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A love letter |
Dear Love, This letter is prompted by the noblest of impulses so do not misunderstand the noble mission it is going to convey. I am writing to let you know how I feel about you. I do not know how to tell you face to face, so I am going to put my feelings in words. Since Aristotle lead to verbal affirmation of bodily convictions, I thought perhaps another quote from Aristotle would be appropriate…”justice is the loveliest and health is the best, but the sweetest to obtain is the heart’s desire” Perhaps you will be astonished for receiving a letter from me. I just want you to know that a letter is more eloquent than words. That is why this will definitely speak for itself. When I was younger, I dreamed of that one person that I would share my dreams, happiness and energy with…I could not see his face but he was there. I always felt like he was out there, I just needed to find him. I visualized the bond we would have and the courage he would give me to endure life’s obstacles. All these years I was with others, and feeling my way through life, learning lessons that later on would prepare me to become the person that I am now. I have felt alone and sad. Then the one-day my eyes opened and I became that young girl again…realizing that he is here now. Here in my world was the man that I had dreamed of, and that man is you. Finding you again after so many years has set my heart free. Each day it gets a little stronger and a little more willing to let you in. It gets harder and harder to fight the love I feel for you. I do not know how much fight I have left in me now and I feel I am reaching the end, and am willing to fall completely into this wonderful world of bliss that is your waiting arms. I just hope that you are there to catch me and safeguard something that I have not given to anyone – my complete heart and soul. At first, I was scared and a part of me wanted to ignore and just believe that you were just someone who was playing a game. I was thinking I was crazy to have the feelings I was beginning to have for you. I did not want to admit to myself or anyone else that I was falling for you. I tried to fight these feelings off but they were just too powerful for me to ignore! I tried to convince myself that this could not be for real; that you could not REALLY be feeling the same as I was…I was going insane! No matter how hard I tried – I just could not fight the feelings I was having for you. Then the night came when you were expressing how you were beginning to feel, feelings that I have been fighting, because I was scared of being disappointed, but the magnetism that I was feeling was so strong that I could no longer fight it, and had to accept that I have fallen head over heels in love with you. I tried so hard to convince myself that there is no such thing as true love…but you have made me believe differently. Truthfully, and undoubtedly, I can fool anyone but I cannot fool myself. I would be a great liar if I uttered that I am not in love with you. No matter what you think or say, all I can say is; I really love you with all my heart. Proof of my feelings of endearment will be revealed with time. You became so honorable in my eyes, like a precious gem, counted with extremely good intellectual reasoning makes me emotionally struck and speechless. The above-stated utterances and delightful contemplations of something worthy are inexpressible on my part because I was made to understand such sublime and noble qualities are inherent with you. It is hard to explain myself or to put it together in one, the only easy thing to think of loves you. For just one look into your eyes makes everything in the world and in my life seem to disappear. You make me want to see the sunrise every day, to know it is another day where I can have you by my side. Your touch will forever caress me with tenderness, and your kisses will keep the flame in my heart alive in hope that this will last forever. What had come over me? I was not like this before. Yes before you re-entered my life, I lived a peaceful and unhappy life. I could go and return home and feel no trouble in my soul. Now, I am disturbed in mind and soul. It cannot be my imagination or is it that love has struck too deeply and that I must pay sacrifice for what is asked of me? I have tried to restrain myself. I have tried to stifle my longings knowing that I am not even fit to grace your side. Nevertheless, Cupid’s orders are imperative. Who am I to battle the call of fate? I know that when I saw you, Cupid had marked me for his victim. Yes, it is love that has taken root in my heart. However, I have been so foolish to hug delusion to my heart. I should not have persisted even when I saw the shadow of your winsome smile. Let me console myself that I love you, in a way that lingers only in imagination, in a mere dream, in fantasy, the creation of mind. No one in this world knows the feeling that I get when I see you. They have no idea about what you get my body to do when I hear your name or hear that sweet soft voice of yours. Nobody has ever made me feel like the way you make me feel and that is such a crazy feeling. It feels like I just want to grab you and be in your arms forever and ever and never let go. I want to kiss your lips and never end – just keep going. Every time I think about you, it gives me more and more strength with which to carry on life. It makes me happy to be alive knowing that you have come into my life and all I know is that I want to be with you! You have become a beacon to me. Whenever I feel as though I have drifted too far into the disparity that clouds my life, I can look up to find you guiding me to safety. You are TRULY my gift from a higher power. LOVE is such a miniscule word for what we share. You are SO amazing. You appeared when I was at such a low point in my existence. A time when I thought that the physical and emotional pain brought on by another would never end. That it would wear away at every fiber of my being until it consumed me and I was no more. During the moments I tried to turn away for fear of the unknown, you planted your heels, looked deep in my soul, and stayed. Without you…I would not be. I experience more excitement, feel like the happiest woman on the earth, and think of you all the time. It is not just at bedtime, or upon waking up but at my work, during driving, and at all times. Sometimes I sit and without any reason say your name loudly, until realizing that you are far away, and then smiling about the sweet thoughts of you. When I talk to you, it makes my heart beat faster, and fells like some sweet feelings, unexplainable, not understandable. I feel your presence everywhere by me, your smell, and your laughs echo in my ears, your talks remind me that you really exist, and I want you bad enough like the roses would need their perfume, as wind needs its songs, as snow needs its whiteness, like a little child wants ice cream. I did not plan to love you, it just happened. It was your innocent smile, your sparkling eyes; it was you in whole that made my heart like falling out of its place. It was as if lightening had struck me. I will love you as long as the sun keeps shining, the starts keep brightening the sky, the winds keep blowing, and the snow keeps falling. I just have to let you know that these last few days has given me a lot of time to think about how I feel about you. I have decided that I am definitely, hopelessly in love with you. What made me realize this is not so much that I think about you all the time thought I do. It was how I think about you. Not only do I think about how much I love you, but why, how much, and mostly do I deserve to be loved by you? It just feels so lucky to love you finally, as I have been wanting to for so long. Your sweet lips leave me speechless with each perfect kiss. What have I done to deserve this? Moreover, another thing – it is a little strange too – why are we right for each other? Some might want to argue this, but I have a few examples for those poor misguided souls. Your smile is like a world-famous painting. When we kiss, it is as if two lost puzzle pieces finally discovered after a 8 year search to make the puzzle complete. When we hold each other, time seems to stand still. When I look into your eyes, I see all that I love, and hope my heart is reflecting the same through my own. You are the reasons for my smiles. You are the reasons for my tears, and the reasons for my fears. You are the reason I wake up each day, and sleep each night. You are my reason for living. You are the reason for my happiness. Life would be incomplete without you now. Life would be unbearable. You have given me the gift of love and now I give you my heart. It is yours to do with as you may, but remember, it is for always. My wish for you is that you could feel all the passion and love that I carry around in my heart and soul for you. You have won my love and soul. You have gotten it all, even my heart. My affection for you grows each and everyday. I am completely addicted to you. I never thought I could really love someone as much as I love you. We started out as friends just talking, but over time, I have truly fallen for you head over heels. You are not one to admit how you feel but I know somewhere in your heart you have feelings for me too because I know you would not have just wasted your time for nothing. You know I care. You are the only person who could ever put this big of a smile on my face. There are all kinds of artists. A group we should celebrate more is artists of life itself who use their tools to express the inexpressible. Without a brush, they depict life with bright colors. Without a knife, they sculpt the magic of being. Without a scale, they create music for us all. Without choreography, they engage in the dance of life. When we are born, we are given tools to create the life of beauty. These same tools can be used to perpetuate ugliness and destruction. I hope that we will understand at some point in our lives that we can decide to reflect beauty. Tangible works of art fade with time, chip from the walls, and may be discredited by passing trends. Nevertheless, a life of love lasts forever. With all my love Me |