Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1523091-A-walk-in-the-park
by cuboi
Rated: GC · Fiction · Nonsense · #1523091
A fictional story of me walking in a park (some rubbish for me to occupy my time).
  It was a beautiful sunny Sunday morning. Usually, my roomie(roommate), Hisham will prepare breakfast as he likes to cook and what a chef he is. Unfortunately, it was the beginning of the Ramadhan, so he had to go back to his hometown in Sarikei. Since I was extremely hungry and I don't know how to cook(I don't even know how to fry an egg), I had no choice but go out to have breakfast.

  It was surprisingly dark, even though I could see the tip of the sun rising in the horizon. This particular kopitiam(cafe) I wanted to go to is located in in the middle of the Reservoir Park. Hisyam said that this was the best kopitiam he'd been to. Not wanting to be closed-minded about it, I thought why not give it a try. The Reservoir Park is not as clean as the Central Park, America. But it's a park nonetheless. People say that you can enjoy fresh air when taking a walk in a park. But here, it is different. Taking a walk here in the park is like touring around the sewers. The air smells unpleasant especially near the lake where the water is green and oily. It was in a pitiful state. The lake was.......... well, I don't know what word can be used to describe it. The closer I got to the lake, the stronger the smell. Then, at one point, I couldn't tolerate the smell any longer. I decided to find another route to the kopitiam. Just as I was to turn around, I accidentally bumped into an old man. The man landed on his bottom, letting out a rather small squeal. I reached out to help him get back up on his two feet. But the old man pushed me away, with word after word of gibberish flowing out of his mouth as he was struggling to get up. I noticed that he was carrying a small red box and a fishing rod. I was impressed that the man managed to get himself up without any assistance. What an incredible feat for a man his age (I assumed that the man was somewhere around his mid 70's). Somehow, something shook my senses. Why would he want to go fishing on the lake? Perhaps something's wrong with his glasses?! I had the feeling that he doesn't even know that fishing on the lake is strictly prohibited. Anyway, I ignored the man and continued my journey.

  When I'd finally reached the kopitiam, it seems that I was the only visitor. It wasn't really closed. It was more like the kopitiam was deserted. Not only that, it was also somewhat, ominously quiet. Not even a single bird were heard near the area. The winds breathed slowly down my neck. Bathed in my own sweat, there was only one option, and that option was obvious. I must get out of there. But before I managed to make my move, I heard footsteps coming towards the kopitiam. Hastily and with no second thoughts, I hid behind the counter and I soon began to pray. I waited if anyone was out there. I could hear whispers, but it was too faint to be heard clearly. Then, after a while, I realized that the whispers were conversed in Japanese! Confusion knocked me in the face. My heart beats faster as both the footsteps and the whispers became louder. A myriad of possibilities began playing in my head. Then, it hit me! Of all the time, it had to happen at this very moment. I forced myself to hold on to it, knowing that the nearest toilet was way across the lake, up on the hills. Perhaps because of my anxiety, I accidentally 'blow it'(farted). Then, everything went silent. No whisper. No footsteps. I waited a bit longer until my curiosity soon kicked in. I slowly looked out, half-crouching and half-standing. Soon, I felt something poking my head. Immediately, I looked behind and I saw 6 Asian men wearing Imperial uniforms. One if them wielded a katana. Somehow, I felt that something was wrong with the picture. I looked in front and I find myself out in the open, in the middle of the road in a jungle. I was dumbfounded. The moment I turned my head around, all that I could remember was a severe blow to my face and a pitch of darkness that followed.

  When I opened my eyes, I felt the earth was shaking. I found myself in a large box, surrounded by at least 30 other guys, mostly in their 20's, I assumed. I realized that I was in a train and believe me, the carriage I'm in had an extremely bad smell but nobody seemed to care about the smell. It smelled more like rotting flesh. I got my upper half of my body up and I could see that my fellow 'passengers' were mostly Caucasians, some with their uniforms on. I could also see some of the older men at the back. One of the younger guys approached me with a pair of pants.

  "What's with the pants?" I asked.

  "You're a weird lad. Why don't you take a look at yourself," the man replied.

  I looked at my body and realized that there was not a single piece of cloth on me. I was completely naked. With a feeling of embarrassment, I grabbed the pants and put them on. It was a bit too tight, considering that I have a beer belly.

  "Cool. Where'd you get this?" I asked, at the same time, stretching one section of the pants.

  There were no responses besides having at least 60 eyes focused on me. I quickly understood the situation and I sat down quietly. I asked a person next to me about the time. He looked at me as if I was an idiot. Soon, some of his 'buddies' began to whisper amongst themselves, at the same time, giving me some weird look as if I'm guilty of something. I looked around and I found an empty spot at the side, near the door. I immediately got up, slowly walking towards the intended spot. The moment I sat down, thoughts began to occupy my mind. I'm still trying to assemble a jigsaw-puzzle of the whole thing, and so far, I can't seem to find the logic of the whole thing. Flies were buzzing around me and that is when something caught my attention. A man sitting next to me had his mouth covered with maggots, and he wasn't wearing any pants. I guess that answered the question. I poked him on the face and he fell down like chopped tree.

  Suddenly, a dart landed on his chest. I got up, trying to find where the dart was fired from. Then, on a blink of a second, I found myself in the middle of a battlefield.

2 b k0n-T-nude.........

© Copyright 2009 cuboi (ndaknemu at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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