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Rated: 13+ · Prose · Supernatural · #1543211
Royce Scott's background of how he came to be what he is.
Total Freebies spent: 76. Initial 15 plus 55 for Age Background Lvl 2 plus 6 for raising WP to compensate for defective template.

Total Experience spent: 49.

The Sheet is not showing freebies spent in the experience stage thus my deliniating them here.

Royce Scotts Background.

First... let me tell you... the movie "Kingdom of Heaven" is wrong. I know... I was there. I was a knight in the service of King Baldwin IV, the Leper King, in Jerusalem. After his death I fought in the battle that saw the man known as Balian surrender the city to Sallahadeen. Bailian was ugly... definately no Orlando Bloom. And he did go back to Jerusalem. So did I. We fought for a cause. We fought for our Faith. I just never knew it would cost me my soul.

I returned with the 3rd Crusade in the ranks of the Lionhearts army. I began to lose my faith when we massacred the surrendering armies of Acre. He said "An oath made to a non-Christian is no oath at all". Then Richard I made his decision to not retake Jerusalem. What had we fought for if not that? 

But by that point in time.. I had other concerns. I was wounded... mortally in the battle to retake Jaffa. It was the evening of the battle.. I lay.. pinned to the ground by a lance in my shoulder, an arrow in my thigh, and a sword through my stomach for good measure. Thats when HE came along. He said it was a waste to see one such as myself die in such a pointless fight. He slashed his wrist and put it to my mouth... and every..thing...changed. The pain... the exstacy.... the hunger... and the beast. Gods the Beast..the one constant. Through all the wars, the bickering, the manuevering, the fire, and through all the blood... the Beast hovers ever at my shoulder.

My sire took me back with him to England. I served as a Knight in his retinue while I learned the ways that were to be mine now. The ways of the Kindred and of the Ventrue... my new family. HE taught me about law, and finance. Things I knew some about but not with the gift this man had. Ventures I started back at that time are the basis for the fortune I have today. I also spent time honing the disciplines of my family. I would never fall to a blade or arrow as easily again.

Fifty years later... the Revolt begain. Anarchs they called them. Youngsters like myself but unhappy with there lot in the unlife we lead. We fought them of course. My sire and his sire and on up the heirarchy were not about to give up their posistions or power. The Inquisition of course spoiled all of this. They brought fire... and we ran. It was at this time around the turn of the 14th century that I fell in a battle with anarchs defending my sire. After a hundred years of night....I slept.

Three hundred years I moldered, tucked away by my sire. I didn't think the old goat was that sentimental. I was right. I was awaken in the 1600's. So much had changed. The Camarilla ruled the night from an Ivory Tower it seemed. The Masquerade was our protection. Our power now was behind the scenes. My bankers had done well. Money made off of trade set up with the Muslims after my time spent in Jerusalem and the surrounding area had quietly grown and been reinvested over and over. Then I knew... I had a talent. HE called me a Paragon. I was nothing more than a way to keep a monetary powerbase alive and well. And he had found a new market to send me to. The Americas they called it. Colonies of the British Empire... an Empire that didn't exist when I went to sleep. But I had a job to do...and I had learned to take some pride and even a touch of joy in it. And no matter the challenge... I would survive. I had already seen the horrors inflicted by men on other men in the name of religion. And I had seen the horrors inflicted on Kindred by other Kindred in the name of 'freedom'. It was all bullshit. Just another way to grab power. But.. well as they say... When in Rome...

So I arrived in New Amsterdam... you'd call it New York nowadays. When I got there... the Dutch controlled it... Minuit had just purchased it from the Natives. Within 20 years of my arrival... the English had conqured it and renamed it New York. Oh for the next hundred years I did my job and did it well. Companies I set up then still exist in one form or another to this very night. And I reap the benefits. Just as my sire does. A willing tool who loved his work. Then war came again. The American Revolution. And I missed most of it. The Anarchs had come to the New World as well. When one of them realized who I was and who's Childe I was... torpor reached out its blissful black arms for me again and wrapped me dreamless sleep. I'd been in existence for nearly 700 years... I'd been awake for a little over 200 of them.

I didn't get to sleep as long this time. I awoke at the dawn of the 20th Century. I spent time catching up... it didn't take as long.... I had missed much less this time in somethings... but technology was growing by leaps and bounds...and I smelled money in it. Now some will ask me...with some investments dating back into the 1200's didn't I have enough? Sure... if I had a limited time to spend it... but there's the rub as the Bard would say. And I had bosses... and they had bosses... and they all wanted a peice of the pie. If I was going to keep any for myself I'd need to make more and more... to flood them in so much wealth they wouldn't miss the not so small fortune I had kept for personal use. Gods the 20th century is amazing. The War to End All Wars... and then 30 years later... another. I was in Europe on business when the word of the Bomb reached us. I'd heard rumors about it from others in my family...but to see the footage. Man had harnessed the power of the Sun itself. The Masquerade was surely the greatest form of self preservation we had ever come up with.

I liked New York City so much I keep it as my base of operations. I spend my time between the states and Europe and now Asia. The time I spent helping to rebuild the economy of Japan was worth every penny. All they needed was a nudge here... a whispered word or idea there and they were off and running. I have millions and millions in every bank in Switzerland.. and we won't even talk about the off shore accounts in the Carribean. Who do you think helped devise and impliment the laws that make that little racket possible hmm? Now... the future is China. Billions and Billions of consumers just dying to exert their power over the markets. And I'll take a cut... as will my boss... and his boss.

Yes... an excellent tool who loves his job.
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