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Two things you often hear- but never at the same time. |
Red Light Epiphany by DMichaels In 1976 I was at a rock concert and toward the end of the show the lead singer and former Beatle said something that would mysteriously "Get Back" in my head some 30 years later. It served as the glue for an epiphany I would have while sitting in my car- waiting at a red light. But first- lets rewind 10 years before that concert- to the mid and late 60’s. Thats when I began hearing two things- but never together- and the fact I never heard them mentioned at the same time- didn’t really occur to me for many years- until one morning while sitting in my car- waiting at a red light. It was my Granddad that first enlightened me on how time passes as we grow older- and our certain finality. He said, “Son as you get older- time goes by faster”. Then a year or two later he said, “If there’s one thing certain as taxes- it’s death. Yep- no one gets out alive”. As my life went on- I heard the two proclamations repeated time and time again from many people- but as I said- they were never spoken at the same time- one after the other. Now to the red light. The other day I was sitting at a red light- and thoughts were floating in and out. From nowhere this one popped up, “It’s getting near the end of the show- if there’s anything you’re going to do….you better do it”. There wasn’t even a McCartney song on the radio. I hadn’t even given his comment much thought since I’d heard him say it back in 1976. Wow- where did that come from? Then suddenly- click click click- WHAM! I had a red light epiphany: I’m getting older- time is going by faster- the end of the show is getting nearer- if there’s anything I’m going to do- I better do it- and that final brick wall in life’s journey- DEATH - is approaching at break neck speed. Why hadn’t anyone told me this before? I mean how come you never hear these 2 well known truths talked about at the same time? Is everyone walking around pretending not to know this? Do you just pretend not to know that the closer you get to death- the faster and faster it approaches? Unfortunately- I wasn’t able to fully enjoy my revelation because the light turned green and the guy in the car behind was laying on his horn. |