication to the forces of light are put to the test as her pride and rage and envy are aggravated. 14) The final battle scene takes place between the unyielding Fiona and the sturdy Patricia, and turns the sin into a giant smoking crater in the ground. Fiona at last is free to seek after her investments but has difficulty finding where they've hidden themselves. They have taken refuge in the Shop of Wonders to deal with Irina's pending identity crisis. 15) Rachel manages very quickly to catch up to the flock of mortals, and man is she pissed. She is prepared to smite them all dead right there, but Nicolai, in his dedication to his friends, veers off and sets a false trail, which in her blindness, she follows. She is thwarted, but takes out her anger on poor Nick. 16) Final scene of the act: Fiona finally catches up to Irina and the Blacks, and though they know that Rachel and Gary are both still out there, they must meet up instead with Parker in the hopes to protect Irina. But they discover an alarming truth: All of their efforts and the lives of their friends have been wasted. Irina is pregnant with Mitch's child. ACt 3 1) Irina, already in a shaky frame of mind, begins freaking out in a major way when Nick does not return. Fiona and Parker are not really equipped to deal with this, but true to his heroic archetype, David works his soothing magic on his new love. 2) Despite calming down, Irina is still frantic about her best friend, and so they go on a search for him, and come across his bedraggled body. Since Rachel is still in the vicinity, Irina's rage explodes and even David is unable to calm her down. 3) Incensed, Irina corners Parker and Fiona and demands some answers. Finally she finds out not only about the prophecy but also about the lie she has been living the past few weeks.This fuels her rage but also banks her into a deep depression. 4) Irina is now determined to live her own life, shedding free of Fiona and Parker, and vowing never to see them again. She has unfinished business with Rachel and Gary, however, and so sets them out. She does manage to start the healing process with David, though. 5) While Irina and David are seeking out Rachel, Gary comes across the unwary virtues. He is nearly insane with his greed and viciously attacks both of them. Fiona is already disheartened and actually goes down quite easily. Parker puts up a bit of a fight, but his regal, strategic methods are no match for Gary's berserker rage. Still, he gets in a few good hits, and Gary leaves the scene a broken, dying man. 6) Irina and David discover Rachel in her domain at the shop and confront her, however David of course maintains a calm, and the tides are turning for our abused heroine. She is becoming much better at controlling her rage, and so she refrains from killing Rachel--but just barely. Instead they incapacitate her, planning to call the authorities on her. 7) After they leave the scene, Maxwell unwittingly comes across the prone Rachel, and not knowing the circumstances, he releases her almost immediately. The shop is empty when the cops get there. 8) Irina and David come across Gary, but now that the effects of the rage are wearing off, she takes pity on him, this man who made her feel so coveted. They take him back to Mary, who patches him up against her better judgment. 9) When he awakens, the rest of the mystery is unraveled, but Irina, as already proven NOT a murderer at heart, is just too fed up being a pawn in their little game. She just decides to set him free, since his death or incarceration would be pointless. He doesn't understand this, but accepts it and flees. Even still, he has failed. Greed abandons him to find a better patron. 10) Rachel really wants to kill all of them, but true to her orders, she will spare Irina long enough for her to bring her child to term. However, she is on a vendetta against the others, and so pursues them. 11) Caught unawares, Mary almost gets attacked but David steps in at the last moment to defend her, taking massive damage but saving his sister and girlfriend's life. Even though they have decided not to be murderers, Irina still beats the blood hell out of Rachel. They drive out the element of rage in her, leaving her just an angry, bitter, betrayed woman. 12) They go on, highly traumatized, dooming the fate of the planet, but secure in their love for each other. They will not kill the child, because, let's face it, there has to be a sequel, right? 13) This scene will come after the end credits. It is the scene where Rachel and Gary, now both free of their internal demons, stumble upon each other. They don't say anything, but take each other's hand and go out to try to live a normal life for once. THE END. |