Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1518105-DEMONS
Rated: 18+ · Draft · Dark · #1518105
I wrote this one night while pondering my mental illness.
It was late one night, and I heard a sinister voice.  At first I thought I was dreaming.It got louder and I realized I was wide awake and stairing me in the face was a demon telling me he was gonna take control of me.  I laughed at him.  I told him no it is I that control you.  He scoffed at me and laughed an most evil and sinister laugh.  The kind of laugh that makes your skin crawl.  I was then I pulled out my Bible and pled the blood of Jesus.  He hissed and backed away.  He said I can still make you do things. I told him I beg to differ and explained to him he will do my bidding.  He then procceded to tell me your life, I have been in control of it and thats why you do the things you do.  "You are where I put you" he added.  I told him he had nothing to do with my life and being a demon he was not credible.  He was a liar I exclaimed.  All demons are liars.  Again with the laugh, and it was then that he showed his true face to me. It was my face, it was me I was talking to.  Some dark inner person that laid in wake.  He said if I am a liar then so are you.  I said just because you say these things and I have never acted upon them, I am not a liar.  I cast him into the depest bowls of hell.  Then a cloud lifted and all the spirits flew into frenzy like a cloud being sucked into a drain.  Then just as quickly as it ended there was one last voice and it said "You will have to fight many more demons, will you bee prepaired?"

But let me ask you this will you be able to fight demons?     

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