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This will be a journey inward to make contact with God in the deepest part of us
In the exciting days of the space race, explorers ventured out beyond the reaches of earth’s life sustaining atmosphere. It is here, sailing around the doorstep of the heavens that Russian Cosmonauts are reported to have looked into outer space and asserted that they “Didn’t see God there.” Perhaps they were looking in the wrong place. Jettisoning out into the cosmos in search of the Divine Creator is case of barking up the wrong tree. Diving deep into our self will prove much more fruitful.

I like to go for walks along nature trails in my community. Some paths wind near wonderful river overlooks. Many times as I sit there in silence and witness the beauty and the workings of nature my mind turns to the rapid, frazzled and lonely lives that is common to so many people. Surely the same loving Creator that designed the beautiful effortless orchestration of life that exists here in nature designed a better way for men and woman as well. The Creator must have placed in our natural make up a design that if followed would lead to a savory and peaceful life with satisfying companionship. It was with this in mind that I turned to the ancient wisdom that is found in the Holy Bible to look for that design.

Moses who is revered by many traditions as a man of faith, insight and a man of God wrote this in the Holy Bible about the design of human beings.

“So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them.” i

Humans both male and female bare a resemblance to their Creator on the exterior level. However the reach of the divine likeness crafted then goes far deeper than skin level. Why did the Creator endow the human race with this sacred design? It is because the Creator desired that the human race share a special fellowship with him. Inwardly we were designed with mental and spiritual structures and a pathway that were meant to hook directly into our Creator to facilitate that vibrant communion. A pathway that when followed up to it’s Divine origin that serves not to bring the Creator down to our level but serves to bring the seeker up to the divine level. The journey down this pathway will hold high and lofty rewards once we’ve reached the Promised Land. However, great potentials and possibilities exist now on this side of the Jordan River, accessed by pressing closely inwardly to that point of Divine contact.

At times you may have seen an old building that has undergone renovation. Sometimes these buildings have vestiges that seem to no longer serve a purpose. Such as a doorway on the second level that once lead to a porch but now would only lead to a nasty fall if it weren’t sealed. Another example might be a flight of stairs that seem to climb to a dead-end that once connected adjoining buildings. Inside every person there is a pathway or a bridge that once naturally established the human-divine connection. However, that connection was lost long ago. Yet the vestiges of that connection still exist inside of you.

Every road that is not maintained is eventually overgrown and claimed by plants of all sorts including weeds. While the pathway exists within each person that leads to the ancient gates which once served as a portal of divine communion it has been obscured. Since this pathway has been largely forgotten and unkempt it is not so easy to trace through the brush and weeds. In fact if it weren’t for the grace and initiative of God this connection would be utterly unrecoverable. We might set on the path and even find the inner gate only to find the void insurmountable. But I want you to know that God saw you poised on the edge of that precipice long before you even embarked on this journey. God saw you and saw to it that a new bridge was available. This bridge has been tirelessly maintained through God’s Holy Spirit since it was financed by the pivotal sacrifice of God’s own son-Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ had a group of disciples who were a special group of seekers that he had called to the journey. He taught them to discern the Holy Spirit who would guide them and would take up residence inwardly inside them.  Jesus said this:

“He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you.” ii

Therefore we can set about our journey to locate the sacred portal knowing that God’s Spirit will serve as our Guide and Contact once we arrive at those ancient gates.

I invite you to join me on this journey to recover the design, connect with the Holy Spirit, uncover the path, clear the weeds and set out to unearth the holy ground that is located deep inside you.

The benefits of reacquiring this divine connection are numerous.
1.          Peace even in the midst of turmoil.
2.          Sense of identity and personal empowerment.
3.          Access to wisdom to handle all of life’s situations.
4.          Satisfying internal divine companionship to quench loneliness.
5.          Sense of purpose and meaning for your life.
6.          Support to reach for outrageous goals whether in the areas of abundance, making a difference or otherwise impacting the world positively.

I intend that this material will present to every seeker with though provoking teaching, practical exercises to strengthen in the right direction and questions to challenge you to further thought after you’ve lain this material aside.

I also hope that you will find this to be a new, fresh and bold approach to themes that for many are well worn. Some conservative thinkers may be uncomfortable with the appearance of unorthodox themes. But let me assure you I put nothing down that hasn’t been wrestled in scripture to be God honoring and proven in life to be relevant and nourishing to a full and happy life. On the other side of the fence some who are more comfortable with a spiritual path that leaves the seeker to fill in the blank of the Ultimate Being; might be disturbed with the identification and focus on Jesus Christ as the way, the truth and the life. All I can offer is that which been apart of my journey, that which has been valuable to me, that which has proven to be a solid foundation personally. I would say to you that even if this facet of this journey is not apart of your spirituality that you will benefit from the journey inside too. You too can experience the peace, the fulfillment, the wisdom, and the personal empowerment that comes from drawing close to the divine portal that God placed inside you-whatever name you know God by.

i: Moses. Holy Bible: Genesis 1:27. The Amplified Bible
ii: Jesus Christ. Holy Bible: John 14:17. New Living Translation
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