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Quickly written piece about hitting rock bottom |
“Drink up baby, stay up all night,” The busty bartender murmured at me as she leaned forward and poured me another whiskey. On the rocks. I generally stop mixing my drinks after I finish my fourth. Her cleavage was at eye level, the deep red V in her top giving way to smooth peachy skin. She straightened up and winked at me, screwing the bottle cap back on the Johnny. “Hard day, honey?” “The worst. First I got caught in the rain. I’m still wet….” Ice cold water hit him in the face and he groggily came to. The world was oddly distorted. Eh? He was lying on something cold. Outside. “Come on, Howie, get moving.” Strong hands wedged themselves under his arms and hoisted him upright into sitting position, holding him there steadily while he swayed in finding his balance. His eyes focused slowly but surely. Stella came into view. Beautiful Stella. She was standing over him with one hand on her hip, a plastic white bucket full of water in the other. Her painted lips were pursed. She put down the bucket, straightened her red V-neck top and crouched down beside him. “You can’t keep doing this, Howie.” She was coming in and out of focus, and he struggled to hold her eye contact. “Are you even listening to me? Howie? HEY!” And she slapped him across the face. Hard. His palm flew to his cheek, touching the tender spot where she had just striked him. He began to lose focus of her again, but this time for the tears that were filling his eyes. “Don’t you care for me?” He asked, his voice slurred and quivering. “What kind of question is that? Yes, of course I care for you, Howie. Which is why I can’t see you like this.” “But you can help me.” He said, his voice almost a whisper, threatening to break. “No I can’t! That’s it! I’ve tried. But you’re a full grown man. You’re ruining your life but I won’t be dragged down with you. I have dreams to remember.” She glanced at Rex standing a few metres behind her. Turning back to Howie she lowered her voice. “I’m not going to spend the best years of my life pulling pints for seedy old men who just stare at my tits. What about my music?” She whispered furiously. “Seedy old men. You mean me.” He said sulkily. “No, Howie I don’t mean you. But at the end of the day ya’ll another customer. And I’m just the girl that pours your drink and listens to your day. You’re kidding yourself if you think it’s something else.” “We had something, you know we did.” He said, but desperately now. She was standing up to walk away, her face set. “I can change!” Rex stepped forward. “No, Howie you’ve been saying that for months. This is just a bar. You may be a regular. But we’re not your caretakers. This is a business. Don’t be coming back.” “I CAN CHANGE, STELLA!” Howie roared. “Go to one of one of your other old bars, Howie. Just leave.” Stella turned her back on him and followed Rex towards the door. “Stella wait, I love you!” “Go home and get sober, Howie.” And with a swish of her hair she was gone, the weathered door of the bar swinging shut behind her with a forlorn creak |