Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1543437-Her-Story
by Kate
Rated: · Chapter · Other · #1543437
A young woman finds love and happiness once again.
I felt as if my life was over, see I found out my husband was cheating on me a month ago and that I was pregnant.. We lived in Jasper County South Carolina. I have long brown hair and green eyes. I was slim always have been, not very tall about five-two and somewhat accident prone. I met my Husband Zach when I was 19, he was 21. He was six feet two inches, somewhat muscular, with dark blond hair and blue eyes. We had an amazing relationship. We barely fought and seemed really happy together. Zach was great in the beging. He bought me flowers once a month, opened doors for me, and everything.So naturally when he proposed I thought that my life was almost complete.Our wedding day was beautiful, it was a hot July and everything seemed perfect. A year later we had our beautiful daughter named Bella. .His mother didn't like me though. I think she was afraid I was stealing her baby away or something. His mom actually cried a couple of times because he wasn't over her house everyday or spending every minute with her. You would think after Bella was born she would of treated me better but she didn't really. I her granddaughters mother that's it. So when our relationship ended she was ecstatic.. She got her baby back in away...
The day I found out I was suppose to take Bella now 2 years old and a splitting image of me to Chuckie Cheese with my cousin Sandie and her little girl Bethany, who is just a month older then Bella. Sandie was the only person in my family that I talked too. My parents died when I was 16 and my Aunt Lara (which is Sandie's mom) and I barely ever talked. At the last minute Sandie canceled. I forgot to call Zach and tell him that we were going. I took Bella upstairs to her room for an afternoon nap. While I was placing her blankie on her I heard Zach come in the front door and I also heard another voice.. A female voice..... I shut Bella's bedroom door quietly and walked to the stairs to hear better. "Hey, don't worry we're alone. My roommate won't be home for another two hours." I heard Zach tell the girl. 'Roommate? Seriously?' I thought to myself. "Okay." I heard the girl say back to him. I was pissed and praying Bella would stay asleep so she would not hear any of this. I then heard moaning from the living room. I had enough I raced down the stairs to see in my horror Zach and this girl starting to have sex on the couch. "What the Hell Zach?" I yelled at him "Oh shit.. I... I didn't think you were home..." Zach said as he got up from his whore. She had curly nappy blond hair and dark brown eyes. "Yeah, well Sandie canceled. What are you doing? How could you do this to me? To us?" I said to him as the girl quickly put her shirt back on and got up. "Who is this Zachie?" She turned and said to him. "I am his wife." I told her I can't believe he would do this to me. Yeah a lot has changed since giving birth to Bella but I never in a million years would have thought this would of happened. But I guess I should have seen this coming.. We barely slept together anymore...I was just too tired for anything since I am a stay at home mom and he works in real-a-state.
We lived in a cute two story house. It had two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs. We had a beautiful kitchen that you could see that backyard from. I loved this house. It was my dream house or so I thought... "What? Zachie you never told me you were married." the girl said in a baby voice. I looked at her and was annoyed by her voice and everything about her. "I can explain..." Zach said as he looked at both of us." Good lets here before I call a lawyer" I told him "This is Allison. Allie this is Olivia... my.. my wife" He said the last part under his breathe. "How long has this been going on, Zach?" I asked him. "We've been together for 4 months now." What?? Four months? I felt sick.. The last time we slept together was 10 weeks ago and I was 10 weeks pregnant. Which of course he knew. We talk for awhile both of us trying our hardest to keep our voices down so we wouldn't wake up Bella."Zach, I want a divorce... I'm taking Bella as soon as I find a place.... We're leaving.. I think you should go stay somewhere else so I can get things together..." I told him. We both were heartbroken more me then him over this. That night we both decided to try our best and act happy for Bella's sake. But we both knew it couldn't last. That night he slept on the couch. In the morning Zach went off to work like always and kissed Bella goodbye. I let Bella watch her favorite cartoon in the living room while I tried to find us a place and a good lawyer. Zach and I talked before when Bella was a baby that if we ever got a divorce we both would want Bella.. I couldn't live without her. She was my everything.. I would rather die then not have her at all. I did have some money saved up from when I worked before Bella was born. I found a website that had three lawyers on it. 'Benett, Schevfield, and Richards Attorneys' I clicked on the name Jasper Benette and read about his work. I called the 1-800 number after I laid Bella down to sleep. A woman answered the phone and said"Hello, Benette, Schevfield and Richards attorneys at law. This is Cecilia how can I help you today?" "Um Hi, my name is Olivia Lutz. And I want to file for divorce." I told them woman nervously. "Okay then. Let me direct your call to Mr.Benette." Cecilia said. I waited about 5 minutes and then he answered the phone. I told him the situation and he asked if I could come in tomorrow at 9:30am. I said yes and then hung up the phone.
I then went back to the computer to find an apartment. I could stand to be in this house I use to love anymore. It took me a couples tries then I found a nice apartment building that wasn't that expensive. It seemed great so I called the number and set up an appointment to met Mr.Bailey tomorrow also. The day went fast Zach came home and I told him that I found a lawyer and he should do the same. "Can't we try and work this out?" Zach asked me before I went into Bella's room to put her to bed. "Zach, I can't .. Its over. Nothing you could do could make up for this.." I told him. I put Bella to bed and then went to call Sandie to see if she would babysit Bella for me. I didn't tell her why I just said I had to do some arraigns.Zach once again slept downstairs and again the next morning he was gone. I took Bella to Sandies for 8:30 so I had plenty of time to get to the Lawyers office. I told Bella I loved her and would be back as soon as I could. I left and got to Benette, Schevfield and Richards in plenty of time. It was a small brick building with barely any cars in the parking lot. I found a spot and turned off my car. I got out and walked towards the main doors. I couldn't believe that Zach and I were over.. It was hard to think about.. I walked into the office building to find three doors. One door on the right lead to the attorney I was going to see, the middle one was a doctors office and the one on the left was an open space. I opened the door on the right and walked in. It was a decent size room with a pretty sectary at a desk taking calls. Their were chairs against the walls and a bookcase against the wall on the left. "Hello, how can I help you" The woman behind the desk said to me. "Hi, my name is Olivia Lutz. I'm here to see Mr.Benette." I told the woman and walked over towards her. I noticed her name plate on the desk it read 'Cecilia Delaney'. She must of been the woman I talked to yesterday. She was very pretty with short length curly brown hair and deep brown eyes. She was wearing a red dress. "Oh okay, let me tell him your here." she told me. She picked up the phone and let Mr.Benette know I was here. As soon as I went to find a seat Mr.Benette came out from the back and called my name. He was in his early fifties with grey hair and pericing blue eyes. He seemed to be in good shape too for being fifty.
I introduced myself and he lead the way to his office. His office was big and it over looked the parking lot. He had on the right wall a beautiful painting by Claude Monet and a bookcase next to that. On the left wall was a dark green leather couch and two green matching chairs next to it. He sat behind a beautiful mahogany desk with a big window behind it. I sat in one of the two chairs that were in front of his desk. We talked for awhile, I told him that Zach could have everything the house, it all I just wanted my daughter and my car. But he wanted to make sure we had more then that. I told him that I was going to look at an apartment today and that I wanted to get out of that house as soon as I could. We talked for awhile and he said he would help me. I was happy he seemed like such a great guy. After that I left and was on my way to see Mr.Bailey to look at the apartment. I arrived at the apartment building by noon. It was a big tall building. I walked to the front door and tall dark man was standing their waiting. "Are you Olivia?" the man said "Yes. Are you Mr.Bailey?" I asked him. "Yes, lets go I have things to do." he said. The man was rude but I needed a place so I walked with him to the second floor. We came to apartment 8B and he unlocked it so I could look inside. It was a decent apartment. A small living room that connected with the dinning room and small hall to the left. A small kitchen was next to the dinning room and down the hall there were two bedrooms and a bathroom. It was perfect for now I said to myself. "So what do you think?" Mr.Bailey said to me. "I'll take it" I told him "Good, the rent is due Every first Monday of the month and Only call me if there is a problem. I am a very busy man Mrs.Lutz I don't have time for petty things." he told me as he grabbed the contract for me to sign it. Wow I thought what a jerk.."Okay" I said as I signed the paper. He handed me the keys and left me alone in my new apartment. I was happy. I went and picked up Bella from Sandie's house and decided I would tell her. I knew that she wouldn't really understand but I had to find the courage to tell my little girl. We got home and I made her favorite lunch a grilled cheese sandwich. We both sat at the kitchen table and I begun to speak "Bella, sweetie mommy has something important to tell you." my voice cracked a little bit "What momma?" she said to me.
"Bella, you and mommy are going to move." I felt terrible saying this to her but we needed to leave. We ALL need to be happy."Is Daddy goin too?" she asked me as she ate her food."No, sweetie I'm afraid not. Its just you and me." I told her as I stared at her. "Where will Daddy go? I know he can sleep in my barbie house." she said smiling. I tried not to laugh my silly baby.."No, honey Daddy's staying here. Daddy and I aren't going to be living together anymore...... But you will see daddy on the weekends..." as I told her she started to crying. I went over to her and embraced her. I knew that it was going to be hard not only for me but for my baby too. "When are we leavin momma?" Bella asked me "Well, honey I'm going to see if Sandie will watch you again tomorrow so I can start packing.So as soon as we can."I told her as I kissed her forehead.
That night Bella cried herself to sleep in my arms and Zach never came home. The next day I called Sandie and told her everything and she agreed to watch her for me. When I dropped Bella off she was still crying."Mommy will be back sweetie. You'll have fun." I told her as I was getting her out of my car. "Mommy, don't leave" she cried as I carried her to Sandie's front door. I handed Sandie Bella and as much as it hurt I felt to go back to the house we all shared to move as much as I could. I pack Bella's room first and then moved to mine. It took all day to move alot. I called a local moving truck, so I could get everything.. It took me a week to get everything packed and moved into the apartment. After everything was out of the house Zach asked Allie to move in and she said yes.He bought all new things for Bella's room and the house. The aparment was looking good after everything was unpacked. Bella started going to Zach's every weekend which at times she hated... A month later..... Everything seemed better my life was slowly getting back on track. I got a job at a local doctor's office and got Bella into daycare. Bella still went on weekends to her dad's and Allie and him were now engaged.
© Copyright 2009 Kate (kate_84 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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