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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1545337
First Chapter of my book Instinct
    Chapter One 

First Instincts

People have told me that every day is a step toward what you will become in the future, until today it had all seemed like another boring day doing the same things. Passing all my senior classes, which were actually collage level classes. Everything still felt like I was in second grade, everything was so easy and boring even my most advanced math and science classes. What the other student around me talked about seemed like old news or dreams about what there going to one day.

I was never a trouble maker, never even in the wrong place at the wrong time, I seemed to be impervious to trouble it couldn’t find me and I couldn’t find it was just the way it was. The only times I ever got in trouble was when I was two and I believed that everything was mine and got into everything, but that only lasted a year.

Just another day, I had just gotten out of school and I was walking home. I lived a mile away from the school the worst part was when I would walk past the old construction site that were going to make low income housing but they lost the funding, figures. The U.R (United Republic) was in control of all the money and funding, the called the area I lived in the High Population living area, really they meant that it was and area for the people that had very little money to live those that had no money, well they disappear.

No one dares apposes the U.R, they have too many soldiers under there command, all of which are elite soldiers.  The U.R has there hands in everything: banks, housing, any kind of business even the small pizza shop down the street. That’s a lot to control considering that the U.R Controlled well over half the world, from the all the Americas, to Europe and Russia and Asia. They gained all their control after World War 3 when the United states decide to take over Iraq and force their government on them, the more and more countries started fighting, until the UR was formed by Russia with Germany, which either convinced other countries to join or took them over.

There still remains one force the Flitchers, a band of rebels to the UR who still hold Africa and Australia. They can’t win this war only because the live in the slums of the world the most arid lands are were they have been cornered to live. Any rebel found is put to death immediately, which coils resistance in the U.R.

I was walking by on of the old construction sites that were canceled a couple years ago. A bridge laid ahead for the traffic to go over the pests of society. It seemed a few men where standing under the bridge like they were waiting.

As soon as the saw me the three burly men stepped out all wearing ragged clothes and menacing face worn and torn as if they where hit by the same bus on the way here. They all wore big grins as if there was some great joke about me, that was only a secret they knew and where trying to hide from others to see. They didn’t say anything until they stopped right in front of me.

“Look mates, a new puppet” the biggest one grunted staring me down like breakfast.

I managed to respond in fear. “You touch me and you’ll pay”

“Ha, let me tell you something mate, ya are who ya are and it wont change even if you manage past us there be more looking for ya no one wants you.” The same man that had spoke before had said it as though even he knew that there was more to me then what was shown on the outside.

Before I had a chance to think I kicked up a rusted rod that was laying on the ground next to me, that I don’t even remember seeing, it landed right in my hand and I swung it against the left mans jaw. I felt the bone snap and shatter under the blow. I twisted around and slammed it into the opposites stomach then pulled it up and the brunt of the rod shattered his nose the bone crippled and crunched as the man began to drop I brought the rod down and speared the last man under the jaw piercing it his face went blank.

My heart beat was still smooth and sure like I nothing had happened blood oozed from the mans head. As his body began to drop I let go, not just of the spear but of my reality The dark clouds began to open up and let out a heavy poor as the weight became to much. I stood there staring at the bodies, lifeless dead. They all stared back but not in fear. They looked as if they knew it would happen.

. I was no longer normal or a well rounded kid, I was I killer and ruthless at that fact. I didn’t even think or hesitate. Even now I don’t care if these men had families, or caring friends. It felt like they had to die and there was nothing I could do about it.

It had felt like I had done it a million time and a couple more didn’t bother me. I felt like the Shergan Wolf, a ruthless killer that is one of the fiercest predators known to man today. But when they are born they are scared of the fly that comes on the dung it left behind. It is also one of the most gentle and caring to its young.

I was that animal; I could kill with out second thought. Where did this come from? Am I some freak of nature? Is it a birth defect? I couldn’t answer any of these questions, maybe my mom could maybe she would have an answer. Maybe I don’t know if any one knows. It felt like an animal instinct inside of me…    I know it was an instinct, my animal instinct. I don’t know how I knew but I did. I wasn’t human anymore.

© Copyright 2009 Void Dreamer (hinmant at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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