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Different versions of the same scenario
Thomas Bradford
Thomas Bradford here. That's my wife your partner is questioning over there. I sure hope this Cafe' doesn't give me any grief over replacing this suit. I had just purchased it at Brooks Brothers when I was in New York last week. That will cost them a pretty penny. I don't just go to New York every day.

We were finishing up our stuffed mushrooms and wine when that idiot at the next table knocked over my Sauvignon Blanc spilling it all over this new suit. How unlucky can you get? Man all I wanted to do was have a nice night out with my wife.

He's the one you should be asking questions. The guy in the blue flowered shirt looking like he just came home from Hawaii over there. He must have seen the gun in the man's hand before he shot the woman. Blue Flowers turned over my wine before I heard the shot.

Lorene Bradford
"Lorene Bradford, Dr.Lorene Bradford, History Proffessor at Louisana State University."

"It was barbaric! Who would have thought at a nice outside table in New Orleans some redneck heathen would commit murder?"

"Excuse me, I must get to a restroom. I am nauseated." The female officer followed her into the confines of the small room as the Dr. vomited.

"I must wash my face in a little cool water. You will just have to excuse me. I am not eaisly shaken, but it's not every day you witness a murder before your entree' arrives."

"The man seemed no different than any of us at first. He was dressed casually, but neatly. I noticed traces of dust on his shoes as he passed by our table, I had dropped my fork you see, and was retrieving it. Nothing more out of place. My husband and I work hard and relish our little dining outings. I can't imagine how someone could be so crude as to pick a crowded sidewalk restaurant to exterminate someone, anyone!"

"Excuse me, I am rambling. I hate for my students to ramble. To get to the point, the man walked past our table just as we'd finished our Stuffed Portobellos and without a word, pulled out a pistol and fired. He fled from here into the traffic and alleyways on foot. Blood splattered the teenagers celebrating a birthday. They screamed, the mother screamed. Then tables of people began to race inside and some left with food on the table Oh, the man that shot the woman had on a red shirt I think, I'm not sure. It happened so fast you see. Perhaps the people at the next table over could be more helpful. It will be the man with the dreadful blue flowered shirt and kakhi's and the lady with him was wearing a skimpy bright yellow sundress."

BeBe Boudreaux

"Man, I ain't gonna be no help to ya. I had my back to 'em bussing a table. All I know is I hear gunshots. Man, can you believe gunshots in a public place without no fight first? Naw, no warning, no loud talking, then everybody running and goin crazy to get out. I could tell it was a man running off into the alley dodging cars as he went. That's all. Can I go now?"

"Where y'at BeBe? You fixin to go somewhere? You remember me? You grandmama live rite nes door to me?"

"Soc au' lait officer. Yea, she give grandmama pirogue las week."

"What you see?"

" I jus finish bring out bouillee to the lady who dead now, yea. I turn aroun, Mais, jamais d'la vie! Dat por woman had gris gris on her neck but yah, it no good gris gris. The man what shot her, he ran off headed to Moon Walk. He jus gone. The man what got on the big flowers on his shirt maybe can help. N'em folks dey sit rite next table over."

Thirteen Year Old Girl

The young officer sat at a back table with the young teenaged girl. " I know this is going to be difficult for you. It is very important though. You were sitting at the table next to the lady and we need to know what you saw and heard."

Raising her downcast eyes slowly the officer saw tears forming again in the girls eyes. "Where's my friend's mom?
She brought us here to celebrate our thirteenth birthdays, my best friend and me."

"She is inside with another officer giving her statement too," the policewoman explained. "She's not far away. Why don't we try to finish this up quickly and you can get back with her and your friend."

"My mom is going throug a divorce you know." the teenage child volunteered. "I wonder if something like this could happen to her. My dad hits her when he drinks. Can I call her. My mom, I mean to make sure she's okay?"

"Sure sweetie, just as soon as we've heard what you saw and heard. We'll make sure your mom is okay. Can you tell me what the man looked like, if he appeared angry?"

Relaxing a little, the girl began, "Well, he had on navy dockers with a red polo shirt. It looked like something my dad would wear. The woman was drinking tea when he came up. He was walking fast and her face looked like my mom's does just before dad hits her."

Breaking down in tears, the policewoman had to calm the child before continuing.

Tears still streaming the young girl told the officer, "I've never seen so much blood. It splattered everywhere." Holding up her arm she showed spots of blood on her sleeve. Everyone just froze for a while then tried to leave. The police and ambulance got here fast."

Still coaxing, the policewoman continued her investigation. "Did you see where the man went? Did he get in a vehicle with anyone?"

"No. He ran off. Cars almost hit him but he didn't get in one. He ran down an alley and I didn't see him anymore."

"Can I call my mom now?"

"Sure honey, let me get you to the restaurant office. You did great."

Portfolio -> Sunrise Class -> Assignment 2, Lesson 5
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