Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1533612-Dark-Realisation
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Dark · #1533612
Its a fairly dark story, kind of mix between horror and romance.
Dark Realisation

She was there again in the clearing, he did not know her name but it never seemed important to him. Nothing apart from her did. He moved through the clearing, the feel of soft lush grass cushioning his feet; and coarse bark from the trees as he moved his finger tips around them. The smell is indefinable, as if someone had created a new scent for this moment, and the light reflects off the grass giving the clearing a wonderful green aura. And then she looked at him and smiled, he felt his legs give way and his lungs seemed to cease function. She was wearing that same black Victorian style dress; which matched her deep endless night black hair. She beckoned to him with a simple movement of her arms, and he went to her effortlessly, like a ship to the sirens.

She took his out-stretched hand; he almost recoiled at how icy cold it was; but he pushed this confusion out of his mind and allowed himself to fall into her venomous green eyes. He wanted to speak to her so very badly, tell her how much he loved her and how he never wanted this to end. But before he could utter the words she put up a solitary finger to his lips and in that action he knew that she felt the same way. Looking in his eyes she smiled again, and holding his hand, they began walking through the forest, never saying a word. Just enjoying the moment they had together.

Hours must have past but he felt did not feel tired, nor hunger or thirst. The sun stayed high in the sky but it was not harsh, everything was ever so mellow and lethargic. And he felt like nothing could break this moment, could break the love he felt for her, or break the hold of his warm hand with her dead hand.......

....Suddenly the sun falls, plummeting off in the distance and crashes with a thundering boom on the horizon, shards of golden light fly pass them like shattered glass. Replacing this warm hope filled beacon is the moon, it can’t be nightfall yet he thinks, everything is covered in cold harsh moonlight, the green luscious grass turns sickly black and no longer cushions his feet but merely cuts them. In all the commotion he realises that his love is no longer holding is hand, he looks around calling out to her. He sees this white light coming from the clearing where he met her last, he does not run towards it but reluctantly walks towards it, for the first time in a long while he feels fear.

And round the corner of the tree he sees her. Her hair, dress and eyes have turned white and harsh cold light is illuminating from her, he is shocked to see her arms are covered in deep cuts, and blood is quickly flowing down her arms and is becoming lost in the dark floor. He stops abruptly, slowly taking in this horror, feeling sick he has to hold onto the nearest tree for support. Crying he moves towards her, she looks to him so helpless, so desperate in her pain. He reaches out for her hand, he cannot get a grip, and the blood has encased it and shows no signs of stopping. Looking at his own blood drenched hand he finds strength inside him, he tries to embrace her, but she backs off ashamedly. He puts his hands on her face, kisses her and says “I love you”, she tries to say it back but as she opens her mouth, blood pours out from it.

She looks quickly behind her and before them stands the cliff face, which had not been there before. Quickly her head turns round, their eyes meet and he knows what she plans. She places one final kiss on his face, wipes his tears with her blood smeared hand, looks him in the eye then turns and runs for the cliff edge. He tries to catch her but she is too fast for him, and as she turns and falls backwards towards to the blood red rocks bellow he cries out in pain as she leaves his field of vision. Crawling to the edge he looks over, but all he can make out is a black dress clinging to one of the rocks, he cannot take this pain, and writhing, contorted he decides to be with her forever and steps forward.....

........He awakes from his slumber, feeling only the crippling pain he felt at the cliff edge. He kept having that dream every night for Christ knows how long, he pulls back his sleeve and feels nothing for the scar covered mess that reveals to him, he laughs for the first time in months. Leaving the house he makes his way towards the cliffs, so much to live for they’ll say, how could he do this to those that love him. If only they knew his pain would they forgive him for indulging himself for once, taking one brief look at the empty house, at his empty life he jumps forward, laughing, embracing the new dawn of death, finding his dark realisation........

© Copyright 2009 Lifelover (lovesicydeath at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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