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Rated: · Short Story · Dark · #1526808
This is the everyday life of a young man, will it ever change
A young boy is on his way home from school. He sits at the back of the bus in the corner facing out the window watching the rain fall from the winter sky. He has his earphones in and his music playing. His music of choice reflects his constant mood. He rarely smiles these days well, at least not on his way home.

His stop is here he exits through the back door and gives the bus driver a nod. He begins walking down his street He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his door key. He puts the key into the lock and turns it. He enters his house where his dad sit in his arm chair, cigarette in one hand and can of beer in the other. The boy walks in and sahuts the door.

"Hey, where the hell you been?" His dad asks in a husky voice.

"School"? The nervous boy replies not evan making eye contact with his drunkard of a father.

"I thought I told you not to waste your tie with that crap, you need to get yourself a job, all this education bullshit is gonna get you nowhere," he says.

"Well when I'm finished school I'll be able to get a good job" the boy replies with his head bowed down.

"You talking back to me boy" his dad replies before gulping down the last of his cheap high percentage beer.

"No dad I was ju..."

"You saying I aint got a good job? You think you're better than me?" His dad interrupts

"No not at all but..."

"shut your mouth. Now get out of my sight, you ake me sick. Evan my beer goggles tell me you're one ugly bastard! HAHAHAHAHA"his dad teases.

"Well people do say I take after you" the boy mutters under his breathe as he heads toward the kitchen.

"What the hell did you say....HEY! I SAID WHAT DID YOU SAY!? .....DAMN YOU YOU LITTLE BASTARD I ASKED YOU A GOD DAMN QUESTION!!!!" The dad shouts.

When he gets no reply, he heads to the kitchen where his son is looking what he can cook for dinner. He stands in the door way, using the door frame to hold his drunk body up.

"Did you not hear me?...Hey, you ignoring me? I know they teach you in school that ignoring it makes it go away, but thats the the playground asshole! I been pissing you off for a lotta years now and have I gone away? hahaha NO!!" Teases his dad further.

"Dad for once could we please not do this, you get drunk everyday and its always the same, I dont want to keep fighting with you all I want to do is cook myself some dinner and go and hang out in my room" replies the boy.

"Oh really, you gettin' an education makin' you too good to stay and talk with your old man?" His dad asks sarcastically as he opens another beer and starts downing it.

Just as the boy is about to speak, his dad throws his can of beer at the boy and it hits him in the forehead.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! BOOM what a shot, evan when I'm drunk I still got it hahaha! Nowclean that up and get me another one!!!" Demands the dad.

His anger boiling at his fathers cruel taunting he speaks.

"Pick it up yourself and maybe try sobering up you asshole!!!" He shouts as tears start to form in his eyes.

"Haha! The boys got some balls I guess, we'll its about time you grew a set. But you ever talk to me like that again boy and I'll smack you up side the head so god damn hard you'll..."

"You cant hurt me anymore, I'm ammune to your abuse, go ahead and hit me if you need to but you cant hurt me!!!" Exclaims the boy

The dad advances toward his son. He stops dead in front of him. His son looks up chin up straight into his fathers eyes. The an is confused, usually his son cowars at the mere mention of a beating, but not today. Today the boy is standing up against the bully. His dad after pausing for a few moments throws a hard punch to his sons chin knocking the boy to the floor. He pulls a knife from the draw and mounts his son
and puts the knife to his throat.

"Now boy, I believe you were saying something about not being able to hurt you?" He asks.

"You ever get tough with me again boy, and this'll cut right through your throat, I'm not playing around with you anymore BOY!!!!" He says.

His dad gets off of him and drops the knife. He walks off laughing to himself. he grabs his beer fro the floor and takes it back to his arm chair. The boy just lays there. He's not crying. he doesnt cry anymore he's almost emotionless these days. When his dad isn't drinking which is a rareity, he is almost human. The most fatherly thing he can do is to not speak to his beaten son. But he gets on the drink and is up in his sons face at a moments notice. When not drinking he is much like his son. Emotionless and motionless. When he needs a boost, alcohol is his fuel. What a shame it is the only thing that givesd him life turns him into the devil. The boy just lays there, he turns his head and looks at the knife. He has no thoughts, he picks it up, looks at it a second and then places it right back in the draw. He head supstairs where he locks his door for the night. Its the same old song and dance each day. Today was no different as toorrow will be.

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