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by Dyzz
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Elves are truly creatures of lore. They can come in many sizes. But the two main, are the ones that are small, usually known as forest or garden elves. These elves aren’t really elves, but are really known as pixies. To see more on them, look below.

The second most know elf, is the more human looking elf. These elves stand between 5’7’’ and 6’5’’, the females being smaller then the males. The females are slighter, and more feminine in diversion. They also look more petite. The males are built buffer, but are still slight. They have pointed ears, high cheek bones, and thin hair(male and female) Their hair color varies but their eyes are usually green, blue, or purple. Purple on come from those with black hair.


Nymphs are creatures nature, and vary with their element. Water nymphs are often seen as graceful creatures, that seem to float rather the walk. They live in rivers and streams. And usually have pale colored hair, usually in the blonde variety, and have blue eyes. Wood nymphs vary with their tree. For example. Willow nymphs are seen as just that, willowy, and graceful. They have dark brown, or black hair and eyes that are usually green or brown. While elder tree nymphs are more wise in their looks, and tend to have green eyes, and white hair. The nymphs of the land usually look more sturdy then the nymphs of water. But the nymphs of air are also unique. Wind nymphs, or breeze nymphs have a very gentle look to them, but are very very petite. Their hair always seems to be caught in a gentle wind, and vary in color. Their eyes are usually a vary pale color, and tend to seem almost silver. Fire nymphs are the darkest kind, usually with red or black hair, that is often either wavy or uncontrollable. Their eyes are usually dark colored, from dark blue to black.


Faeries are a very unique sort of creatures. The have wings that are usual ¾ the size of their bodies, and show in exotic colors. They can have any colored hair, and just as unique colored eyes as well. They all come in ones size, regular-human sized faery’s, but at will, these faeries can take on the smaller shape. They are very pretty, and tend to be almost innocent in their looks.


Pixies are smaller versions of elves, but have miniscule wings. They are like a mix between elves and faeries, just as a miniture level. Pixies are very curious creatures, but also like to cause trouble. They can easily turn invisible, and are usually known to play pranks on others.


Lamia vampires are an old race of vampires, and the only vampires that can have children. They can age, so they fit in well with others. But at any time, they can stop aging. They are the only vampires who can have an actual family. However, if a Lamia vampire turns anyone, then the become 'made vampires' and made vampires can not age, nor can they have children. Sunlight does not hurt vampires, nor do crosses or any other sort of thing. These are myths random people started. Also, Vampires most feed once a day, because as a vampire, they don't have certian blood cells, the ones that bring oxygen threw out their body. They drink blood of others so that they can live, and let the other person's red blood cells travel threw their body. Vampires don't have to kill, but they prefer either donors, where they can take a little bit of blood, or they prefer animal blood-because animal blood is a little sweeter.


Dwarves are another on of mother earths creatures. Dwarves are usually small, and often seen with long shaggy beards. They work the earth, and are the beast for the job of making weapons and armor. They are proud and loyal, and the kind of creature that you want on your side during a fight. THey tend to have shaggy or wavy hair, usually in the colors of dirty blonde, red, brown and rarely black.


Driads are a unique breed of tree nymphs, that are born to a certain tree. The age with the tree, and when the tree dies, so do they. They can hide by becoming one with the tree. However, if a human comes by and captures them, then the driad is forced to leave with the human, never to return to her tree. Driads are only female.


Centaurs are a unique breed, being half horse and half human. Their human side is seen in their torso, arms and heads. But from the torso down is the body legs, and tail of a horse. They are more often seen as hunters and hate humans or anyone who thinks of them as a human creature hybrid. They are proud, and very cultured. They also pride themselves in being exceptional divinationists. The use the stars and the earth around them to see into the future.


Minotaurs are another half human creature. They are half bull, half human... All anger. Most minotaurs are cruel beasts, and hate humans. They are vicious, and you don't want to meet them on a bad day.


There are many kinds, but the most common is the type of merperson who can live on both land and water. By day, the mer can walk on land with its own legs, how ever, by night, the mer must be in water, because they loose their legs during the night. Their hair is most commonly a slight red, or blonde. But they have another color, usual blue or green or purple, that shows up as highlights. And their eyes vary from soft blues to exotic greens. Their tails are usually the color of the highlights in their hair, mixed or toned with their eye color.


Weres aren't humans who can turn into a certain beast, but a beast who can sometimes look like a human... that is one way to describe them, because when they trasform, the usually give over to their beast side, though for some they still have a little control, or concious. There are many kinds, varying from werewolves, to werecats, to weredragons. They can only turn into one kind of creature from their sect of weres. For example. A werecat can only turn into one kind of cat, like a jaguar. Except for one were of each sect. These are called the Ancient Furnaces. And are usually the ones behind all the magick of their sect. They can turn into any creature of their species… Weres are natoriose for looking like their other form.


Shapeshifters are similar to weres, but one main thing sets them apart. These are humans who can transform into another thing. It isn't hard to understand... Most shifters have one or two forms-minimum. But others can have hundreds. It depends on how long they have been practicing. Each shifter has it's beliefs, and tend to be more individualized, traveling alone, or in small groups of 3 or 4. These beings usual are seen traveling, and rarely stay in one place. But if they find a place that not only fits their needs, but they feel welcomed the tend to change that habit, and allow themselves to settle down, even if it is only for a few months.


Sirens are dangerous creatures. Creatures of the sea, who are inhumanly beautiful. Their hair and eye color differs depending on the person. And they have enchanting voices. They are usually seen just out from shore, and often use their voices to lure men into rocky coves, and drown them. Though not a vicious group of creatures, they can be dangerous. It depends on if you get them angry, or if they accept you. You have to watch your back around these creatures, and make sure you do nothing that can, and would piss them off

Avian-Human Hybrid

Avian Americans, as these beings prefer to be called are 98% human, and 2% avian. This two percent is... very evident in the way they look. They have wings, hollow bones, and some have inhanced abilities, and special 'powers.' Their wings are usually quite large, a 6'0'' person would have 14 feet wings, for example. They also have to eat a lot to keep going. They have both lungs and airsacks, and they have a stronger heart. Their temperature is higher, and their hearts beat faster, almost to fast, making them unable to go to a hospital. They are made in labs, often referred to as 'the school.' They were treated badly in this place, and are often afraid of labs, hospitals, and doctors. They are able to heal quickly, which is another good thing.

Feline-Human Hybrid

Like the Avian Hyrbids, Feline Americans are 98% human, and 2% cat. That two percent gives them fur, a tail, ears, and the dangerous and hunting instincts of a cat. They are similar to werecats, but with a darker attitude.

Death Deliverer

This is a unique race, that so far, Wiccan thinks she is the only part of… Her history helped create her to be what she is. She can live of the blood, like a vampire, but has none of the other perks that come with this ability… She has the ability to shift into a wolf, so that she can get around better, but she has to be careful, because it would be easy to loose herself in this form. She has the ability to send dead souls to the grim reaper, but this power is limited to only those she has killed. She was captured once by scientists, to be studied on, and the managed to plant bird DNA into her, giving her glossy black bird wings, so she could fly. But to this also gave her hollow bones, and air sacks. However.. Because of this, she has to eat a lot, and if she doesn’t, she gets really weak, and if she goes longer then a day in a half with out any form of food, she will die. Blood, she has learned, she can drink, and it allows her to need less food, but she has to be careful with how much blood she intakes, or it will back fire on her, causing her to die from to much blood. She learned Wiccan ways once, and as a result, can make potions and cast spells, but only to a level, and only with the proper training. She has an odd amount of cunning and wisdom, and it is from accedintly drinking a were dragon’s blood. She however, has no other powers of a were-dragon. One time, she had been healed by a phoenix, and as a result, a part of her too the phoenix tears, and twisted the DNA from them, and into her own, so that her tears too now how this healing effect, but it only works on those closest to her, and only if they are in dire need of saving. Only of her original DNA was from an elemental, a fire elemental to be exact, and this allowed her the gift of controlling fire. She has been mastering it since she was born, and after 20 years, she finally has complete control over it, but unfortunately, none of the other perks of an Elemental is passed to her. She is only able to bend the fire, start it, and what ever. She has no control over any other fire powers. Her dark ideas and thoughts come from a demonic side, as some calls it, but this is only because, she has an odd since of the darkness in her, because of some of the horrors she has seen and been forced upon her. The last part of her is another unique attribute. Long ago, there was a group of people called Pusher shifters. Now, these people had a unique ability. They could see into the minds of others. However, it takes a long time to master such a skill, only the purebloods know how to use it immediantly. As of now, Wiccan can learn to make her thoughts become the thoughts of other, but only if they are blinded by an emotion, or have a weak defense up against mind attacks. She has also learned that if she looks into their mind, and learns a great teal about the, mainly what made them become who they are, she has the ability to shift into these people. Take their form. However, she is only able to hold this form for 2 hrs at the most, before she shifts into her own form again, but worst of, is each transition is painful, but the more times you shift into a specific person, the easier it gets. The first time is always the hardest with unbelievable pain.

Letum Silvam
This dense forest of Letum Silvam covers up any suggestion that a large group of the worlds most lethal killer reside here. The thick trees hide the entrance of the fabled Letum Specus, and only a member of the secret organization can show the way. But it is harder then many would believe to get into the alliance

Main Hall
The main hall is the first thing you see when you enter Letum Specus. You can see many doors that lead to other rooms, and if you continue down the long candle lit hallway, you find the living quarters.

Grand Hall
The Grand Hall is where all dining, and meetings between members are held. As well as the occasional party. Yes, even these merciless killers love the good party.

Questioning Room
This room is for two different uses. One of these uses is to question captured victims, the other... Is to test to see if a creature is worthy of entering the ranks of Letum Specus

This isn't your usual dungeon. No... this room is much more middle aged. Torture devices layer the walls, and cages are set up in small sizes. Chains are suspended from the ceiling, and random pools of who knows what layer the floor. You never want to find yourself in here.

Meeting Room
This is the area where the main members of the Thestral Alliance can meet, and discuss new plans. This is also where they discuss anything to do with their little gang

This is Letum Specus own hospital. But you don't ever want to find yourself in here, because if you do, you are labeled one of the weaker members... To do your best, is to never get hurt. But still... Letum Specus takes care of their own

Battle Arena
The Battle Arena is where all training takes place. But you never want to find yourself facing off against the demonic cunningness of some of the higher up parties of Letum Specus.

Living Quarters
Unless you have a mate, a lover, you are given your own room. All members of the Letum Specus live in the Caverns. However, you have to be careful, and lock the door, or you may not wake up dead. Or if you are female, you may find someone unwanted in your bed... So beware


Wiccan Rede Antonia Delarose
First Name Wiccan Rede
Nicknames: Wiccan Wicca

Tombstone's Revenge
Tomb, Tomby


Midnight Sonata
Sonata Midnight Night

© Copyright 2009 Dyzz (dyingtobeseen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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