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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Dark · #1541888
Part 2 of Corrine the Whole-abile Killer 1
Angela and Jim were married by the Justice of the Peace in the court house just a week later. The three of them then moved into Jim’s larger two bedroom apartment that was located just one mile away from the apartment that her and her Mother shared.

Angela was so caught up into what she viewed as a fairy tail romance, and the idea of being a newly wed all over again, that she failed to see Jim’s true nature and intentions.

She loved Jim with every piece of her existence, and he was just looking to be taken care of in everyway.

Over time Jim had became violent. And he knew that Angela would not make it very far with out his income. Every evening at 5 p.m. he would arrive home with a bottle of whisky. He would then insist that he would be served his dinner right away. He would seat himself at the table with Corrine and Angela, unscrew the cap on the whisky bottle, gorge himself on food, and drink himself into an even more violent state. The whisky would act as a poison to his soul, causing him to rage into violent fits.

Jim would verbally abuse Angela and Corrine until their self worth would dissipate into nothingness. Jim would break their sprits with his words. At times he would even begin to beat on witch ever one would be with in close range. It was typical of the house to be filled with screams of terror. His demands of the two of them at time far surpassed what they could both be capable of. Angela was not only expected to work at the cafe, but also had to tend to his every need, as well as taking care of the entire inside and outside of the home. Everything had to be perfect at all times. In the mean time, Corrine was left with trying to help her Mother, and balance school as well.

Angela was wearing down. Overwhelmed with everything, she soon grew too tired to tend to Jim’s sexual desires. Jim was getting frustrated with this. And felt that as a man of the house he would not be denied what he thought of as his privilege to have sex.

In a drunken state he went into Corrine’s room to take what it is that he thought belong to him. She was sleeping soundly. He sat on the side of her bed, and began to fondle her breast. When she woke up to this, she gasped, and was scared at the unexpected nature of the situation, and seeing him. She started to scream out. Jim quickly put his hand over her mouth, not wanting to wake up her Mother, and the other around he thought.

"You’re going to give me what your lousy excuse of a Mother wont. You understand me?" Jim whispered with a stern tone in her ear.

"Please Jim no." She said with quivering lips, and tears coming from her eyes.

Still she tried her best to struggle away.. Every time she would attempt to reach up to scratch his face or arms, or throw her fist in the air, he would slap her. It was enough to send the message that she would be better off just letting him have what it is that he wanted.

"There is no use fighting little girl. Get use to it. I have always wanted to fuck you anyway." He said slurring his words.

Once she finally gave into the reality that he was about to have sex with her, Jim pulled up her night gown, and then tore off her underwear. Corrine would lay there lifeless. She

Now was too scared to fight or even scream. He rose up out of the bed and proceeded to take off his jeans. The whole time he looked at her with a cold stare that would forever be engraved into her memory, and struck a deep seeded fear into her mind.

Once he had his pants off, he climbed on top of her, holding one hand over her mouth, and using the other to hold her hand’s above her head. She was a virgin up until this point. A pone entering inside of her, she made a strong effort not to scream with pain. Corrine began to bleed. Knowing this he pulled out, and looked down at the mess that he made.

"Oh, I like it. Not so pure now are you." He said laughing at her.

Corrine still laid there completely motionless as though the life was being sucked right out of her. He lowered his face into her crotch and gave it a few licks. Then looked up at her in much the same way a man looks at a deer that he had just killed. Corrine eyes faced away, she could not bear to watch what he was doing. Jim then got up and slipped his pants back on.

"Clean this fucken mess up. No matter what you do with it, make sure your Mother won’t find it. Got it? “

"Got it." She replied with a crackling voice.

This became a common occurrence in the house from that point on. Corrine had become so accustom to the sexual encounters that she began to lay there and wait for him. Her Mother began to notice that he started to stare at Corrine the same way that he once use to look at her. Yet, she was too terrified to say anything about it. Angela’s maternal instinct told her that there was more behind the way that Jim looked at her daughter, and noticed the fact that Corrine grew more and more empty.

Both women would soon grow increasingly weak to him. They both were becoming spiritless. Never rely comprehending how the faiths had allowed such gruesome beast to cross their paths.

Angela and Corrine were so consumed with fear that they never spoke of what they lived with to anyone. Jim constantly threaten to kill them both had either of them spoken of anything to anyone.

Corrine finally turned 18 in 1942. She had waited for this day anxiously. She new that she was of legal age to escape, and would walk away the first moment she felt that she could break free.

The night before Corrine’s 18th birthday she waited for Jim to go about what had become almost a nightly routine of him raping her in his drunken state. He never did come to her

bedroom that night. Corrine walked out of her room, then down the hall way, and into the family room. There she found Jim passed out on the couch. Fortunately for her he had left his wallet on the coffee table. Corrine swallowed hard, and then took a deep breath. Thoughts of going into the kitchen and getting a butcher knife to plunge into his cold heart seemed pleasant to her. The thought of what a gift it would be for her to have on her birthday to know that the man that destroyed her and her Mother’s souls would be dead by her hands.

What was left of her sanity took over. She then contemplated another means of escape. Corrine decided that it would be best if she stole what she could from Jim, pack what she could in her school bag in the morning, then never come back home from school again. Slowly she crept over to his wallet and picked it up. A pone opening it, she was amazed to see the amount of money that was in it. It was as though he had been hording it for quite some time. There in it she could clearly see one hundred dolor’s in small bills. She knew it would be enough in those days for her and her Mother to get by on until they could find another place to start over in. Corrine pulled out all of the bills, placed the wallet back were she found it, and then quietly went back to her room.

Once she was back in her room, she placed the bills on page one hundred of her math book to help her to remember were it was that she had hid it. Corrine then climbed back into bed. While laying there her mind raced with the pleasurable thoughts that she would never be subjected to Jim’s abuse again.

She got out of school at 3 p.m. Corrine rushed to her Mother’s place of work, once she was off the buss. She then ran just over a mile as fast as she could.

Once inside she waited for her Mother to get done placing plates of food down for a couple that she was serving.

Angela was surprised to see her daughter standing there. She quickly walked over to her, noticing the panic look on Corrine’s face. Once she approached Corrine, she placed her hand on the side of her face

“Happy birthday baby! Everything all right? You look frantic, what’s going on?” Angela said looking concerned.

“Mom, I’m leaving! You have to come with me. Please.” Corrine pleaded.

“What do you mean leaving? As in leaving the house?” Angela asked.

“Yes, I can not take it anymore. I took a hundred dollars from his wallet last night after he passed out. It’s enough for us to live on until we can find work and a place to stay else were. I beg you Mom, please come with me. Please, don’t let him hurt you anymore.” Corrine answered with a sadness covering her face.

Tears began to stream down Corrine’s face. She could see her Mother’s weakness radiate from her eyes.

“Corrine I am too old and tired to start over again. It’s too late for me now. Go on my darling, and save yourself. Don’t worry about me. Jim is mean, but his bark is better than his bite.” Angela responded with a developing lump in her thought, trying hard not to cry, and wiping tears from her daughters soaked face.

Angela then wrapped her arms around her daughter and held her tightly for several minutes, knowing she may never see her again.

“Bye my sweet angle. I have to get back to work now. The boss is staring at me, and he looks pretty upset. Remember, that I love you more than you could ever know. Be good to yourself. I am so sorry for all that he has done to you.” Angela said sobbing.

Corrine then pulled away, looked blankly at her Mother, and filled up with an over abundance of anger. She could not understand why her mother would just be willing to go back to a life that was infested with misery.

Corrine then walked out that restaurant, leaving her Mother there with a tear soaked face. That would untimely be the last time that she would ever see her Mother again.

She took a public buss deep into New York City . It had begun to get dark. The moon was full and slowly becoming more pronounced. The streets were filled with half dressed women on the conners, homeless men, and an occasional stumbling drunk. As the sky grew darker she became more worried about the surroundings that she was in. She even began to question if she had in fact made the right choice. Corrine then came to the realization that the environment that she was now in was feeling just as cold and dark as the one that she left behind.

She decided to continue to walk until she reached the front entrance of a humble hotel. The paint was peeling off the exterior of the building that held a cracked sign reading Paradise Inn. That was far from the truth just biased on the appearance of the place. Once she reached the lobby she saw a prostitute with her man for the evening at the front desk being checked in. A musky odor floated through the air. The lights flickered on occasion, the carpet was dingy and with holes, and the wall paper was peeling off in some places. The individual that was waiting on the customer’s was a sloppy gum chewing, frumpy older women. Her name tag read the name Molly.

“What can I do for you?” Molly asked.

“I need a room please.” Corrine said as she reached for her money..

“Kay, fill out this form, and your room will be up the stairs to your right. Here your key.” She said as she placed the key down on the desk.

Corrine filled the form out and then took the key.

“Thank you.” She said as she made her way to the stairs.

Corrine climb the stair’s that lead her to the begging of what looked like a mile long hallway, lined on either side with door’s covered in chipped paint. The doors were surrounded by the same peeling wall paper that was in the lobby. She walked on the same disastrous carpet that was in the front lobby. Half way down the hallway she found her room.

Once she was in she turned on the light to find a queen size bed with a simple plain blanket. The white walls were dingy with a few cobwebs in the corners. The bathroom sink dripped loudly, the musky order still lingered, and there was one small table on the side of the bed that held a lamp. The room was livable at best. It would have to do.

Corrine sat herself on the bed wondering about what it is that she should do next, and was worried about her mother as well. Yet, she was still mad at her at the same time for not coming with her. The mix of emotions was enough for her to break out into tears. So many thoughts played havoc on her mind. Her soul had been damaged beyond what it was that she herself could recognize anymore.

Eventually she cried her self to sleep.

The next day she woke up late, and felt hungry. So she took a shower and then dressed herself.. Afterwards, she set out to find a descent place to eat. She found a little restaurant just up the street.

While she was there she had asked for work, and got no were. Soon after leaving the restaurant she went to everyplace that she new that she could qualify to work at. Dress shops, restaurants, another hotel, and the small market just up the street from the hotel she was staying in.

Corrine became worried, and new that the money that she took from Jim would not last her forever. On the way back to her hotel room she caught site of an Asian clothing and food store. Her curiosity took over and she entered the shop. The shop was small. There the walls were lined with beautiful kimono's, dress made of fine Asian silk, glass cases filled with fans, hair sticks, and jewelry. Along the back end of the store were shelf’s filled with Asian cuisine. She wonders around. Then she notices two sterling silver metal hair sticks that had three colorful beads that dangled from the tops of them. She had never seen ones that were quite as fancy as they were. After gawking at them for several minutes she decided to purchases them. The shop keeper came to the glass case noticing that she was staring in side of it.

“Hello mam. How can I help you?” He said with a heavy Asian accent.

“I want to buy the two silver hair sticks, please.” She replied.

“Ah, those so pretty!” He said as he pulled them out of the case.

She smiled and thought to her self how funny of a man he was to her. Corrine was amused by his thick accent and broken English.

He handed them to her, as she handed him the money.

“You have good day now mam.” He said with a smile so big his already small slanted eyes seem to disappear all together.

“You, as well.” She said smiling back at him.

Late that night Corrine was staring out the window in her hotel room, watching one girl after another either enter into the hotel with a man that was buying their time, or ride off with one of them in their car. After watching the action for a while she gave up fighting the thought of not doing the same herself. She was running out of money, she had to pay daily for her room, and still some how manage to eat.

Corrine went into the bathroom to paint her face, put on the best dress that she had on, and set out.

As she entered into the hallway her stomach became knotted. The thought of what it was that she was about to do was one that filtered through her mind like a bad nightmare.

Once out on the street she stood there emotionless, and felt empty, waiting to see if becoming a whore was as easy as it had appeared to be. Across the way she saw another young girl standing there, also waiting to be bought. She too had an empty expression on her face.

No more than a few moments had passed when what appeared to be a well to do man drove up to the curb.

“Hi yah doll, looken for work are you?” The man said.

“Yah.” She said leaning into his rolled down window.

“Well then climb in.”

Corrine got into the car and they drove off. The conversation was minimal. Finally they arrived at an alley were he stopped and parked the car. He got out, and she was not sure what to think of the place that he had chosen to have sex with her. The man opened her car door. The look on his face was not so friendly any more, it grew stern.

“Get out! He yelled as he open the door.

“Were are we? And why here?” Corrine said looking confused.

“I said get the hell out of the car, now!” He screamed.

Now he was yelling even louder, and she could see that the anger in him was becoming increasingly worse. Corrine’s heart felt as though it was going to burst out of her chest.

Immediately as she rose up from the passenger seat he grabbed her hair hard enough she could feel that roots of her hair come out. When she began to scream and cry he put one hand over her moth. She bit down so hard on the flesh of his hand that she could taste the blood.

He let out a scream himself, but this did not make him want to let go. Instead it only angered him all the more. While he still had a hold of her hair he threw her to the ground. She could feel pebbles being imbedded into her skin and see her legs begging to bleed. Before she could manage to raise herself up, he then laid himself on top of her. He threatens to kill her if she dared to try and fight him. This was not new to her, so she new what it was that was going to happen next. Her mind flashed back to the many endless times that Jim had done the same thing. The man even had the same cold dead stare that Jim did every time that he climb on top of her. Corrine thought it to be pointless to fight any longer, and would lie there helplessly. She stayed quite in fear that her continuous screaming would frustrate him further. He held her down with one hand on her thought, unzipped the crotch of his pants with the other hand, and pulled out his penis. He put it inside of her. While thrusting inside of her he moaned loudly. It was very painful to her. With every thrust the whole back side of her body rubbed against the pebbles. They began to grind away the flesh on her backside, and a portion of them drove into her flesh like sharp pins. The pain was excruciating. She had tears running rapidly down her face.

“Oh, yah this is good!” He would moan over and over again.

The only fortunate part of the circumstance was that he did not last for long. When he was done, he got up, zip up his pants, and walked over to his car as though nothing had ever happened, then drove away.

Corrine was so taken aback by what had just happened she laid there until she could raise herself off the gravel floor. Once she was standing, she immediately was so upset that she vomited. Then look down to see pebbles still embedded into the skin of her legs, then could also feel them digging still into her back side. The blood from her back wetted her dress, and it had begun to stick to her backside.

Slowly she walked out to the street. There she noticed that she was not more than a mile from her hotel. She felt too weak, and to distressed to walk very quickly at all. The whole time she walked back to the hotel she kept hopping that she was just experiencing a bad dream that she would soon wake up from.

That night her sprit was truly killed. Now she was just left with an empty vessel to function in. Her heart became cold and callused. All her emotions turned into nothing more than a mass of thoughts that were a conglomeration of ideas of how she would take out her frustration by tourturing the next man that she would come into contact with. Men at this point had become nothing more than useless beings that did not even deserve to share the air that she to would breathe in. The hatred that she felt for them was deep. She wanted ever male being to be exonerated from the face of the earth.

Finally her long walk back to her hotel came to an end, stopping just long enough to laugh at the irony of the sign that read Paradise Inn.

Molly took notice of her appearance. Then raced over to her aid.

“You okay there, Corrine? What the hell happened” Molly asked looking fearful.

“I just got into a scuffle, that’s all.”

“Well, I won’t interrogate you for answers, but come on up stairs and let me help you to your room, and I will help you clean up your wounds if you want.” Molly said putting her arm around Corrine.

“I’d like that, thanks.” She said sobbing.

She helps Corrine up the stairs and into her room. She sat her on her bed and told her to take her dress off. By then the blood had started to dry, so she had to slowly peel it off. This caused her to cry out in pain. Molly had played the nurse roll to prostitutes before. This was not the first time that she had to help clean the wounds or ice the burses of women that had a rough night with a paying customer.

“Listen, this is nothing new to me. My Mother was a nurse, so I have an idea of what to do. Stay here, I am going to get a bottle of vodka. I want you to drink it fast, and lots of it. You’re going to need it once I start digging those pebbles from your back side and leg. It’s going to hurt, that’s for sure. Then I will use the rest to clean you up with.” Molly said looking at her like the pathetic being she was.

“Thank you Molly.” Corrine said smiling up at her.

When Molly got back into the room she sat next to Corrine, handed her the bottle. She drank it as fast as should stand to. The liquor went down harsh. The effects of the alcohol on her hit her fast. She did not normally drink at all.

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