Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1540905-Hampton-Hell
Rated: 13+ · Novella · Teen · #1540905
During a field trip to a religious camp, ten teens are left behind to fend for themselves.
Welcome to Camp Hampton!

Hey kids! Get ready for a journey full of excitement at rustic Camp Hampton! A Catholic-friendly camp for all ages! 570 acres of forests, an 80 acre lake, and countless scenic vistas help you grow closer to God! Swimming and boating on the lake, archery, hiking, and climbing the wall are just some of the adventures you and your cabinmates help choose!  Learn new skills or  sharpen skills you already have with the help of your counselor! At night sing around the campfire, sleep under the stars or go on a night hike! It’s a week full of Catholic fun! So c’mon! Grab your rosary and a Bible and head on over to Camp Hampton!

Chapter One
Unloading the Bus

“Oh God!” Tylar said as he cracked his back after being crammed into the tiny bus with his twenty-nine other classmates. Noah slowly stepped out of the bus crying softly. “I can’t believe we watched Grease one and two!” He then fell to the dirt sucking on his thumb. Alyssa and Mackenzie were next to come out of the bus. “Oh my gosh Alyssa I still cannot believe that we convinced Mrs. Fedmund to let us force everyone on the bus watch both the Grease movies!” Mackenzie said. “Well of course she did, who doesn’t love Grease?” “Guilty,” Noah and Tylar both said in unison. Alyssa rolled her eyes. “You two don’t count, why can’t you be like Carney and those boys? They seemed to like it.” “They also like Kanyae West,” Noah added. ”Yeah, I think those movies are worse than the High School Musical ones.” Tylar said. Alyssa and Mackenzie were stunned for a moment before going back to normal. “Honestly Tylar, are you joking? High School Musical has no plotline or character development. Grease on the other hand has a deep message for all of us.” “Like?” Noah asked. Alyssa thought for a moment, and after several of these silent moments, Emma stepped out of the bus. “Wow, this doesn’t look like anything in those brochures...” Alyssa turned her head towards Emma, thankful for an escape route from Tylar and Noah. “Oh Emma! Let’s go see the lake!” “Um... okay?” Then Alyssa and Mackenzie ran towards the lake along with Emma. Jessica then stepped out of the bus, amazed at what she saw. “Wow you guys, this place looks like a dump.”
“Okay forget it, I’m going back to the bus.” She turned around and stepped back into the vehicle, only to be thrown back out a second later. “Are you kidding me?!” Jessica yelled. Mrs. Fedmund poked her head out the door. “Oh silly Jessica, we’re going to have so much fun here! He he he!” She then exited the bus doing a backflip in the air. “WHEE!!! Oh Jessica, I am so glad you decided to come with us to Camp Hampton!!” “I thought this trip was mandatory?” Jessica asked. “Well still, I’m just so glad you’re here!” she then put on a big smile and hugged Jessica. “What the f#@! get off of me!” Jessica wheezed. Mrs. Fedmund then let her go and looked towards the lake. “Hey girls! Wait for me!!” she then ran towards the Mackenzie, Alyssa, and Emma. Jessica wobbled around, dizzy from having all the air squeezed out of her. She then straightened herself and shook her head. “There, that’s better,” she said. Then a giant suit-case slammed on top of her. “YEEAAHH!!!! CAMP Hampton!!!!!” Evelyn yelled as she jumped on top of her giant suitcase. Allison was not far behind her, followed by Chase. Allison noticed a small pair of legs under the giant suitcase. “Evelyn, I think you’re suitcase is squishing someone!” Evelyn glanced down. “Oh yeah,” she then hopped off and peeled her suitcase off of Jessica. Jessica was out cold. “Sorry Jessica,” Evelyn said. “She can’t hear you you idiot,” Chase said. “Oh, SORRY Jessica!!” Evelyn yelled. Jessica didn’t reply. “Hm, well whatever, she’ll get up eventually!” Evelyn then lugged her giant suitcase towards the beach. Mr. Alege then stepped off the bus. “So gang, isn’t it great?” Mr. Alege asked. Everyone shrugged. “Well don’t just keep yourselves in one group, branch out! The other schools should be here soon.- Hey Noah are you feeling okay?" "Ugh, yes Mr. Alege." Noah replied. "Oh well okay don't be all grouchy with me geez I'm just checking in on you. Hey, knuckle touch." He extended his knuckle in a fist. Noah rolled his eyes and did the same, bumping his knuckle into Mr. Hart's. "Cool," Mr. Alege said. He then walked towards the main office to sign the class in. "What was that all about?" Tylar asked. "Ever since I got diabetes he thinks I'm going to fall down dead and he's scared he'll get blamed for not looking out for me." "Dude that sucks, Alege ME DUDE!" They then knuckle touched mocking Mr. Alege and laughed. Soon other buses started driving in. “Oh,” Allison said. “Jessica forgot to get her bag, it’s still in the bus-“ Then all of the sudden the bus’s doors slammed shut, the engine started up, and the bus drove away at a speed of sixty mph. The four of them (and Jessica’s unconscious body) stared in shock. “What the hell? Not even half of the class got out,” Noah said.

Chapter Two
On the Bus

“Who-hoo!” everyone on the bus screamed. “We got rid of all the annoying people!” Chloe said. “OMG guys this is gonna be so much fun!” Rodrik screamed. “We should have left all the annoying people at that God-forsaken camp and drove to Westport a long time ago!” Kayla said. “As long as you pay me I don’t give a damn where we drive,” the driver said. Peuter then slipped him another fifty dollar bill. “Sweet!” the driver said.

Chapter Three
Seigh, Heigh, Seigh-Heigh-Lee!

All of the classes had gathered at the beach in a circle. There was a giant uproar, because everyone was talking. Tylar, Noah, Alyssa, Mackenzie, Emma, Allison, Evelyn, a comatose Jessica, and Chase had formed a small circle. “And then after I ski down the Cascades, I’m heading off to Mt. Saint Helens,” Chase bragged. “Chase, nobody cares” Tylar said. “Well what are you going to do this spring break?” Chase asked. “Watch the news so when you hurt yourself I’ll be able to see you on channel 6.” Tylar said. “Hey Mackenzie what are you going to be doing?” Emma asked. “Well, I’m going to go off to-” “Mmpf.....Wha’d I miss?” Jessica asked as she sat up. “Nothing much, just that the bus left us here to die that’s all.” Noah said. “Oh that’s all? Whatever I get ditched all the time.” Mackenzie started to talk “By Kayla-” “Don’t you dare say the K-Word!!” Jessica growled. “I wonder when the leader of the camp will come and talk to us,” Allison said. Just then the loudspeaker screeched a few long seconds before a lady started talking on it. “Welcome to Camp Hampton! Please give a round of applause for our camp manager..... Dan Wilkins!!” Every kid besides the small circle applauded, as a man ran out from the main cabin, waving at everyone, as loud music boomed out from over the speaker. “WHO-HOO!!!! GO Dan!!! GO Dan!!! GO Dan!!! GO Dan!!!” Dan ran to the middle of the giant circle of kids formed on the beach. “Hello Catholic youth!” Dan shouted over his head-set. “Hello Dan!” all the kids yelled. The nine in the small circle murmured small “hellos.” “What was that?!” Dan yelled. “HELLO Dan!!” the crowd yelled again (there were about 140 of them, so you can imagine the headache our nine heroes had.) “I STILL CAN’T HEAR YOU!!!” Dan screeched into his head-set. “HELLO Dan!!!!!” the crowd screeched back. At this point the nine kids had been traumatized by the sheer loudness of the event, that they still do not like to talk about it to this day. “Alright! Well, as you know I am the manager of this camp, Dan.” He stopped talking and smiled at the crowd. The crowd was silent. He coughed into his head-set. “(oh) HELLO Dan!!” The crowd yelled once more. “And before we get started on our faith-filled adventures, I just wanna lay down some of the main rules of this camp. Do you guys see all these rocks on the beach?” Everyone looked around and eventually nodded. “Well Numero Uno: don’t throw rocks into the lake.” One of the councilers who was silent until that moment, made his way through the crowd to shout “By why can’t we throw rocks?” “That’s a good question, sGebger whom I’ve never met. Well you see, if I throw a rock in, this dude right here,” he pointed at the nearest kid and whispered “what’s your name?” “Aidan Geb,” the boy said. “If I throw a rock in, Aidan might see me and go ‘Hey, that looks pretty cool, I’m gonna do it too.’ So then he throws a rock into the lake, and then somebody else might see him do it and then they throw a rock into the lake, and then a chain reaction starts going. And before you know it, there won’t be any lake, it’ll be filled with rocks, and so then our lake will be this rock-filled hole next to a rockless beach, you see guys?” “Oh,” people from the crowd started saying. “That makes sense,” others said. “No it doesn’t! Where’s all the water go?” Jessica said. Dan then started to explain the second rule. “Numero Dos: Always remember the Camp Hampton cheer, it goes like this, Seigh, Heigh, Seigh-Heigh-Lee!” The crowd then repeated “Seigh, Heigh, Seigh-Heigh-Li!” “No campers, you gotta put more emphasis on the Lee! Let’s try it again.” “Seigh, Heigh, Seigh-Heigh-Lee!” “Alright, now you got it! WHOO!!! Numero Tres: do what your counselor tells you to. Now, we’re going to get set up with our councilers right now!” The first counselor stepped forward. She had a red sweat-shit on along with sweat-pants, and her frizzy blonde hair was tied up in a messy ponytail. He mascasa-coated eyes were droopy. “This is counselor Jackie, or Jack for short!” Dan shouted. “Will the following kids come up and go with Jack on an exiting nature hike: Emma Legweak,” “It’s Legwek,” Emma muttered as she got up and walked towards Jack. “Bye Emma!” Mackenzie waved. “Chris Radford, Charlie Dur, Alyssa Ferik,” This whole time Alyssa had been deep in her thoughts thinking of the deep meaning of Grease, but when her name was called she slowly walked towards Jack. “and Sally Greff. Okay campers follow Jack on an exiting nature hike!” The crowd cheered on the five campers as they dissapeared into the forest with Jack. “Okay, next up we have counselor Hanbow!” A short Native American girl of about twenty-two years walked up, holding something in her cupped hand. “Will the following campers please follow counselor Hanbow for an exilerating survival adventure: Dune Fert, Evelyn Ellanger,” “Oh that’s me!” Evelyn yelled as she ran up to counselor Hanbow. “Sid Gregory, Mackenzie Wedigs and Allison Bell.” Allison groaned a little as she walked towards Evelyn with Mackenzie. “Okay campers, head off with counselor Hanbow for a survival adventure!!” The crowd applauded loudly as Allison, Evelyn, their counselor, and two others walked off into another direction into the forest. “Okay, now would the following please come up for a log-balance adventure with counselor Diana!” However, no one came up. The crowd as silent, as a bearded man with glasses ran up to Dan and whispered in his ear. “Well I guess Diana isn’t avaible right now, so I’ll just take you guys there myself!” The crowd applauded. “Would Tylar Jeson, Jake Woodro, Wendy Spiker, Aidan Geb, and Nonah Norick please come up!” Dan yelled. “It’s Noah,” Noah muttered as he walked up with Tylar. “Alright campers, lets go! But before I leave, remember to stay close to God. Now I’m going to leave the rest of the organizing to Jr. Manager Ryan!” The crowd applauded as the bearded man came back up and Dan gave him his head-set, and then led the way into the forest as Tylar, Noah, Aidan, Wendy, and Jake followed behind.
“Seigh, Heigh, Seigh-Heigh-Lee!” the crowd yelled.

Chapter Four
High Log

“And here we are campers!” Dan called out. He had led them through an old dirt trail to the spot they were currently at. The spot was a small clearing about 10 feet wide around with two trees in the center, and a log hanging between them held on by a string of rope. “What are we supposed to do?” asked Aidan. “You’re going to walk across it, won’t that be fun?” Dan asked. “Why?” Wendy asked. “Because it’s fun!” Dan said. “How is walking across a log twenty feet in the air fun?” Tylar asked. Dan’s smile quickly faded and was soon replaced by a dark serious face. “Are you questioning my authority?” he asked. “No!” everyone replied in unison, too creeped out by Dan’s face. Dan’s glare was suddenly gone and his smile was back on. “Okay, so this is how this works,” he grabbed Aidan by the collar over next to him as Aidan gave out a short yelp. Dan then slammed an old smelly helmet on Aidan’s head. “Ow!” Aidan complained. “You see kids, at Camp Hampton, safety always comes first.” Dan said. “So how come that log is only being held up by two frayed ropes?” Noah asked. Dan ignored the question and kept going. “Now we put on this harness,” he then picked up a mildew-crusted harness and looped it around Aidan, and then squeezed it so tight a loud burst of air was pushed out of Aidan’s lungs. “And then connect it to the top rope,” Dan said as he clicked Aidan’s harness onto a dangling rope. “And then I control how high he goes with this rope.” Dan pulled down hard on another dangling rope, and Aidan was catapulted up next to the tied-on log. “Aahh!!” Aidan screamed, and he saw the log and reached over for it for his life and climbed on top of it and stood up. “Okay Aidan! Now you have to walk across the log!” Dan yelled up. “And if I don’t?!” Aidan yelled back. “If you don’t cross it, you don’t come down!” Dan yelled. Aidan gulped.
Dan them turned back to the others. “Now in the small chance that you fall off and start hurtling towards the ground, just yell out Onbalae’ and I’ll pull the rope so you won’t crash.” he said. “So the word is ‘Ondalae’?’” Noah asked. “No, Onbalae’.” Dan said. “What’s the difference?” Jake asked. “A ‘b’ that’s what.” Dan replied. “Aahh!!” they heard above them. Aidan had slipped and was rushing towards the earth. “Ondalae’! ONDALAE’!!” Aidan screamed. Dan just crossed his arms and shook his head. Aidan screamed as he fell to the forest floor with a deep thud. “What the hell man?!” Tylar asked. “He didn’t say Onbalae’, he said Ondalae’. And we do not accept that kind of language here young man, this is a Catholic-friendly camp. No cussing allowed.” Dan said.

Chapter Five
Unknown counselor

Jessica and Chase were the only students of their class left on the beach. Alongside them were two other kids, both happy as ever to be there. “Okay,” Jr. Manager Ryan said, “We have four of you left, and none of our regular concilers left. But, I was able to make some calls and I got one special guest to be a counselor. He should be here very soon.” Just then a navy blue mini-cooper pulled up next to the beach. Everyone turned their heads to see a small man with thick glasses come out of the car. He had a small notebook in his hands and he started to write down everything he saw. “Who’s that?” Jessica asked Ryan. “That,” he said “is our special counselor.” He walked up to the short man and held his hand out to shake. “Doctor Hinder, how nice of you to come to Camp Hampton on such short notice.” The man looked up from his notebook at Ryan, looked him down head to toe and quickly jotted down “Wears socks with sandals: sign of melancholia” under the title “Ryan.” He then placed the book in his pocket and smiled while shaking Ryan’s hand. “Oh please call me by what the kids call me, counselor Joe.” “Well counselor Joe, let me just say it is such an honor to be in your presence. I believe I read that you’ve worked with kids for uh, twelve years was it?” “No, fifteen.” “Well the more years the merrier! And remember, each birthday you have is one step closer to Heaven!” Ryan said enthusiasticly. “Hm,” counselor Joe murmured as he jotted down “Religious beliefs interfere with social skills” in his notebook under the “Ryan” section. “Now, I’m only here because I am going to be studying the tweenagers, is that understood?” counselor Joe asked. “Um... yeah sure, whatever.” Ryan said. counselor Joe then walked past Ryan, done talking with such a pathetic man. He then walked up to the four kids, as Ryan soon hurried behind him following suit. “Now um, there are four of them as you can see-” “Four? FOUR?! You said there’d be a few!” counselor Joe was furious. “Well four is a few,” Ryan argued quietly. “I cannot take four! Three at the most! That is my final offer!” counselor Joe said. “Um...” Ryan thought for a moment. He didn’t know what they could do with one of them left over, they couldn’t join another group, that would make the groups uneven! Which would ruin the lunch system, and the buddy system, and everything would fall into chaos. So he decided that his only option was to do counselor Joe’s bidding and only give him three. He looked at the four tweens for a moment, and then suddenly pointed at the two other kids and Chase. “You three, go with Mr. Hinder.” The two kids squealed with glee as Chase groaned as they walked away with counselor Joe. “Come now children. Hold your head up small-head!” he yelled at Chase. Ryan soon ran after counselor Joe. “Wait! You need to know the schedule and rutein!” counselor Joe yelled back. “I am a professional! I do what I want!” and the counselor and the three kids vanished into the forest. Jr. Manager Ryan stared at the trees for a moment, wondering if counselor Joe was a professional. He sounded very legit on the phone. He slowly turned to face Jessica, who was currently rolling her eyes up into the sky. He knew he didn’t want to be stuck looking after this kid. He had a life after all. So he pulled out his cell phone and called the cafeteria, where all the staff was eating lunch along with any of the other adults. A scratchy voice answered: “Hello?” It was the cook, a woman fifty-two years his senior and who had spent the better part of her life smoking. “Hi Betty, is there anyone there who would like to be a volunteer counselor?” “Lemme check sweetie, *cough* *cough* Hey! Do any of yas wanna look afta some kids?!” she yelled out without covering the phone. Ryan pulled the device back quickly in pain. “Oh! Me! Meeee!” a voice called out. “Perfect doll, you’ll do just fine. Now go down to the beach and meet the brats you’ll be in chawge of...Okay Ryan honey, she’ll be down theres in a sec. Take care.” she then hung up the phone.

                                                                                 * * *

Ryan came up to Jessica with his hands behind his back. Jessica looked down from the sky at him and gave him a smirk. “So what am I supposed to do?” Jessica asked. “You’ll be looked after by a volunteer counselor,” Ryan said. “She should be here any moment.” “Ugh, it better not be some loser.” Jessica said. “Hi Jessica!” someone called out a few hundred feet away. Jessica slowly turned, she recognized that voice. Mrs. Fedmund, standing 148 feet away, was waving at Jessica, with a big warm friendly smile on her face, eyes wide. Jessica looked in horror, as Ryan turned to her and said “There’s your counselor!”

Chapter Six
Grouchy Jack

A high-pitched scream (although it was more of a screech) boomed through the forest, birds flew up to the skies in terror as the creatures of the land scurried to safety. Emma and Alyssa heard it while sitting in the middle of the woods with their group in a circle. They had only hiked up one hill when Jack had to stop to catch her breath. She had them lay down with their heads in a circle along with her. “You see kids,” Jack said “we could’ve gone on a long boring hike, but don’t you think just lying down and uh, being one with nature is like, totally better?” “Oh boy Counciler Jackie, you sure are smart!” Charlie said enthusiastically. “Hey! I thought I told you little brats to call me Jack!” Jack yelled at him. They all were dead quiet, eyes wide. Jack let out a long tired groan, and closed her eyes. After about five minutes she got back up, and glared at them. “Go and like explore or something, I don’t care.” She then lied back down, and was soon snoring. The kids soon walked silently away into two groups, one with Emma and Alyssa and one with the other three. “Ugh, what’do we do now?” Emma asked Alyssa as they were walking through the woods. Alyssa didn’t answer. “Alyssa?” Emma asked. Alyssa looked up ahead, her eyes were phased out, as if in a trance. She walked forward to a creek about ten feet away from them. She then kneeled down by the creek and just stared. Emma ran up to her. “Oh my God,” Alyssa said. “Tylar and Noah were right.” “About what?” Emma asked. She was now worried for Alyssa. “There is no deep meaning in Grease, I was... wrong!” She then lied down on her side into the fetal position, the occasional tear streaming from her eye. “Alyssa! Snap out of it!” Emma yelled. But Alyssa didn’t respond. She just stared ahead in the distance, as she flung herself into a deep depression.

Chapter Seven
An Intro to Slugs

“Okaay!” Conciler Hanbow said after twenty minutes of hiking. “We’re here!” she said. The whole time they had hiked she never released her hands, like she was holding something precious.  She had led them in the middle of the woods. “So what are we gonna do exactly?” Mackenzie asked. “We’re gonna do a scavenger hunt!” Hanbow said. “Yeeeeaaaah! I rule at scavenger hunts!” Evelyn said. “Oh good, because in this scavenger hunt, we’re only looking for one type of thing: the eubo slug!” Hanbow cheered. “Ew!” Allison said, “I am not touching a slug!” “Oh yes you are!” Hanbow said, “The eubo slug is a mix of the black european slug and the spanish slug, resulting in a hybrid slug that’s harmful to the enviornment. I’m actually an agent of the Department of Wildlife and Fishing, sent here to retrieve all eubo slugs I find.” “Well I don’t see any,” Mackenzie said. “That’s because I’ve captured most of them and stored them back at the ‘slug shed’ in the orchard.” “Cool,” Dune said. “Why didn’t you just kill ‘em?” Mackenzie asked. “Or eat them?!” Evelyn exclaimed. “Well, I don’t believe in harming things smaller than myself.” “Well that’s nice!” Mackenzie said. “So what do these slugs look like?” “This!” Hanbow said as she uncurled her hands. In the center of her palm was a little baby slug with dark skin. Allison screamed. “Jeez Allison, what’s the matter, it’s only a slug,” Mackenzie said. “I hate slugs!” Allison yelped. Dune and Sid were laughing. “What a girl!” Sid said. Allison shot Sid an evil glare. “Don’t worry Allison, this one’s just a baby, it’s too young to hurt you.” Hanbow said. “Woah, woah,” Mackenzie said “you mean they can hurt you when they grow up?!” “Yes,” Hanbow said “when they grow up, their skin is pure black because forty-four percent of their bodies are venom, and they eat everything in site. But this one hasn’t produced any venom yet and hasn’t grown its teeth in.” “And you expect us to find them for you?!” Sid asked. “Well, better it bites you than me,” Hanbow said with a smile.

Chapter Eight

Dan led his group back to the cafeteria. “Okay campers! We’re gonna now meet your real counsiler, she’s in here so be on your best behavior when you see her!” Dan yelled. He then opened the cafeteria door and went inside. They then heard arguing inside. “What? Can’t you just do it for me? I already have to wash all the dishes and help cook the meals, and then mop the bathrooms and make all the beds!” “When I hired you I thought you said that you would do anything you were asked to do at this job. I am asking you to do something!” Dan yelled. “But I already do so many things! I can’t do any more!” “Get out there, or you’re fired!” “What?! Please this is the only job I can get-” “Get out there!”
A young woman was then pushed out the door in front of the kids. She stumbled a little but then caught herself. She had black frizzy hair tied up into a pony-tail. She glared back at the cafeteria, and turned back to the kids and tried to put on a smile. “Hey,” she said “I’m your counciler, my name is Diana.” “Hey Diana!” Jake and Wendy said in unison. “Hey” Noah said. “Sup” Tylar said. “Whatever,” Aidan murmured. “So um... lets get to know each other by introducing ourselves and a little about ourselves.” Diana said. “I’ll go first!” Wendy said. “Hi, my name is Wendy, and I have a 4.0 GPA. Okay Jake your turn!” she giggled, and managed to snort while giggling. “Hello, I’m Mike! I love volunteer work!” He smiled for about ten seconds of silence. “Kay, whatever. My name is Aidan, and I like shopping,” Aidan said. “My name is Tylar, and I like video games.” Tyalr said. “My name is Noah, and I like reading,” Jonah said. “What the hell, reading?” Tylar asked. “Yeah, so?” Noah said. “That’s the stupidest thing ever!” Tylar said. “Well no one asked you!” Noah said. Tylar nodded in agreement. “Good point, good point. I totally respect your opinion.” “You do not.” Noah said. “Okay fine, whatever” Tylar said. “O-M-G,” Aidan whispered to himself. “Alright guys, lets cool off by... um...” she stopped for a moment to think of something to occupy the kids. “Hm... oh I know! We’re going to go on a hike!” Diana said. ‘And maybe find Counciler Hanbow to take you guys off my hands so I can finish my work,’ she thought. “Let’s go gang!” Mike and Wendy said. “Whatever,” Aidan muttered. Tylar and Noah groaned as they started walking with the rest.

Chapter Nine
Stuffed Face

Chase filled his mouth with more ice cream, smiling with pure joy. Counciler Joe had led the back to the cafeteria, and gave them mounds of ice cream to eat. The three kids were eating all the ice cream they could. What they didn’t notice was that Counciler Joe had been studying them the entire time, writing down their actions. “Interesting,” he said to himself, “the one with the small head can fit the most ice cream in its mouth. How ironic!”

Chapter Ten
“Alyssa! Wake up!” Emma yelled. Alyssa had tripped, and didn’t bother to get back up. Her eyes closed. She just lied there, emotionless. Dull. Emma pushed on her shoulder repeatedly. “Get up!” Emma yelled. As Emma was yelling, she only noticed the lack of sound around her after a few minutes. Emma looked up around her. Silence. No birds were chirping, no frogs were croaking, nothing. She then heard a low snarl off in the distance. Only about a mile away. Her eyes widened. She realized that the wind was blowing towards the snarls. Whatever was producing them would soon smell her and Alyssa. Being a good friend, she wouldn’t leave Alyssa behind. She knelt beside Alyssa in a hurry. “Alyssa, get up right now. We have to leave. Alyssa!” The snarls were getting closer. “Alyssa please wake up!” A snarl was produced only two-hundred feet away. Whatever it was had picked up their scent and was moving towards them fast. Emma then got an idea. “Alyssa! Grease does have an important message for all of us! It teaches us that greasers can be slightly attractive when they sing!” Alyssa’s eyes opened, and she sat up. “Of course! Why didn’t I see it before?!” she exclaimed. The snarls were coming from one-hundred feet away. Alyssa then looked around her. “Hey where’s Jack and the rest of our group?” Snarls now fifty feet away. The nearby ferns were moving, something making its way through them. “C’mon!” Emma yelled as she led Alyssa by the arm. A strange shriek emitted from the ferns.
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