Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1524757-The-Rose
Rated: 18+ · Other · Sci-fi · #1524757
Chapters 4-6

Chapter 4  Wake Up

         Mia and Katherine went upstairs to watch television, Igor followed Katherine, and Digit was upstairs with Mary, Apple, and Tim, still waiting for the pizza. While I sit here, ready for surgery. Well, this sucks. 

“Now this is your anesthetic, it is just like the gas you would get at the dentist, but this will completely knock you out.”

Her voice was calm, hands steady, and explanations simple. This is somebody that not even speaking you’d trust with your life. She went through the standard procedure, telling me what she’ll do, how long it will take to heal, everything.

“Okay.” I sighed, not with relief, but out of content for reality. After all Igor could be the one attempting this with vodka, fishing line, and a tweezers.

“Just lean back, and relax.”

The table was cold, I could almost feel the metallic color seeping through my skin. Like I’ll wake up and be the tin man, or covered completely in stainless steel. She slipped the gas mask over my mouth, smiled, as I heard a click.

“Sleep well.”

“Of course.”

Everybody dreams those dreams the ones so real, that they could almost be nightmares. No matter how pleasant or terrible the scene, the reality is worse. Though I know I am asleep, my dreams were more erratic, and real than ever.

“Click, click, tick, tick.”


“Time is a wasting, now give me the answer.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Click, click, tick, tick.”

The room was pure white, every last inch, nothing, but me. I was dressed in black from head to toe, there was no white on me. That voice, where did it come from? I don’t see anyone, just four white walls, four cabinets, now windows, but four white doors. I cannot lift my legs, they felt like they were encased in cement, and my feet felt plastered to the floor.

“Get up, and move already. Come give me the answer.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Who are you?”

“Click, click, tick, tick.”

The voice was almost sarcastic in this, raspy but low tone. I could hear it laugh, it shook the room, as it slowly vibrated toward the center, towards me. The plaster on my feet broke, and the cement on my legs shattered. One step to make sure, just one step, I can still walk.

“Goody goody, now come tell me.”

The voice rang out now, in near earthquake size, rattling the doors, and the cabinets. They have to hold something, right? Let’s see. In one curiously long step, I was at the cabinet, the doors were still quavering, and I reached for the handle.


With the force of a speeding semi truck, I slammed against the opposite wall. The door cracked open, I didn’t bother to open it, what was in the cabinet? The floor felt like quicksand, as I tried to move forward. What is he hiding?

“Click, click, tick, tick, HURRY UP! Come open the door.”

Crawling across the floor I could feel the air tighten, and push against every bone in my body. With every move my palms sunk, my hands are buried, still struggling to get through.

“What are you hiding?” I choked out.

“Click, click, tick, tick, TELL ME!”

I reach the opposite wall, and grab the door knob, the semi is coming. The force hits me with a searing anger, I can feel the frustration. I stand to grab the cabinet door, and the semi hits again, this time I took the cabinet door with me.

“Click, click, tick, tick, WAKE UP!”

A buzzing follows, high pitched, then a scent stronger than air consumes the room. Roses, white roses, spew forth from the cabinet as the voice devours the room.

“Click, click, tick, tick, WAKE UP!”

“WAKE UP!” Mia shouts.

My eyes were sore, like I hadn’t slept in years, my chest burned with an unfamiliar flame. I see Sarah mortified, Mia crying, and the others stood around me in awe. My nose hurt, but it felt smaller, I could feel the cast over the bridge of my nose. Katherine and Mary were gasping for air, the rest were still silent. The burning in my chest reached my throat, as I coughed up the fire.

“What happened?”

“Everything was going fine when your body tensed up. Then your breathing changed, as did your pulse, so I hurried. Don’t worry, it’s finished, I just panicked.”

Sarah was shaking, pale as Digit, and almost in tears.

“Just a dream.”

“A dream? Well still, then your heart rate dropped dangerously low, and well stopped. Mia and I had to use the defibrillator, it took a few pulses.”

Mia stood perfectly still, and cried without ever blinking, she was in more pain than I. Digit stood there blankly with Apple at his side, she was petrified. Igor looked like he wanted to laugh, but behind the hysterics, I think he was afraid. Then Tim looked well, just a bit freaked, and drunk. My eyes wandered back to Mia, she would blame herself for this, I know it.

“I’m fine, it was just a dream.”

“What kind of dream? I don’t dream, just sleep, like a real man.” Igor chuckled trying to lighting the room. Katherine laughed, Mia sneered, Digit just ignored the whole exchange all together.

“Well um, this isn’t something to be concerned with. Just clean it with this, and I’ll give you this for an antibiotic. Avoid anything that may make your nose run. I’ll come every other week for a check up, if you have any problems call.”

Sarah sighed, she was still panicky, and her eyes gave it away. The green in them had become dull, almost grey looking, but still somewhat comforting. Mia took my hand, she wasn’t shaking, but she was cold, her hand felt icy. Katherine walked over and examined the surgery, and patted my shoulder.

“Thank you. I’m fine don’t worry.”

“Yeah. Just get some rest, don’t overwork yourself.”

I sat on the table in the lavender medical gown, disoriented, nervous, and still. I could feel my muscles tense, as if they had turned to marble, and I turned into a statue. Sarah worked quickly, and stealthily to gather all of her medical instruments; one by one into a biohazard container they went. She did not say a word, and in minutes everything was packed, as everyone stood perfectly still. Weaving through the crowd of statues, not a word was said, Sarah was heading towards the staircase.

“Thank you. Is there any fee, or anything I owe you?” My lips felt like the tin man, before the oil can, my voice felt like sandpaper.

“No, just stay away from day dreaming.” Sarah replied with an uneasy smile, she kept going upstairs.


Mia shouted, and bounded after her like a lion. She too was silent as she reached to top of the stairs, there was about three minutes, and then the door opened, and shut. Mia walked down the stairs again, this time with lead feet, and steel arms. Then resumed here previous duties as a statue within the crowd, and another five minutes of silence followed.

“Mary, I think it’s time we go. I’m sure Jack needs some rest.” Katherine broke the silence, with a monotone suggestion, the statues melted.

“Yeah, I’m tired anyway.”

One by one the statues melted, and excuses to leave followed. Igor followed shortly after Katherine and Mary; then Tim, Digit, and Apple. After what felt like a year of excuses, it was down to Mia and me. Her eyes looked glassy, her arms were still like marble, but the rest of her moved with every breath she took. Inhale, exhale, the movement seemed so significant, but yet submissive to it all else. It has come down to a staring contest between a statue, and a delirious statue; or maybe the silent game I can’t tell.

“Are you ok dear? This staring game is kind of scaring me.”  Well I lose the silent game, but staring not yet.

“I-I-I w-w-was worried.” She shook with every syllable, and her glassy eyes turned back to normal.

“I’m fine Mia, look, just heavily medicated. It was a bad dream.”

“I know, I know how they can be. But that shouldn’t have made you the way you were. You stopped breathing Jack, you almost died.”

“It was a realistic dream. I’m fine.”

Mia lunged forward and threw her arms around me, the marble melted into skin, and lead into feet. I lifted my arms to break the mold formed by the medication, and embraced the fear that had occurred. The reality of it all, the voice was Digit’s, and subconsciously I knew he was hiding something from us. We released each other unanimously from the embrace, and I decided that it was time to get dressed. I pressed my palms firm against the edge of the table for support, it wasn’t cold anymore. Then I leaned forward, and touched my bare feet to the floor, no quicksand. That was all a relief, but could I walk? I shifted my weight from my hips to my legs, and straightened my knees, then forced myself upright.

“Whew.”  The whole process of standing was a bit dragged out.

“What did you think was going to happen?”

“Um, good point.”

“I’m going to go get dressed. Any pizza left?”

“I’ll make you something better to eat than pizza.”

                             Chapter 5  Overdressed

         I stood for a moment, and after I heard the refrigerator open and shut a few times, I knew it was time to head upstairs. Walking up the stairs, my feet felt like lead, and my legs like gelatin.


         Reaching to top of the stairs felt like reaching the top of Mount Everest. You’re not sure you could get there, but you’re glad you did. I slouch my shoulders, and then took a deep breath. I forgot to check the mail from the other day, it was still laying on table by the door. I picked it up and brought it with me over to the kitchen counter, and set the mail down on the table.

         “I think I might take a shower before all of this, it should calm me down.”

         “Sure, that will give me more time to make something good.”



         I turned the corner to the hallway, and stopped first at my room. I pick up the clothes that I had previously gotten that day, and stepped out of my room. The gelatin feeling in my legs disappeared after a while, and I was sure that the shower would get rid of the lead in my feet. Either way I felt the need to obsessively take showers, for some reason anesthetics make me feel like I’m covered in mud. Besides I had to practice cleaning the stitches, and figure out the cast that Sarah had placed over my nose. My mind was full to the brim with clashing thoughts, and somewhere within the chaos I had been reminiscing about the dream. I begin to hum an old song, as I reach the bathroom, and lock the door tightly behind me. I set my clothes down near the sink, and gaze into the mirror once again at my nose. The white plastic bridge, with a black and blue nose to hold it up, held down by medical tape. I slip the lavender medical gown over my head, and stare at the scar from the bullet. That was before they began using hospitals to track Thorn Alliance members, their bullets are designed to leave distinct scars. It looks almost like a star, but it is missing a point, and is more a jagged triangle than anything. I walk over to the shower, and turn the water on to let it run to my temperature; now I stand and wait with the shower door partially open to feel the steam. Like a crawling mist the heat from the water creeps out of the door, and slowly envelopes my body. The sudden increase in heat gives me goose bumps, as the hair on my arms raise up, and falls slowly to trap the steam. I left my leaden feet, and step into the shower filled with steam, as the burn of the water flows across my shoulders. Avoid getting the cast wet, if you must, use this solution.  Sarah’s instructions played in my mind throughout the shower, as the rest of my thoughts took a place and line as I sorted them out. Sorting them was not a problem, it was a matter of labeling them:

1.          Conflicting emotion with  feelings for  thoughts about Mia

2.          Digit’s voice/my dream  nightmare

3.          Igor and Katherine? (Not necessarily a problem just unexpected.))

4.          The feeling left my this anesthetic  Lead feet

5.          What did Mia do when she was upstairs with Sarah?

6.          Ow, my head.

7.          What was Mia making for dinner?


Some of those not so important, others will become a dilemma for me. Number one, none of this adds up, nothing has changed between the two of us. Has it? Nevertheless, I’ll figure that one out eventually. Heavy emphasis on eventually.

Number two, the nightmare. It was apparent to me that it was Digit in that room, and that I knew something he didn’t. But what? And why did my body react that way? It’s not like something traumatic happened in the dream, I didn’t die, I just got beat up a little. Maybe it was the anesthetic that did the job, it could have been too strong, or maybe it was a side effect. Alright, but what did he want to know? It’s not like I keep much from him, just stuff about Mia really. That could be it, he has been over aggressive lately with her, or things that matter with her. The look he gave me when I came out into the kitchen before, it was quite a spiteful glare. That could be it, just a subconscious response to that look. Alright, cross off number two, it was just the anesthetic, and a subconscious response. Number three…no number four.

Number four, lead feet. This was the anesthetic, or just having to lay down for so long. It melted as the hot water hit my feet, and with walking it slowly retracted. They went from lead to wood, and from wood to flesh again. The heat of the water beat down my neck, then to my shoulders, hips, and legs. It started to feel cold, so I turned to increase the heat. I picked up the soap, and began to wash away the beginning of the list, and move on to the next.

Number five, what did Mia do when she was upstairs with Sarah? I know she has money, the Alliance pays well, not to mention the scavenging that we do with the bodies. There’s a strict policy after a mission is completed. You are to arrange all victims that have died into a line, remove any objects that can be used to trace us. Along with that you must remove all money, any form of identification, and all weaponry. The weaponry is used to trace locations, as well as allowing us to study their military tactics. The money is yours to keep, the point is to encourage depleting their numbers. Sarah refused money from me though, why would it be different? Perhaps just a thank you, no that’s not like Mia, she’d have to give her something. Maybe I’ll just ask her, or ask Sarah what she did. Alright we will table this thought for now, and move on to the next.

Number six, my head is burning. This wasn’t a normal headache, or a tension headache, my skull burned. This could be accounted for the anesthetic, another reason I hate them. They make you loopy, you can’t feel you’re limbs, and it makes my head burn. Lastly, number seven, what was Mia making for dinner? This isn’t as serious as the others, just more curiosity. Normally I will cook, I don’t mind it, and she never does. What did she have out when I left? I think I saw tomatoes, onions, green peppers, and chicken. What was she making? How well can she really cook? Ignoring that thought, I’m starving, my feet aren’t lead anymore, and I’ve reached the end of my list. I’ve solved the majority tabled two of the topics, and I think topic number one will be an ongoing dilemma now.

I turn back to turn the water off, this was a more successful shower than originally intended. I step out of the shower, grab the towel from the counter, and carefully dry my face off.


By grabbing the towel, I knocked my clothes on the floor into the puddle of water that had formed around my feet.

         “This is just great.”

Well, now this will be interesting. My clothes are soaked, the shower is leaking, and the water heater is possibly broken. A loud buzzing echoes from the kitchen, and I hear the oven open and shut. No smoke alarm, that’s a plus, not that I really expected an arson attempt. The aroma from the kitchen was tempting, sweet tomatoes, and maybe basil; Mediterranean or Italian perhaps? I digress, now back to the bathroom, the shower wasn’t sealed properly from the beginning. (I did it myself.) I opened the cabinet underneath the sink, took out all the towels except for two, and piled them along the seam of the shower. Then began to clean up the water that had pooled into a low point in the floor, it wasn’t completely level in the bathroom. Still my pile of wet clothes remained, I lifted each piece up one by one to examine the severity of the puddle’s damage. All but my undershirt are soaked, I slip the white undershirt over my head, and tighten the towel around my waist. If Mia is in the kitchen, she’ll have no reason to come down the hall. I’ll just go quickly to my room. I wrung out the rest of the clothes best I could, reinforced the wall of towels around the shower, and looked in the mirror to check the cast around my nose. It didn’t look too wet, just maybe the edges a little, where the medical tape had begun to lift at the tips.

“She’s in the kitchen.”

She is. I can hear the blender, or maybe food processor, but she is doing something in the kitchen. I unlock the door as quietly as I can, and quickly begin to walk down the hallway. I reach my room, as I pass through the door, I quickly lock the door behind myself.

“What the hell did I expect?”

I think I’m overdramatic in my thoughts sometimes, it’s not like there’s a bunch of people. I toss the wet clothes into the hamper, and sit at the edge of my bed, just to stare at my closet.  I walk over and assess my clothing situation, I’ll probably fall asleep after eating, and I need to sleep through one night at least. I pull straight black sweat pants, and a fitted white t-shirt, no need to be formal. Two soft knocks at the door, and a bewildered voice.


I get up and walk over to the door, my feet began to feel like lead again.

“Yes, dear?”

“Dinner’s ready.”

With the door open I could smell the vapors coming from the kitchen, it was a savory smell, but it was overwhelmed by her. Mia had tied part of her hair back, and unbuttoned the top to buttons on the white shirt. She had taken her shoes of, which dramatically dropped her height, and I now had her brown eyes staring up at me. I froze, I didn’t want to move, I was fine right where I was. Mia did not move an inch, she stared up at me with a gaze that went on for miles. I lift my paralyzed left hand up to her face, and brushed back the few strands that remained across her face. I kept my hand at her cheek, and lifted the right to the other side of her face. Then moved my left hand down past her collar bone, and then to her waist. Her breathing slows, as she lifts her right hand and traces my left elbow to my shoulder. I step forward, and bring her closer to me, tucking her head just below my chin. I take my right hand and lift up her chin, then kiss the middle of her forehead. Her skin was soft, her heartbeat grew louder with every move, Mia wrapped her arms around my waist. A smile broke across her face, a smile that made my mind go blank. I tilted her head back and kissed her nose, she let a quiet giggle slip through her teeth. She stood up on her toes while leaning towards me, I pushed her back down slowly onto her heals. I took my hand at her cheek and turned her face; and kissed her left cheek, then turned to the other, and kissed the right. I straightened up a bit, she stood on her toes again, and moved her hands to my chest to pull down from the top of my shirt.

“Is dinner ready?”

“It’s taking to long.”

“What is?” I said sarcastically with a chuckle.

“Please, just on--“

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I don’t think you want your food to get cold.”



Mia went flat on her feet, pouted a little, and turned and walked away from me. I had no clue what made me do that, what was I thinking? Oh right, I wasn’t. The anesthetic, it must be screwing with my mind. Right? I stay frozen in the doorway, digging my hand into the frame of the door, it would take an elephant to make me move. I must be insane, I wasn’t thinking. Instinctively my jaw drops, as I shake the feeling from my face, I screwed up. I pry my hands from the door frame, and walk around the corner with a new fear. Affection.

Turning to the island in the kitchen there were two plates, two glasses of wine, and a very sedated aura in the kitchen. I’m half expecting to be slapped, half expecting her to leave, but hoping I’m wrong. Mia is sitting to the plate at the right, and seems oblivious to what happened just moments ago. I on the other hand feel like I just pulled the trigger to my head, it’s precarious, yet she is so serene.

“It’s roman chicken, is it ok if we drink wine?”

“Sure, I don’t mind.”

I sat down and stared at my plate, the chicken smelt so good, I couldn’t wait to eat it.  It was fairly good, it’s a surprise. The meal was short, the conversation did not mention the pre-dinner actions, as well as anything earlier that day. Then, I remembered my list, number five was still a mystery.

“So what did you do when you went upstairs with Sarah?”

“Oh, just said thank you.”

“You just said thank you? That doesn’t seem much like you.”

I wasn’t buying this, even for a moment. It’s the reason she said she wanted to stay here, Mia said she needed to repay me for finding her. I always told her whenever she feels the need to leave, she can. She doesn’t let things like this go.

“Yeah, what was I not supposed to?”

“No, it just doesn’t sound like you.” 

“That’s all, she wouldn’t take money, or anything really.”

“Right, right.”

My skepticism did not allow me to erase number five from the list, nor ignore the faint change in her voice. It was softer, dimmer, whenever she replied. The whole conversation left me suspicious of my own words, it was rude to ask. 

“Are you done?”

“Oh, yes, thank you E 'stato perfetto.”

“Thank you, I hoped so.”

Mia giggled with her words, she took the dishes and placed them into the sink. I sat for a moment, the entire apartment felt different, something had changed. The grey tones of the walls seemed to be brighter, the place was more comfortable. There’s no denying to myself what I now feel, or what had happened. It’s not that I’ve never considered the possibility that I may not just love Mia, that there is an undeniable soothing quality about our actions. It would be wrong, it would be like taking advantage of a promise that she had made. Though I will always give her the choice to leave if she wishes, it’s not mine to make. Well, she hasn’t left, she hasn’t resisted, maybe it is universal.


“Well what?”

“You said after dinner, I’m done, you’re done.”

Mia stood in front of me with her arms crossed around her waist, staring straight back at me. Her poise was almost demanding, this made me laugh a little, it was funny to see her do this.

“Why are you laughing at me? Was that all a joke?"

She now spoke with a sense of devastation, an indication that she was angry.

“No, no, it’s just funny to see you act like that. Demanding, it doesn’t suit you well.”

“Oh, well, I’m being as patient as I can be.”

“I suppose, but I’m still not quite clear on what you’re insisting. Also, I believe I said later, not after dinner.”

Ignorance works, I’ll let her do it. She unfolded her arms, stepped forward while keeping her eyes at the ground; and mumbled something I couldn’t understand.

“True, and I believe I’m way overdressed.”

“Alright then, a movie?”

“Sure, but I smell like onions, I think I’ll brush my teeth.”

“Works for me. You go first, I’ve got to change.”

It’s not that I’m trying to delay this, it just has to be the right time. After I brush my teeth, I walk back through the hallway, and head for the stairs.

“Are you done?”


“You’re not going to come back up are you?”

“No dear.”

“Okay, I’ll meet you downstairs.”

“I will never understand the habits of women.” I whisper to myself.

I walk downstairs, and hear two doors open and one quickly shut. Now the major dilemma, what kind of movie will we watch? I don’t think an action is appropriate, a romantic movie is too cheesy, a scary one is just mean, and a comedy would defeat the purpose of the movie. Maybe a serious movie, something that won’t make us laugh, and won’t make us cry…

“A classic, Pans Labyrinth.”

“Did you say Pans Labyrinth?”

                             Chapter 6 Incompetent

Mia stood behind the couch leaning over looking at my choice of movies. I looked up to see her in pajamas again, this time navy blue shorts, and a white t-shirt. Her hair was placed neatly in a bun on the top of her head, and she smelt purely of mint. In two swift movements Mia was over the back of the couch and right next to me.

“Yeah, Pans Labyrinth, it’s a classic.”

“Sounds good.”

I got up to put the movie in, and grab some blankets, it was cold downstairs. The movie began with the opening scene, and Mia shifted towards our normal position for movies. She sat between my legs shoulders facing my chest, and with the blankets over our legs. Mia leaned her head back, tilted it towards the movie, and stretched her neck a bit. I wrapped my hands around her stomach, it felt like something was missing though.

“Did you want your bear?”

“Hmm… maybe, I don’t know yet.”

“If you want me to get it just say so.”


I had forgotten how little I think around Mia, I always lose my train of thought. I shifted my hands to her waist and pulled her closer to myself. The movie was lost in the background, I had dedicated my attention to her. The realization that I could watch her sleep, breathe, anything became significant to me. She smelled of lilacs, a unique thing in New York City; anything other than gunpowder, blood, or alcohol is unique. Though she has grown up before me eyes, she has always had that smell, since the night I found her. I remember laying her on this very couch, checking for a pulse, making sure that she wasn’t infect, every move was filled with it. I’m not sure what exactly brings people together, scent, sight, or sound; but something has always been there. Well now that I’ve gone all Freudian on myself, I might as well get back to the movie. Though it seems impossible at this point, no use in resisting what I truly wish to watch. 

“Guillermo del Toro was a master.”

“This was one of the best.”

The apartment was silent, the only sound that came about was the movie, and the synchronized breathing. Though there was no distinct movement, you could feel the earth move as we froze. I know everything that is around me, yet all that matters is Mia; it’s that security I have been waiting for. Mia moved her hands over mine, they were truly frozen, it made me shudder a little.

“Geez your hands are cold.”

“I know, I don’t…”

As soon as Mia paused, I could hear it too, someone was at the door.

“You got to be kidding me, I’ll get it. You might want to go to your room, never know who it will be.”

Mia stood up while keeping herself wrapped in all of the blankets, she looked like a human burrito. I laughed a little bit, she turned and glared, I quickly shut up. Mia went up the stairs first, she walked quickly past the front door, whoever it was really wanted to get in. I checked back before opening the door to make sure that the human burrito was safely in her room. I open the heavy door to reveal a bit of sunlight, and a very beaten up Digit with Igor. 

“Can we come in?”

“Don’t ask you big baby, we were going to come in either way.”

Igor shoved his way in through the door, he smelt like a firework after it has exploded. Part of Digit’s sleeve was burned, Igor’s pant leg was burned in the back, and his leg looked singed.

“Nothing about this looks like a good idea.”

“I thought you’d say that.”

With the reply Digit quickly handed me a bottle of spiced rum, as if this were to make it easier. I immediately set the bottle onto the counter in the kitchen, I’m afraid I’ll hit him with it if I knew what happened. Igor looked almost unscathed from the front, but his back was cut up, along with the burnt back of the pants. Digit was limping on one leg, and his face was bright red, though it was different from when he was drunk.

“Ok, I might as well ask. What happened to you?”

“Igor did it.”

“Did what?”

“Turn on the news.”

I skeptically walk around to the couch, and flip on the television. The first news station had a banner going across the top in bold red letters, “Bombing takes place at Hi Life Bar and Grill.” I stood and stared at the television as the reporters generic voice red the details of the story: Last night there was a disastrous event that took place at Hi Life bar and Grill. A fight had taken place, and ended up in a bombing of the bar. Reportedly two bar goers had begun to fight, when one became outraged and started a physical fight. There are however two suspected bombers, both male, one was described as pale, bald, and around 5’10”. The main suspect, the one who began the quarrel, was described as around 6’1”, heavyset, with a thick Russian accent. Seven people where killed, three were severely injured, and six escaped with little to no injuries. People all over are asking, who would do this in a time like this? Authorities say that they will find the two bombers, and have posted a reward to any who have information.


“You Americans must learn to keep your mouths shut. The man began to insult me, I did not start it. Just because I am from Russia, does not mean you can call me a communist, or stupid.”


“Like I said, Igor did it.”

My jaw dropped in disbelief, but really I wasn’t surprised. This was a stupid move, even for Igor, it risks exposure. Suddenly the television went to black, and you could hear a dial tone in the background. Within seconds Connie appeared on the screen, and apparently she had seen the news. All members of the Alliance have some form of video feed connected to Connie, it takes different forms, ours happens to be the television.

“Is Mia here?” Connie asked politely, yet with a sense of rage underlying her question.

“Yes, would you like me to go get her?” I replied truthfully, there’s no use lying to Connie.

“No, why don’t you go tell her to stay in her room in fact, stay with her. You two need the alone time. What happened to your nose, or should I just not ask?”

“Umm... trouble with breakfast.”

Igor chuckled, Digit decided to burn holes through my head, as I carefully planned my exit. I walked away. I could practically hear Digit shaking, as Igor popped open the bottle of rum that Digit had brought for me. I would have hit him with it, if it weren’t for Connie watching. At least we get to be alone for a bit.


*          *          *          *

“What on earth do you think you are doing? You can’t blow somebody up simply because you are insulted!”


“Liar. Well, you wouldn’t know. It’s the same stuff I sell to your rogues.”

“Now shut up Igor, and listen to me. I am your superior, and I don’t care if somebody calls you a communist, you don’t bomb them. Do you have any idea what would happen if they trace that grenade back to us? No, you don’t, because you supposedly don’t care. This operation is above you, I’d have you shot dead if it weren’t for your contract. Got it?”

“I don’t need you, or the Thorn Alliance. I could sell right back to the government, tell them where you are, everything.”

“If you don’t stop talking, I’ll have you killed this instant.”

“Doubt it, you Americans aren’t that good.”

“Digit please show Mr. Ure part of the punishment.”

“Hah, you think that he could---“

Choking Igor wasn’t complicated, a little wire and you have a good defense. But this is more a reserved weapon, the wire injects a poison. It must be injected by the trachea, and it spreads from the lungs, to the bloodstream. I was punished once, I remember it well, nobody forgets a pain like that. The toxin creates a pain like you are being dismembered, and it will not stop until I remove the pins from the wire.

“Now Mr. Ure, you see what even a computer technician is capable of. My husband knows that his job is above all else, don’t underestimate us. You will clean up the mess, pay compensation to the families, and continue on with the operation. Michael you may let him go.”

I reply simply by nodding my head.

“Incompetence has its price.”

Igor let groans go as the pins were removed, the pain subsides a couple minutes later, it isn’t pretty. He grabs the side of the couch and pulls himself up to the pillows. He begins to gasp for air, this is the worst part, when the blood hits his feet. The toxin will work its way out of the system, but the feeling will last a few days.

“This conversation never happened, Mia and Jack will not know.”

“Wh-Wh-Why? Why sh-should I help-p-p yo-yo-you?”

“This is bigger than you, you’re expendable. Michael, go get Jack and Mia, they have an assignment anyway.”

“Yes Connie.”

                             *          *          *          *

“What do you think they’re talking about?”

“Connie is probably burning Igor alive.”

“Ha, probably, I heard the news. Is Digit here?” Mia snarled with his name.

“Unfortunately, so you’ve figured it out then?”

“That the creep loves me, yeah, a while ago.”

“Well do you love anyone?”


She shrugged her shoulders with a cute tone, as my human burrito unraveled the blankets that she kept around herself. I sat down on her bed, next to the remnants of the movie/blankets.  No matter how much she has grown up, she still has that childlike quality, most women do. That little bit of innocence, no matter what they’ve done with there life, they’re still that little girl.

“I don’t think you’re in love.”

“Why not?”

“Well, for instance, the only people you bring home are Digit, Igor, Mary, and Katherine. If it was one of them I think I would have noticed. Unless you go off in the middle of the night to mean your prince, when nobody else is here.”

“Quit it, you know who it is.”

“No, I don’t think I’ve ever met him.”

“Quit it! Quit being so stupid about this, you’re not that naive. What do you want me to say?”

I sigh, and put my hand on her chin to pull her closer to me. Her lips were softer than I imagined, softer than her skin, I could taste the mint and raspberry chap stick. One… two… three, I don’t think I want to stop. My heart begins to race, it feels like it’s about to explode from my chest. This would be better if I hadn’t had a giant cast on my nose. My heart is pounding, I can hear it in my ears, it’s louder than it should be.

“Hey open this goddamn door before I break it down!”

“What did you just say?”

I stared confused at Mia, the pounding continued, it wasn’t my heart, it was the door.

“Hey, you deaf or something, COME OPEN THE DOOR!”

Those words, they stuck in my mind like syrup, thick, heavy, and sticky. Click, click, tick, tick, HURRY UP! Come open the door. I let my mind soak up the sweet sticky memory that it had so blatantly left for me. I sat perfectly still, that’s got to be it, Digit was the voice, and there is no doubt. Mia gazed back at my fearful serenity in these words, and quickly jumped off of the bed to get the door. She opened the door quietly, in no time, as I remain a statue on the bed.

“What do you need?”

She snapped, with no politeness, and no respect for Digit.

“Well, I’ll get hit if I say that, but Connie wants you.”

She punched him in the arm, and nodded, then turned back towards the bed. She walked back to me as if her legs were toothpicks, and her waist was made of cement. Digit walked away from the door, with the same scowl of disgust he usually gave me when I was with Mia.

“Was it that bad?”


“Was it that bad that you’re not going to talk to me now?”

“Was what bad?”


“NO, no, oh God no. It was just something Digit said, it reminded me of something.”

“Open the door? Okay…”

“Seriously, nothing was wrong, just an odd memory.”


She leaned forward, and kissed me lightly, but forcefully. Then she took my hand, and yanked me off of the bed, while keeping her grip. A grip that would never allow me to let go, and I hoped I wouldn’t try.  We passed through the door together, eyes gleaming, and Mia had a mischievous aura about her. Way to be inconspicuous. We turned the corner as the epitome of confidence, and mischief; though I’m sure we were an open book.  Igor lay on the couch, staring at the floor, his veins were swollen around his neck, yet he looked pale. (Well, more pale than usual) I’m not sure I want to know, I could guess, but then again I could be wrong. 

“We now have some cleanup work to do, since these incompetent idiots can’t control themselves. I need you two to deliver compensation packages to the families of the deceased, you must not be seen, heard, or noticed. Afterwards there’s an artillery base for the government near one of the families houses, we’re looking for a file named Behcet Syndrome. It has nothing to do with the actual disease, all of the files are named after rare diseases. This should be a list of those responsible for Operation Rose, as well as those who are suspected of being in the Thorn Alliance.”

“Any specifics?”

“Yes, better directions will be delivered in a package tomorrow, along with Mia’s new armor.”

“Alright, any other news?”

Usually there is good news to go along with assignments, but after today, who knows.

“Not quite, just a rumor that two of our members are now together. But I’m sure you already know about that.”

Connie knows all, I swear she has this place bugged, in a way I think she knew before we did. Digit shifted his weight, and clenched his fist, Igor just chuckled. Connie let out a sigh of relief, coupled with a congratulatory smile; Mia gripped my hand tighter and leaned back into my chest.

“Well, if you find the happy couple, tell me. That is all for now, you are dismissed.”

The television clicked back to the channel we had been watching, and as an awkward silence hit the room. Almost like a flash flood of unwanted stillness, the stare down began with Digit and I, as Igor lay still on the couch. The tension could be cut with a knife, Mia was oblivious, Igor was entertained, and Digit was giving me the death glare.

“Well, I’m going to need help getting home.”

Igor sat up with impervious strength, it was obvious what happened. Connie punished him, I’ve heard of it, never experienced it though. I think Digit was punished once, something about killing two people that weren’t on his hit list, I think.

© Copyright 2009 C. Nicole Smith (boondockkorea at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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