Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1540963-Horror-of-the-Undead
by Tynan
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Horror/Scary · #1540963
A mad scientist unleashes zombies on a small town. This if the 1st chapter.
Sitting in a dark, nearly empty movie theater was Adam and his girlfriend Marie. A zombie triple feature was playing that night and Adam loved Horror movies above all else. Marie screamed and squeezed his hand as one of the Zombies bit into a guys arm, consuming his flesh and ripping the tissue from the bone the sound produced from this was like ripping wet paper. "Babe, can we go now?" she whispered her heart pounding and her voice sounding terrified, rolling his eyes he stood up and proceeded to the exit of the theater. He glanced back toward the screen as he walked.          

Stepping foot out of the theater they saw that it was raining lightly and pitch black other than  the few street lamps that lit up the road ahead. /they held hands gently as they proceeded to walk toward Marie's home. "Why did we have to walk the movies this time?" she said harshly. He stopped walking thus making her stop as well, he looked into her eyes and replied" Because I would rather take the time and be with you than to be to our destination within minutes and not having as much time with you." It was now her turn to roll her eyes," you spent all you money on video games again didn't you?" he could see the fury in her eyes, already knowing the answer to the question she had just asked," I'm sorry I just saw it and had to have it, I didn't think about it until afterwards babe." She instantly released his hand and raised her arms in the air." You're hopeless! You have a job, go to college, and you're really sweet; but you spend all of your money on those stupid video games!" she walked a little bit ahead of him and lowered her arms back down frowning," I'm tired of this! I think we should just be friends, I'm not sure if I have any feelings for you at all."          

Frustrated Adam began to yell at her," Could have fooled me! You're the one that always wanted me around and never wanted me to leave you alone. Hell when I did spend money on you I was told I need to buy things for myself." He turned away from her and began walking in a hurried pace back to his home, the rain began coming down harder and the wind blew more and more into his face.          

Tears built up in his eyes as he thought: how could she? What real reason did she have for all this? I bet it was so she could date someone else. Those things and more ran through his head and mad him madder by the second. He turned around when he heard a car pull up somewhere behind him, as he turned around he saw Marie get into the persons car and drive off. Lots of water splashed on him as they sped right past him. He didn't care much because he was already pretty wet.          

It took him all of thirty minutes to get home and about ten to get changed and dried off. He walked into his bedroom and sat down in his computer chair, he turned on the TV to see "Night of the Living Dead" was playing. He hopped on a computer game he had been playing with his friends and threw on his headset. As he entered the game he was greeted instantly by his friends, three were room mates and the other two he had met through the game. "Hey man what's up?" “Dude, you looked pissed when you walked in the door." "Yeah man, something happen?" His friends were always worried about him and tried their best to help him out; no one could replace these friends he had. “I’m alright guys, Marie just broke up with me after the movies, Bitched about me gaming and shit." Right after he said this all of them instantly said something." Fuck that bitch" “I never liked her to begin with" you can do much better man", those were his friends, always trying their best to make him feel better. The first one to respond was always Gomez, he had known him the longest and lived downstairs in the basement, the second was Tim whom he met in class during his first semester, and last was Mark he was the oldest of the three but didn't much act like it usually. "Yeah I know, it just makes no sense really. Think I'm just going to head on to sleep, I have to work in the morning." He said this as he logged out of the game and put the headset back on the desk. Turning off all the lights he crawled up in his bed and watched the classic zombie movie that started it all. Soon enough he drifted off to sleep. Not knowing what the next day may hold for him and his friends, or the rest of the world for that matter.

Adam woke up the next morning in a cold sweat, he had the most Horrific nightmare he had ever experienced. The whole world had become over run with Zombies and he was the only survivor, he had to watch in horror as his friends and family were eaten alive and some that even attacked him. The dream had seemed so real, since nothing was in a dreamlike state all of it was correct information and not distorted like in a true dream. He shook his head and looked at the clock by his bed, it was Seven in the morning and his room mates were more than likely just going to bed or still asleep. He slipped out of bed and noticed the TV was still on and the Zombie Marathon was still playing. “Damn no wonder I had that dream, stupid movies.” He turned the TV off, walked out of his room and proceeded downstairs to the kitchen.

         Upon entering the kitchen he saw Gomez and Tim sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast,” what are you two doing up so early?” he walked over to the refrigerator, opened it and grabbed a soda. “Dude, I have to be to work in an hour.” Gomez replied shoveling cereal into his mouth at the same time. “I never went to sleep, probably going to in like an hour.” Tim said as he got up from the table and walked to the front door, which was standing open because someone had forgotten to close it again.” Mark’s still asleep he has class this afternoon.” He said closing the door” I always forget to close this damn thing.” Adam rolled his eyes and sat down at the table. Gomez was already dressed in his work clothes and had his laptop sitting in front of him finishing up a term paper he had due the next day. ”Cheer up man; you shouldn’t be sad over that girl she wasn’t worth it.” He got up and threw his bowl in the sink before sitting back down. ”Yeah I know man, I just thought I meant more to her than that.” He leaned back a little in the chair and yawned. “Dude, girls like that only want money, a ride, and something to get them out of the house. They could care less about you.” This was coming from Tim as he sat back down at the table finishing his food. “Yeah I guess, I should go get ready for work. See you guys tonight.”

         Adam turned on the TV and listened to the news while he got ready to go into work. He never really paid attention to it unless something interesting happened or there was traffic, well today something strange was going on.” Early this morning at the Elm Facility there was a large explosion in one of the labs that caused the side of one of the buildings to completely crumble and released animal test subjects out into the woods around the facility.” The Elm facility was in a large wooded area; the company did many different experiments for the government and used animals as test subjects on viruses and what not. An accident happening was never heard of at that place, he wondered what had happened to cause it.” The details about the explosion have not yet been released; the authorities and government officials are working on cleaning up the accident and taking care of any animals that have escaped. Everyone is cautioned to stay away from the woods near the facility and roads have been blocked off giving the public no entrance to the places around it.” By this time he had lost interest in the news and turned the TV off, looking around his room you could see on one wall a stand that had around four ninja/samurai swords, a wooden sword, and a kendo stick. He enjoyed those things and had actually fought a friend of his with the wooden sword and cracked both his and his friends from the force they applied. The other wall had his computer desk and a stand where his TV and game systems sat. Nothing really interesting, he grabbed his keys from the desk and headed out the front door.

         He drove a car that was over ten years old but still worked perfectly fine. The drive only took him around thirty minutes to get to his job and it still made him around twenty minutes early. He worked at a small town convenience store at the Video department; he was more or less a movie guru and could tell you if just about any movie at the place was good or if it sucked harder than a vacuum. Even though he was technically hired only at the video place he knew everyone in the store and usually helped out around the store rather than sticking to the movies. He got out of his car and after locking it proceeded into the store where he was greeted by his manager and some of the other employees who weren’t on the job yet.

“Hey, heard abut what happened last night, sorry that it happened.” He rolled his eyes as she said this. ”How did you already find out? Damn it hasn’t been that long yet.”
“Well her mom does work here, news travels fast.” Adam frowned as he walked to the back of the store, followed by his manager and two other employees. The two others were Cassie and Tony, his manager’s name was Terry. Cassie was younger, Tony was the same age, and Terry was older than all of them.” it’s fine, I haven’t thought about it since last night when I had a strange dream.” Adam said as they sat in the break room to discuss it before work. ”What was the dream about? Was I in it?” Cassie asked as she was texting someone on her phone. ”Actually yeah everyone was in it, I had a dream that I was the only person alive after a zombie outbreak.” They all gave him weird looks and then laughed.” You have issues dude.” Tony said as he walked out of the break room and clocked in for work. After talking for the next ten minutes the other three clocked in and headed to their respective work stations. Adam was the head of the Video Department so he could do whatever he wanted there, and watch whichever movie he felt like at that moment. He turned on the TV’s around the store and popped in the movie “Dawn of the Dead” and sat behind the counter to watch it while customers came and went.

         The next six hours of his life sped by fast and before he knew it he was at home. When he got out of and locked his car he noticed the front door was open yet again, he rolled his eyes and hurried inside closing the door. He walked into the kitchen to see Mark, Tim and Gomez sitting at the table eating dinner.” Tim quit leaving the front door open! Someone’s going to come in and kill us one day I swear.” He sat down next to Gomez and asked “How was class Mark?” “It was cancelled due to that accident at Elm.” He looked a little confused at first but then remembered what the news said earlier.” Have they said anything else on that?” Adam questioned” Nah, just that some guy named Dr. Hall was the person in charge of that lab and now he’s missing.” Tim answered as he got up and made his way upstairs to his room.

         After dinner they all headed to bed except Adam who was talking to his friend Heather online, she lived about two hours away so they mostly just spoke online. He told her what had happened and she tried to make him feel a little better, but nothing would cheer him up. They talked for a few hours until he eventually fell asleep at his computer. At around three in the morning his phone began to ring,” who the hell is calling me this late?” he said tiredly as he grabbed the phone and saw that it was Gomez.” Dude why are you calling me from downstairs?”, “because I heard something in living room and thought it might be you.” “Why would it be me? I was sleeping man. Call and bug Mark or Tim man.” “They left a few hours ago to the arcade and will probably be gone until like noon.” He yawned and rubbed his eyes. “Fine, meet me in the living room; we’ll see if Tim left the damn door open again.” After he hung up the phone, He grabbed the kendo stick from his sword rack and proceeded downstairs.

As Adam got to the bottom of the stairs he looked to his left to see Gomez emerge from the basement. When he looked right he saw the Front door was standing wide open and heard noise coming from the kitchen. He turned to Gomez and motioned to follow behind him, he nodded as they made their way toward the kitchen.  They could hear someone in there that was for sure, but if they were there to rob them why would they be in the kitchen? Adam jumped from behind the corner and yelled “What are you doing here?” as loud as he could. The person in the kitchen jumped back and dropped the glass he was holding, causing it to drop to the ground and shatter.” What the hell man?” Nick yelled his heart racing after being scared so suddenly. Adam started laughing as he saw it was just Nick and how freaked out he was, Gomez came around the corner and asked.” Who is this?” 

“Our new roommate dude, Tim must have left the front door open again. What are you doing here so late?” He said all this as he grabbed the broom to sweep all the glass up before anyone stepped on it.” Well I figured I would just go ahead and head over here instead of waiting until the morning.” Nick answered wiping up the soda from the glass spill” You got kicked out of your place didn’t you?” Adam asked already knowing the answer.” Well…yeah, kind of. It doesn’t matter anyway does it? I was going to move in here tomorrow anyway.” He grabbed his bags from the table and a drink from the fridge before he proceeded to his new room. ”Well you guys I’m going back to bed now. I have class in the morning.” Adam said as he began walking back upstairs, but not before closing the front door and locking it.

The next morning Tim and Mark where sitting in the kitchen when Adam walked in to grab something to eat before he headed to class.” Tim, would you quit leaving the front door open dude? Someone’s going to come in and kill us all one of these days.” He said grabbing a cereal bar and a soda. “Yeah, yeah I know, I just always forget to. Besides it was Mark’s fault last night.” Mark gave him a retarded look and smacked him in the head swiftly.” Bitch please, you know that shit was your fault and there’s no sense in blaming it on me or anyone else.” Adam laughed as he walked out of the kitchen and proceeded out the front door and to his car. Before he got in and left for class, he saw a man stumbling down the street, he looked like he was covered in blood or something but he just shrugged it off and carried on with his day.

Nothing interesting happened for the rest of the week, until the following Monday at least. “Hey Adam, have you heard that Marie’s been missing for a few days?” Gomez asked this as the whole group was sitting in the living room watching an old zombie flick.
“No, and I really couldn’t care less man. Besides she’s not the only person that’s gone missing a few others have mysteriously vanished over the last few weeks.” Adam responded as he rolled his eyes at the very mention of her name.” Shut up and watch the movie you guys!” Mark yelled throwing something from across the room at them. Moments later they heard something in the hallway crash to the ground, they all jumped up and turned around looking in the hallway.” Damn it Tim did you leave the front door open once again?” Adam accused as they all stood motionless waiting to see if someone or something had entered their home. Tim just looked at Adam and shrugged as he managed to whisper” I don’t know, probably.” Adam rolled his eyes once again and punched Tim in the arm.” Well go see if you did idiot, and yell if someone has come in and you need help.” Looking worried Tim steadily walked toward the hallway where they had heard the noise a few minutes earlier; if someone was there he was sure about to find out firsthand.

© Copyright 2009 Tynan (clown069 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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