Printed from https://writing.com/main/portfolio/item_id/1527625-An-Ancient-Vampire-Curse-Chapter-3--4
Rated: 18+ · Folder · Supernatural · #1527625
Its about 3 vampires & their life & struggles with their new found powers Opinions wanted
This is a rough draft hasn't been edited yet. Please help me with editing. And your opinions are appreciated. Thanks

Chapter 3
Angelique's story

She answered, “The reason I have done this is because you remind me of myself when I was turned into the creature that I am today.
I asked, “How so?”
“It all started when I was born in the year 752b.c. I was born in Rome to a poor family. I was different from other children. I had some type of condition that when I went into the sun, my skin started blistering and burning very badly, almost killing me. So I was never allowed outside in the day, and I was special in other ways also. I could do strange things while I was growing up. I was able to read people's thoughts a little. It was bits and pieces of what they were thinking. I was able to feel what any animal was feeling. I could tell the future by using tarot cards or other objects of this nature and talking to spirits. I used my gifts to help the kings, and others like them to rule over the land. It made my family and me very wealthy. There was one spirit that seemed to take a liking to me. I called him Evin. He stayed with me and helped me with my craft. He could tell me what someone was doing during the day. I could ask him to follow someone for me and report back everything they were doing. That came in very handy sometimes. I used to talk to other spirits. Most of these spirits were earth bound spirits. I used to be able to speak to people who were deceased and on the other side. They were somewhere else. But I was only able to contact those spirits when the person who wanted them was in front of me. So I did this for years. I talked to many spirits; however, Evin was the one spirit that never left me.
One day another spirit came from nowhere on my 25th birthday. She was rather mean-spirited. She always lied and told stories. So I could never trust her. Her name was Erie. I tried to get rid of Erie, but she stayed. One night I was doing what I usually do, and the King came to visit me in person. He had asked me a question about one of the battles he was about to pursue. To the best of my ability and from what I got from the tarot cards and Evin, I assumed I gave the king the correct information. I told him that he would win the battle, and that the enemies were on the south side of the hill. So he should take the north, and attack from the back. They would never know what hit them.
Little did I know, it was Erie who was giving me the information. I should have paid more attention, but I didn't. Erie and Evin had different vibes and feelings. They sounded differently. Erie disguised her voice. I just didn't pay attention like I usually did. So Erie gave me the wrong information, and the King lost the battle very badly.
The next night I was out shopping for supplies for my family. I had 3 children, a husband, and my parents lived in the castle. We couldn’t have been any happier; I loved my family to death. So while I was out shopping for supplies on this dreadful night, I heard one of the guard’s thoughts saying that they were going to kill my family tonight for what I did to the King.
It’s probably already done hahahaha. He was thinking this while he was looking at me. Then he said, ‘How are you doing tonight ma’am?’
I dropped my supplies, and started running as fast as I could to my home. I finally got close to my home and I ran inside screaming my family’s names, hoping they were ok.
They weren't. I ran into my room and saw my husband stabbed multiple times, and his throat was cut. I screamed and started to cry. Then I went into my children's rooms and they were all dead with their throats cut. Then I ran down the far hallway to my parent's room. They had been stabbed multiple times. They were all dead. I couldn't believe it. I was devastated. I was screaming and crying uncontrollably.
I screamed for Evin, at the top of my voice and fell to the floor in the living room. ‘Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me?’
He said ‘I was with you at the store and I haven't followed anybody in the last few days I've just been with you.’
I could hear Erie in the background laughing and saying, ‘I knew, they were going to do it. I just didn't want to tell you.’
Then I heard something behind me. It was soldier's, about seven of them. They had blood all over their swords from my family they had slaughtered. They grabbed me by the hair, and started to call me nasty names; whore, stinking witch, sorcerer, and bitch. They slapped me and punched me and then they tore off my clothes and started raping me.
I could hear Evin saying ‘Noooo, don't!!! No don't’. Then I heard him say, ‘I wish I could do something to help you Angelique, but I can't, and I'm sorry.’ I heard Erie's voice laughing.
The soldiers took turns raping me, one by one. They raped me and beat me. Then they stopped and started spitting on me, and calling me names while I was on the ground naked. I was almost unconscious when I felt their swords starting to penetrate my flesh. They were stabbing me deeper and deeper with the same swords that had slain my family. Their blood was still on them. I kept saying in my head, someone help me please, someone help me please. I kept screaming and crying. The soldiers didn't care. They kept stabbing me. They spit on me and then they left. They said, ‘She's nearly dead, let her suffer.’
I was lying there in my own blood and I was losing blood very quickly. I could hear Evin saying, ‘What can I do to save you? What can I do to help you?’
I said without speaking, ‘You can't do anything. I'm going to die’.
He said, ‘No I don't want you to die. I'm going to try to save you.’
This whole time Erie was listening to our conversation, and Evin entered into my body through one of my bloody wounds. I didn't contest. I was too weak and had almost no blood left in me. It was a lot easier for him to enter into my body and take over. Erie saw what he did and followed right behind him, entering my body. I could feel them inside of me. I could see my wounds trying to close and heal.
I thought, That must be Erie trying to repair my body. It was working, but I had lost so much blood, I was still dying.
We usually had a few bats around the house, but one particular bat was attracted to the blood. I have never seen a bat like this one before. It crept up on me, and bit me on the leg. It felt like it was trying to suck the blood out of my leg. I tried to get it off, but I couldn't move after it bit me. I started feeling differently.
Something inside me kept saying, “I need blood. I need blood right now. If we don't get blood you’re going to die”.
Next thing I knew I saw my arm grab the bat that had bit me. I wasn’t controlling my arm. It must be Erie. So the bat went into my mouth but I did't want to bite it. Something was telling me I had to; You need blood, if you don't you will die.
So I bit into the bat, and the blood just flowed into my mouth. I began to suck harder and harder. I liked it. It was strange. I felt different. It wasn't enough. I needed more. Then my body started to shake, and I could feel myself dying. I died.
When I died, I could see my soul floating over my body. I flew into my family's rooms, and I saw their lifeless bodies lying there. That ignited a hatred and anger so deep inside my soul I couldn't stand it. I wanted revenge. I wanted to kill all of those men who did this to my family. However, I didn't know how.
Then I saw a beautiful, bright light; the brightest light that I had ever seen. It was inviting, and the light was calling me, and calling me. But I wanted revenge so badly. I wanted to kill those men with all of my heart. I said to myself, I wish I could get back into my body. The next thing I knew, I was moving away from the bright, white light.
I was slammed back into my body. Something was different. I could feel Evin and Erie inside of my body. I believe they were trapped inside of my body. I wasn't the same. My skin was pale from all the blood I had lost. I was very thirsty. I wanted something. I needed something. I craved blood. I really don't know why I wanted blood. I don't know if it was because I had almost no blood left in my body, and I needed blood to survive; or if it was because I was bitten by that bat, or that I bit the bat and sucked its blood. No matter what the reason, I was craving blood. The more I thought about it, the more thirsty I became. My eyes started to feel like they were changing. I could see more clearly in the dark. My canine teeth became longer than my other teeth. We had animals outside of our house and I wanted blood. I needed blood badly. So I started to crawl outside of my house, screaming for help. I was very weak and felt faint. One man saw me. He was by himself.
He said, “Ma'am are you ok? Do you need some help?”
I reached for him and he grabbed me, and picked me up. I could hear his heart beat. I could hear the blood flowing in his body and it made me so crazy. I wanted it! How can I get it, I asked myself.
Then while he was holding me, without any hesitation, I bit him with my sharp canine teeth. The next thing I knew, I was sucking the blood right out of him. It was magical and seductive all at once. I felt everything that you felt when you fed. I could hear his thoughts. They were so much clearer now, than when I was human. I saw things as if I were in a dream. I didn’t know until I was almost finished that I was seeing his life. I didn't know how to stop. He wasn't moving any longer. I could hear his heartbeat slowing down to the point where it was about to stop. As I was seeing the images of his life, it just became black. It felt like a black hole. It felt like I was being sucked into the black hole, so I stopped. His body was pale from all the blood I took from him.
The change and feeling that came over me was overwhelming. I felt stronger, more powerful than I had ever felt in my life. I could feel my strength returning. It felt like I was alive again. I had enough strength and I could stand up now. The color of my skin wasn't pale any longer. It was like my skin was alive. It was almost my original color. I looked around to see if someone saw what I had done. There was no one around, so I picked up the lifeless man. He should have been very heavy, but he wasn't. He was actually quite light. I mean light as a feather. I could pick him up with one hand with ease. So I picked his body up, and carried him into my house.
I knew I felt something different and powerful about myself. I could read his thoughts 100 times better and I was powerful. This was amazing. It was as though most of the gifts I had were 100 times stronger and better. So I took him into my house and laid him on the floor. I went into the bedroom and got my husband. I put him next to the man. My husband was light also. So then I went to get my children in their rooms. It was kind of far away. So I started walking briskly and next thing I knew, in the blink of an eye, I was in my children's room. I was stunned. I couldn't believe that I could be in the living room one second, and then in my children's room in the blink of an eye. I had speed beyond my wildest dreams. I picked my son up and this time I ran to the living room. Again, in the blink of an eye, I was in the living room. I did this for my whole family, and had them all in the living room. Then one by one, in the blink of an eye, I took them to our cemetery that was in the back of the castle. I started to dig their graves. In the blink of an eye, I was finished. I placed them in the graves, covered them up, and placed great big stones on each of their graves. I shouldn't have been able to pick up those stones by myself. They were so light; it felt like I was holding a pebble in my hands.
I saw the sun coming up. I knew I had that condition. So I ran into the castle in a flash. I slept until the night came as I usually do. This time it was different from other nights because I was starving. I was hungry and my skin was pale again. I tried to eat food, but it was disgusting. It made me sick to my stomach. I threw it up. I wanted something; I needed something. I was so thirsty. I wanted what I had last night. I needed blood and I didn't care how I got it. I felt a little weak. Not as strong as I was after I fed on that young man. Oh yeah, I had the young man’s corpse in the living room. With the blink of an eye, I ran into the living room. I still had speed.
I picked the young man up, and he was still light as a feather. I remembered seeing where he lived when I fed on him. So I dashed out of the front door to his house. In a matter of seconds I knocked on the door and I left him on his family's doorstep. I felt so badly that I left that young man that way. I promised myself I would try to never hurt anyone as innocent as he was again. I will only take the blood of people who deserve to die.
You will be surprised how many crooked and evil people are in this world. It shouldn't be hard to feed my thirst for blood on them. I needed to feed, so I searched around the lands for someone I could feed on. Then I saw one of the guards who had killed my family and tried to kill me. I walked past him at a normal pace just so he could see me. He looked, and then he looked again. He thought, it can't be. We left her for dead. There is no way that she is still alive.
He followed me, and I felt him following me. So I pick up speed, but still walking normal. He started to run and I let him catch up with me. Then I turned into a dark alley, with him right behind me. In a flash I ran behind him. He turned the corner, and looked around. He said without moving his lips, what happened to her? Was I just imaging that I saw her and that I was chasing her?
Then he turned around to leave, and I was standing there right in front of him. I grabbed his arm and pulled it with a little force. It came right off his body. Blood started squirting everywhere. I could feel my heartbeat pounding. I wanted the blood, and then I felt myself changing again. I could feel my eyes changing. I could feel my two teeth lengthen and my fingernails changing. So I bit where his arm used to be and I started to suck the blood from his arm, while he was screaming. I wanted him to shut up so no one would hear him. So I covered his mouth with my hand, and I bit his neck. The blood started flowing into my mouth even faster, as if I had bitten into something that carried a large amount of his blood.
I could see the images of his life. I could see exactly where all the other men lived. Then it started going black again, and I remembered what almost happened the last time. So I stopped. He was almost dead but I could still hear his heart beat. I looked in his eyes and they became big with fright and terror. I grabbed him by his neck and said, “This is for me, and my family”. Then I crushed his neck with my bare hands. I did it so hard his head was barely hanging onto his body. I said to myself, did I do that? I'm more powerful than I could ever imagine.
For the rest of the night I killed one man after another. I went to each of their houses and guard posts. I grabbed them in the blink of an eye and pulled them from their area. I took them where I could kill them without anyone noticing. It was amazing. As long as I was holding them I could carry them as fast as I could move. They didn't know what was happening until I got them to the spot where I wanted to kill them.
I wanted the last man I had to kill to suffer. I tortured him like I tortured the other men, pulling their limbs and private parts off of their bodies, and sucking their blood from them. I took my time with the last one. As I was torturing him, I didn’t realize that he had a hand knife. I should have known! I just didn't listen to all of his thoughts. Or maybe I was just having too much fun revenging my family's death. I didn't see him grab the knife while I was feeding on him. He stabbed me in the stomach, as deep as the blade could go, and then he pulled it out.
He said “Die, demon creature, die.”
I believed I was going to die. I could feel some pain, but not a lot. Blood started to come out of my wound. I just knew I was going to die again. The next thing I knew, my body started to heal itself. I remembered Evin healing my body the last time.
I said, “Evin, s that you?” I couldn't hear him, but I could feel a hint of him inside of me, and I could also feel evil Erie still inside of me. Then my furry, anger, and hatred took over me. I was uncontrollable. It was like an evil monster took over my body. I charged the man, grabbed the arm he had the knife in, and pulled his arm right off of his body. Then I jumped on him, and bit him in the neck. When I was finished, I tore his head right off of his body. I felt a sense of relief that I had killed all of the men who had killed my family, except the King.
I was thinking about it. Should I kill the King? He is the one that granted the men permission to kill my family and me. Something inside of me was saying no, you have gotten your revenge on the men who did the actual killing. Something else inside of me, was saying, kill them, kill them all. I listened to the second response and went to his enormous castle.
I took off running and all of a sudden, I started to rise off my feet. I wasn't even trying to. I just started to float off of the ground. Before I knew it, I was flying over the land, aimlessly. I was high above the clouds. I was terrified to think how was I doing this. I can't be doing this. This is impossible. I can't fly. Something is wrong. This must be how Evin and Erie traveled so quickly. I could tell Evin to do something, like spy on someone that was far away, and he would be back in a matter of seconds telling me exactly what they were doing. Is this the reason why I had incredible speed when I ran? How am I able to fly now? Is it because spirits could do this in the blink of an eye? They could travel long distances, just by thinking it.
I think Evin and Erie being trapped inside of me was giving me great strength, abilities, and powers, and getting bit by that vampire bat. That is what bit me when I was in my living room dying. I'm assuming somehow and some way, Evin and Erie had their own special powers. I believe they were able to transform a part of me into that vampire bat, so I could survive and get blood for my body to survive. It was starting to make sense now. This was why I had great powers and strengths, and why the abilities I had at first are now 100 times stronger. It also explained why all of my five senses were 100 times more powerful, and why those particular two teeth lengthen when I'm thirsty for blood, and why my eyes changed to be able to see better at night, and why my finger nails changed in length. I am a creation of Evin, Erie and the vampire bat that bit me.
I couldn’t believe I was flying. I was so scared and excited at the same time. The speed I had was incredible. I would just think where I wanted to go, and I started flying in that particular direction almost instantly. I could slow my speed down to almost a complete stop. I could fly at speeds you couldn't imagine. I realized that flying at almost the highest speed drained my strength. So I guess I won't do top speeds very often. Just a speed that feels natural to me.
I experimented with flying for about 45 minutes. I could feel or sense that the sun was going to be coming up soon. I couldn't get caught in the sun, because of what it does to me, no matter how much I changed and how powerful I was. So without thinking, I flew back to the King's castle. The King was on the very top floor of the castle. It was so easy for me. I just flew into the window, and I was in front of him while he was sleeping. His Queen was right next to him. I thought, I hope his Queen doesn't wake up, then I will have to kill her also. Queen stay asleep, and don't wake up I repeated.
I grabbed the King by his neck, and picked him up out of his bed with one hand. I changed again and he was frightened. I looked in one of his mirrors, and I saw my face in the mirror. It was the same, but it was different. I could see my fangs and my eyes. My eyes were glowing dark red and they were frightening. I finally saw why everyone I had encountered that night was terrified of me. As I held the King off the ground and with all of his screaming, I covered his mouth so no one would hear him. For some reason his wife didn't wake up like she should have.
I was just about to bite him and drain his blood, when three of his younger children walked in, and said, “What's wrong father? What is happening?” Then they saw me and started to scream.
I said, “Hush.” They stopped screaming almost instantly. I had a flash back about my kids. I was looking at his kids as though they were my own. I couldn't go through with it. I couldn't kill the King in front of his children. So I thought about it and said to myself, I will see if I can make them all forget what they have seen.
I said to the children, “Go back to bed, and forget what you have seen tonight.” Instantly, they turned around and walked back to bed without a word. I could read their thoughts, and they were repeating what I was saying verbatim. That is when I knew I could tell people what to do and they would do it.
Then I looked at the King and said, “I should kill you for what you ordered those soldiers to do.”
He said, “What did I order them to do?”
“You ordered them to kill my family!” I replied.
“I didn't say anything of the sort. I said to my guards and soldiers that I obtained information from you on how we could defeat our enemies. After the battle, they said they were going to try to kill you because they lost so many friends and family members in the battle. I told them, ‘Don't touch her or her family. She has been right more times than she has been wrong. I will forgive her for this one.’ So I never told them to do this. Your family is dead? I am so sorry.”
I wanted to believe him, so I scanned his thoughts, and he was telling the truth. He had nothing to do with it. So I let him go.
“What are you? Why are you so strong? Your eyes, what is wrong with your eyes, and teeth?”
Then I saw the sun coming up and I turned to him and said, “I'm a special creature of the night now.”
I flew out of the window in the blink of an eye. The sun was out but with my speed, I flew to safety. Before I could make it back to my house, the sun caught me. It started to burn my flesh, like it used to do when I was alive, but now it was ten times worse. Everything had been heightened, including the condition I had. My skin was on fire, and then it started to become dark black. I was burning, and I was dying. It felt like my blood was on fire. My whole body was burning. I knew I had to get to safety fast, so with all of my might, and my speed; I flew inside of my house in the nick of time. When I got into the house, I was burned everywhere; all over my body, my face, my hair was gone. I looked in the mirror. I couldn't even recognize myself. I was burned so badly. I felt like I was dying. The next thing I knew my body started to repair itself. In a matter of minutes my skin and my whole body was healed again.
“Evin, and Erie,” I spoke out loud in a normal voice. Then I felt, a hint of their presence inside of me. I was so exhausted I couldn't function. I just fell asleep.
So now you know most of my story, of how I became, and why I took a liking to you. I was already attracted to you because of your handsome beauty. But when this happened to you and your family, it reminded me so much of myself 2000 years ago. I felt your pain. I have seen and witnessed a lot of things over the years, things you couldn't possibly imagine. I blocked most of my experiences from you so you can learn your own path. You're almost as powerful as me, but not quite. I feel if I let you feed on me for the third time you will be close to my equal. So I can't let you feed on me again.
Over the years my skin has become very strong and powerful. I am now able to walk in the sun without it burning me. I have developed the ability to start fires with just a thought. These two things you won't be able to do for 1000's of years, unless I let you feed on me again. Which I will not do! Or maybe, just maybe, you will figure out the fire on your own over the years.
So, you will still have to stay out of the sun. You can survive for a few minutes, but no longer. It will kill you.
I said, “I understand.” Then I said, “Can I ask you a question? How did you realize that you could turn humans into creatures like yourself?”
“Well after a few years of being basically by myself, not able to let humans get close to me, I was tired of being alone. I started thinking to myself, there has to be away that I can make another creature like me. I figured out that my body was alive, but dead. Therefore, I knew I couldn't have children. That was apparent because I never became pregnant. So I kept thinking, and thinking to myself. After a couple of months I figured let me try to do exactly what happened to me, when I was changed to the creature that I am tonight.
So for months I looked for the perfect mate. Did I want a female as a companion or a male companion? I decided to choose a male companion. But no one could ever take the place of my husband and my family.
I began my search. Initially, I stayed close to my new home. I searched all of Rome first. I saw a few men who had potential, but I wanted something different, something more. I can go anywhere I want, so I started venturing farther away from home, farther, and farther I flew. I searched all of Europe, Greece, Austria, Germany, Turkey, Ukraine, Sweden, Finland, all of Europe. Then I ventured out farther passed Finland. I searched another country called Russia, I searched all of Russia, Moscow, Samara, and St. Petersburg, all of Russia. I went even farther over the months. I traveled to China, India, North and South Korea, Hong Kong, and Japan. All of Asia I searched. I couldn't believe there were so many different humans in this world. So many different beliefs and races, but we were all the same. We all have red blood, and that was what I needed. During my long journeys, I saw so many beautiful countries, and lands, mountains, and humans, lots of potential in China. I loved their mystical beliefs. I remained in the shadows in most of the countries I visited. But for some reason it seemed that when I was in Asia, they could sense my presence, even though I was lurking in the shadows watching them. They were a very intriguing, mystical people. I ventured to a country called Australia. Sydney, Canberra, Adelaide, all of Australia; I searched. I have seen a lot, and I have met a lot of different humans. I still wanted something different. I will know it when I see it, and taste it.
One night I changed directions. I had gone all through the east, now it was time for me to go to the west. I had heard rumors, and read, and fed on enough humans, to know that Egypt had some type of special mountains that were created by humans, from the beginning of ancient times, a long, long time ago. No one could figure out how they were built. I wanted to see the special mountains for myself. I flew off on this particular night and stopped in Spain first to feed.
Then I went on my way to Africa. I knew where the special mountains were from what I heard, and saw from the humans I fed on. So I went straight to Africa flying past Jordan, stopping to feed in Alexandria. Then I went to the Pyramids located near Giza. That was what every one was calling these special mountains, pyramids. I saw these amazing stones. They were magnificent and beautiful. I flew all around the Pyramids, studying them, wondering how humans created such a big, and beautiful creation. I flew inside of the Pyramids. It felt so powerful and magical when I flew inside. I could feel the power, and the magic all around me. It was exhilarating. I flew inside of the Pyramids for a couple of hours studying everything I could. Then I went to the town of Giza to feed again. They had beautiful beliefs. They reminded me of the humans in Asia, very mystical, magical, with their fascinating beliefs and artifacts. I was impressed. I flew around for a while, and then I landed in the town of Giza.
I walked around for a while and someone caught my eye. He was magnificent, very handsome, and intriguing. I couldn't take my eyes off him. I followed him for a while, wondering if he could be the one. I walked toward him to make sure that he could see me coming. He and the other men were captivated by me. They couldn't keep their eyes off me, but I didn't care about anyone else. I had my eye on him only. So I walked past him, and he said something to me in his native language. I understood what he was saying, because I had fed on someone who spoke the same language, and of course I could read his mind. I didn't need to read his mind yet. I knew he was attracted to me, and my beauty. He said to me, “How are you this beautiful night?”
I replied back to him in his language, “I'm very well, thank you.” Then we walked past each other. He stared, and I stared right back at him. I could smell the blood in his body. I could hear his heartbeat speed up when I walked past him. I wanted him so badly, but I didn't want to kill him. What can I do?
The next thing I knew, he turned all the way around, and ran after me. He said, “Ma'am what is your name?”
“Angelique”, I said. “What is your name?”
“Catholis. Is there anyway I can see you again?”
I could feel the sun was coming up soon, so I said, “Meet me here tomorrow night a little after dusk. In this very spot, I will be here.”
He then said, “Ok, beautiful princess, I will be here.”
So I flew home. I was excited. I believed I had found the one that I wanted to spend my life with. And then I slept. When I woke up the next night, I flew off to Giza, and I stopped to feed. I almost stopped in the same spot I was in the night before but I stopped a little around the corner. He was standing there looking like a beautiful god, looking for me. I could hear his thoughts. He was saying, where is she; she said she would be here. I hope she comes.
I walked up to him and said, “Looking for someone?”
He said, “Yes, you silly girl.” He asked me a number of questions. “Where are you from?”
“Around, I can't tell you right now.”
“I understand. You don't look like you're from around here.”
“I’m not from around here.”
“I don't care where you're from. You are very beautiful and it doesn’t matter where you were born. Your eyes look kind of funny. They are so beautiful, and blue they almost look like they’re glowing.”
I said, “Thank you. You're very handsome yourself.” I asked him his age. He told me he was 35, the perfect age. I asked him if he had anyone and he said did not. I scanned his mind; he was telling me the truth. So we talked, talked, talked, for nights, and months. We made love during those months. I believe we were falling in love with each other. He kept telling me this, but I couldn't say it back yet. I had to catch myself oh, so many times. I wanted to feed on him. If I had not fed before I met him every night, I probably would have killed him a long time ago.
One particular night after we had been talking to each other for about nine months, something terrible happened. While we were walking the streets, some men came from nowhere, and demanded money. I could feel myself getting angry, and about to change. I forgot I was with Catholis. I couldn't let him see me this way yet. Being the man that he was handsome, and brave, he jumped in front of the men protecting me.
“Take it, take all of my money. This is all that we have.”
“What about the lady? I need her money too.”
“She doesn't have any.”
“I'm going to check.”
“No, you're not going to put your hands on her,” Catholis shouted.
I could have killed all of those men in a flash. The robber tried to charge me, and touch me. Catholis jumped between us. The man stabbed Catholis in the chest.
I screamed, “Not again, not again.”
Catholis fell to the ground, bleeding. The men took off running.
“Catholis, Catholis, are you ok?”
He said, “Yes, my darling. I will be ok.”
I could see he was losing a lot of blood. I could hear his heartbeat, and it was slowing down. I could hear his thoughts. He knew he was dying. I knew he had a few minutes left.
I said, “I will be right back.” I changed and flew after the men, who were still together. I grabbed them one by one, and started killing and sucking the blood from them. They were dead. In the blink of an eye, I was back with Catholis.
He said, “Where did you go, and how did you leave me so quickly? You were here one second and gone the next. There is no way you can do that, disappear, and reappear without me seeing you. What are you!!?”
I said to him with my mind, I'm something different. I'm not human. I'm a special creature of the night. You are dying my love. Do you want to die?
He said, “No I don't want to die, I want to stay with you.”
Then I said, “I am a creature that can't die. I have special abilities. To live you will have to kill for blood. You won't be able to see sunlight again.”
He said, “I don't care. I want to be with you forever.”
I said, “I want to be with you forever. You will become what I am.” I changed in front of him. He was frightened at first when my eyes, nails, and teeth changed, but I could read his mind.
He thought, I still love her, I want to be with her forever, and I don't want to die. Then he said to me, “How can you make me into what you are?”
“Don't worry, my love. All you need to do is come back to me.”
So I bit him, and drained the rest of the blood out of his body, until there was just a little left. Then I said with my mind, are you still sure my love?
With his mind he replied, yes, yes.
I remembered what happened to me that long ago night. I had almost no blood left in me when I bit the vampire bat, and then I bit that young man. So I thought, he needs blood. I had blood in my body. I cut my wrist with my sharp fingernail, and I said, “Drink my blood, my love, drink my blood.”
I turned my slashed wrist toward his mouth, and he opened his mouth. The blood started to flow into his mouth. Then he started moving and grabbed my wrist. He started sucking all of my blood from my body. I let him drain a good amount of my blood. Then I said, That's enough, my love, with my mind. He stopped, and I could hear his heartbeat slowing down.
“My love, you will have to die in order to live. Please come back to me, please come back to me.”
“I will, my love, I will. Then he died. It felt like an eternity, even though it was only a few moments.
I kept repeating over and over in my mind, come back to me my love, come back to me. I heard his heart start to beat again, and then his chest started to rise, and he opened his eyes. They had changed like mine, his skin had changed, his teeth had changed like mine.
He said, “I heard you, my love, when I was dying. I came back to you.”
I was so happy I started to weep. I couldn't believe that it worked. I could feel the sun was coming up soon. So I said, “Relax my darling, I will tell you everything tomorrow night. The sun is coming up.” I picked him up, and flew him to my house. I said to him with my mind, sleep, my love, sleep. He went to sleep.
The next night we both woke up at the same time. It seemed like we could feel when it was becoming dusk. We looked at each other, and began to kiss. Then we began to make love to each other. It was so beautiful. I wept. I was so happy that he was with me, and that he was what I am. I told him everything about what I could do and that he should be able to do exactly everything I could. He said he was so hungry he couldn't stand it any longer.
I said, “Come, my love, we will hunt.”
“Hunt? Hunt what?”
“Humans, my love, humans.”
“You were serious about killing humans.
“Yes, that is what keeps us alive. We can feed on other creatures, but human blood makes us so much more powerful, and it tastes so much better. I only kill evildoers; that makes it easier to take their life. There are so many humans about that are evil, we won't have a problem finding food.”
So we went out hunting. I said, “Catholis, don't be afraid to fly. The only requirement is to concentrate and think, ‘fly’. Your body will react to your mind. Watch me.” And I took off flying. He followed me with his vampire eyes. “See there is nothing to it.” The next thing I knew, he was flying right next to me.
He said, “I could feel something inside of me. I can't figure out what it was, but it just made me feel like I could do it. So I did it!”
Evin, and Erie must have transferred some of themselves to him, through the blood of course.
Then he said, “What was that, my darling?”
“Never mind. Was that hard?
“No, my darling, it wasn't. But this is amazing. I can't believe we can fly. How did you become this creature?
I said, “I will tell you tonight.” For a short time we flew around playing with each other, amazed how fast we could fly and how we kept up with each other.
He said, “Angelique, I am hungry. I need to feed.” So we landed in town, and searched for our prey.
It didn't take long to find some unsuspecting evildoers. Two men had robbed and killed a farmer and his family. They deserved to suffer and die. With swiftness and accuracy we grabbed the men, killed them, and began to feed on them.
I told him, “Don't take all of the blood. If you do, it will kill you.” He did as I said. “I will explain the ins and outs to you, don't worry.”
For the type of creatures we were, we were happy. With the powers we possessed we were unstoppable. We were gods so to speak. We could do anything we wanted; at anytime we wanted. We could rule the planet if we chose to. We lived together for about 500 years. But something started to change in him. He was able to block my thoughts. I started doing the same. He started hunting by himself. I started doing the same. Perhaps we just started getting tired of each other. We were slowly, but surely, slipping away from each other. We still loved each other, but it wasn't the same.
Then one night while I was out flying, I felt something. It was a feeling that I hadn't felt before, and yet, it felt so very familiar to me. I followed it, and that’s when I saw something terrible. There were three beautiful women with Catholis. He had made them into what we were.
I was furious. I couldn't believe what he had done, and without telling me. I flew down there. “Catholis, what in the hell is going on? What is this? What have you done?” The three women flew off; this wasn't about them, it was about what Catholis had done behind my back.
He said, “Baby, for the last century we haven't been the same. I needed something different, something new. I love you, Angelique, but I want to venture out and see the world. I want to experience new and exciting things. I want to be with other women. So I made those three women.”
I was devastated. I couldn't believe this was happening. I said, “So you want to be out there in the world with those vampires you made?”
“Yes, my darling.”
“Fine. You can be with them.” And I flew off. That was the last time I saw Catholis.
Over the years I made other creatures like me. They were different genders, races, and ages, and just for companionship. Some of them didn’ last very long. Some were killed, some by me, and, to be honest, most of them just never came back after a few years. There was no one that could take the place of my first two true loves, my human husband and Catholis. Maybe they could feel that from me. I know that Catholis is around because I can still sense him occasionally. I just don't know where exactly he is. And to be honest, I really don't care.
I said to Angelique, “I am so sorry that this happened to you. I feel your pain. I would like to ask you two more questions. How did you find out that you could finally be in the sun? How did you know you could start a fire?”
“Ok, I will tell you. It was about 500 years ago from today, and humans now knew of my kind. I was in my home with a few of my companions and we were all asleep, as usual, in the daytime. One of my companions must have led some of the humans to our lair by accident. However it happened, the humans were in my home. When we sleep, we sleep very hard, especially the younger ones who have almost no control. The older you become, the more control you will have. The humans started attacking all of my companions. There were about eight of us. One by one they cut off their heads, and torched them with fire. I was already up because I could feel their presence before they even started attacking. There were just too many of them. It seemed like the whole town was there, and every one of them had a torch in their hand. They were setting everything in the whole house on fire. One of my companions tried to fly away, but didn't make it. The sun caught her. She caught on fire, and in a matter of moments, she turned into ash. I hadn't been afraid in years, but that day I was.
I flew down and said, “Who dares come into my place of sleep?” They started calling me names like devil, monster, evil creature, and said, “Go back to hell from which you came.”
I thought, I could kill most of them with my bare hands, but they have torches. If one of those torches touches me, I'm going to catch on fire, and then I'm dead.
One of them threw a torch at me. He said. “Die, devil bitch, die.”
I was able to dodge that one with ease, but then all of them started throwing the torches at me. I dodged every last one of them. Now the house was on fire, and it was daytime. They could get out, but I sure couldn't. I knew I was going to die that day. So I started attacking them. Killing them quickly with a blink of an eye. There were still so many of them. One of them caught me with one of the torches, and I started to burn. But I could barely feel the fire. It really wasn't hurting me at all. It was just my clothes that were on fire, not me. I thought, I'm not burning. I'm not on fire. I can't believe it. All of my clothes burned off me.
I turned to the man who had torched me and I said, “You like playing with fire.” And then I looked at him, and concentrated, and I said, “fire.” He caught on fire. I couldn't believe it. Did I do that? So I did it again to another human, “fire!!!” He caught on fire. I said, “I can really do this, I can.”
The humans saw what was happening, and they started to run out of my house. My house was almost burned to the ground, and I knew the sun was out. What was I going to do? Even though the fire didn't kill me, the sun surely will.
I started to weep, all of my friends were dead and I was about to die as well, because there were no more hiding spots from the sun in my house. The last spot I was in started to burn. I said to myself, this is it. I'm about to die. The sun hit me like a blaze of glory. I started to scream and cry, “I'm burning! I'm burning! I'm dying! I'm dying!” But I couldn't feel any real pain at all. The only thing I felt was the warmth from the sun. I looked down at my naked body. I was still alive and I wasn't burning. I couldn't believe it. The sun can't kill me anymore. The sun doesn't burn me any longer. I am truly invincible. Nothing can kill me, or stop me now. I am truly a god on earth now.
I flew after the men who had killed my friends, and tried to kill me. I tore their bodies apart limb by limb. Blood splattered everywhere. I sucked their blood out of their bodies. I killed about 175 men that day without breaking a sweat. None of the men could hide from me. I was a killer with out a conscience, with no regard for their lives. After I finished killing those men, I flew around in the sun, letting the rays of the sun caress my naked body. I was so happy, and excited that the sun couldn't scorch my beautiful body any longer. I started to cry for joy. So, that is how I found out that I could go into the sun, and start fires.
“I'm sorry that you lost your friends, that was basically my last question for the time being.”
“Yes, JuWell, I know it is. I could have shown you my whole life, but I felt it was better to tell you than to show you with visions. There are some things that are just better told.”
I could actually feel the sun was about to rise. I started thinking about my family, and I started to weep from the pain I felt. Did anyone know we were dead?
Then Angelique said, “Yes, JuWell, they know that you are dead.
She said, “Before I picked you up and flew you off to safety, your old master and a few slaves saw all of your dead bodies. They saw all the blood and bullet wounds and just assumed that you all were dead. Can I say something to you? He is not your master any longer. No human is your master anymore. You are over all humans and animals now. JuWell, listen!!! Listen closely. You can hear their thoughts. You can hear what they have done with your family. They have buried your family in the plantation’s cemetery.”
“Yes, I can hear their thoughts. The only thing I need to do is just concentrate on what I am searching for. Their minds will tell me the rest. They think that the bad men took me.”
“Yes, JuWell, that is what everyone thinks happened to your body. It is time for rest now. We will visit your human family tomorrow night after sunset. And I have a surprise for you. I will show you tomorrow night. Don't try to scan me. I won't let you in. You will have revenge tomorrow night.” Then Angelique laughed and vanished from the room in the blink of an eye.
With my new vampire eyes I was able to follow her, and see her leave the room this time. It wasn't hard for me to fall asleep. Sleep was overtaking me. No matter how hard I tried to stay awake. I couldn't.

Chapter 4

Beautiful Reunion, And Sweet Revenge

The next night right after the sun went down, I woke up and Angelique was sitting there, watching me sleep, and she was letting me read her thoughts. I could hear her say, You are very beautiful, my love. I'm glad I saved you. I sent her a message back with my mind and said, You are very beautiful also, and I thank you for not letting me die. She said, Come with me, I have a surprise for you.
What is it?
You will see, my love, you will see.
I followed her. Even my walk sounded different, it felt like I was barely touching the floor, but then I was on the floor. It felt like I was gliding, but I was actually walking. I followed her into this big, beautiful living room, and what did I see? My two cousins alive and well—emphasis on alive—they were just like me: creatures of the night, vampires. I couldn't believe it.

“How is this possible?” I asked Angelique.

“I blocked your thoughts from them, and theirs from you. They were barely alive as you were, my love. If we had left them there, they surely would have died,” Angelique stated

“Who turned them into vampires?” I asked

“These two beautiful young ladies right here, Jasmine and Mishayla,” she replied.

They were two beautiful, beautiful black young ladies. They looked like they were around 25 years of age, very perfectly built. Very nice, I said in my head, Dang, they’re beautiful, and then they both said, Thank you, you’re not too bad yourself.

Dang, I’ve got to remember they can read my thoughts; I need to be more careful, I thought. Then I started to laugh and said, You’re welcome.

I ran over to my two cousins. I ran so fast it was like a flash of lightning coming down from the heavens. “JaNaul, JayDen, I am so happy to see you are alive.” I started to cry blood; they started to weep also. I gave them great big bear hugs and nearly crushed them.
“Dang, you’re strong, you're a lot stronger than us,” they said.
“Yeah, I know. I have the blood of the purest of the pure, the oldest of the old: Angelique’s,” I stated.

Angelique spoke, “You have already met my other companions, LaPriese and Christian.”

“Yes, LaPriese is the one who jumped in front of the bad man and helped me up.”
“Yes, that is correct,” she stated.
Nice to meet you! I thought. They said Likewise telepathically and nodded their heads towards me. Then I looked at my cousins and said telepathically, Enough of this. Are y’all ready to release vengeance upon the ones that condemn our families to death?
Hell yeah, we’re ready.
I looked back at Angelique, LaPriese, Christian, Jasmine, and Mishayla. They all said, This is you guys’ fight; you will have bittersweet revenge on your own.

Angelique said to us telepathically, Don't forget, y’all are not human any longer. There is no human that can contest you. With the three of you together, you are unstoppable.

We looked at each other and smiled, and then we flew off into the night. We were afraid, scared, and excited that we had our newfound powers and could read each other’s minds and were able to fly. We couldn't believe it; we were reading each other's minds. I can fly, I can fly, we were saying. We were flying at a moderate speed, basically as slow as we could go. Then we looked at each other and said, Let’s see how fast we can really fly.
My favorite cousins and I were back together again, more powerful than ever. Racing once again, we took off. It sounded like thunder, like bullets from a gun, and it was like a loud whistle as we flew to our highest speeds. Something was different between us now. I felt like I could fly faster if I wanted. Telepathically I said to them, Is this the best y’all can do? Then they put a little more speed on and passed me. I let them think they were beating me, and then I concentrated all of my strength and powers into my flying. Then I took off faster than anything possible. I flew past them, knocking them around from the force. They couldn't believe it.

“What the hell was that?” they stated.

That was JuWell! I could still hear their thoughts no matter how far we were from each other.

“Damn, he's fast!” JayDen said, “Yeah, he's ten times faster than us.”

“Whatever. Who cares, he’s nothing but a show off,” JaNaul stated.

I stopped and flew back to them. Man, I'm so hungry. I have no strength left–that took all of my strength. I won't fly that fast ever again unless I have to. Then they said me, It took all of our power also. Even though we can't fly as fast as you, lucky old dog. We busted out laughing, Let’s go to our families’ graves and mourn their deaths.
We agreed, then we flew to their graves. It was a beautiful burial plot. They were all neatly lined up beside each other by family, in three different rows. They all had tombstones on them with our families’ names on them, and then we spotted our names. They really did think that we were dead. We cried for a minute. With my mind, I blocked this thought from my cousins: My beautiful, darling wife, Shania Dubois. I will get vengeance for your death if it is the last thing I do on this Earth. Those men will pay with their lives for killing you and our children. Oooooh, my beautiful children, ooooooh. I cried even harder. I will visit you always, my darling, always. You will never be forgotten. Not even time itself would make me forget you. I love you forever, my beautiful Queen. I promise to God I will kill them all.
Then we heard something behind us. It was a human, one of the slaves that we knew. When we were alive, we looked back at him, and before he could blink we were gone. We would not take his life, he hadn't done anything wrong. We were on a mission for the men that killed our families. We could read his mind. He was saying to himself, Am I dreaming? Did I see what I thought I saw? Was it ghosts? Or was it just my imagination?
We could see him running to the gravesite, looking all around, looking for what he believed he might have seen. We scanned the minds of all the slaves on the plantation; they didn't know where the men were. We said, We know one person who will know. We flew to David's beautiful white home. We could tell that he was in bed, asleep next to his lovely wife. We flew into his home through an open top window without making a sound. We were next to his bed, and I remembered what Angelique had told me. I can make them do what I want them to do or forget what I want them to forget. I said in my head to his wife, Sleep, and don't wake up until the morning. Then I touched David on the arm and said to him, Do not scream. We will not hurt you, my old friend. He jumped up in bed and scooted to the headboard.

“Who are you? What do you want? You can have anything you want, just don't hurt us.”

“We won't hurt you.” Then he tried to shake his wife to wake her up, and she did not wake up.

“What did you do to her?”

“We did nothing to her, she is OK,” I stated to David.

“Who are you?” he asked again. “How do you know my name?”

We all gave our names. “This is JuWell, JaNaul, JayDen.”
He screamed, “This can't be! You’re dead, we saw y’all laying there dead in your own blood.”
“We weren't dead; we were still alive.”
His children jumped up and ran to the room. “What’s wrong, Daddy?” I looked at them and said, Forget what you have seen tonight and go back to bed. They did exactly what I said. Then I looked back at David. “I want to ask you a question. I want to know where your friends are at. The ones that killed our families.”

“Those bastards were not my friends. They heard I was having a party and invited themselves. I didn't want to be rude so I let them come in; I should have turned them away and prevented the loss of your families.” He started to weep. “I really cared for your families like y’all were my own family.”
“I know, David. I can hear it in your mind that you're telling the truth.”
“What is wrong with your eyes?” he asked. “Why are they glowing in the dark in such a frightening way?”
“Don't concern yourself with that. It's best that you don't know,” I stated.
“I heard that the men lived all around Louisiana and Texas. I heard one of the men lived in West Monroe, Louisiana. He goes by the name of Keith Adams, that is all I know.”
“I believe you,” I assured him. “You will probably never see us again, and you won't remember that you have seen us.”

“I understand, and I'm sorry for your loss.”

“Thanks for treating us with respect and dignity when we were alive.”
“So y’all aren't alive. I knew it—there is no way someone's eyes can glow like that.”
Then we said our goodbyes to David. I said, You will forget everything you have seen tonight and everything you have spoken tonight. Sleep, and don't wake up until morning. He went to sleep.
We flew out of the home from which we came. It was around 10:00pm now and we said, To West Monroe we will fly. We were still hungry, but our anger for vengeance was a little stronger than our hunger. So from Lafayette we flew to West Monroe. In a matter of 3 minutes, we were in West Monroe. Searching everything and everyone, searching for one person to say Keith Adams’ name. We searched and searched; we became hungrier and hungrier; we scanned some humans that didn't read like humans. I couldn't read their thoughts. Were they like us? No, I think they’re something different. Then I said to JaNaul and JayDen, “Can y’all feel that strange vibe?”
“Yeah, I can't hear their thoughts at all,” they proclaimed. “I can't really hear anything. We will worry about that later.” We kept scanning. We could feel ones like us, and there were very few of them down there. We couldn't pinpoint exactly where they were; we just could feel their presence. We scanned some more, and then I heard someone say, “Ooooh, Keith. Ooooh, Keith.”
“Did y’all hear that?”
“Yeah, we heard it.”
“Where did it come from?”
We flew to where we heard the name. We landed in the shadows so no one could see us. He was in a whore house. We heard her say it again, “Ooooooh, Keith, that's it, baby.” We flew up to the window, and we looked through the window, and we saw a man having sex with a lady. I said in a whisper through the window, so that only he could hear it, “Keith Adams.” He looked around.

“Who said that? Did you say my last name? I didn't tell you my last name.”

“Baby, I didn't say your last name!”

“Oh, OK, I must be hearing things.” I said it again, Keith Adams. He jumped up.
“OK, I know I heard someone say my name.” We knew we had the right man. We flew into the window. In the blink of an eye, JaNaul grabbed the whore. She screamed. JaNaul said, “Shut up!” and she did.
“JaNaul, don't concern yourself with her. We have who we want.”
“I'm hungry!”
“Leave her be!”
He looked at me, and then he bit her on the neck and sucked all of her blood from her. Then he let her body fall to the ground. Keith screamed and I said, “Shhhh.” He did.

“What do y’all want? Who are y’all? What are y’all?”

“We’re your worst nightmare, remember us?”

“Y’all are dead! We killed y’all!”

“We are dead,” and I started to laugh in an evil way which sounded like a monster was in me. “You're going to pay for what you did to our families!”
Then I bit him on his neck and began to suck his blood from his body. Visions of his life flew through my mind. I could see everything and everyone we were looking for, and I saw that dreadful night in my head. I begin to weep while I was feeding, and then I stopped. I couldn't take it. I let Keith go. He tried to run and JayDen grabbed him, bit him on the other side of his neck and sucked the remaining bit of blood out of his body to the brink of death. He lay there dying and JaNaul said, “He hasn't suffered enough.” JaNaul started stomping him into the ground with his powerful legs; you could hear his bones cracking and the pain that he was causing him. I could hear his thoughts. He was screaming inside his head and trying to scream with his mouth. Then the last thought I heard from him was, I'm sorry. Telepathically, I said, Too late. Then JaNaul stomped on his head. Brain, blood, and skull fragments went everywhere—I had never seen anyone's brain before, and I had never killed anyone before, or helped someone kill someone. I didn't feel very well at all; I began to vomit blood.
I couldn't believe what I had done. I helped kill someone even though I didn't take his life. I contributed to it. I didn't know how I felt about what I had done—I didn't know if I was sad, or that I was capable of doing such an act. I was taught by my mother that you shouldn't kill anyone unless you are protecting your family from harm, or if you are in a war. All I knew was that they were going to pay for what they had done. An eye for an eye, I kept saying to myself. I was at war!
We now knew where almost every perpetrator was that killed our families or that helped kill our families. Even if they watched them die and did nothing to stop them, we were going to kill them all. We looked at each other and said, It has been done. Let's go kill the others. I knew it was wrong, but I just couldn't let them get away with what they did. They had to pay. We heard people trying to come through the door. We could have killed them but there was no reason to, so we flew out the same way we flew in, out of the window. We knew exactly how many men were there: 25.
We were flying, and most of the men were still in town. One by one, we found them and killed them. If they were with their families, we left their families alone; they didn't know that they were living with monsters. Even if they did, we weren't after them. We made them stay asleep while we grabbed some of the men, took them, and tore their limbs from their bodies, sucked all of their blood from their bodies. Some of the men, we ripped their heads right off of their bodies. All of them begged for mercy, saying, “Don't kill me!” and I would say, “Did you think about that when you were killing my family? Did they repeat the same thing that you are saying to me now?” I bite them on their neck, and exactly what I expected: some of them did hear my family begging, pleading to them not to kill them. It only made me angrier.
We killed and we killed, we tore hearts out of chests. The power that we had was amazing—we felt invincible, like nothing could stop us. We had killed around 19 of the men. We could feel the sun coming up. It was time for us to get back to the place we were made…the only place we knew we could go being what we were now. It was the lair, that is what I will call it. That is the best word to describe it.
When we got there, Angelique and the others were already there, and Angelique came up to me and kissed me , and she said to me, “You will get used to killing, it is the only way you will be able to survive.”
“I understand this, but I don't have to like it.”
“That is just the human side of you that still lingers around in someone as young as you. Eventually,” she said, “you will get used to it, and it will be like second nature to you.”
“I don't think I will ever get used to being a killer.”
JaNaul said, “Speak for yourself, little cousin. I like it, and nothing is going to stop me from doing what I want to do now.”
JayDen and I looked at each other. We didn't have to say a word or think any words; we already knew what we were thinking. They have created a monster, and one day we’re going to have to face the consequences and repercussion for his actions.
Angelique spoke to JaNaul, “Don't forget, young one, just because you're oh so powerful now, you still can be hurt and you still can be killed; it's just a lot harder. There are humans out there now whose only jobs are to seek and destroy us. So never forget.”
Then Angelique spoke, “Let's go, my love.” I left with Angelique, JaNaul and JayDen left with Jasmine and Mishayla.
I could feel LaPriese looking at me strangely while I was leaving with Angelique, but I couldn't read his thoughts. I didn't have to; I could read the expression on his face. He didn't like me going with Angelique. He was looking at me in the same way that a man would look at you if you were taking his girl. While we were walking, I asked, “Angelique, do you have anything going on with LaPriese?”

“No, not any longer, we have made that understanding a century ago. That is what it was, and that is what it is now.”

“What is that?”

“We are nothing!”

“OK, I didn't want to be stepping on anyone's toes.”

“Don’t worry about LaPriese. He knows his place.”

We went into the room, she washed me up, and we ended up making love. I was so tired afterwards, we washed up and feel straight to sleep. Yes, we still have to wash up; we still have flesh. The only things we don't have to do any longer are bowel movements like humans. Any blood that we take into our bodies gets absorbed into our bodies as pure energy for us to live. There is nothing for us to dispose of. Basically, the blood dissolves into our bodies as energy. That is the reason why we need to feed every night.
The next night came and I woke up. Angelique asked if I slept well. Then she kissed me. “I did,” I said, “I slept very well.”
“That's good,” she replied, “I saw everything you did last night, I saw that you were torn between your human side and your new vampire creature side. Let me explain something to you: you’re not evil, you're not a demon. You’re something different, you’re only who you are by your actions. Actions make the creature. Your actions are everything, every creature has to kill to survive, it all depends on which creature you are.” She explained, “Lions kill other animals to survive, but what makes them evil is if they kill more than what they need to survive. If they kill just to kill for no reason, that is what makes them and other creatures evil. I can see that in you, JuWell, you're nothing like that. You're not evil; you're just a creature that needs to survive now. You are going to have to give up your human side, but you don't have to forget it. I will never forget when I was a human with a family.”
“I will have to get used to the things that I have to do to survive.” I kissed Angelique and we got out of bed, and we walked out of the room into the living room. Everyone was out there; everyone greeted each other in their own ways. I greeted everyone, but when I got to LaPriese, he looked at me and then he flew off without saying a word. Christian saw what happened and said to me, “He will be all right. He is not used to company, that is all.” Then Christian flew after him.
Angelique spoke, “LaPriese will get used to you. If he doesn't, he will have to answer to me, and he won’t want that.”
“It's not a problem, Angelique, don't worry about it. I'm OK, really, I am.” Then I turned to my cousins, and telepathically I said, Are y’all ready to take care of what we have started?
Yeah, let's go get those bastards.
We flew out of the lair, and I was still thinking about the evil man that I hadn't come across yet. We had been all around Louisiana killing these men. We went to one of the men’s home who we knew lived there, but he wasn't there. We woke up his wife and put her in a trance and began to ask her questions.

“Where’s your husband?” I asked.

“There were a number of killings last night, and a lot of his friends and people that he knew were killed, tortured, and mutilated. They had strange bite marks on some of their necks, and he and a few others thought they were next. So they got together this morning and they rode off. He told me that he will come back when it cools down, once they catch the men who have been killing all of their friends.”

“Did they know who was killing their friends?”

“The talk out there is that it's three ghosts that are there one minute and gone the next, and they wear all black garments. That's the most anyone has seen of them.”

“Sleep, and wake in the morning, and remember nothing about this conversation.”

I turned to my cousins. “What are we going to do now? How are we going to be able to find these bastards? With all the powers we have, do you really think we can find them?”

We said to each other that no matter how long it takes, we will find those evil sons of bitches and we will destroy them all. We flew from the home and we started to scan the town. We heard little rumors and whispers about the monsters that come out at night, and if you're bad they eat you up. It was mostly children who were saying this to each other, in little bits and pieces that they had heard from the grown folks talking amongst themselves. Most of the grownups said it was wild animals, or wolves, but we knew better.
We scanned and scanned. We heard little things, like how some men left this morning in a hurry, bought supplies, got onto their horses, and rode out going west towards Texas. We heard this, looked at each other, and started to fly west.
We were in Shreveport at that time, and we started looking with our vampire eyes that we now had. Scanning the land for anything that was a horse and that had six men riding on it. It was amazing using our vampire vision to track prey. It didn't matter how big or small the creature was, we could pinpoint exactly where it was and how fast it was moving. Let me see how I can explain this to you.
It was like night vision, but even better. We could see everything in the dark, like it was almost daylight, but anything that was alive had, like, a red glow around it—that's the easiest way I can explain what we could see at night. It didn't take us long to find six men on horseback, since we could fly so fast and see so well. We saw six men and six horses camped out on the outskirts of Dallas, Texas. We had a feeling it was them, so we scanned their thoughts, and we could hear how scared they were. We knew we had the right men.
We flew down to them in a flash. The horses could feel our presence, so I flew over there while the men weren't paying any attention and released the horses into the wild. After that, we played with the men for a while. We flew over to their campfires, letting them see us in the moonlight, and then disappeared in front of them.
“Did you see that? What the hell was that? Was it an eagle or a bird or something?”
“No, it looked more like it was some men flying,” they stated. Then they looked at each other. “That's impossible, men can't fly.” They were even more afraid now. They knew something was out there; they could feel it. They just didn't know what it was. We would call their names with this evil voice from the sky while we were flying, almost like a whisper.
“Did you hear that? Something just called my name.”
We would get very close to them, in the shadows, and show ourselves with our beautiful red night vision eyes which glowed red in the dark when we were mad.
“Can you see that? What is that looking at us? Is it a wild animal or something? Shoot it!” They started shooting at us. One of the bullets hit me. I could have flown away before the bullet even came close, but I wanted to make them afraid. I wanted them to believe that there was nothing there, and that it was just something with red eyes blinking and staring at them. So I took all the bullets that they shot at me. I knew it couldn't kill me. I'm not going to lie, the bullets did hurt, but not as much as when I got shot the first time when I was human. My cousins were shot also; I guess they saw that I was staying and that I wasn't moving. I guess they thought the same thing.
What was amazing about getting shot was that when the bullets went into my body, my body pushed the bullets out from the same place they came in. Then the wound healed like I was never shot. It was amazing. My cousins and I looked at each other and telepathically said, The bullets can't kill us anymore.
When the men saw that the bullets were not affecting us at all, they took off running in different directions. We looked at each other and took off after them, like an eagle grabbing its prey from the sky. We grabbed each one of the men and dropped them back down in front of their fire in the blink of an eye. They couldn't see us. We dropped them a little higher in the sky so that their legs would break, so they couldn't run anymore.
They were screaming and crying in pain, speaking to each other, “What was that? What were those things that grabbed us? Could you see what it was?”
“No,” they all replied. They didn't see anything. We were tired of playing with them, so we flew to their fire and showed ourselves. Our eyes were still bright fluorescent red, because we chose to keep our eyes this color—it was a lot scarier, and we definitely wanted to scare them.
Then they screamed, “How did y’all do that? How did y’all fly in the sky? What are y’all?”
Then one of the men looked again. “It can't be, it can't be! We killed y’all!!! It can't be, you’re dead.”

“I’m not dead,” I responded, “I am very much alive. You should have killed us completely when you had the chance.”
It was the evil man that I had been looking for, and there was no place for him to run or hide. Before I could even finish my sentence, JaNaul started attacking the men with his powerful fist. He started to punch them in their mouths, chests, and they started flying around like they were little rag dolls. JayDen and I joined in and started beating the men—not to death, just enough so they could feel the pain, but not so much that they passed out.
The first person I went to was the evil man. “Remember me? You killed my family, and you’re going to pay for what you have done.” Then I punched him in the mouth, and he flew approximately 35 feet in the air and landed on the ground. He began to cry and he was in pain because his jaw was now broken and hanging. I began to beat on him and beat on him. While JaNaul and JayDen were beating on the other men, we dragged them back close to the campfire.

“Why did y’all kill our families for something so stupid?”

None of the men said anything, but we could read their thoughts. They were saying, Because we hate y’all niggers, and y’all disrespected us and made us look like fools in front of our race. So we killed your families.

“Y’all don't have to say a word,” I said. “I can read your thoughts.” And that was all I needed to hear.

The evil man busted out and said, “All niggers deserve to die. I liked killing your family.” Then he laughed in this wicked, evil way. I couldn't take it any longer. Something came over me; I went crazy. I flew over to the evil man with the speed of light, and I bit him on the neck and began to suck the blood out of his body. At the same time, I flew as high as I could with him clinched inside of my jaws. To the brink of him about to pass out, I didn't take all of his blood. I wanted him to see everything; I wanted him to suffer. He was screaming and crying the best of his ability. I said to him in this mean and evil voice, “Are you ready to die, evil bad man?”
He said with his mouth and mind, “Please don't kill me; I don't want to die. I have a family,” he begged.

“You should have considered that before you killed my whole family. Now it's too late.”

I laughed in his face in this evil way. Then I released him from my grip, and he cried and screamed from the terror of being dropped from so high in the air. I watched him plummet to the ground, screaming and screaming. I could still see and hear him with my vampire powers. He looked like a big, wounded red bird falling from the sky. I could hear and see him all the way until he hit the ground. I think I liked it, I think I felt enjoyment from what I just did, because I was still laughing in this evil way.
Then the visions from what I saw from him started coming back to me. I started to weep and cry, and at the top of my vampire voice, I screamed out, “I killed all of them, baby, every last one of them for you and our children. They won't be hurting anyone else anymore. My revenge has been done. Goodbye, my beautiful wife and children, I love y’all.”
Then I flew down and picked the evil bad man up. It was like every last bone in his body was broken. He was so limber, but he was definitely dead. I needed to make sure. I flew him back to the camp which was a couple of miles away. It only took me a few seconds to get there. JaNaul and JayDen had already killed the last remaining five men; they mutilated them. They tore their arms and legs off, some of the men's heads had been pulled off, and some of the bodies were torn in half. It was very gruesome.
We looked at each other and said to each other, Our revenge has been done. Let's leave them exactly like this. JaNaul said, I want to do one more thing, and he grabbed the bad evil man's head and tore it off of his body, and grabbed a pole and stuck the head on top of the pole. Then he spit in his face and said, “Yeah, you got what you deserved, bitch.”

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