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Rated: 18+ · Essay · Comedy · #1535550
Rape in prison bathrooms. Damaging of young lives.
Long ago, I had plans to write about the experience of taking a simple bath within a prison compound. Even though, I don't have any experience of prison life, I was always curious to know about what happens inside. I have heard stories of rape, murder, riots, drugs, forced gender change and the lot. Among this calamity of degenerated behavior, rape had always fascinated me. Seemingly straight people are forced to become gay within the walls of the prison. With all these impossible things happening within prisons, I queued up to watch prison documentaries to understand more.

One of the stories I watched was both sad and funny. Sad for the victim who was abused and amusing about how things went about. Our protagonist or victim, was in the prison for the first time. A veteran inmate took pity on him and vowed to protect him by teaching the ways of the big house so as to shield the new comer as long as he can. And then came for the time to take bath. The new comer was warned that once he was in the bathroom, he is to find a location that is secluded and as far away from the other prisoners as possible. Bathing is not an enjoyable feet within the baths here, with all those perverts with so many innovative ideas to sexually abuse any gender of the human species, located within a few feet. So our hero was advised to finish the chore within a few minutes and not look anyone in the eye while doing so. And yes, there are only two universal rules while at a prison bathroom.

1) Do not bend over to pick the soap.


Obviously, you have to read the above statements as is said by Brad Pitt in fight club. So with all these priceless knowledge in his mind, the new comer ventured into the bathroom. 

Now lets go back to the view point of the old veteran. He was proud that he taught the new comer well. He appreciated himself for finding the good heart for helping the young lad. After all he was 'butter fucked' on his first day into the prison. The term butter fucking requires another chapter of explanation. It is only enough to understand at this point that butter fucking involves a laxative material, one victim and four motherfuckers who are so sex starved and don't care about what they fuck. Anyway, flashbacks apart, our veteran was confident that the new comer was a fast learning type and would do well within the prison.

Now at this point, his thoughts were disturbed by a screaming sound from a fellow prisoner. Upon inquiry he came to learn that there was a mass rape in progress at the bathroom area. Apparently a new comer was being train fucked. Now train fucking is relatively simple to understand. Our unsuspecting victim or a stupid idiot, bends over, in the middle of the prison bathroom to pick the soap. Now before he realizes what has happened, a sharp penetrating pain starts from his scrotum  and spread all over the body. Unfortunately this is just the starting point. People take turns one after the other. And the duration of the incident stretches depending on the length of the train. On a good day this is normally 25 people long. 

Several hours later after a visit with the prison doctor and a few stitches to shorten that gap that was widened during the incident, our protagonist was back in the cell. Upon questioning, the young lad explained what had actually happened. True to the guidance of the old man, our hero did go carefully to the bathroom, only to find that it was totally empty. He took his time to clean himself below the shower and fatefully enough the soap fell down. Our victim, watched to the left and watched to the right, just like a person looking for a train in an unmanned level crossing. Seeing nothing for a considerable distance he did make the grave error of bending over to pick the soap. And that is all he could remember before the train ran over.

It is sad that we have a system that puts young offenders in places where they are expected to change into a better person but instead are put through these ordeals. Many commit suicide and most come out with unalterable damage to their mind. More gravely, rape in prison has ceased to be a rare perverted act and is now seen as a common everyday occurrence that goes unnoticed. Many don't complain and the ones that do complain end up experiencing extra shifts of agony. As long as the prison authorities have a lenient mind set, crimes like this will keep damaging young lives. Young men, like the one explained above.

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