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Islam and Christianity are two sides of the same coin. |
IS ISLAM THE SOLE VILLAIN? [ It has become fashionable to blame Islam for the ills of the world. I am not much enamoured to Islam. However, it is my belief that of the three Book religions, the religions that swear by the Book, the Old Testament, while Judaism is not much of an evangelistic religion, the other two are. Both Christianity and Islam are hell bent on converting the whole of the world to their respective folds. Muslims are much reviled for their fundamentalism and violent ways, of which terrorism and Jihad are common expressions. Terrorism cannot be condoned or tolerated. But, are the Muslims the only terrorists? They commit terrorism at the level of individuals and groups of individuals, such as Al Qaida etc., which are not openly supported by any government. But, what about the governments that commit acts of terror at mass scale? Let me pose a few questions: A--Who brought about disintegration of USSR and how? B--Who is behind weakening of India, and how? C—Who is trying to crush the Muslim world and how? The answer to A and B is given in a lucid article titled “Religious Conversion - Is It Anti-National?” by SHRI P. PARAMESWARAN, datelined November 16, 2004. It can be viewed at http://www.christianaggression.org/item_display.php?type=ARTICLES&id=1100582890 As per the detailed reasons given in the above link, with authenticating sources, which I recommend all serious thinkers to read, USSR was broken with the active aid of the Pope so that Christianity might spread in the area under influence of the Soviet bloc. India is being actively weakened through an elaborate agenda of the church, an idea of which can be had through the Joshua project, http://www.joshuaproject.net/index.php Elaborate details of the project, as it relates to India, are given in the article “Religious Conversion - Is It Anti-National?” by SHRI P. PARAMESWARAN. The answer to C is known to everybody who knows the truth about WMD. Nothing in the world is unifactorial. There are multiple correlates of various phenomena. Why did USA attack and subjugate and occupy Iraq? a--Was it for oil? b--Was it to oil up the dollar machine, which was on the verge of collapse because Saddam refused to accept payment for oil in dollars and demanded payment in Euros? c--Was it to crush Islam? While a and b above are well known, c, the third, remains a serious possibility. One wonders whether the following sequential events are merely a matter of chance: FIRST, Pakistan was created by Britain by dividing India, even though Indians were against partition almost till the final stages of independence. Pakistan was consistently supported and nurtured by Britain and USA, so that they might get a foothold and doorway to the Central Asian countries which were landlocked. These countries happen to be basically Islamic. Afghanistan adjoins Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan. It is well to remember that the aim of the Great Game waged between the British and Russian Empires in the 18th and 19th centuries was control of the trade with India. Afghanistan stood as a buffer state between the two. Russia would not have stopped short at gaining control of Afghanistan and would eventually have tried to gain control of a warm water port in what is now Pakistan. The only difference now is that Britain has been replaced by USA as the power centre of the West, and Pakistan has been carved out of India. The aim of gaining control over the territory that now constitutes Pakistan continues as earlier. SECONDLY, Britain and USA helped creation of Israel and supported it, so as to have a foothold in the midst of Arabia. THIRDLY, USSR was broken up and the Central Asian Islamic countries were taken out from its influence. FOURTHLY, Afghanistan, which is a door to Central Asian Islamic countries, was attacked and occupied on the pretext of the attack on Twin Towers, in which none of the actors was from Afghanistan and 14 of the 19 accused were from Saudi Arabia, a close friend of USA. FIFTHLY, Iraq was attacked and occupied on the pretext of non-existent WMD. SIXTHLY, USA has been threatening to attack Iran and Syria. I believe that though Islam is certainly posing problems for world peace, it is not the sole villain. There is no doubt that Islamic groups are very often terrorists. However, I also believe that the biggest terrorist in the world is the USA. If there be any doubt, take the following quiz: TERRORISM QUIZ 1) Which is the only country in the world to have dropped bombs on over twenty different countries since 1945? 2) Which is the only country to have used nuclear weapons? 3) Which country was responsible for a car bomb which killed 80 civilians in Beirut in 1985, in a botched assassination attempt, thereby making it the most lethal terrorist bombing in modern Middle East history? 4) Which country's illegal bombing of Libya in 1986 was described by the UN Legal Committee as a "classic case" of terrorism? 5) Which country rejected the order of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to terminate its "unlawful use of force" against Nicaragua in 1986, and then vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling on all states to observe international law? 6) Which country was accused by a UN-sponsored truth commission of providing "direct and indirect support" for "acts of genocide" against the Mayan Indians in Guatemala during the 1980s? 7) Which country unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty in December 2001? 8) Which country renounced the efforts to negotiate a verification process for the Biological Weapons Convention and brought an international conference on the matter to a halt in July 2001? 9) Which country prevented the United Nations from curbing the gun trade at a small arms conference in July 2001? 10) Aside from Somalia, which is the only other country in the world to have refused to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child? 11) Which is the only Western country which allows the death penalty to be applied to children? 12) Which is the only G7 country to have refused to sign the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty, forbidding the use of land mines? 13) Which is the only G7 country to have voted against the creation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 1998? 14) Which was the only other country to join with Israel in opposing a 1987 General Assembly resolution condemning international terrorism? 15) Which country refuses to fully pay its debts to the United Nations yet reserves its right to veto United Nations resolutions? -- - - - - Answer to all 15 questions: USA. It is unfortunate that the world is today being crushed between the competing and opposing forces of Islam and Christianity, represented in today’s world by the Muslim bloc and the USA. The more unfortunate part is that of the two villains, only the first is being portrayed as black, while the second is being given, by itself to itself through its own English controlled media, a veneer of pristine whiteness. It stands to logic that if truth is pushed below the carpet, it does not cease to be truth. While one villain has exposed itself through its manifestly open black deeds, the other has managed to present itself as a saint by controlling the media, of which the WMD fiasco will continue to be a prime example for a long time. As long as the world fools itself about a lurking danger, not yet recognized, woes are in store. Let us think: Why is the Islamic world against the Christian world? The latter has been persistently trying to crush the former, in pursuance of the Project Joshua, fully supported by USA. Should the one crushed be grateful to the crusher? I hope a day comes when wisdom dawns upon the high priests of Islam and Christianity and they sit down together and agree to give up their dream and agenda of converting the rest of the world to their respective faiths. Till that happens, terrorism will continue. Sadly, only one of the villains will be identified and blamed for it. M C Gupta 6 March 2009 |