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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Dark · #1541891
Part 3 of s1 & 2 The ending
Molly poured some onto a cloth and pressed it up to her flesh everywhere that there was a wound. The sting left her feeling like a fire had been lit on her tissue.

“Oh my God, it burns. Shit!” Corrine said with her head buried into her hands.

“I know. It would have been worse if you did not take a drink.” Molly said still holding the cloth to her back.

Molly then used tweezers to pull out the pebbles one by one. Some were so deep that she had to wedge them out. They left holes in her skin. Corrine moaned from the pain. An hour or more had come and gone before she was finished.

Despite Molly’s crass nature, she was all heart at times. She held Corrine for a short time.

“You have to be aware that you are going into a harsh bisseness my dear. It’s brutal out there. This sort of thing is far too common. And the cops turn their cheeks when it comes to helping out whores.”

Molly then got up.

“Thank you Molly for everything.” Corrine said.

“No problem. Get some sleep now.”

Shortly after Molly left her room that night, Corrine passed out. Her mind in her sleep drifted off into a sad state of a murderous tyrant. Her subconscious played out a cold dark tale of revenge towards men.

When she woke up the next morning she laid there for quite sometime smirking at the thoughts that played out in her dreams the night before. They became both pleasant and comforting to her. Corrine then decided to bring those very same thoughts into her reality. She wanted more than anything to see them accrue before her eyes. Her mind was slipping into a terrible state.

Just after ten o’clock that night she had finished getting ready to go out onto the streets yet again. She twisted her hair into a French twist, and then placed the two metal hair sticks that she bought in it to hold it into place. They came to a very sharp point, and were to be a well disguised weapon of choice.

Out on the corner she waited, but not for long before her first customer of the night had pulled- up.

“Hi there. Why don’t you climb on in and let me show you a good time.” He said raising his brows at her.

“Sure thing.” Corrine said as she got into the car.

“So, were is it that you would like to go my dear?” He had asked.

“An alley.” She answered.

“An alley? Why there?” He said looking very confused.

“I like to fuck in the darkest of places.” Corrine told him.

“Have it your way, hon. An alley it is. There are lots of those around here. But wouldn’t you rather go to a nice hotel?” He asked.

“No!” She said snapping at him.

New York City was filled with unlit alley ways. He found it to be odd that she would rather go there instead of another hotel. They found an alley that was about three miles away from the Paradise Inn. When he parked the car, she insisted that he get into the back seat of the car with her.

“I like to shake things up a bit. So, would you be so kind as to get into the back seat with me?” She had asked as she batted her eyes at him.

“Okay.” He responded not completely sure of what it is that she wanted him to do.

Once he got into the back of the car he began to remove his clothes. She fallowed suit.

“Lie on your back. I will take it from here.” She demanded with a smile.

He found her to be both charming and demanding; it was exciting him even more.

Corrine then stratels him, leans over to kiss him, and could feel him being thoroughly turn on. She picks up the sash that tied around her waist from her dress up off the floor board. He was naive enough to think that she was just trying to play some silly game with him when she tied it around his hands and onto the handle that was used to roll up and down the window. She tied it tight enough to make sure that his hands were touching the handle. He giggled the whole time, still thinking she was doing this with humorous intensions. Corrine laughed as well, but not for the same reasons. She found it to be funny that he had been so easily seduced into accommodating her every wish.

“You’re a funny one you know?” He said still laughing.

“Oh, am I? I am just getting started. You have no idea how funny I can be.” She said looking at him with emotionless as she grinded her crotch against his.

He moaned with pleasure.

Corrine then removed both of her hair sticks from her hair. She did not want him having the benefit of looking at him any longer. She griped one tightly in each hand, and he still laid there motionless and with out worry, thinking that maybe she was one of a kinky

nature, and would use the hair sticks as some sort of toy. With a cold stare on her face she plunged them both into his eyes simultaneously.

“Oh, my fucking god! Have you no mercy? He screamed loudly.

Blood jumped straight into the air, painting the walls of the car, her chest and face. Every time he struggled it would shoot blood everywhere, like ketchup being squeezed out of a bottle.

“Look at me know, you fat bastard!” She screamed at him.

“Ah, my eyes, my eyes! You fucking bitch!” He cried out.

His struggling body threw her up against the back of the front seat. She laughed more than she had in the past two years.

Not one of the hair sticks reached his brain, and finally he gave up struggling. His breathing was rapid, and his heart raced. He laid there not knowing what to think other than he was terrified. Corrine derived so much pleasure out of his pain, misery, and the scared look on his face. It was a beautiful thing for her to sit there and see that someone else was to the victim.

“Look at me now! You still want to fuck me?” She said jokingly.

“Let me go, please. Please leave me be." He pleaded.

You could hear in his voice that he was crying, however you just could not make out the tears that mixed with the blood from his eyes.

She reached forward and pulled out both of the sticks, causing him to cry out again. You could hear them make a squishing noise when she did so.

“Please, have you not heart?” Let me go! I’m begging you! Stop! He again screamed out to her.

“My heart stopped beating long ago!” Corrine yelled.

This was funny to her. Again she sat there laughing at him. Sympathy was no longer apart of her make-up at this point in time.

Corrine then held his penis in her grip and pointed it up with one hand, and plunged one of the hair sticks into the hole on the tip of it with the other. Blood again was pouring everywhere. So much had ran down that it covered his entire crotch, and her hand.

“Augh!” He started to cry, but the cries of pain were to be cut short buy him passing out.

The pain was far too severe for him to endure any longer. As she pulled the metal hair stick out from his penis she griped the two of them together, and then plunged them both into his heart. He barely twitched.

Her first kill was over. In her mind she had done a good deed by ridding the world of what she thought of as a useless sex crazed being.

The blood on her body was still wet enough to be wiped off. She let herself out of the car, and walked around to the passenger side. After opening the car door she sat on the edge of the seat with the door left open. She then reaches for his shirt that lay on the front seat next to her dress. Quickly, she was able to wipe off almost all of the blood.. However she could not get it all. A panic took over her. If anyone was to see her like that, it would have been too obvious as to what it was that she done. She was most concerned about the blood that was still left on her arms, face and hands. Not sure what it was that she was going to do about it initially, she catches site of a puddle a few feet from the car. Luck was on her side. After putting her dress and shoes back on she runs over to it and rinses it off by splashing the water onto her self and rubbing it off.

Corrine walks back to the car. She used the rear view mirrors to make sure that she removed all the blood from her face.

She then opens the car door and pulls his wallet from his pant pocket. In it she finds thirty dollars that she placed in her bra.

Before she left the alley, she took a moment to admire the bloody mess that she had created, She was impressed with her self. As she walked away, she smiled at her self and felt only partially satisfied. It was not enough to feed her new obsession.

As she began to walk home, a cab pulled beside the curb and offered her a ride. Corrine got in.

“Take me to the Paradise in on 1st. Street please.” She told the cab driver.

“Okay.” He said.

Five minutes later they arrived at the entrance. Corrine handed him the cab fair.

“Have a good night. She said as she handed him the money.

“You to mam.” He replied with a smile.

Corrine did not say too much to Molly when she walked into the front lobby of the hotel.

“Hi yah Moll. I had a rough night; I’m going straight to bed.” She said fallowed with a yawn.

“Okay hon. Nite” Molly said.

When she made her way into her room she went right to the shower to scrub off any remaining residue of blood, then washed the dress that she was wearing in the bathroom sink.

While she lay in bed that night, and just before she would fall into her slumber, she was so excited to have a repeated set of circumstances, (like the one that had just accrued,) sleep did not come easy.

The next morning she again woke from a wicked dream. This time she saw herself as more of a vicious vixen..

That night she again went about the same routine that she would continue before she headed out into the night, never leaving with out her precious metal hair sticks that she treasured so very much.

This time she was stopped by Molly who motioned her to take a look at the New York Times.

“Hay, Corrine, come take a look-see at this article. Boy, I tell yah, are streets are getting worse and worse!” Molly said annoyed.

Corrine walked over to the front desk.. There she saw that Molly had opened the newspaper up to an article labeled the “Alley way killing.” The article told about how a man was found murdered in an alleyway, with stabbed wounds to his eyes, chest and penis. They described it as a crime that could have only been committed by the sickest individual. Corrine pretended to have sympathy for the man, while on the inside felt even more proud of what she had done knowing it made it’s was into the paper.

“I can not believer it either Molly. There are a lot of Psychos out there. Bye the way could you be so kind as to leave the article under my door. I’d like to read more about it later. Corrine said looking at the picture they printed with the article.

The picture showed a horrific scene of a man that was lying on his back with blood all over himself and his car.

“Yah, sure.” Molly said.

“Thanks, see yah Moll.” Corrine said as she walked out the door.

“Bye.” Molly replied hopping she would come back safe again.

Outside, she stood there gazing at the girl that to waited for her customer. And wondered how it was that she came into such a horrible existence, just to make ends meet.

After what seemed like a long wait, her next unsuspecting victim arrived curb side.

“Hi yah babe, wanna make some cash tonight?”

“That what I am here for.” Corrine answered.

She got into the car.

“My wife is in Maine visiting her Mother for a week, and I need some company.” He explained.

“Oh, I see.” She replied.

With that statement she felt that he deserved what it was that he had coming all the more. She saw nothing more than an adulteress sitting next to her. She could not understand how this man could betray his wife by sleeping with a whore. Then began to premeditate further on how it was that she was going to dispose of his existence.

The house that he resided in was in an upper class apartment complex in the middle of the city. Inside they were greeted by the door man. They both then walked to the elevator, and rode it to the top floor that took them right to a pint house.

With out saying a word they both made their way into the bedroom. In there she could see what she could tell were pictures of him, his wife and one small child. Everything was as neat and clean as one could want it to be. The bed was filled with fancy throw pillows, and a plush bedspread. On either side were end tables that each held large lamps. Off to one side she could see a large bathroom.

He stood there for a moment; looking at her while he took off all his clothes. He was anxious to get started. She took notice of this and did the same.

She was also anxious, but not for the same reason. The thought of what it was that she was about to do turned her on more than anything else. In her mind she was going to be rid of his wife’s dishonorable husband.

He sat on the edge of the bed. She places herself on his lap facing him, and immediately began intercourse. Corrine moved back and forth for several minutes as he pulled her close to him. She could feel his breath run down the back of her neck from his heavy breathing. He was in such a state of euphoria, she new that he would not even notice her pull her hair sticks from her hair. She raised them both up and plunged them right into the side of his neck. He let out a gasp. Blood immediately streamed out like a heavy flowing river. He fell back causing her to land on the floor. She stood up to see and hear him choking to death. Just moments would pass before his breath would become still. The blood continued to pour out turning an otherwise clean comforter red. Once again, her hands and body were stained with the blood of her killing spree.

To make for certain that he was in fact dead, she walked over to one of the lamps, unplugged it before smashing it right into his face, causing blood to spray across the bed. The whole left side of his face was then left caved in from the impact, and two teeth fell from his mouth.

Corrine then went into the bathroom, turned the shower on, and washed the mess of blood away. After she helped herself to a towel to dry off she walked back out into the room to put her dress back on.

The pants he wore laid there next to her dress, so she reached for them to retain his wallet. Corrine reaches into it and took out what she counted to be one hundred and fifty dollars. This did not surprise her considering were he resided.

As she walked to the bedroom threshold to leave, she turned to look at what it was that she did and smiled.

Once again she took a cab back to her hotel room.

The adrenaline rush had yet to run off. The thought of doing it a third time made her excited. She sat there and wondered how often she could evade the law to do this. It was becoming a game to her. This was a routine that she was becoming infatuated with. She was constantly contemplating new ways as to how she would seduce them into her death trap.

When she walked through the door to her hotel room, she notices that the article that asked Molly to leave was there on the floor. After she picked it up she tore out the entire article. It had become a trophy to her know. She placed it in the far conner of the closet floor in hopes that the maid would not see that she had kept it.

Tomorrow would be a new day for Corrine. For one it would be their last.

The next night she did like she had always done before. She was becoming so obsessed about what had become a new hobby to her, that she did very little else. She was so full of rage and vengeance. It becomes a way for her to release her years of anger and frustrations..

There she stood. The traffic of men was slow that night. After a half hour she finally notices a man driving in her direction. He pulled up. This time it was a bit different. He got out of his car. She noticed then that he had a sweet sensitive look in his eyes. When he got to the passengers side of the car he opened the door for her.

“Hello there.” He said to here as she got in.

“Hello.” She said as she got into the car.

He climb back in the car, and began to drive away.

“My name is Jack. What would yours be?” He turned to her to ask.

”You do not need to know. I usually do not care to get to personal.” She explained to him.

“Oh. I see. Well, my place is not far from here. We will go there.” Jack mentioned.

“Fine.” She replies.

“I’m an artist, so my apartment is were I do all my work. So, please ignore the mess.

“I’m sure that would not be a problem.” She told him.

“I have some of my work in a local gallery here in New Your city. I have been selling a lot of it!” He said with an excited tone.

Corrine was becoming annoyed at him for wanting to talk to her as though she was an old friend. She just gave him a quick smile in response.

They soon after arrived at the apartment building he lived in. In was in the more up upscale end of town, not to far from the last man she had an encounter with.

She had to admit to herself that once she entered to into the apartment that she would feel a slight twinge of guilt for killing such a fine artist. She looked into a the family room and could see one half painted canvas on a isle, and finished works of his learned up against the wall, a table was placed next to the isle that was filled with a array of paint color’s and brushes.

The canvases that he painted were filled with beautiful landscapes. Corrine could not help but to admire them.

“I have to say that you paint beautifully.” Corrine mentioned to him.

“Thank you. I am proud of my work. Someday I would like to start painting nudes of women. There is nothing more wonderful to me than how the female body is formed.” Jack said looking her up and down.

“I think most men feel that way. Show me to your room, and I will show you how great my female form is.” She said with a slight grin.

She fallowed him to his bedroom. Jack’s room was simple and neat. Everything was decorated in white. The one end table and chest of draws were made of a light blonde colored wood.

Corrine could already tell that he had more of a gentle sole than the other men that bought her time. It was not typical of them to want to take the time to have a long session of foreplay. His hands caressed her breast gently as he kissed her.

The thought of anyone treating her with any real affection was not territory that she was use to exploring. It was indeed making her both uncomfortable and inpatient. She soon pulled away.

“Is something the matter my dear. Did I do something wrong?” Jack said looking concerned..

“Can’t you just fuck me already? That is the real reason that we are here, right?” Corinne answered with a firm tone to her voice.

“Well, ah, yes of course. However I did not want to treat you like I treat my meat. You are still humane despite your occupation. But, I suppose if you really want to just get right to it we can.” Jack said this as he gently brushed his hand on the side of her face.

This aggravated Corrine even more, for it caused her to reminisce back to the time that Jim did the same the day that he first met her. In her state of mind that gave her all the more reason to impose a harsh end to his life.

They both removed their clothing. She then made her way into the bed, and then laid on her back. He crawled to her from the foot of the bed. When he reached her he climb on top of her and put himself inside of her.

His cries of passion were soon converted into cries of another nature. Once she knew that he was lost in what he was doing, she removed one hand from his back, and reach over her head to pull out the hair sticks. Once she had them in her hands she plunges them both into the side of his neck. Corrine could feel the blood on her hand. It also began to pour down his back and neck. Jack throws his torso up as he cries out. He was in severe pain. She smiles at him, and raised her leg to use her foot to push him off the bed. Jack smeared blood all over the once white bedding as he was falling back on to the floor, then lands at the foot of the bed. Corrine rose out of bed quickly. She could still see when she approached him that he was fighting to stay alive. The breaths that he was taking soon became shallow. He would lay there in a fast growing pool of blood. He would not suffer for much longer. With one hand she extracted the hair sticks from his neck. She raised the hand that held them and used all her might to collide them into his heart. He did nothing more than twitch.. Just a moment later he died.

After removing the hair sticks from his chest she sat them on the blood stained bed. Corrine then dipped all of her finger into his blood. It was time for her to paint her own picture. She began to finger paint with it all over his walls, then onto the furniture. Both the white walls of the room and furniture became her blank palette. Leaving streaks of it were ever she could reach. This was amusing to her. The whole time she laughed at herself. She could not help but wonder what the newspaper journalist or the police would think. Corrine could not help but to be excited to be able to read about her painted crime scene in the morning paper. When her finger would run out of her red paint, she would redip them, and then continue to leave streaks and smears on the rest of the walls.

When it grew boring to her she went into the bathroom to shower. Taking the hair sticks with her to clean them as well. Molly was always there to greet her when she would go back to hotel, so showering before going back was an important detail in hiding what she dose while she is away at night. This routine so far had kept her from being caught.

She dressed, took fifty-six dollars from his wallet, and walked down to the street to hail a cab.

“Take me to the Paradise In hotel, please.” Corrine directed the driver as she got into the cab.

“Sure thing mam. Say, what is a pretty Dane like you doing liven in that part a town anyway?” The driver had asked.

“It just happened that way.” Corrine answered.

“You seem like a sweet girl.” He said looking at her through his review mirror.

“Some would beg to differ, but thanks.”

Just then they pulled up to the curb outside of the hotel. She handed him the fair from the backseat.

“Thank you mam, take care.” He said smiling at her.

“You as well.” She replied as she got out of the cab.

Inside Molly stood at the front desk.

“Hi yah hon!” Molly greeted Corrine.

“Hi Moll.” Corrine replied.

“How was your night?” Molly inquired.

“Oh you know the usual, but otherwise okay. Corrine answered.

“Well, maybe someday soon thing will get better for the both of us.” Molly said fallowing a sigh.

“We will see, won’t we? Well, I am off to bed. Have a good night Molly.”

“Yah, you to Corrine.” Molly said.

When Corrine entered her room she took off all her clothes and climbed into bed.

The next day she dressed and went to her favorite cafe to have her coffee, eat breakfast, and read the paper. Just as she assumed there would be, they wrote about the artist that she had killed. The title of the article in the metro section read “Local artist found murdered!”

When the waitress brought her food to her she notices that Molly was reading about the murdered.

“Such a shame that someone could be so vicious.” The waitress commented as she places the food before Corrine.

“Yah, that seems to be the way of it anymore. Poor fella.” Corrine said pretending to care.

“The real crazy thing it tells you that the person responsible, finger painted with his blood all over his bedroom walls, and he was found nude. Odd, real odd. Who would do such a thing?” The waitress questioned.

“Rely! I can not imagine who would do such thing either. Yes, that is odd. Well, if you will excuse me I am going to eat up here and read about it myself.”

“Okay then. Enjoy. If you need anything else let me know.”

“I will thanks.” Corrine replied.

Again she was elated to see that she gave them something to write about. Corrine smiled and put the article in her purse to take home and add to her collection.

Once she was done eating she left and decided that she could use a new dress. She hailed a cab and had the driver take her to a boutique that was in the nicer part of New York City .

There the floor was filled with one rack of fine clothing after another. Displayed on the walls were shelf’s filled with what seem like an endless amount of shoes, purses and hats.

In front of the cash register was glass cases filled with gloves and jewelry. There she could buy the entire outfit. She decided to do just that.

Corrine walked from one rack to another. There was so much for her to choose from she almost did not know were it was that she should begin.

A well dressed and groomed young woman approaches her.

“Hello there. Is there anything that I can help you with today?” She had offered.

“No, I am all right really. But, thank you.” Corrine told her.

“All right then I will leave you be. If you should decide that you need any help just let me know.” She said smiling.

“Thank you, I’ll be sure to do that.” Corrine said as she shuffled through a rack of dresses.

She eventually came across a black dress, finished off with short puffy sleeves, and two front pockets, and v-cut neck line. It was simple, but to her liking. She made her way to the dressing room to try it on. It fit perfectly.

Afterwards she chooses the accessories. She walked over to the wall were she finds a red hat, a red purse, and a red pair of shoes.

The same woman as before again comes to offer her services.

“I’d like to try these on a size six please.” Corrine said holding up the one that was on display.

“Yes, mam I will be right back with those.”

The sales women then walked away and disappeared to the back of the store. , soon reappearing with a shoe box. Corrine waited by seating her self on a chair next to the wall were the shoes were being kept. The curved open toed shoes with the three inch high heel fit perfectly.

“I’ll take them. In fact, box everything up for me if you would please.” Corrine told the sales women.

“Yes, mam. Right away.” She said as gathered up all the things that Corrine was going to purchase.

She neatly folds them into large boxes for her to take them home in. After she paid for her things, she was happy that she could finally afford to buy herself something new again.

Corrine spent the rest of what was left of the day light continuing to shop, and had eaten lunch at a local deli, eventually hailing a cab to take her back to the hotel. She could not wait to show Molly her new things.

When she walked in she saw Molly thumbing through a magazine. Molly looked up to see that she was caring an arm full of boxes.

“What do you have there Corrine?” Molly inquired.

“Oh I made a killing these past few nights, so I thought I’d spoil myself a bit.” Corrine answered as she placed the boxes on the front desk.

“Can I see what you got?” Molly had asked.

“Yah, sure.” She said as she opened the lids to the boxes.

Bowie, that some dress you got there.” Molly commented with widening eyes.

“Yah and it looks really great with the shoes, hat, and purse that I got to go with it! Corrine said with excitement

Corrine pulled each thing out of the box to show her.

“You did good, I have to say.” Molly said looking at the outfit that Corrine had spread on the front desk.

“Well, I am off. I have to get ready for another night out, yah know. And it’s time to break in my new dress. I can wait!” Corrine said smiling.

“Be careful tonight. I am sure you will look great in it.” Molly said.

“I’ll be sure to do that.” Corrine replied as she went up the stairs.

Corrine sat the boxes on her bed. Before she would take her new things out she did not forget to put the newspaper article in the closet floor.

When she finished dressing, she gazed at her self in her new attire in front of the bathroom mirror. Corrine was please with what she saw. She was even more pleased that she was still able to wear the small red hat with her hair held up with her hair sticks.

As soon as she entered back into the front lobby Molly took notice of her right away.

“You look like a million bucks. Very nice Corrine.” Molly said looking her up and down.

“Thanks. I feel like it.” Corrine replied.

“Now, go knock’em dead Corrine.”

Corrine could not help but let out a giggle at that remark. She had intended to do just that, literally.

“Bye Moll, have a good night.” Corrine said as she walked out the lobby door.

“Yah you to hon.” Molly responded as she waved her good-bye.

Corrine, like every time before stood just up the street from the hotel entrance waiting. It was not long before a man stopped to pick her up.

Corrine opened the passenger door and could see that he was just as upscale as the rest of them.

“You look-in for some fun?” Corrine had asked.

“You bet!” He answered with excitement.

Corrine climb into the car and they drove off.

“I am going to take you to my place, if that is okay with you Doll?” He asked.

“Oh, sure that’s fine with me.” She answered.

They drove only just a few miles before they reached the nicer part of the city. She found it funny how all the men she encountered are all so well put together, have a good income, live in upscale high rises, and the last people that she would think to want to spend their time with a whore from the worst side of the city.

As they walked through the entrance of the building they were greeted by the door man.

“Good evening sir.” The door man said as they entered the building.

“Hello there.. Hay, ah, not one word of this to the Misses, okay pall.” He said as he slipped a bill into the door man’s hand.

“Oh no sir, your secret is safe with me.” The door man said.

“Good, I am glad we understand one another.” He said as he escorted Corrine to the elevator.

Corrine felt that it was safe to assume that after catching site of what just took place that he more than likely did this on a regular basis.

The apartment that he lived in was spacious. The decor reeked of expensive taste. It had a large entry way that on one side had a large dinning room off from the kitchen, and on the other a large family room, that lead to the hallway.

“Please fallow me to the bedroom.” He said as he started to make his way through the family room.

Corrine did just that. They passed by two other doors before they reached the one that lead them to his bedroom.

As soon as they walked through the threshold he was not wanting to waist anytime.

“Take your clothes off my dear; I want to see what it is that I am paying for.” HE said with a smirk on his face.

“Sure thing.” She said as she began to unbutton her dress.

He too took off all his clothing.

“My god, you sure are gorgeous.” He said staring out her.

“So do you feel like you got your monies worth then?” Corrine had asked him.

“Oh, you bet. Now, come lay on top of me. I want to feel you ride me.” He said as he laid down on his back.

When he was on his back she strateled him, and moved back and forth. She did this with quick thrust. They both let out loud moans. Both of his hands clutch the pillow that his head laid on.

She waited until she knew his mind was so involved with what it was that they were doing, to remove the hair sticks from her hair. She pulls the two of them simultaneously, stabbing them deep into his chest cavity. His flesh is soon covered in blood. Corrine mistakenly misses his heart. He cries out in pain while he holds her by the hips, then throws her off of him self, and onto the floor. She feels her back smash up against the wall next to the bed. Corrine screams with pain. She was more stunned by the fact that she could not believe that she missed his heart.

“You fucking sun of a bitch I will kill you! I am not done with you!” Corrine screams until her voice becomes horse, and a deep cold stare takes over her eyes.

He quickly rises out of the bed till he is standing on his feet. He then grabs a hold of the hair sticks and removes them from his chest and throws them onto the floor, as he cries out in pain. The flow of blood from his wounds increases.

Corrine then stands up also, and lunges for the hair sticks that did not land to far from her reach. She manages to get a hold of one of them, and turns her upper body around to see him ready to land on top of her.. Corrine did not miss her target this time. The hair stick drove straight into his chest again, and into his heart.

“You sun of a bitch!” She yelled as the hair stick went through.

He again howls out in pain, falling on his back with blood pouring down the front of his body. Corrine would lie on her back for just a moment longer. When she went to get back up on her feet, she feels something pierce her side and lung. Corrine instantly turns her head to see that he had stabbed one of the hair sticks into her.

Corrine would never be able to kill again.

The next morning Molly was off that day. She went to the Paradise Inn to see if Corrine would be interested in having breakfast with her. She made her way up to Corrine’s room. She knocked numerous times and never got an answer. Her instincts told her that something was not right. Molly knew that Corrine had gone out to work the night before. However, she knew Corrine’s habits well enough by now that she always made her way home again.

Molly turned the door handle to open the door. If in fact Corrine happened to be inside she wanted to make sure that she was well. She had also just hoped that perhaps she was sleeping and she forgot to lock the door. Molly walked in to see that Corrine’s bed was empty, and still made. The eerie feeling that she got just moments before grew stronger.

“Okay, I am just not going to worry. I am sure that she is just fine.” Molly said out loud reassuring her self..

Molly had grown found of Corrine, and sadly was Corrine’s only real personable relationship that she had left anymore.

Molly wanted to make sure that nothing was out of the ordinary.. She thought that maybe if she combed through things deeper that she could find some sort of inclination as to Corrine’s wear a bouts.

Molly started in closet. Initially she did not see anything unusual. Just before she was about to close the closet door, she glances down, and sees there on the floor were what she would make out to be two pieces of black and white paper. The closet floor was of course dark, so she could not see for certain exactly what it was. Molly’s curiosity got a hold of her. There she found the two newspaper article’s that were written about the last couple of murder’s in New York City .

“Why the hell would she want to save these? And what the hell are they doing hidden?” Molly whispers to herself.

She was completely perplexed. Molly’s uneasy feeling continued to worsen.

She placed the article’s back were she had found them, not wanting Corrine to know that she had been in her room. She decided to forget about it and went to go for breakfast on her own.

Molly decided to go to the same local café that Corrine cared for so much.

“Can I get you any coffee this morning mam?” The waitress said cheerfully.

“Yes, please. And if you would I would like the morning paper to please.” Molly answered.

“Sure, thing.” She said with a smile.

Just moment later Molly went straight for the metro section of the paper. She always liked to read about what was going on in the city first. There in big bold print it read, “Man and women found dead in local upscale apartment building!” This would peak her curiosity. The long article described the murder weapon to be of an odd choice, and that it was two Asian style, silver metal hair sticks. Molly let out a gasp. It was at the moment that she realized what had been transpiring in Corrine’s nightly escapades. She knew that the hair sticks had to belong to Corrine. They were unique. The ones that Corrine wore every night when she left the hotel fit the same description as the ones in the newspaper article. With that fact in mind, and the fact that Corrine had saved the articles from the last two murders that accrued in the city, she knew that the woman in the article had to be Corrine.

“I can not believe this.” Molly said thinking out loud to herself.

She reads more into the article, towards the end of the story it describes the man that passed away as 35 year old Joshua Perks, a man that was a well known stock broker. The women was said to be unknown. When Molly reached the end of the article she looked at the facial pictures that they took of the two individuals. Just as she feared, the woman was in fact Corrine.

Molly paid for her coffee and quickly went back to the hotel to phone the police, and tell them that she could identify the woman in the article. She wanted to also let them know that Corrine was for certain the suspect in the last two murders’s a well.

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