Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1530893-How-Lifesavers-got-their-name
Rated: E · Fiction · Children's · #1530893
An exercise from confirmation class, many years ago. Comments please!
Many years ago there was a candy maker from the old country. He and a friend had gone out for a walk in the woods. They did this often and like so many times they only brought with them walking sticks, their pipe, tobacco and matches. As they walked along they had not noticed that a fog had moved in all around them. Before long they were lost because the fog had grown so thick they were unable to find their way.
They walked a little farther hoping they would soon see a landmark so they could make their way back home. As the day drew to an end they had given up hope of making it out of the woods that day. So the two men set about building a lean-to as a shelter from the weather.
They had gathered wood with which to burn a fire for warmth. Much of it was either too wet or too large to start a fire. Both men being tired and hungry were about to give up and simply shiver until morning. It was then that the candy maker remembered that he had brought with him a new candy he was working on but didn't have a name for it yet. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out what looked to be a coin roll and proceeded to unwrap it. Inside the wrapper were several pieces that were individually wrapped. Sometimes when he was making a new candy he would wrap a few up and over the course of his day give them to people he would meet, asking them what they thought of it. If it was met with a good response he would then make more and sell it in his shop.
He turned to his friend and offered him one of the candies. The two men would sit and pass the time unwrapping and eating each of these delicious candies as they discussed their unique flavors. Although not real food it helped to satisfy their hunger as well as boost their energy level. What they had not really noticed is that each candy they ate provided them with a small piece of paper. They had kept all of the paper and once they had eaten all the candies realized they now had enough paper to uses as fire starter. They then proceeded to build a small pile of twigs around the paper and lit it on fire. Gradually added more twigs and then large ones, then adding small branches and finally branches as big around as their arms. The fire was large enough to keep them warm and as they sat there talking they each said to the other, "Those candies where true lifesavers."
Since then the name has stuck.
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