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A man try's to survive |
Richard sat in the forest in full camouflage. He breathed in and out slowly. The sweat made his clothes stick. He crawled through the thick forest. Careful not to crush any branches. He was stalking his prey with the greatest intent. He was original in his choice of weapon. He chose a hammer because he likes to feel the breaking of the persons skull. He hid in a tree waiting for them to walk underneath. When they came they were a thunderstorm of noise. Richard heard the three men an hour before they even near He dropped down from the tree they didn't hear him. The order was never good at choosing quality guards. He pulled his little dagger out of his belt. The dagger broke this mans throat with relative ease. Blood erupted like a geyser and drenching him in the sweet smelling substance. The man screamed echoed through the forest. The two men turned in absolute terror. He pulled his hammer and felt the implosion of the second mans surprised head. He did the same to the third man. Richard hid the body's in the tree above. He took the bows and arrows. He made his way to the edge of the forest. Just in view of the orders camp. He washed the paint off the paint and the blood off. Richard looked at his reflection and wondered. He looked twice as old as he actually was. He had various scares that draped like a Vail across his face. His eyes were deep, sunken, blood shoot and empty. His hair was graying at the edges. His body ached all over. He put the uniform of one of his would be captors on. He walked straight into the camp. No questions asked. He went straight into the recruit tents. He went to see if hes little action has caught there ears yet. Apparently the men there didn't even know he escaped but they will soon. He went into the armory and stole some flares and string. He laced the string through the flares making a make-shift chain bomb. He lead this around the command tent and the place where he was “interrogated” and the recruit tent. He lead the string out at least a foot out the front gate. He waited till night time then sneaked out back to his camp. As he waited till dawn he pondered his torture at the hands of the order. He thought of all the times they made him personally slowly kill the new prisoners. The people where from his camp. He knew these people and yet they made him cut them 10,000 times before he was allowed to kill him. He had to listen to their screaming and begging. He was forced to do this so he would willingly give him information. If he refused to torture his own friends and comrades he would be given the same treatment. Except he would not be able to except the sweet embrace of death. He would be cut 50,000 times avoiding major arteries and vain. And his blade would be poisoned to increase the pain only cured at the cusps of death. Now would he be extracting his revenge. Not all at once of course. He would do it in sections. He set one of the arrows he had stolen on fire. He know raised his bow and aimed for the general position of his little chain bomb. The fire and the screams spread quickly people streamed out of the front gate. He unloaded as many arrows as he could into the crowd. His camp was quickly spotted by the confused people. The confused solders marched toward the flurry of arrows. Now there are only bout thirty left but about thirty more as much behind them. That was all remained of the three hundred man training outpost. Before they got near his camp he ran into the forest. He was now covered in blood and sweat. His clothes where ripped revealing multiple obscenely scares. He ran and hid up a tree again. He let the men run past. Then he picked one off with a well placed arrow to the neck. That was the last of his arrows. He had one last flare left he threw it into the now charging group of men. Now semi blinded,he rushed into the fray and killed the ten dazed men. He was stabbed in the left leg as he ran as fast as he could in the opposite direction. He stumbled and fell as he looked back and got a count of the men. There were about forty left. He was in no condition to fight anymore. He would give his all. Even though he had no strength left. He ran and prepared to finally except deaths sweet embrace. He felt the swords but not the pain only the freedom of death. |