Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1521369-A-Home-At-Last
Rated: E · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1521369
Abby has been in prison for ten years. She has served her time and is now free to leave.
    As the prison gates closed, Abby, found herself standing outside on the sidewalk alone.  No prison guards watching her every move.  She felt suddenly,very confused but elated too.  The sun was shining and it felt good.  On the other hand she had no idea what she was going to do.  She had very little money and no one was there to meet her. After serving ten years in prison ,on a sentence that she had not been guilty of . She had no friends, who would come and meet her.  No one would remember her now.  She had not tried to contact any of the people  she had known in all the years she was in prison.

    She had no family that she knew of.  She had been left on the steps of  a abby when she was a baby, and had been found by one of the nuns, who took her to the orphanage.  They named her Abby.  She had grown up in the orphanage.  After graduating from  highschool, she found a job as a maid for a lady, Mrs Abernathy, Things went pretty well until the woman's daughter Greta stole a diamond necklace from her mother.  Of course Abby, was the one who was blamed for the theft.  Mrs Abernathy pressed charges and Abby was found guilty.  She was given a ten year sentence.  Since she had no money to hire a lawyer. and the lawyer who was appointed, did not try very hard to defend her, she was sent to prison.

    While in prison, Abby worked in some of the prison factories.

She learned alot of skills by working there and she was a fast learner.  She had enjoyed working at an upholstery shop there and did quite well with it.  Abby, was a very pretty girl, but she did not think of herself as pretty.  In fact she did not think of herself  at all.  Her long,naturally curly,dark hair framed her  face.

Her slim figure showed her curves.  She was wearing a suit that was given to her just before she left the prison, along with a little money. 

    "What do I do now?"  Abby wondered. There was a bus stop near her on the corner. She started walking to the stop and waited for a bus.  She had no idea where she was going but now she wanted to get as far from that prison as possible.  She had a little money so maybe she could find a cheap hotel somewhere ;and then decide what she wanted to do.  She would take the first bus that came along and then inquire about a hotel.

There was a newspaper stand on the corner and she bought one.  She would have to look for a job but would anyone hire her because she had been in prison?  She couldn't lie about it because they would find out about her any way.  She saw the bus coming,and as soon as it stopped she climbed aboard and paid the fare.  "Does your route go near any hotels?" she asked the driver. 

    "Yes ma'm, There are several hotels on my route, just ring the bell when you see one that you want." 

    "Thank you, I will."  Abby answered. 

She found a seat and the bus started up.  After the bus had gone several blocks she saw some hotels.  Most of them looked pretty nice.  "Probably very expensive." she thought.  Finally she saw one that did not look as nice as the others.  "That will probably have to do," she thought.  She rang the bell and the bus stopped at the corner.  "Watch your step." the driver said.

    "Yes, Thank you"  Abby replied.  She walked to the hotel.  The lobby was rather sleezy looking  and there were people sitting in the lobby smoking.  Abby practically choked from the smoke.  A man was behind the desk.  He looked a little rough around the edges.  "Need a room,lady" he asked. 

    "Yes,  How much does it cost?" 

      "Twenty five dollars a night,"  he said taking a key off the rack. 

      "Ok," Abby said.  She counted out twenty five dollars and handed it to the clerk. That didn't leave her a lot of cash.

    "Room 26 at the top of those stairs." He said pointing at the stairs and handing her the key. 

      "Thank you" Abby  hurried up the stairs.  She found the number on the door,  unlocked the door, switched on the light and surveyed the room.  It was plain,  with a bed,  night stands,  A chair in the corner,  a small dresser with a mirror. and a door that led to the bath room.  Abby set her purse down.  She didn't need a suit case, everything she had was in her purse.  The room was rather dingy but at least it was some place where she could regroup.  Abby picked up the newspaper and with shaking hands found the want ads . She needed to find a job and soon.  Her money would soon run out.  She looked at the ads.  Some one needed a maid but she did not want to get into that situation again.  A tavern needed a bar maid but she did not want that either.  As she was looking one ad caught her eye.

    Wanted:  Wife.  For details contact Seargeant  Travis Wills.

Write Travis Wills,  2424 Cantaberry road.  Ontario Canada.

                                      To be Continued




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