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a three paragraph essay on the constitution |
<How has The Constitution remained a living document> The Constitution has remained a living document because people understand that it defines us, and our rights, as Americans. The purpose for establishing this document was to create a new government full of freedom where people have a say in things. A lot of rights we have today and restrictions of our government are based off of experiences we had under Britain’s tyranny that we did not want to experience again. After the Declaration Of Independence the founding fathers were hard pressed to create a government system that would be strong enough and popular among the states. Our constitution now stands for everything all Americans stand for and remembers all those who died and suffered for all of us. The fore fathers were smart guys and decided a government for the people by the people would work best hence "We the People" came about. This is why the constitution was established. The founding fathers created checks and balances to limit powers of government. Since the government is divided into three branches, judicial, legislative and executive, they all check on each other. The executive can veto bills, appoint supreme judges and call special sessions of congress. The judicial branch can declare bill unconstitutional and declare executive orders unconstitutional. The legislative branch can impeach executives and confirms judicial appointments. It all works out in the end as no branch can control the rest of the government. It is sometimes necessary to amend the constitution to make it fair to today’s standards. There are some ways to request an amendment. Either two-thirds of the house request or two-thirds of the senate request it. That is how the 27 amendments that have already been passed have gone. To ratify an amendment either three-quarters of house or three-quarters of the senate ratify it. All-in-all our government is safe from abuse of power by one person or branch. The Constitution can be changed when necessary. |