Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1547665-Enhancement
by Troika
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1547665
Selection time, What will happen?
Not set on title. Need a name for main character. REALLY need ideas on how to make this section longer. I feel like it goes by to fast.

Had the idea in a dream, the aurora was no doubt the coolest part of the dream.

Assemblies aren’t normally held at night; unless we were running a drill or something happened outside of the walls. North Carthridge boarding School is all about precision, nothing out of place. That’s why all of us were confused when they called a last minute meeting at the assembly hall. Students rushed out of their dorms, got into rank, and started marching to the hall. We sat down in our designated seats, a junior to the right of me and another sophomore to the left. No one talked, since most of us figured this was some sort of defcon or stealth drill, but they were all wrong; it was a selection. Selection was when someone, from The Sanctum or some other group, came to get the Enhanced away from the Normals. See some of us had, umm let’s say extra abilities. And not all of us could control them properly.

A man walked into the room, straight to the podium; he wasn’t a professor or a sergeant no one knew him. Then we all cringed, he was a telepath, he scanned everyone for any Enhancement. He instructed everyone that if their name was called to go into the hallway to his left. The man had on black goggles with orange lenses, his hair was spiked, and he had on black clothes with a crimson emblem, it was obvious he wasn’t from The Sanctum. This was good for me; The Sanctum already knew about me, it’s a long history with my brother. The man’s voice resonated around the room, not sure if it was a mental trick or his real voice, as he started to call out names.

“Brendan Stevens, Aliya Rose, Christophe Wickham, Stelara Nequam, Alex Thompson…”

He called out nine names, paused and said, “You, shifter.”

Not my name but I knew he meant me, they wouldn’t let The Sanctum take me.

A telepath should know not to take one such as me, especially at night. I couldn’t control my power at night unless I only used a small portion of it. Still I walked out into the hallway; I only knew two out of the ten of standing there. Brendan and Aliya, they both had a long relationship together. I was the youngest of everyone, the only sophomore; a couple seniors and some juniors made up the rest of the group. The man came out and introduced himself, “I’m Metawave, a telepath as you should all already know. We need to go outside everyone into the parking lot; we are no longer safe in these walls.”

Everyone filed out through the doors at the end of the hall. Half way to the doors Metawave stopped me and said, “Watch yourself, shifter. I got my eye on you.” he continued out the door and kept talking to the others. “Form a defensive perimeter, Rose patrol the area.” Aliya started to walk out of the circle turning invisible as she left. “Stelara, you have some knowledge of your power put up a beacon, then find the house.”

Stelara put up her hand, and her eyes started to glow slightly. Then a brilliant light started to creep from her palm, after a few seconds it shot out, straight in to the air. Stelara concealed the power of the aurora borealis within her smooth, tan skin.

Metawave turned to face the group, “Alright everyone now knows that a selection has happened, that means The Sanctum will be trying to stop me from getting you to the house. I need a Brendan, Alex, and...”

I walked to the front of the group, interrupting Metawave commands. He glared at me and said, “Get back shifter, your no help to me!” I couldn’t believe this, even at night I was still a good fighter, I just couldn’t use my full power. I stayed in the middle of the group as close to the front as I could get, but I guess we were ok, Brendan could produce spikes out of his skin and even shot them too. And Alex, we called him Elixir though, could heal himself instantly and others but he had to meditate to do that. Those too also had the most control on their powers.

We continued forward as if in enemy territory, even though it was quite peaceful tonight. We had been trained for instances of urban combat except that was when we had guns, but they were useless against most Enhanced. The house was in site before any problems occurred, the we saw The Sanctum ship hovering waiting for us to come out of the woods. Metawave just walked out there and stood right under it, a small circle opened up and five men dropped out. Brendan and Elixir went forward now. Metawave sent a mental message, “Stay in the woods till I give the signal.” The fight began Metawave paralyzed two of them. Brendan grab a Spike staff from his back and started fighting a student that appeared to be able to control the earth itself. Brendan ran forward, as the earth came out from under his feet he jumped forward, swinging his staff at the guy’s head and knocking him out. He disposed of the spike by throwing it into the Sanctum ship’s main weapon. Alex stood there watching Metawave attack the last two men in a mental battle, since they were both only students Metawave won quickly.

Then he signaled everyone to run for the house, we swarmed out of the tree line straight to the house.

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