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Rated: 13+ · Novella · Emotional · #1532199
Summer romance, first love, never ever forgotten
That summer so many new things happened. Some of it could be called wonderful, heavenly, and beautiful. When things like this occur they should be embraced, not hindered and obscured. Oh it is like the stardust that one finds in a fallen star that only the lucky and fortunate can behold. Not everyday does this happen, when it does magic takes place.

The skies were blue and cloudless. The sun blared down warming up the world making it another lovely day. A small flock of swans could be seen flying in the air. The small town of Seaview was picturesque with such a mixture of objects and characters all jumbled together. It was on the Isle of Wight by the sea looking out to Portsmouth. There was a wall which mirrored the length of the beach. On top of the wall there was a path which people could walk on. Sometimes this lead down to the beach other times kept one away. Half of the beach was made up of stones while the other was sand. There was a hotel; this wasn’t looking out to the sea it was up a small street perpendicular to the sea front. A hundred yards away was the sailing club which was over the sea, in fact there had to be poles underneath part of the foundations of the building to keep it out of the water. People started to wake from their slumber opening their curtains, and walking about their houses. The melodic chatter erupted bringing the place to life. There was a pitter patter of feet as men and women walked down the streets to the markets and to work.

This was a new and special day as it was the start of the holidays for the young from university. No more hassle about exams or deadline for essays. They were free to have fun and enjoy the world before they grew up to work for a living.  Or even just to experience the pleasure of being nineteen and twenty and not having to grow up too fast.

Lucy Miller was one of the young who were on holiday. She was with her family and they had travelled to Seaview. Her father owned a speedboat which he had moored there already. This was the first time that she had ever been to the Isle of Wight. Her parents had been but that was while she had been at university. They knew a lot of the locals and as there was a decent amount of young who were around they thought it would be a good opportunity for Lucy to make new friends. As the young were from good stock they thought that her new contacts could help them as well. Lucy loved her parents very much, she was not a very experienced person yet she had always been kept on a tight leash. She was expecting this holiday to be no different.

The Miller family were staying in the big manor house which they had taken for the month that they were staying in Seaview.  Wherever they went they always wanted to live in style. As they had the money to spend they took the opportunity to meet the right sort of people. They were a very pretentious family; that is except for Lucy, being in university she had met so many types of people from all walks of life and she liked them. In this respect she thought that her parents were very narrow minded. They had only ever socialised with the rich or titled society, even when they were with their parents. This was how they had met. The Miller’s money was old and therefore the manners of the family were traditional bordering on old-fashioned. Lucy of course knew that her parents were only doing what they thought best for her, wanting her to have a stable fortune a good marriage and to stay in the right sort of society.

As people knew this family was going to be in Seaview events had already been planned out. Some of the young invited Lucy out to a dance; she accepted straight away, she wanted to have some well needed time away from her parents. What to wear? Now that was a question. It wasn’t a smart dance so should she wear a casual dress or a skirt and top? Her wardrobe was quite large as it was a month she was to spend there. She decided on a nice blue dress just below the knee. At eight o’clock she was picked up by the dashing Marcus, who was to drive her to the dance hall. He was also of a modern sentiment. He liked the normal people that were in existence more than the rich and titled, especially in Seaview. The journey to the hall was only ten minutes. When they arrived music could be heard coming from the room accompanied by laughter and a din of talking. Lucy then had the feeling of excited nervousness when one goes to a party but hadn’t reached it yet by only a few steps. Marcus being the perfect gentleman helped her out of the car then when they had reached the door of the dance hall he opened it for her. The hall was beautiful; the walls were covered in wood that had been carved into shapes and patterns. It must have been an old room to have walls like that. Decorations had been put up with hangings that hung down from the ceiling. There were round tables all round the edge of the room creating a large space in the middle for dancing. Glorious heat and happiness shone on her when those doors were opened. It actually seemed to lift her soul when she saw the freeness that existed within these four walls. It was strange to think that a contained freeness existed; yet a freeness nonetheless. Lucy deposited of her coat which was hung up for her. The people she knew came to her, the smiles she gave to them as she hadn’t seen them in ages. One of the friends was a girl named Claire; they had gone to school together. They had not gone to the same university though, this she was sad about because she loved Claire a lot and missed her during the term time. She lived in Seaview, this was one reason Lucy was looking forward to going there. The night from there began and she loved it.
The dances that were danced were a combination of waltz and modern swing. This was the dancing that was fantastic. She was immediately asked by a gentleman named Ralph who was excellent at this type of dancing.

When one dances like this the whole world just doesn’t exist anymore. One cannot actually see anything other than ones partner. It makes them feel like the only people in existence. It was like this for Lucy at this point. Nothing else matters not at that moment, except to get the dance right. When the music ended and the partners stopped they realise that everyone had stopped dancing and they were the only two on the dance floor. Everyone began to clap at how beautiful they looked together. 
         “Wow that was amazing!” Claire exclaimed.
         “Yeah it felt amazing out there, I love dancing like that,” Lucy replied. Her cheeks were still rosy; she was in desperate need of refreshment. As she went to the makeshift bar that had been erected for the evening another dance had begun. There was elderflower, water and orange juice for offer. She took the elderflower.
         “You looked beautiful out there,” Lucy heard from behind her.
She quickly turned around, startled. She found a tall, dark haired young man standing in front of her. She had never met him so found his comment rather strange.
         “Thank you,” she replied.
         “It is really good to meet you, I’m Max Coleman” the gentleman continued.
She looked up at this Max, with his nice face and his strong looking shoulders.
         “Nice to meet you, I’m Lucy Miller,” she then shook hands with Max. She then took a desperately needed sip of her juice that she had just picked up.
         “Would you like to dance?” he asked while holding out a hand to lead her to the dance floor.
She did like dancing and so she accepted. She was glad to find that he also could dance. There must be something in the water because in Seaview all the men could dance. Lucy was so glad of this.
Once again she was being spun on her heels and then back to the waltz position. Unlike Ralph, Max leant Lucy back then back upright and spun her round once again. It was strange with him because she felt beautiful as if she was a delicate butterfly. When dancing with some men a lady can have the misfortune of feeling heavy as if they can’t be moved. But with Max she felt weightless, it was magical. When this dance ended he gave her a little bow and led her off the dance floor.

Lucy’s friends then surrounded themselves around her asking who he was.
         “He is called Max Coleman, I just met him then,” she explained. Wow that was quite a dance. He had gone to his corner with his group of friends. He had a manner about his that was unusual. He seemed like someone who kept himself to himself. Not the sort of person to show off like some men do.
         “Do you know anything about him other than his name?” Claire asked her.
Lucy shook her head, “Do you?”
         “Well he lives in Seaview, he works in the shipyard, I’ve seen him around though haven’t really spoken to him before,” Claire replied to her question. The night continued, meeting new people and dancing the night away. It was the perfect evening, just what Lucy needed. Her feet by the end of the night were aching so badly so she had no other option but to sit down at one of the tables which were situated around the room. Just watching the people pass her by in great whirls and smiles. So far this holiday was going well.

At the end of the dance Marcus once again escorted her back to her home safe to her parents. She had enjoyed herself so much! Now she had to return back to reality of a restricted life. She did love her parents unconditionally nothing could ever replace them. Although sometimes she wish that she had a different mother who would allow to do things which other people her age were allowed to do. Her father was lovely he went her way all the time. He understood how she worked. He loved Lucy’s mother though, as though the sun had been lifted by him just for Mrs Miller. Of course kids need barriers and it is the kids’ prerogative to try and break the barriers. Yet the barriers placed by Mrs Miller were so high and tough that Lucy felt suffocated. She wanted to be let free, like a bird when it first learns to fly. Lucy’s mother, Sandra was very protective about her. It was love that enveloped her in these barriers, not society or decency. Sandra had had a lot of trouble trying to have a baby; she had a miscarriage before Lucy. It then took three more years for Sandra and Hank to conceive Lucy. She was their little angel that brought them new life, allowing them to last forever.

As she reached the door to the manor house it opened and her father was there to let her in. Lucy turned around.
         “Thank you so much for taking me back, Marcus,” she said to him.
         “That’s ok, I’ll hopefully see you tomorrow then,” he replied to him.
She gave him a smile then went into the house and up stairs to her bedroom.
         “Thank you, Marcus, see you tomorrow,” Hank Miller repeated what Lucy had uttered.
         “Your welcome, Mr Miller,” Marcus said.
Marcus then drove off away from the house completing the evening for Lucy. She saw him drive away from her window. Lucy took off her dress and put on her pyjamas. She removed her makeup and then brushed her teeth, her usual routine before bed. Then she knocked on her parent’s door.
         “Come in,” Sandra called out.
Lucy entered their bedroom; her mother was halfway through undressing while her father was now in bed reading a book.
         “Good night Mummy” she said.
         “Good night my dear,” her mother replied. Sandra came over and gave her a big hug as always, then a kiss on her cheek.
Lucy then went to their bedside to wish her father a good night.
         “Good night Daddy,” she said again, she bent down low to reach his cheek then buried her head into his shoulder and the pillow underneath his head. She breathed in his scent. She loved the scent of him, he smelled like lemons and oil. It is a strange yet a comforting combination.
         “Good night, hope you have pleasant dreams,” he replied to her.
She then vacated their room, closing the door and went to her room. She then got into bed and sank down as if she was in a heaven made mattress. It felt beautiful and glorious to lie there. After all that dancing to actually close ones eyes and relax was wonderful.

In the morning the sun was blaring through the curtains of Lucy’s bedroom. She heard the birds chipper and chatter in the trees. The swell of the sea could be heard as the small waves crashed onto the sandy beach. She smiled to herself thinking this to be what perfection must feel like. Her eyes opened then, she looked around the room remembering last night. Her phone rang at that point.
         “Hey Claire!” she said sleepily.
         “Hello! What are you up to? I was wondering do you want to go shopping today with a group of us.” Claire asked.
Lucy had to think, wondering if her parents had organised anything for her.
         “That would be great! Where should I meet you?” she queried.
It was then decided that she was to meet Claire and the rest by the sailing club in the next half hour. She quickly dashed out of bed trying to think how she could be ready waiting, showered and fed by that time.

Amazingly she managed this as she was there even before they had turned up. It was while she was on her way to the club that she saw the young man she had danced with the night before. He ran up to her and stopped in her tracks.
         “Remember me?” he uttered.
         “Of course, your Max, how could I forget?” Lucy answered.
Lucy continued to walk to the club with him walking beside her.
         “So where are you going?” Max asked.
         “Why should I tell you?” she asked him in return.
         “Just wanting to talk, no other reason,” he said.
Lucy looked up at him. Max hadn’t said this in an offended way rather more a statement.
         “I’m going to meet some friends outside the sailing club to go shopping,” she answered to his question.
He then stepped forward to be in front of Lucy and stopped her in her path.
         “What are you doing?” she asked wearily.
         “I was wondering if you would go out with me,” Max replied.
She looked at him and smiled as though totally amused. She folded her arms and shook her head.
         “I don’t think so, no” Lucy said utterly amused.
         “Why not?” he pondered.
         “Because I don’t really want to,” she reiterated.
         “Come on, just one date,” Max said giving her a look that said so many things.
She thought about it, but just then her friends came round the corner, so she sidestepped round Max without giving him an answer.
         “Well, what do you say,” he shouted out to her as she caught up with her friends.
Lucy turned around on her heels giving him a big smile.
         “Give me a good reason to, then I’ll see,” she challenged.
Max nodded then smiled back at her, as though this would be easy. He then walked the other way and continued on his walk.

Claire and everybody else were looking on at this development with great interest. Claire gave Lucy the biggest smile when she was near enough to see. Lucy’s cheeks turned bright red at this and she gave a shy, embarrassed smile.
         “What…stop it!” Lucy whined.
         “So what was going on there? Come on spill the details,” Claire and the others insisted.
So Lucy then told them all that had just happened with her and Max. Their smiles become larger and larger as the mini tale continued on.
         “So are you going to have a date with him?” one of her other friends asked.
         “I don’t know? Do you think that I should? Maybe,” Lucy replied.
         “Definitely, you should definitely go for it,” Claire insisted.
Lucy was in a state of indecision, something that she never liked to be in. What was the harm, she could think of none. By going she would be taken out and if nothing else she would make a new friend.
         “Alright I’ll go out with him, see what he is like,” she decided.

The day continued Max was at work in the shipping yard. His shift normally finished at about four o’clock. He and his friends would go for a drink then back home. Though today it was slightly different, since meeting the girl, Lucy, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. It was strange he was not usually like this, so abrupt; he normally took his time over things. Yet not with this girl who seemed to spring up from nowhere. Max was the type of man that if he liked someone he gave them everything. No holding back, he put his whole heart into it. He wanted to do this for Lucy, if only he could get the chance to do so.

Luck must have followed him. As he was walking from work he saw her standing there.
         “Why are you here?” Max asked.
         “Ok. I’ll go on a date with you,” Lucy said.
She fell into step with him as he walked by her. Lucy looked up at him wanting to see his expression. A little smile could be seen with a twinkle of the eye. She smiled to herself, trying to imagine what he was thinking.
         “So what do you say?” she asked.
Max nodded, “Ok how ‘bout tomorrow night, it’s supposed to be a full moon then.”
         “All right,” she giggled, “at seven?”
         “Yeah that sounds grand,” he confirmed.
They looked at each other and smiled. It just felt so natural, there was nothing to force or pretend. Just two people being utterly themselves. They continued to walk and pass by the houses and streets that made up Seaview. It was very small but had so much compacted into it.
When Lucy had to go off her way, she gave Max a quick kiss on the cheek and ran up the street. He watched her go with a smile on his face and carried on.
Once Lucy had got home she went into the house to see her parents there.
         “Where have you been dear?” inquired her mother.
         “I went shopping with Claire, and then I saw my other friend Max after,” Lucy replied.
         “Who is Max? I’ve never heard of him before?” Sandra asked again.
Lucy groaned to her self, knowing what was to come, “I met him at the dance last night, he’s very nice, super dancer.”
Sandra nodded, though from her expression one could tell that she was still not satisfied with this knowledge. She wanted more information to please her.
         “Ok, so who is he? Anyone we know?” Lucy’s mother continued.
         “He’s called Max Coleman, and he works in the shipyard. I’m seeing him tomorrow as well,” Lucy knew that this information would not go down well. She said the part about his job quickly hoping that it would slip pass her mother. No such hope.
         “He works where? Oh come now Lucy, you can’t socialise with the likes of him!” Sandra put forward.
         “Why can’t I, I do at Oxford, you don’t seem to mind that I go there when there are people like that around,” Lucy replied fervently.
Sandra tilted her head and put her hands on her hips giving the pose of the superior force that could not be overthrown. Her face had a fierce sternness to it that would make things turn to stone if possible.
         “That is entirely different, it is the university’s fault that they let in such grotty people, but it is the best university in the country,” she argued.
Lucy huffed and walked off not wanting to get into this argument once again. She had had enough of it to last several lifetimes. No more was she going to hear of it especially in her holidays. Lucy wanted to have the opportunity to meet anyone she wanted.
         “Lucy Miller I’m talking to you!” Sandra spoke this but it fell on deaf ears.
Lucy had gone up to her room, this seemed to be her personal solitude away from rules and pressures that her mother put her under. She wanted to escape everything about her world. She was born into it yet she was definitely not part of it. Lucy felt like a fish in a bird’s world. She decided to go for a long walk away from her suffocating family. She grabbed her coat and quickly ran out the door before anyone could stop her.

The beach seemed the perfect cure for everything. The waves washed everything, not just the sand and shells in the water but memories and thoughts too. Lucy had taken off her shoes and walked at the edge of the water so that her feet were bathed cleansing her.
The beach was about a mile and a half long with a wall at the top of the beach which ran the length of the sands. Merlin boats and toppers were out on the sea sailing fast across the water. The toppers were zigzagging quickly between each other in between the two forts in the middle of the water which separated the Isle of Wight from Portsmouth. Lucy looked out there and imagined herself to be on a paradise which suited her exactly. She was startled back to reality by a voice behind her.
         “Hey,” she quickly turned around to see who it was.
         “Hey Max,” she spoke.
         “What’s wrong?” he asked.
         “Nothing, just family being annoying and driving me crazy,” Lucy replied.
He nodded his head as though he understood. He walked a little up the beach to drier sand and then sat down. Lucy followed his lead and sat beside him. She lent back and soaked up the remainder of the sun.
         “So what’s so annoying about them?” Max asked Lucy
She shrugged, “Umm… they just want me to be someone I’m not. I don’t know they want me to be this person who only thinks about the next social engagement.”
         “Ah right… I guess that excludes going out with me,” he continued her line of thought.
Lucy nodded seeing that he understood her minor dilemma, “yeah.”
Max then grabbed her hand and lifted her off the ground.
         “Would you like to dance?” he asked.
         “What? Now?” Lucy replied in wonder.
He nodded then pulled her forward and began to dance with her. They moved round together then he tilted her over. Lucy leant back her head then Max pulled her back upright and the dance continued. She leant her head on his shoulder until he spun her round or tilted her over again. It felt so right and peaceful. Max knew in his heart that he was in the right place. No other person could fill his shoes at that particular moment.

The sun was just about to disappear; it was at the point where it looks like it is grasping for life so the more it goes the brighter it gets.
         “Look,” Max said.
         “Wow, that’s beautiful,” Lucy said in a very dazed way.
         “Yeah it is,” he mumbled. He first looked up at the sky then down to Lucy, thinking that she was beautiful as well. She looked up at him and gave him a big smile.
         “Come on,” he said.
They continued alone the beach and spoke about themselves. It was very revealing; the mysteries of each other were being unravelled. Lucy found out that Max’s mother had died so it was just his father and him that survived her. He had no interest in becoming rich just wanted enough to live on. Lucy respected that, believing it to be very different from her life. If her parents heard this they would not understand Max at all. Max found out that Lucy was at Oxford in her second year. She enjoyed acting and dancing. Although it was her music that set her free and moved her soul. The piano was the instrument to her heart, nothing else could be played that could affect her so. It was her freedom and it was something that she wanted to do. The other things she had to do because she had to not because she wanted to.
         “Where do you actually live?” Max inquired.
         “I live in Winchester, where do you live here though?” Lucy asked back.
         “Umm. I live near the hotel at the start of the wall there,” he replied.
Lucy nodded looking at where he meant.
         “I would think that it would be strange living off the mainland,” she stated.
         “Not really, we have everything here. It may seem weird because the mainland is so much bigger. I like it though, as it’s smaller it makes things feel simpler somehow,” Max replied.

On their way back from the beach a feeling filled Lucy as though something was ending. Of course something was ending, the day, their conversation, their walk. It was as though reality had to come back into their lives, unwanted though it might be. Max was being kind enough to walk Lucy back to her house.
         “I’ll see you tomorrow night anyway,” he assured.
She smiled thinking what a blessing that was and how strangely happy it made her. She gave a small kiss on his cheek then headed into the house. Max started to head back to his home by the hotel. Never had he felt like this about anyone. It was strange because he hadn’t known Lucy for very long at all. Yet he was told by his father that once you know who she is you know.
         “Max! Wait,” he heard from behind him.
Lucy was running up to him, she stopped in front of him and gave him a kiss on the lips. As briefly as it had started it stopped.
         “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she finished.
         “Ok,” he said quietly, still not over the kiss.
Lucy then ran into the house and closed the door for the night. The dark enveloped him except for the glow of the moon which lit a path over the sea reflecting back into the sky. It was a natural torch that seemed to shine just for him to reach his home in safety.

As Lucy re-entered the house, she quietly tiptoed up the stairs to her bedroom, trying not to wake her parents. She had presumed they were in bed, she had been mistaken.
         “I was wondering when you would get back,” her mother said from the kitchen.
         “Sorry, I didn’t think that I would be so late back, I went out for a walk to clear my head,” Lucy replied to the voice.
A head appeared from the doorway to reveal Sandra, “come here I need a word with you,”
Lucy just groaned thinking of all the things that would be said. She did as she was told though and went to her mother. She sat down on one of the kitchen chairs preparing for the onslaught of lectures and questions that were about to be repeated to her.
         “I know that you think I’m being mean and putting pressure on you, well that may be true. I only have your best interest at heart though. Of course you are of an age where you can do what you want; I just want you to make good decisions,” Sandra started.
         “Mummy, I know, but someday you have to start trusting my decisions. I need you to start allowing me to make my own mind up. You won’t be here all the time to guide me,” Lucy cut in wanting to stop her mother’s train of thought. 
         “That may be so but I’m here at the moment,” Sandra began.
         “Did your mother do this to you? Did she? I can’t live like this I need space! You’re suffocating me here!” Lucy cried. She couldn’t keep it in any longer. Her mother came forward as if to hug her. Lucy pulled back.          “No… not until you allow me to make my own decisions, I need my own life,” she exclaimed.
Sandra put her hands up in the air showing surrender.
         “Alright fine,” she ended.
Lucy’s battle had been won, at least for now. She went up stairs and did her normal routine before bed then collapsed on her bed in a heap. So much had happened which she just hadn’t thought about.

Max was thinking about what he was going to do on his date with Lucy. There was so much choice. He wasn’t sure if he should go out for a meal or just a nice camp out relaxing under the stars. He was thinking about it all day. He decided to go to the drive in cinema which was just down the road. They showed old classic films like ‘The Big Sleep’ which was actually on that night. He told Lucy to have a warm jumper or coat on.
         “I hope that you like it,” he said.
Lucy nodded to him; she had such a big smile on her face. She had never been to a drive in cinema screening before. There weren’t many left especially in Britain, if any. She looked across at him as they sat on the bonnet of his car. They had a rug covering both of them. As the film went on Lucy ended up leaning on Max’s chest while he had his arm around her back holding her in place. It was such a comfortable position to be in for both of them. When the film ended Max drove back to his house and dropped off the car. Lucy and he then went down to the beach and lay down on the sand. They gazed up at the full moon and the stars that glittered back at them as though watching from their homes in the sky.
         “This has been such a wonderful night, thank you,” Lucy said eventually.
         “You’re welcome,” he replied.
Max then kissed her, it was not like the kiss Lucy had given him; sudden and fast; rather soft, gentle and slow. This was the best kiss ever.
         “I’ll take you home now,” he suggested.
They got up and walked hand in hand all the way back to the manor house. They spoke all the way of trivial things, of important things. When they reached the path to the door Max stopped. He kissed her again.
         “Good night, I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said.
         “Good night,” Lucy replied. Though she kissed him again as though for luck.

Her phone rang when she got to her room; Max was on the other end.
         “I just saw you!” she exclaimed.
         “I know but I just had to hear your voice, I have a plan for tomorrow, bring a swim suit,” he replied.
         “Why, where are we going?” Lucy asked.
         “You’ll see, somewhere new, I’ll give you a clue though it’s not the sea,” he tantalised, wanting her to be interested, “right I’ll see you at eleven, bye.”
Max hung up, Lucy was dying to know where he was taking her tomorrow. All this excitement was so good. She had to talk to someone about it. She took up her phone again and put in a number then put it to her ear.
         “Hey Claire,” she started.
         “Hey Luc! How did your date go?” Claire responded.
Lucy began to tell Claire everything that had transpired. How they had meet on the beach, their dance, and the date which she had just returned from. Lucy also mentioned the kisses that they had shared.
         “Wow that sounds so amazing!” Claire said in wonder, “so what do you think of him?”
         “I like him, a lot, I think,” Lucy replied to her question.
She then giggled which set off Claire. Soon it turned into a laughing fest that couldn’t be stopped.
         “He’s taking me somewhere tomorrow morning. I have to take a swimsuit though it’s not for the sea,” Lucy stated. She wanted to ask Claire where he could be taking her. Although at the same time she wanted it to be a surprise.
         “Oh I think I know where he’s taking you,” Claire answered.
         “Don’t tell me I want to find out for myself,” Lucy replied quickly.
She had to stifle a yawn. She didn’t realise had tired she actually was. So Lucy said good night to Claire and hung up the phone and put her head to the pillow.

The next thing that she knew was that her alarm was going off for her to get ready. The night seemed to have disappeared as soon as it had arrived.
By the time she was ready Max had already arrived beeping his horn of his car. Lucy’s parents went to the window to see who was there. When her mother saw Max she pursed her lips not liking this development at all. Before she could say anything at all though Lucy had run out of the door to greet Max and jump in the car with him.
         “I don’t think that boy is suitable for our girl, Hank,” Sandra said.
Hank looked up from his newspaper, “No, I think he’s fine. Not everyone in the world is rich,” he replied absent-mindedly.
Sandra looked over to him and then rolled her eyes. She couldn’t think how it was that no one understood the way she thought? All she wanted was the best for her daughter. That included arranging for her to meet the best man possible. This riff-raff known as Max was not that sort of man. Or so Sandra thought.
         “Don’t worry my dear. Let her have her fun, it’s the holidays,” Hank said after a while.
She nodded knowing that that would be the best approach, until the end of the holidays.

         “So where are we going?” Lucy asked excitedly.
Max looked over to her, “you’ll see,” he replied.
She waited as he drove through the countryside. She looked out the window thinking how beautiful this place was. All the wonderful colours sprinkled together to create such a beautiful and serene image. Everything about the place that they were in was magical.
The car stopped and Lucy found herself by a lake which became a small river. There was a waterfall that flowed into the lake. The place was surrounded by rocks and cliff-like drops making it appear very intimate and private.
         “We’re here, so what do you think?” he asked.
         “It’s beautiful!” she said, almost speechless.
         “Come on!” he said suddenly and grabbed her hand and raced down to the water edge. He then let go of her hand and pulled off his shirt and trousers and plunged into the water. Lucy just laughed at him, thinking him mad. Although she did exactly the same as Max did. She had her bikini underneath as he had insisted the night before. They swam together like otters. Weaving between each other then swimming to each end of the lake. When they dived underneath the waterfall they found that there was a ledge which they could sit on. As they sat there Lucy kissed Max thinking that this was the best day she had ever had in her life.
         “Thank you, this has been so fantastic,” she gasped.
To reply to this Max gave her a kiss back, then a smile.
         “I thought it was,” he said eventually.
Lucy began to shiver, “we’d better get some clothes on or we’ll freeze here,” Max said noticing her shakes.
She nodded and they then both dived under the waterfall to where they had run in to start with. Max had brought some towels with him; he draped one of them over Lucy’s shoulders then rubbed her warm. He then rubbed himself down, getting rid of all the water that was on him. Lucy found some clothes in the back seat of the car. Even though they were Max’s they were dry which is what she needed. She found a shirt which covered her entirely all on its own. Lucy thought this was perfect and just wore that.

As Max drove off, Lucy went into the house and up the stairs to run herself a nice hot bath to warm up in. Her day had been so good and to make it perfect a bubble bath seemed the perfect idea. When her bath had run full she was just about to get in the bath when Claire called round. She ran down the stairs in her dressing gown and let her in.
         “Hello!” she cried.
         “Hello,” Claire replied. They both gave each other a big hug. Lucy brought her upstairs to her room where they could have a girly chat.
         “So where did you go today?” Claire asked.
         “Oh, we went to the lake with the waterfall. We swam there, it was so beautiful!” she replied.
         “That is so sweet of him; God it’s like you two can’t get enough of each other!” Claire responded. She couldn’t stop smiling, thinking that Max was acting like a perfect gentleman. “So is he a good kisser?” she continued.
         “What! Claire I’m not telling you!” Lucy said in mock shocked way.
         “Oh come on,” Claire tried again.
         “Ok, he’s very good, that’s all I’m saying,” she revealed.
Lucy was interested in whether Claire had someone that she liked. They were doing the usual talk which girls do when they are alone. All about boys, clothes, boys, life, boys, work.
When Claire left she remembered her bath, she ran in only to find it had gone cold so she had to run a new bath all over again. Once that was done and she got in she felt like she could drift away anywhere and not be as happy as she was right there and then.

After those first couple of dates Max and Lucy became inseparable, if you saw one the other would be right there with them. They did everything together. Running on the beach and making sandcastles. Playing jokes and making each other laugh. Holding hands, kissing down the streets, canoodling with each other, they couldn’t get enough of each other. They looked like the perfect couple. Though while everyone else was happy for them Lucy’s mother was not, she could not think what could be worse. Whenever she saw them she felt even more contempt for Max than ever. He did not fit into Lucy’s world, so Sandra thought that he should not even have the right to enter it even if he was with her daughter.
It didn’t matter to her that her daughter looked happy. Happiness had nothing to do with it; they were not suited to each other from her point of view.

Max had an ambition in his life that he wanted to achieve. It wasn’t grand or extravagant. It was only significant to him, yet it was something that he wanted to do. He wanted to rebuild a boat that had been in his family for generations. It was beautiful even now. When it would be completed it would look like a mighty swordfish; brilliant and beautiful, powerful and sleek. He had had this ambition ever since he could handle a boat on the water. Just to have his own boat he could be proud of rather than one which he thought would be a necessity.
He took Lucy to where the boat was kept, showing what he wanted to do.
         “There she is,” he said, looking at the boat.
Lucy ran up to it so that she could be up close to Max’s dream. It was exactly how he had described it.
         “She’s beautiful, has she a name?” Lucy asked.
Max nodded, “yeah she’s called the Empress of the Sea,”
She looked up at him thinking this a rather adorable name. She stepped in front of him and leant back on his chest. Max wrapped his arms around her, enclosing her to his body. He didn’t want her to escape and she didn’t want to leave his presence.
The boat had a deep hull, which was painted black. Some of the paint had been worn off due to age and use. The rest of her was painted in deep bottle green. The wheel was the colour of dark brown making the boat feel old and antique. The masts were painted dark brown to match the wheel. The beauty of it was spectacular. Lucy could well understand why Max wanted to rebuild and rebuff her and make her his own.
         “Is it safe to climb aboard?” she asked. She looked up at Max’s face hoping for the nod that she so desired. He gave it. At this she walked up the ladder that had been placed at the side of the boat. When she was on board Lucy felt on top of the world.
         “Wow, you can see everything from here,” she wondered at.
         “I love you, y’know,” Max said suddenly.
Lucy turned around and nodded to confirm what he said, “I love you too.”
He came up to her and lightly kissed her shoulder. She smiled softly to herself. This summer she had never thought this would ever happen to her. This was the first time that she had properly fallen in love, there had been other boys in her life yet she had never felt like this before. Max was not the kind of guy she thought she would ever be with yet at that point it just made sense.

The month had almost ended. There was but one week remaining. When it finished Lucy would have to leave to go back to university, something she was dreading. She was so happy there, she didn’t want to leave Seaview, she didn’t want to leave Max.
         “When I go will I see you again?” she queried.
         “Of course you will! Don’t think like that, I’ll make sure that I see you,” he replied, reassuring her.
He was so confident that nothing would keep them apart. He wouldn’t allow it.
         “I’ll write to you everyday,” he continued.
She nodded thankful for his support and comforting words. That was one reason she loved him so much. At least she would have something to look forward to when she left Seaview. Max had found her a piano in an empty hall. This was something that she had been craving. It was the town hall that was used for the dance. There were rooms off the main hall, inside one of them was this piano. Lucy skipped over to the instrument and sat on the stool in front of it. There was music at the tip of her fingers bristling to escape into the world. She let it out by first playing an old favourite, Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. The deep chords and arpeggios that began the piece were so soothing yet at the same time they gave a sense of mystery and isolation. The quiet and almost whispered notes flowed from Lucy’s fingers. This old language which only some can understand echoed on the walls making the piece seem to continue forever. When Lucy finished the tune Max just waited for the echo to die away.
         “That was beautiful, can you play another for me,” he suggested.
She did, the next piece that she played was also quiet but in a completely different way. Instead of being mystical the music gave a gentle and peaceful impression. It normally would be played by violins and cellos yet the piano was a decent replacement. The interweaving of notes and melodies that moved through each other made Max have a tingling sensation run up his back. It was of course Pachelbel’s Canon. As the tune continued the music gradually got louder and louder as though the music was gaining confidence. When the end came Lucy put a long pause at the end finalising it. Max gave her a big round of applause. He couldn’t believe how amazing she was. He understood how it could make her feel free and alive.          
         “You’re incredible; I’ve never heard anything like it. You’re perfect,” he told her.
Lucy smiled back at him, he made her so happy. It made her happy to just be, and to live in the now with him rather than think about the future. The idea of the future made Lucy quite nervous and afraid. She had no idea of what was to come, at the moment she didn’t want to care. He came over to her and kissed her.

The last day had arrived. The holiday in Seaview was coming to a close. Lucy was in a state of distress, she didn’t want to leave.
         “Come now you have to pack,” Sandra said to her daughter.
She lifted Lucy’s bag from under the bed and began to empty her wardrobe and place the clothes beside the bag. Lucy knew that she had no other choice but to do as she was told at this point. There was no way that she could stay. University was going to start in the next few days and this was her final year. After Oxford she would go back here and properly be with Max. That she thought was a good idea, as long as her mother didn’t find out. She took over what her mother was doing and filled her bag with her belongings. When that was done she was called into the sitting room where both her parents were congregated. A family meeting had commenced, just what Lucy needed.
         “We want you to know that now the holiday is finishing we want you to finish this thing that you have had with Max,” her father began.
         “What? No,” Lucy cut in, not wanting to hear another word.
         “Hang on there, we’ve let you have your fun, now we must get back to normality and reason,” her mother said taking over from her husband.
Sandra knew that Lucy was going to be difficult yet she never expected what came next.
         “But you can’t, I love him Mummy,” Lucy replied.
         “You love him?” Hank questioned.
She nodded to her father, “yes, Daddy, I do.”
Sandra couldn’t believe it, it wasn’t possible, “no out of the question you can’t be in love with him. I won’t allow it.”
Lucy looked at her mother as though she was a stranger. How could her own mother not want her to be in love? Why must she never be allowed to do what she wanted? She felt like she was in cage of invisible bars. The gates always locked, never allowing emotions or instincts in or out.
         “Why am I never allowed anything? You keep me trapped in a world I don’t like!” she cried. When she heard herself speak she thought she sounded so melodramatic. This was unfortunately how she felt though.
         “What are you talking about? A cage what nonsense!” Sandra uttered.
She couldn’t take it anymore. Lucy ran out of the house just wanting to be away from the constant pressure of family and what was considered right. What she felt she thought that was right but obviously that was not the case for her parents.

As she always did when she wanted peace Lucy went down to the beach and the water edge. A stray tear fell down her face. She quickly brushed it away not wanting to cry. She knew that this time would come, that she would have to leave yet it seemed to come about so soon. Time always goes faster when one is having fun; it seemed to be the cardinal law of time and pleasure. Lucy slowly walked along the beach hoping that all her thoughts and bad feelings would be washed and scraped away by the salt of the water. Some swans ambled passed her and waddled into the sea near to Lucy. She just ignored them letting them get on with their business.  She wrapped her arms around her body as though for protection. She felt so vulnerable with nothing to hold to. Then some new warm arms wrapped around her body, they overlapped her own. Lucy looked up to confirm that it was who she thought it was. She was correct, Max was behind her.
         “Hey, y’alright?” he asked gently.
         “Umm… my parents think that now the holidays are over we should just let this end,” she replied. At that Max tightened his hold of her. She was glad of this it was exactly what she wanted to do to him.
         “What are you going to do?” he enquired.
Lucy shrugged her shoulders. She knew her parents meant well, yet they didn’t understand what she actually felt. She never wanted to let Max go. Would it be the filial love or erotic love that won the battle in her heart? At that point it was even, both sides were fighting hard neither giving way.
         “I don’t know? They’re my parents, but you’re my… I don’t know, you’re my everything,” she finally said.
         “How is this going to work?” he replied. Lucy moved out of his hold and turned to face him. She glanced up at his face with a suspicious look.
         “What do you mean?” she continued.
         “How is this going to work? You’re going back to uni and I’m staying here,” he said.
         “I know but we could work something out,” Lucy suggested vaguely, “I love you,”
         “I love you too,” he affirmed to her, “but how is it going to be possible, we live in two separate worlds.”
         “Don’t talk like that! We live in the same world you and me together,” she insisted. She wanted him to believe this.
         “I think we have no other choice but to do as your parents want,” Max said.
Lucy felt her insides turn to cold then; she tried not to show it on her face. It couldn’t be possible, the man she loved wanted to break up and leave her. Something must have shown on her face because he came up to her and tried to put his arms around her. She pushed him back and walked away from him. All she wanted to do at that moment was run as fast as she could. She did just that, it wasn’t very easy on soft sand.  Max ran after her and grabbed her arm turning her around to face him.
         “Wait, don’t run off. I love you, but I can’t see a way where we could be together with your parents,” he expressed.
         “I don’t know either,” she replied desperately.
At that she ran away from him heading straight for the manor house to complete her packing. She heard him call out to her but she didn’t stop. Her heart felt bruised, she felt winded as though she had been punched. A hollow emptiness was filling her soul. The tears billowed out as though they would never stop. She felt like Alice in Wonderland when she wanted to go home. She thought that Max was her home, especially for her soul. When Lucy got to her bedroom she closed the door not wanting anyone to come in. Her life felt like it was falling apart.

No words could actually come out of Lucy’s mouth. The crying was racking her body so hard. She couldn’t even lie on her bed and cry. Stumbling around the room was the best that she could do, if anyone has ever felt such pain they would know that nothing else can be done. She had the urge to throw everything out of her bag, at that point her father knocked on the door and entered.
         “Are you alright, darling?” he asked gently. He knew that she was not. He wanted her to confide to him, to let it all out.
         “Daddy!” she said, slightly muffled by her sobs. She then went to him and hugged him hard. She didn’t want to let go. Hank was glad for this; he wanted to comfort his little girl.
         “Come here, don’t cry, my sweetheart,” he soothed, “sit down, and tell me what happened.”
Lucy began to tell her father what had just happened down on the beach. She told him what Max had said and done and what she had said in return. Hank nodded showing that he was listening to every word that was being said. At the end when she had finished, Lucy waited for her father’s response.
         “Well, for the moment I think that Max and your mother are right,” Hank started, he knew that Lucy would start up a fuss so carried on quickly, “until later, if you still like him later on in the future I’m sure you can start again.”
Lucy thought this was the worst idea ever. The solution which her father had just made was rational and probably the best option. Although she did not want to do anything like that. She wanted a solution where she could be in two places at once, so that she could make both parties happy. Of course it is impossible to make everyone happy, that included her.   
         “I don’t want to do that though,” she whined.
         “I know, no one wants to leave something or someone they love, but it is part of learning and growing up. You have to do some things that you don’t want to. If everyone got their way the world would be in a rather different state,” Hank put forward. He hoped that this argument would have the desired affect on Lucy.
         “Yeah, but what if I never see him again? I don’t want to risk that happening,” she returned.
         “Of course you will see him again, don’t worry about that, it’s one of those things, you always see people again,” he comforted.
She nodded and rested her head on her father’s shoulder and hugged him. She had been swayed by his words.

Early the next morning the Miller family left Seaview to go to the ferry over to Portsmouth. The summer was now over. The work had to begin again. Lucy had to return to Oxford for her final year. As Hank drove the car the journey was silent in the back. Lucy didn’t want to talk to anyone, she felt like she might have turned to stone if it hadn’t been for the beat of her pulse. To break the silence Sandra spoke most of the way. Although it was of things that Lucy had lost complete interest in. Before she would have listened keenly, yet now she felt entirely different. Her parents tried to include her in the conversations yet she rejected their encouragements and stayed quiet.

At the same time that Lucy was leaving Max was standing on the beach. He was remembering all the times they had had by the water. It was quite a lot. Everywhere he went there was some memory that had attached itself. As Max had lived in Seaview all his life, to now have new impressions about places he had known his entire life seemed strange. He didn’t know if it was a comfort or not. He walked along the water’s edge as he had done a lot that summer, though this time alone. There was no one to hold his hand, he was on his own.

He then went to work and his life before the summer returned back to a normality. It was something that he didn’t want, yet he abided by it. His dream boat was left to the side for a time to come. When Lucy was around he thought that his dream would come round no problem but with her gone his dream seems to be so far away. When he was at work he put his back into it wanting to release all his hurt. His colleagues all knew what had transpired, so they didn’t bother him. The superiors thought that it was great more work was being done than ever because of his hard effort.

The first letter that Max wrote to Lucy was the first love letter he had ever composed in his life. He wrote exactly how he felt not knowing what else to do.

My dearest Lucy,

         The days seem to be endless. They seem to last forever now that you are not here. I miss you and your voice. Your smile and your laughter are in my thoughts. They keep me sane as the lonely days pass. I hope that you think of me, as you can tell I think of you often.

         There will be a day when I will see you again. I look forward to it with great anticipation.

Write back so my heart can be eased by your words.

Yours only forever


There was no reply. He tried again writing another, maybe the first letter was lost in the post. Letter after letter that he wrote there was no reply. He didn’t understand why she would not reply. Had he been given the wrong address? Max didn’t know, he looked it up making sure it was correct. Still he continued he didn’t want to give up and stop. He thought that if he did this he would lose Lucy forever, something that he would never do.

Lucy wrote letters to Max. She had to, it was her form of escape from the world that she lived in. The confinement that she felt was so powerful, with her letter writing she was given a sense of freedom.

My darling Max,
         I think about you constantly. Everywhere I turn you seem to be there, then the next you are gone. I never want the image to go yet it does.

I hope my letter makes you happy, I hope to receive one so that I may feel the same. You lift my heart and yet when I’m away from you, my heart seems to have been gripped hard as though squeezed of life.

I love you dearly.

I am yours forever

Your Lucy.

She couldn’t think of what else to say. She thought that this would be sufficient. Her mother always put letters in the post as her normal routine of the day so Lucy left her letters on the table to be sent. From there she waited for a response to come.
Whenever she played the piano she always thought of the time they spent in the hall. The way that Max had looked at her, it had made her feel so special. The piano still was a release. It lifted her up when she was low. The new emotions that she felt when playing it made the instrument harder to play. Lucy still continued, at least the thought of Max was there even if his writing was not in front of her.

They corresponded for months and months telling each other how they felt. Although they never actually ever received one, it was as though they had all been lost in the post. After about five months Max stopped. He couldn’t bare the pain of writing one and not receiving something in return. It was as though she had forgotten him. He must have written about a hundred letters. His hand though did not feel tired. Max felt like he could write to Lucy forever and still be able to when the world ended.

As time went on they both got on with their lives. Lucy finished her university degree at Oxford with a 2.1 in English. Something that she could be proud of. She went on a year out across the world to places like Chile, New Zealand, Australia and Thailand. It was the typical route that was taken by gap students. It didn’t mean that it wasn’t beautiful. She trekked across the South Island of New Zealand on a horse. Something that she had always wanted to do. This travelling was such freedom, to be away from her pressurising mother was a blessing. It made her think how awful she actually was. Not just as a mother but as a person anyway. To only care about who one knows seems so low. Not to even know them for their qualities as a person but because of their status in society. She couldn’t believe there were people like that still in existence.

Max had risen up within the shipyard. He was now near the top. By being at the top of the company he had earned a nice tidy sum, as much as one can earn in a shipyard. His dream of repairing his beautiful Empress of the Sea was coming closer and closer. His father was also helping out. He gave Max anything that he could spare. For a time he went travelling up to the north of Scotland. There was a place where he loved to go. It was where his mother was from. It was on the edge of Loch Earn,  though not Loch Earn Head, which is the biggest place on the loch. Up there it is beautiful, the water is glassy, and the landscape was something out of a picture book. Nothing could surpass it. Up in Scotland everything felt like it belonged. Even if you weren’t from there, the people accepted you for what you were. He wanted to go somewhere where the memories wouldn’t haunt him like they did in Seaview. It had been a couple of years since Lucy had left yet the torch still burned as strongly as when she was in his arms all that time ago. No other woman could match how she had made him feel. He had not heard anything from her at all, even if she was in the same country or not.

         “Are you up for a little row,” said his friend, he was called Cameron. He lived in Loch Earn Head. It was where all the water sports on the loch took place. From swimming to waterskiing. Some of the best water-skiers had learnt right there.
Max nodded in acceptance knowing that it would make him feel a lot better. They always ended up racing to see who could get to the end of the loch the fastest.
         “So how’s the Empress getting on?” Cameron asked, he looked over at Max as they gently rowed side by side.
Max shrugged his shoulders, “she’s going ok, I’ve raised enough money to get the supplies that I need, just a question of when to start on her.”
         “Have you heard from your dad recently?” Cameron enquired.
         “Yeah I spoke to him last night, he’s fine he’s keeping himself busy. The company has been commissioned to build some big yachts. Should be good to see what they look like when they are completed,” he replied.
Max wanted to complete his boat, he wanted to sail her over the seas. But one reason was that he thought that if he completed the Empress of the Sea then after he would be able to find Lucy.

Lucy had landed the job which she had most desired. It was being a music journalist, she had moved to London to work. At the beginning she had found it hard because the type of writing one had to do for journalism was very different to that of essays and journals. It had to be clipped and precise. Once she had got the hang of the style she found the job fun and exciting. The opportunities that she had been given were fantastic. She didn’t want to admit it but if it hadn’t been for her parent’s contacts then she would never have landed the job.

It was when she was opening a book that something fell out of it. Lucy bent down to pick it up. What she saw made her heart skip a beat. It was a letter that she had written to Max all those years ago. She opened it out full and read what she had written. As she did this forgotten emotions flooded her mind and body.
         “Max,” she whispered.
Images of their time together flashed before her. She had thought a lot about him. He had never been truly forgotten as her mother had wished. Over the years Lucy had grown in maturity. She had grown in wisdom, though some say that to be wise is to have known sadness. To have left the one that she loved had broken her heart. It had taken a long time for Lucy to move on from Max. She had to agree to what is said about women and that women love longer when they think all hope is lost. To find the letter that she had written was heart wrenching. It was the last letter that she had written but had chosen not to send it.

My dearest Max,
         I fear that I must say good bye. You are my love, you always will be. I don’t want to write this but I feel that we must finish what we have had. I will have your memories with me forever and am thankful for the time we have  had together.
Nothing can ever take what we had away from us even if they wanted to.
I will love you forever and ever.

Yours only


The reason she hadn’t sent it was because she didn’t want to say good bye. She was hoping for the chance that something might happen and that he would re-enter her life once again. The phone rang so she picked it up finding that it was from her father.
         “Lucy, I just wanted to tell you that your mother is back in the hospital,” he said slowly. Lucy’s mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago. When Sandra felt a lump she didn’t know what it was? She wasn’t scared to begin with, yet when the doctors kept on wanting tests that was when she actually thought that something might be wrong. Sandra had had the lump removed the year past. It had been a very trying time. After that summer when Lucy had met Max the relationship between Sandra and Lucy had been somewhat stretched. With the cancer that Lucy’s mother had it was as though things had to be forgiven that were pressing down on the Miller family. Sandra always had the thought that it was a higher power reprimanding her for what she had done to her daughter and her lover. The Miller family had just found out that the cancer had returned and more vicious than before. Lucy’s mother didn’t have much more time in the world anymore.
         “I’ll come over now, don’t worry Daddy, I’ll be there soon,” she replied.
At that she hung up the phone and grabbed her bag, car keys, her coat and her flat keys. Then she went out the door and locked it. The hospital was in Winchester, it was about three quarters of an hour away from London. Not that far when one thought about it. Over the years Lucy had grown used to her mother and her social climbing. Lucy had decided that it didn’t matter that she didn’t understand, she just had to accept it. Now that Sandra was in decline Lucy thought of all the times that her mother had been there for her. Of course she didn’t want her mother to die, she was her mother! Everybody made mistakes in their lives some more than others though. Especially in the case of Sandra.

When Lucy arrived in the hospital and the ward that her mother was in she found her father already there.
         “How are you doing, Mummy?” she asked caringly.
Sandra nodded slowly as though it was an effort to move. She had a morphine drip in her arm. This was not a good sign.
         “The nurses say that there isn’t much hope,” Hank said, he looked so sad. They had been married for twenty-five years, a good run. Though Hank wanted it to go on for longer.
         Lucy leant down over her mother and kissed her gently on the cheek. It was hard to see her like this. Lucy had to keep the thought in her head that everyone dies. Sometimes it is not in the way that you expect yet everything must come to an end. 
         “I need to tell you something, you won’t like what I say,” Sandra breathed.
         “What is it?” Lucy asked.
         “It’s about you and Max,” when Lucy heard the name Max she tensed. She always knew that her mother had never ever liked him. She needed to hear what her mother had to say. Lucy waited impatiently as her mother divulged to her the secret that Sandra had kept for so long.
         “He did send you letters,” Sandra revealed.
Lucy’s stomach tightened. How could her mother keep this from her? She waited to hear the rest.
         “I kept them from you, I didn’t approve and so I hid all the letters he wrote. With your letters, I never sent them. They are all in the attic,” this revelation made Lucy feel sick. She couldn’t believe how betrayed she felt. At that she left the room, she couldn’t even look at her mother anymore. Instead of going back to her flat in London Lucy went to the Winchester home to search for the letters from Max. She rushed to her car wanting time to go forward so she could be there quicker.

Once she had arrived at her former home she opened the door with her old key. She opened the attic and went up the stairs. As her mother had said there they were. In a small pile on top of an old trunk. She took them and closed the attic. She then sat down on the sofa and then opened each letter and read them.

He had finished his dream the Empress of the Sea was beautiful. He had replaced all the rotten and decaying wood. Because he had worked in a shipyard he had the necessary skills to do the job. His boat just seemed to glow. When all the paint had dried and the varnish had sealed he brought her out of the boat shed. It was the first time the boat had been in sunlight for about forty years.
         “She’s a beauty, son,” his father said while admiring the finished piece.
Max nodded in approval, glad at what he had achieved.
         “I’ll be putting her in the water soon,” Max stated.
They both just stood back and looked. Nothing else just looked. They didn’t want to speak, there was no need for words. Just the majestic presence was enough. After a while Max drove back to his house. All this work had made him thirsty. Some of his old friends had been organising a party unbeknown to Max. When he opened his house door a great cheer erupted. The lights suddenly turned on to reveal a room packed with people. Max just smiled totally dumbfounded.
         “What’s all this then?” he asked to the person nearest to him, it was a man named Jack.
         “Well, we just thought since you finished your boat that we would celebrate in style,” Jack replied with a massive smile plastered to his face.
A drink was immediately put into his hand. At that point his father came in with a knowing look.          
         “You knew about this then?” Max asked with an amused look on his face.
His father nodded laughing, “of course how do you think they got in?”
Max raised his eyebrow and gave a crooked smile. He then thought never to give spare keys to his father again. It was the best party ever. Something that he had needed for a long time.
It went on for hours, the good old banter that he used to have with his friends. He had almost lost that, unintentionally. He just kept thinking back to the past, to a future that never was. He had missed them, the people who had been with him always. The ones who had stayed.
When the party had ended and everyone had left he fell into his bed exhausted. From the hardship of the days labour and the evening festivities he had tired himself out entirely. He fell asleep instantly.

As the day broke Max got up, though instead of his usual day which was just completing his boat he relaxed. This was something that he had not done in a long time. As the sun was shining with no cloud in the sky he decided to have his breakfast in the garden. He felt a strange feeling in himself as though he was expecting something. He looked around himself trying to pinpoint what he felt. At that moment a car came up to the house. The sun blared down on the windscreen blinding him so that he could not see who was inside. The door of the car didn’t seem to open for an age. When it did Max could not do anything but stare.
         “Hello,” she said.
Max couldn’t say a word.
         “Your father told me where to find you,” she continued.
The image of Lucy stood in front of him. He questioned whether or not this could really be happening.
         “I wanted to give you these,” she said showing him a pack of letters that she had wrapped in rubber bands. Lucy walked over to him and handed him the letters. Max took them still not quite understanding the image in front of him. She stepped back not really knowing where to be at that moment. In the end she walked back to the car and got in.
Max then got to her door and opened it, “do you want to come inside.”
Lucy nodded and got out of her car. She followed him into the house.
         “Do you want something to drink?” he asked.
         “Sure,” she replied.
It felt so awkward, this meeting. They didn’t know how to act around each other. Max still held the letters, he hadn’t even looked at them yet. He guided Lucy to a seat and then sat down himself.
Lucy looked at him, he looked older. He had a lot of stubble on his face. There was a hint of fine lines around his eyes. Although he still was undoubtedly Max. She gently sipped her water.
         “How’ve you been?” Max asked.
         “I’ve been good, I live in London now,” she replied, “how ‘bout yourself?”
         “Still working in the shipyard though I’m the assistant manager now, it’s good work,” he answered her question.
Lucy nodded then went quiet. There was so much to say, yet Lucy at that point could not think of how to start. From the look on Max’s face he couldn’t either.
         “What are you do now?” he continued.
         “I’m a journalist for NME in London, it’s good fun, hard to begin with,” she replied.
There was a question that was bristling to be asked. Max got there first.
         “So are you with someone?” he asked although he wasn’t sure if he wanted an answer.
Lucy shook her head, “no, how ‘bout you?”
He also shook his head answering the same as her silently. It was as he hoped, yet were they the same people as before? Could this work as it had before?
         “I want to show you something” Max said suddenly.
He then guided Lucy out of the house and walked to where the boat was, the beautiful Empress of the Sea.
         “You did it, she’s stunning,” she exclaimed.
He nodded, then he took a ladder that was resting by the side of the boat shed close to where the boat was. He leant it against the side of the boat and suggested to Lucy that she go on board. Lucy smiled and did as she was bid. Max followed after her. She looked around taking in the splendour of it all. The boat did its name credit, The Empress of the Sea. Max had done exactly what he said he would. The wood looked fresh and hard. The colours were rich and dramatic. She was smooth, as though she could cut through anything. Perfect for the untameable sea.
         “Well I said I would,” he told her.
He looked at her intently as she studied the handiwork. She looked even more beautiful. Her hair had grown longer. She looked thinner though. There were faint lines on her face, she looked older, in a good way. Max thought that age and time had done her good, made her even more graceful and serene.
         “Do you have anywhere to stay?” he asked her.
         “Yeah I’m staying at the hotel,” she replied. He nodded not knowing whether or not to ask if she would rather stay at his house. He decided against it, she had probably only come to give him the letters.
After a while they got down off the boat and walked back to his house. It was then about half past twelve.
         “Do you want to stay for lunch,” Max asked.
Lucy nodded in acceptance. They then both went into the house where she relaxed while he organised something to eat. The meal took about half an hour to make but the end result was superb.
         “This is delicious, Max!” Lucy praised.
         “Thank you,” he replied.
He had given Lucy and him both a beer. They ate in a comfortable silence. The years apart didn’t seem to matter. It was as though no time had passed by at all. The hours flew by, they talked of random, useless things. Soon it was time for Lucy to go to the hotel.
         “Do you think that you could come back tomorrow, I want to take you somewhere,” Max wondered. Lucy nodded, she would return. As her car left the house Max went inside to find the pile of letters she had given him earlier. He picked them up and took off the rubber band. He sifted through them not knowing what they were. When he realised he sat down running his hands through his hair. Four years had passed since he had written those letters. It seemed such a long time ago, such a long time to wait for someone.

Max took the first letter, opened it and read it. He continued so with every letter. They meant so much to him. If only he had received them all those years ago. He hadn’t so he had to go through life wishing. Then on that day his wishes all seemed to come about together. All his luck must have joined together to give him one of the best days of his life. 
It was about one o’clock when he finally finished reading. He had almost turned into an ice cube he was that cold. He just left the letters as they were and went to bed. Max was so thankful for his duvet. Sleep took over him, the next thing he knew was that the birds were singing loudly outside the window and sunlight was shining in his eye. He had forgotten to close his curtains. It was a good wakeup call. Max jumped out of bed and had a shower and got ready for the day ahead of him.

Lucy was just about to leave the hotel ready for the day with Max. She just had to finish putting on her eye makeup. After that was done she left the hotel and drove to his house.
         “Max?” she called out.
         “I’m here, we’d better go,” he replied.
He then drove her to a lake. It wasn’t the lake which had the waterfall where they had swum at the beginning of that summer, it was a different one. There was a large foot bridge that went over the top of it. The lake wasn’t very big. There were swans swimming everywhere. All around the lake were tall trees sheltering it, keeping it hidden. One wouldn’t know that this place existed without prior knowledge.
There was a little rowing boat that was padlocked to a tree that grew on the edge of the water. Max took out a set of keys and undid the lock removing the chain that held the boat in place.
         “Can you hold this for a sec, Lucy,” Max requested. She did as he asked and held the boat ring while he relocked the padlock and the chain so that it wouldn’t sink and drift away. The oars were already in the boat ready for use.
         “Jump in,” he told Lucy.
She did this and then Max followed suit as well as pushing the boat away from the bank. He then positioned himself in the centre while Lucy sat at the bow of the boat. There was a bottleneck opening which Max had to get out of. It wasn’t as easy at it appeared but because he had been to this place so often he managed it easily. When they got into the open water Lucy saw the full beauty of the place, all the swans milling about not caring what was around.
         “It’s amazing, how many are there?” she asked.
Max shrugged, “I don’t know maybe eighty or something.”
She smiled back at him. He rowed around the myriad of birds through the water. They were like a blanket over the lake. As they went under the bridge Lucy leant back wanting to see the view lying back. They stayed out on the water for sometime just taking in the beauty of the views and landscape.
         “I read your letters you gave me yesterday,” he started.
Lucy looked over at him then.
         “Why didn’t you send them to me at the time?” he asked. He couldn’t think of a possible reason why she wouldn’t have sent them. It didn’t make sense.
Lucy took a deep breath; she hoped that she would be able to explain it properly.
         “I only found out last week that they were never sent. I thought I was sending them to you every week,” she began.
         “How did you get them then?” he asked curiously.
         “My mother had kept them, she had kept all of them” Lucy said.
As he heard, his grip on the oars tightened. Her mother, Sandra, had caused all this heart ache, all the pain was caused by an old woman who wouldn’t know what love or happiness looked like if it bit her.
         “I thought you had forgotten about me,” he finally said.
She shook her head with a small smile on her lips. He shook his head too.
         “We’d better go in now,” Max said.
He rowed back to where the boat had been chained. When the boat hit the bank Lucy jumped off and held the boat in place while Max put the chain back on. Once everything had been put back in order Max drove back with Lucy to his house. They then went inside and he made a pot of tea for them to have. Lucy’s letters were still everywhere, Max hadn’t cleared them up.

         “Did you ever get my letters?” he queried.
Lucy shook her head, “I’ve only just got them.”
         “We really loved each other didn’t we?” Max said in a matter of fact way.
She nodded in confirmation looking at something in a far off place.
         “Yeah, we did,” she replied to him.
Whenever she looked up at him a stirring in her stomach and a burning of her flesh occurred. Lucy inhaled his scent that came off him not wanting to forget him ever. The image of his arms and the rolling of his shoulders made her want to melt. Images of Max touching her, satisfying her was almost intoxicating. She wanted his hands to hold her, to feel her flesh in his fingers. At that point she then wondered if he was thinking about her in a similar way. She hoped that he was. Past memories of that summer they had spent together rushed back into her mind; the many walks on the beach, the swimming under the waterfall, the myriad of kisses that they shared. Lucy felt that if her train of thought continued then she wouldn’t be able to control herself for much longer.
         “I’d better go back now,” she said, she had stood up ready to leave the house.
He took her hand then, not wanting her to go anywhere. He stood up as well.
         “Stay, please,” he whispered. The buzz that they both felt when he touched her ignited a fire they thought could no longer burn. He wanted to hold her, lose himself in her, as he had wanted to do when they were together. He loved her with a passion that could not be shared with unless it was with Lucy.
Max brought her close to him; she put her hand onto his chest feeling him through his shirt. They looked at each other, their gaze was hazy with lust that needed to be quenched right then. He then kissed her; everything could be read in that kiss the desire, the longing, the waiting. She had waited so long to be back in his arms, thinking that it could never happen again. Something must have given way in Lucy because she then wrapped her arms around him never wanting to let go.
The passion between them had been ignited. The fire was burning them and the only thing to do was to let it. Lucy quickly undid his shirt and pulled it off revealing his bare torso. Then she undid his belt and unzipped his trousers. He lifted her off the floor so that he held her completely in his arms. She pulled off her dress and eventually undid her bra which she chucked on the floor. Max then carried her to his bedroom where he dropped her on the bed, kissing her all over. He then planted little kisses all over her body. Then one by one he took off her hold ups and then her knickers. Max then removed his boxers. Lucy gasped slightly as he entered her. They began to move together as one, as though they were made for each other. The slow rhythm was lighting a fire deep within Lucy as she tried to keep the pleasure within her. Max wanted this to last forever, to keep her here for her never to leave again. They both gasped with pleasure time and time again. Lucy held tightly onto Max not wanting to let him go. As they rocked together the passion was almost at its height, yet they didn’t want it to stop. They had waited for each other for so long; nothing could have made this home coming more perfect. They then reached their peak. The feeling was so amazing, so delicious, and so delightful. They both lay silent trying to regain their energy.
         “I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” said Max chuckling.
Lucy giggled and pulled herself on top of Max, “oh really?”
“Hmm…yeah,” he confirmed.
She kissed him, not wanting to move from where she was.
         “I love you,” Max said, “I always have.”
         “I love you too,” Lucy replied. It was the utter truth. There was no better place than being with him.
A little while later Lucy woke up from her sleep in Max’s bed. She looked around the room to find that he wasn’t there. At that point he walked in with a tray full of food. He put it down near the door.
         “It’s a nice day outside so I thought we could eat outside,” he suggested.
Lucy smiled and wrapped a warm rug around her. She followed him out the door to the garden where the table was. There she sat down while Max offered her something to drink and eat. They sat there with a comfortable awareness of each other while they ate their food.
         “I’ve got something for you,” Max began.
Lucy looked up from her mug as she drank her coffee.
         “Yeah?” she questioned.
He nodded and then got up from the table and made her follow him back into the house.
In the last room of the house he slowly opened the door to reveal the most beautiful baby grand piano. She gasped at its beauty, while making her way to the stool. She sat down and lightly placed her fingers on the keys.
         “It’s amazing! Thank you,” she answered.
She pressed harder on the keys of the instrument and started to play a tune melting into the world that allowed her to escape somewhere that she was safe from pressure of the outside world. Max watched her play with a calm and peaceful face. He was content on just listening not disturbing. As Lucy finished one tune she immediately started a different one. It was as though all the different pieces of music were actually one continual movement.
When she had finished playing she looked up at Max, “this is wonderful.”
He just shrugged his shoulders as if this was nothing as long as it was for her. He came up behind her and lightly kissed her cheek. She smiled to herself thinking that she was in heaven.
         “Let’s go for a walk,” Max suggested.
Lucy nodded thinking this to brilliant. She stood up from the piano stool and left the room to go put on some clothes. When she had done that and entered the kitchen she found Max had finished clearing breakfast. They both put on a light coat in case it turned cold and walked outside. Unintentionally they started walking to the beach and found themselves on the sand holding hand. This is where every important memory happened, always on the beach. Their first kiss, after all their dates and the end of the day, also this is where they ended everything when Lucy was leaving. Good and bad memories existed in the sand. As they walked Max and Lucy talked of meaningless things just figuring each other out again. It wasn’t hard at all, they were already attuned to each others bodies and understood each other even without having to talk about the things that they have done since they parted those four years ago.
Max knew that he never wanted Lucy to leave him again. He didn’t think that he could live without her now that she had returned to him.
         “I love you,” he said quietly.
Lucy looked at Max knowing that she did as well with all the fibres in her body. She had never ever loved anyone else as much as she loved Max. A light smile danced on her face, “I love you too.”
They then sat down on the beach watching the water lap the shore. Max took Lucy’s hand in his and put it to his lips and kissed it. He turned her face to his and kissed her. She kissed back wanting to know that it was not one sided that she couldn’t be without him again. They both needed each other; they brought out the best in each other.
         “Y’know it seems like no time has passed since we last saw each other,” Lucy said.
Max nodded understanding what she meant and felt.

Some time later Lucy was in the hotel checking out so that she could move her bags to Max’s house. There was no point in paying for a room that she was not going to sleep in. Max was out in town he told Lucy that he would be back later on and to just get her stuff sorted in his house. When she was more organised she decided to call her father to find out about her mother.
         “Hey Daddy,” she answered.
         “Hello darling, how are you?” he replied.
She told Hank that she was in the Isle of Wight with Max; he wasn’t surprised by this at all.
         “How’s Mummy doing?” Lucy asked.
         “She’s struggling, they say that it won’t be long now, she seems more at ease now though since telling you about the letters though,” Hank explained.
She nodded understanding this, she hoped that her mother’s pain would lesson or go away soon. She said good bye to her father and hung up the phone. The sun had really come out so she decided to sit out in the garden. Later she heard Max come back as he entered the house. He dropped the bags of food in the kitchen then went to find Lucy.
         “Hi,” he simply said, then sat beside her. He was holding something in his hand. It looked like a small box. He put it on the table.
         “What’s that?” Lucy asked, interested.
Max smiled softly and looked into her eyes, this was a moment that he had been waiting for a long time. He pushed the box over to her wanting her to open it. As she did she took a sharp intake of breath.
         “Lucy, all these years apart and you are the still the one that I want,” Max started to say.
She looked up at him with a little smile on her face. Inside the box was the most beautiful ring ever. It was gold with small diamonds and two rubies in the centre. Her eyes started to tingle as she felt tears start to form.
         “I want you to be with me forever, I want you to be part of my life,” he said, “Will you do the honour of being my wife.”
Lucy laughed aloud in delight. She went over to him and hugged him tightly, “yes, yes I will.”
Max then laughed as well and hugged her back and lifted her up off the floor while spinning around. She was going to be his wife! She was going to stay forever! It all seemed like a dream to him then. He took the ring from her fingers and placed it on the third finger on her left hand. It was a perfect fit, as though it was made for Lucy. After all the heartache that they had felt over the years to know that it was going to be rewarded was overwhelming. Both Max and Lucy did not think that they would ever have the opportunity to meet again and feel such love as they did. It seemed as though Fate wanted them to have a full life and never be without again. The love that they had was not a forgetful love but the love that can fill a person and make them feel whole, as though without it they would be living a half life that was not real. It lasted lifetimes like the love that features in Shakespeare or Jane Austen. Max and Lucy were soul mates; they were supposed to be together, not with anyone else. With the healing of their hearts as they were united they could finally find peace in each other.

After thirty years of marriage and life they were still together. They loved each other as strongly as they did when they were first together that summer all those years ago. They had three children who were now having children of their own. The world had been put into its right order. Things had fallen into place like they should have.

Soon after Lucy and Max announced their engagement her mother died. Some say it was because of the news. Sandra would never have wanted to see Lucy married to Max. She still did not think he was the right calibre of person for her daughter. She left the world at the right time everyone decided. Her breast cancer had spread to a size that could not be operated on. The doctors couldn’t do any more for her or for Hank. Then one morning she was gone along with all the pain. She was now at peace.
© Copyright 2009 aflindsay (aflindsay at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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