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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1536916
Multi-point of view story look for Listen dog- Jake

Home of the Circus

         Marcus sat up and grabbed my foot. He yelled and I jumped back. No! don’t change, I have to control myself. I can’t change, I don’t wanna hurt anyone. Don’t change. Don’t change. Shit I’m changing and I can’t stop it. No! I jumped back and I was on all fours. Threats: three right in front of me. They aren’t attacking though. Stand on guard, it could be a trap.

         “Crap.” Marcus stopped laughing. “Jake, I’m fine. I’m sorry. I won’t let you think you killed me again.” He stood up. Ziek was still on the floor laughing.

         “I’m not, that was the best laugh I’ve had in days. Kid nearly shit himself.” Ziek curled up and continued laughing. Ally kicked Ziek as she walked up to me. This was the one who could make me change back, I shouldn’t fight her. Ziek stood in front of Ally, and it took me no time at all to plow through him. I shouldn’t fight her I will lose. Even as I’m thinking this I’m lunging at her. She hit me hard and pinned me to the floor. I couldn’t make out what she was yelling, but it hurt my head. I cringed over and could suddenly think clearer. Everything got quieter.

         “Sorry,” I coughed under the force of Ally’s hands. What had they expected though? Marcus was the one who told me it was extreme emotions that made me change.

         “No it’s fine,” Marcus extended his hand to help me up. ‘Fine’ ? Seriously… I just changed into a dog and considered mauling every single one of them and it’s… FINE. “I can heal most everyone like I heal myself.” He smiled. “I had to be an ass in one way or another. Let’s get you set up in your room.” He was being very nice to me considering what I just became. Ziek pulled himself up and looked from Marcus to me.

         “I’m Ziek.” He stuck his hand out.

         “Jake.” I answered. I missed something. Ziek stared at my eyes. He was concentrating and I felt nothing.

         “I can read him, I just can’t make him feel things.” Ziek threw his arms up and walked away. “Stay out of my room newb, and don’t hurt my wife.” He slammed the door.

         “It’s okay, I know I’m stronger than you.” Ally smiled. She was the only one who seemed sane. These other two ass holes were extremely freakin warped. I think they are good people, but they are freakin warped. Alright… this is okay. Marcus is okay. I’m okay, and it’ll be a lot harder to do any damage to people here. “We’re not gonna hang out tonight, what’s going to happen is we’ll get you set up in a room, you’ll get a swipe-y card, and a car for the night to get your room set up.” Ally spoke softly to me. The first person who seemed calming.

         “Swipe-y card?” I repeated. What where they talking about?

         “We’ve come into money over the years, and if you’re going to stay for a while, then you need a room.” Marcus explained. He walked over to the desk I had been sitting at. He was rummaging through the top drawer. With two silver visa cards in hand he walked out of the room and Ally followed. I take it I was supposed to follow as well. Across the hall there was a bathroom, we turned left, I could see Ziek in a room on the left, and a long white wall on the right. Alongside the library I’m guessing. At the end of the hallway there were three closed doors. One had a magenta doorframe and a lime green door. I am going to guess that is not my room. The second one was a lavender color with a white door. The other was all a flat white. That seemed to be a safe bet. Sure enough they entered the flat white room.

         There was a full size Bed with white sheets and pillows, but no quilt. There was an empty side table and lots of space. This room had had to be twenty-five by at least twenty. I just stood there. They had brought me into this house less than twenty four hours ago, and they are willing to give me a room. Knowing full well I might kill them in their sleep accidentally.

         “You can’t be too loud, but this space is yours, if you’ll follow our rules.” Marcus turned and faced me. It seemed too simple.

         “Which are…” I was pretty sure I could live with whatever he said. They seemed like reasonable people.

         “Any killing of humans will get you expelled from the house, or even killed.” Marcus started.

         “Understandable.” I looked at Ally. She could help me learn that… or I could just hide in my room while I’m here.

         “You will respect the space of the people in this house. Most of us won’t mind explaining things to you for a while, but some things you just have to learn on your own.” He looked around.

         “There’s a notebook in the side table, if you make a list of what you eat, we’ll try to keep it stocked in the house.” Ally pointed.

         “Any other rules?” I looked at Marcus. He was the one who had to like me. At least that is what I thought.

         “Not yet. Can you abide our rules?” he asaked.

         “To the best of my abilities.” I answered. I wasn’t going to lie. I have no clue how to control my power, sometimes I can and some times I can’t.

         “That’s not good enough.” He seemed angry at me. So what? I’m not going to lie to the people who seem to genuinely want to help.

         “That’s the truth, and it will change when I get better control.” I stood my ground. I don’t know if it’s the exact right thing to do, but that’s what I’m going with. He stared at me a moment with the angry look, but it faded to thankfulness for the honesty.

         “Do you really care what’s in your room?” Marcus looked around.

         “Not really, as long as there’s a bed.” I was honest. This decorating thing wasn’t for me.

         “Zoë loves re-doing rooms, if you answer a few questions she’ll have it done pretty soon.” Ally smiled. Whatever she said, I was gonna go with, cause she was the only one who has shown me that I am not a threat to them. That is comforting.

         “Okay…” whatever. Marcus put those cards in his pocket and left.

         “How you doing?” She sat on the bed.

         “You’re dead.” I pointed at her. “He’s not.” I pointed at the door where Marcus had just been. “I dunno.” I sighed.

         “You’ll get used to it around here. It took me a while.” Ally motioned for me to sit. I sat at the foot of the bed. There were some habits that were hard to break. As I curled up I don’t remember falling asleep, but suddenly it was three in the afternoon and no one was in the room. I am really getting tired of not having belts. I hate having to carry these shorts around when I’m not all dog-like. Okay… this isn’t a big deal. I’m fine, and not covered in blood, this is a good thing. I walked down the hallway and Zoë popped out of the lavender door frame.

         “Good morning. I am going to do your room today!” She bounced up to me and held my temples.

         “What would you like to see in your room?” she stared at my eyes. I quickly came up with how my room looked when there was no big deal to my life. That was where I was comfortable.

         Uhh…” I was thinking of a list.

         “No, just use you’re imagination and picture it. I can do everything else.” She was very calming to listen to. She stood there for a moment, very still, and then out of no where got very jumpy.

         “Glad you’ll be staying with us longer than expected Jake.” She bounced down the stairs. Her skirt hit her feet and flowed back and forth as she walked. “Marcus I’m leaving!” I heard the front door closed. Well… that was odd. At least I didn’t change when she scared me. That was good. Normally I would have. I guess just knowing that it’s not a big secret and I have less risk of killing people here is calming.

         “Right…” I continued down the hallway. Ziek came out of his room with a tee-shirt and a belt over his shoulder.

         “Here kid, I don’t do printed Tee’s.” He threw them at me on his way out. Well that was some kind of welcome to the house I guess. After going to the bathroom and wandering around the house I went back up to… well my room I guess. I was still tired. This was a lot to take in. The next time I woke up there were bags and bags of stuff on the floor and I heard that same light weight bouncing down the stairs. I’m guessing that Zoë is back. I yawned and my stomach growled. It’s been a while since I ate. I got up, made sure my belt was tight and my tee-shirt was straight. I scratched my head and started downstairs for the kitchen.

         “Your room is off limits tonight.” Zoë bounced past me on the stairs. She’s either sleeping or spastic isn’t she? I walked into the kitchen and Ally was making something that smelled really good.

         “Want some?” She opened the oven and there were like seven thick cut steaks.

         “Yeah… Do we have to cook them?” I asked. This was something I tried not to do in front of people, but she just smiled instead of being grossed out.

         “Just heating them… I like them uncooked too, but they were frozen.” She explained. She sat at the island and looked at me. I didn’t like that look.

         “Time for the uncomfortable conversation.” She said and pointed to the chair across from her.

         “Okay,” I sat. What uncomfortable conversation?

         “Do you remember your thoughts when you have changed?” She asked. Oh… this conversation.

         “Unfortunately…” I sighed.

         “That’s good. Tell me what you were thinking in the library.” Ally hung on my every word.

         “Um…” I had to close my eyes. “I felt threatened... like you were going to come after me. I analyzed how many threats, and attacked.” I answered.

         “Why did you feel threatened?” She asked.

         “I dunno, I’ve always been attacked when ever I change.” Another answer.

         “Well, I won’t attack you as long as you are not hurting anyone.” Ally assured me. I believe her, she would be the person to know how hard that other side is to control. I sighed and looked at the microwave. Holy shit, it’s eleven thirty.

         “Okay, do you think it will take a lot to control yourself, if you don’t feel threatened?” she asked.

         “No, ‘causes when I change by myself I can actually be very careful with my surroundings, even have normal thoughts.” I had been working on it by myself, but there was only so much I could do. “Do you mind if I go up to the library and just finish the reading I was doing? I was reading a book on werewolves.” I asked. I wanted to skip this for now. I just said what I am without cringing! I’m here less than twenty-four hours and what I am doesn’t bother me nearly as much.

         “Sure… We’ll start training in the morning.” She got up and threw a couple steaks on a plate and handed it to me.

         “What time?” I asked.

         “How ‘bout eight?” She looked toward the front door. Ziek was carrying in something for Zoë.

         “Sounds good.” I started up the stairs. What the hell did Ziek have? Zoë was circling him about, so it had to be important. I turned to the closed door to the library with half a steak in my mouth. Crap… Privacy thing. I knocked really loud. A steak and a half later Marcus opened the door.

         “Hey Jake?” Marcus asked.

         “Can I finish that book I had yesterday? Zoë kicked me out of my room.” I asked and explained. Marcus opened the door further and motioned for me to enter.

         “For the record, you don’t have to knock to come into the library, but if you are going up the far stairs they lead to mine and Zoë’s bedroom, so… don’t go there.” He said and disappeared down a row of books.

         “Okay!” I yelled after him. I don’t think he really wanted me to know what he was doing, so I didn’t ask. I sat down with my book. Marcus walked past with replacement floor boards in hand. I guess I need to be very careful of things in this house; I don’t want to break things. Not moments later two people seeming fell from the ceiling. I changed before I could even think about it. Two people fighting. One very big mean looking man. I can’t see who he’s attacking. He swung hard at the person. A small body hit the ground clutching a one strap backpack. I could smell her fear, even if there wasn’t any blood.

         He just hit a girl! He jumped on her, unaware that I was even there. She screamed a more sickened scream, then a terrified one. I lunged at him and bit his shoulder. I threw him as far away as my neck could let me. The girl flinched away as I got closer. I turned my attention to the man ten feet away, standing. Doesn’t matter who he is, you don’t attack someone who hasn’t got a fighting chance against you. I growled low and deep. I know how scary I sound and look. Why is he not running?

         “She is mine dog.” He pulled out a blade. I am so much more than a dog. I sat in between him and her. Go ahead and stab me, I can heal and kill you before you even realize it didn't work. Marcus stood at the door behind him. The man tried to go around me to attack her and I lunged at him and knocked him over. Before I could get up to attack again, Marcus had his hands on the sides of his head. His heart stopped.

         The girl. Is she okay? I circled around slowly. She should be okay, I could help. I did help. Marcus can heal her. I stretched toward her to inspect. She smelled good. I moved very slowly and tried to keep the majority of my body away from her so I didn’t scare her. My nose touched her arm and she made eye contact with me. She was scared. I moved a little closer. Please don’t be scared, I fixed it. He’s gone.

         “Jake.” Marcus had a scolding tone in his voice. I looked up, made eye contact and move closer. I wasn’t going to hurt her I wanted her to be okay. I laid down parallel to her. My body heat emanated, so she should feel just a little bit warmer. I didn’t want to touch her, didn’t want to scare her. Marcus held his hand over her head to heal what ever physical injuries she had. She stared at me crying. My head was the size of her torso. When my nose touched hers she flinched and I changed back into my human form. I didn’t want her to be scared. My arms and feet were stretched as far away from her as possible.

         I stayed very still, trying to listen just to her, her breathing, her thoughts, her heart, anything that would let me listen. I was hoping for the whispering. It was there: the small voice. I don’t know if that’s how she actually sounds, but it is panicked.

         “Don’t let me be alone. Don’t show the fear. Get up and leave.” The small scared voice was crying. That’s… confusing. Leaving her to herself probably wasn’t helping. Okay, I have to say something.

         “Hi.” I spoke as quietly as I could. I put one hand forward slowly. “I’m Jake… Can I help you up?”  I asked just as quietly. Marcus was amazed that I genuinely wanted to help. No reasoning or motive. Ellie took my hand, but didn’t get up.

         “Ellie, stand up and make your self presentable.” Marcus said. He was stern but not mean. She pushed herself up and hooked her belt back together. Before I could even look at the pack, she was clutching it in her hand.

         “Thank you Jake.” She was still shaken, and still had tears running down her face. “I promise it’s not always this exciting.” Ellie wiped her tears and look to Marcus. “I will be back later.” She almost whispered. Her voice sounded pissed off, very different from the one I heard a few seconds ago.

© Copyright 2009 Chisasibi E Zero (poproxx at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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