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Why did I stop liking a girl that I liked for over a year |
Ok so this girl that I liked for more than a year I stopped liking her and I don't know why. Here is the whole story about a year and 4 months ago I saw this girl in the library then the 2nd or 3rd day I saw her I started to like her it wasn't a big crush it was a little one. I didn't even know her then one day she smiled at me and I smiled back this when on for about 3 or 4 weeks. I kind of thought she liked me because some times she kept on looking at me in the library. One day in between classes I was going to my gym class and she was going to her fitness class and I decided to take the far door instead of the closer one because I wanted to see her. That's when she asked me why don't you take the door that's closer and I said its because it takes longer to get their. This is the first time she talked to me and I talked to her. I been wanting to talk to her but I always got nervous. The next day I saw her in between classes and I wasn't that nervous to go talk to her I asked her why did you ask me that yesterday you know about the door thing. She said I was just wondering so we talked as we both walked to class. This when on till it was summer vacation and I didn't want school to be over because that would mean I wouldn't see her till school starts again. Ok so know it got to a point where I didnt have a little crush on her but I loved this girl i was in love with her. So summer comes by I couldnt stop thincking about her not one day when bye without me thincking of her.Sommer when by not to fast not to slow. Ok so school starts its juior year and I couldnt wait to see her agin I prayed and prayed over the summer that I would have at least one class with her. Its the first day of school I go pick up my schedual and then go to class. I dont see the girl I like or should I say love. 2nd period I dont see her either 3rd period I dont see her either. So know I tell myself ok she has to be in my 4th so i go to 4th period she isnt their. So I tell me self she is defintly going to be in my 5th period class but first it was time to go to lunch I aslo dont see her in their I was mad they must have put her in A lunch beacuse their is two lunch clases in my school. ok so lunch is over. I tell myself im going to see her!!! im going to see her !!! sayin it in my head so I go into 5th period and she isnt their that when I start to worry ok so know im in 6th period she still isnt their know im really worried so I go to my final class period. I go in and guess what she isnt their. I was sad I been waiting to see her this whole summer and I didnt get any clases with her. So I sadly go home and I cry, cry and cry everyday I cried. So its Thursday I hated all my classes I wasnt likeing school at all. Oh yeah and the girl I only saw her every once in a while around school she smiled and I smiled back but this only made me want to talk to her even more. It was 5th period the bell rang it was time to go to 6th I decide to take a new route mabey if i took a diffrint route I would see her and guess what I did she smiled and I smiled back. So as I came in the door to go to 6th period I couldnt belive it. She was in their she had gotton a schedual change into my class. I was so so happy. Then one day it hit me. She said she had a boyfreind so I was sad for a few days but I told myself Im going to try and take her away from her boyfreind so I talked to her everyday gave her candy and small gifts every know and then to show her how kind and nice I can be. But you know how they say something good most come to an end this first semester was almost over and it was only a 1 semester class so I tried and tried to get her to like me but I didnt know if I was making any progress but still I tried. It was the last week in school before christmas brake. So the last day I brought her a gift it was 2 perfumes not just any perfumes they where expensive ones. So the last day finally came I at least wanted a hug but I didnt even get one my hard work didnt pay off not even to get a hug. so over Christmas brake I prayed and prayed to have more clases with her then the day came it was the first day of the 2nd semester and it sucked I didnt get any clases and this time she didnt get a schedual change so I tried to get a shedual change to some of her clases. So I when to the counseler and made up a lie but the counseler said no so I was sad everyday before classes started she hanged out with her freinds in this blacony and I was always their staring at her this when on for a long time until know. One day it was a regular day like any other it was the last class of the day so I when to my last class we had to sit in groups of 4 I sat with this girl that I knew since I was a freshman(9th Grade) and this other guy that barly talked and my freind also sat in my gruop. Ok so class started I sat next to the girl that I knew since I was a freshmen. We all talked except for the quiet guy. ok so it got to the point when we all had to be silence but no one in the classed listned. My freind started talking to the quiet guy and I was bored. ok so me and the girl that i known since 9th kind of started flirting as my freind was talking to the other guy in the tabe me and the girl talked or you can say flirted. So I told my self she is kind of pretty and had a really pretty voice and it was weird that i had those thought of her. and she even asked me if i liked her fingers i said yes she also asked me if i liked her ring and i said yes. So suddenly I had this feeling that when thrught my head what if I like her and then I told myself what im I thincking I like the other girl. So I told myself whatever she is just a girl that i known since 9th grade. Ok so the next day it was a Friday I was so glad. I kept on thincking of that girl that I known for some reason but i told myself agin she is just a girl that I known nothing to like about her. So I when into my 7th period class hoping we would be in gruops agin so I can talk to that girl I know but we wernt. ok so class started the girl that I know sits on the otherside so I kept on looking at her he looked at me every once in a while. I told myself why do I keep on looking at her. I was like whatever i dont like her she is just a freind I guess I could say that even thought I hated her. I didnt even talked to her sine like 9th grade and know we are in 11th. Ok on with the story. The bell rings its time to go home I walk sloly hoping she would catch up to me. I usally just walk with my freind but not this time. So suddenly I feel something pulling my backpak. and its my freind that i known she told me you walk like a old man in a nice way. so we walk together as we talked. We get to the stairs. I tell her dont fall but I was just joking. and she said I might with these slippers. and then I tell her dont worry ill get you if you fall down. and she said ok so when we get down stairs she sees her freinds and she tells me bye I'll see you later and i say ok bye. so I go with my freinds. the bus comes its time to go I get home. I thinck about her and I tell myself why do I keep on thincking of her Im I starting to like her. I tell myself no way I like the oher girl. The next day its a saturday(yesterday4/18/09) I wake up and tell myself I thinck I like her I dont like the other girl anymore I like the girl I met back in 9th I like her so much I admit to myself that I do like her and this time I got a good feeling about it so I go to the year book from last year to find her picture as I flip I see the other girl that I used to like. And I tell myself its over for you. so I flip and see the new girl the girl that I known since 9th grade but just know started to talk to and I tell myself but how did this happen how did I stop likeing the girl that I liked for about 1 year and 4 months and not just any little crush I loved this girl I wouldnt even talk to other girls beacuse I was so in love with her until thursday that I talked to the girl that I known. All it took was like 30 minuites in class flirting with her and you wanna know the crazy thing about it. I used to tell myself that I hate this girl beacuse she was really annoying we where only cool for about a few months she was the last girl i expected to ever like and know I like her and all it took was 30 minites in class to change everthing but dont get me wrong it feels grate I finally stoped liking the girl that I tought I would love till forever and it sucked beacuse I was alway worried that I wouldnt get married beacuse its not right to marry someone you dont like and the girl that I liked had a boyfreind and she told me she wanted to marry him so I was always down I always had something to worry about. Untill know that I dont like her anymore. But know I like someone else and I feel really good know I dont have anything to worry about. The girl that I like know I thinck I have a good chance with her but then agin you never know when god can change things but hey Im happy for the moment. Back to the story. Its saturday and I been thincking about her all day. so its nightime I go to sleep before I know it. Its already mornig so I wake up im still confused why did I just suddently liked her so I been thincking about her all day and know im sitting here writting you this question or this story telling you about it. Sunday4/19/09 Thank you for reading I know it was long sorry for the errors. If you can answer my question please Question 1. How did I go from likeing this girl that i liked for about 1 year and 4 months(and I loved her as you can se in the story) to likeing this other girl that I met when i was in 9th grade and i even hated her at some point and know im in 11th grade and i like her ? Question 2. Do you thinck its an example to me on how god can change your life in just 30 minuites ? 3.Or what do you thinck ? Note I will proably ask this question several times to get the right answer so dont get mad. Thanks for your Time |