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Its about a women who time travels and fights a couplef monsters along the way. |
Damages Chapter One By Sophia Nelson Driving through the traffic, Sara began to think. She knew that coming to a new place would hard. She had no friends, very little idea where things where. She knew she could do it. Keeping calm Sara drove on. In no time at all the Sara spotted a place to pull in. The car was cramped and it was getting harder to think as she passed the many small cute houses. Each house looked the same. One light on and what looked like a rose garden in the front. Sitting up front with her was her dog. He was about two years old. A puppy that weighed about 60lbs. She had named him Ralph to be funny. Her family laughed. The name stuck. His thick coat would prove to be good for the new place. It snows here. When Sara pulled on to her street she was looking for her number. Number 14, Heart road, the school gave it to her with her placement. Looking down at the paper she had written, Sara wasn’t sure but she thought the numbers moved. Oh boy. What a name for a street she thought. She came here to start over and that’s what she was planning to do. Ralph needed to stretch his legs and so did Sara. Pulling into a spot, by the park in the small college town, Sara had let Ralph out and he was so happy. He took off at a run. He was sniffing and looking and of coarse taking care of business. She sat there for a moment. Sara climbed out of her cramped car and pulled her long auburn hair on top of her head. Leaning against her car, Sara was stretching her arms and moving her neck about. Watching Ralph wag his tail, he did his business. Turning back towards Sara, Ralph began to bark. As if he was telling her, something was wrong .That when the curtains moved’. That’s when the hair went up on the back of Sara’s neck. It was a loud bark. Scar ed and nervous. That’s when he took off running. He ran toward a small yellow house. The lights where out. Looked like no one was home or the family was asleep. “Ralph, Come back here!!” Oh she was an afraid of waking up the looked like a sleeping neighborhood. Running after him she caught up to him. He was shaking and barking. He wanted what ever was there. Grabbing his collar, hooking his chain he barked more and more. That’s when she saw him for the first time. He was tall. He was dark with dark eyes; he looked evil and felt evil. There was coldness that came from him in streams. It took over her senses and made her stop in her tracks like a child that had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Thinking that it was just a nervous feeling Sara started to say something but instead grabbed Ralph closer to her. Sara told the man she was sorry that Ralph bothered him. He just nodded and Sara backed up a few steps. Putting Ralph back into the car, Sara drove on. Looking in her rearview mirror she saw mist where the man stood was gone. All she could think about was to get out of there. Arriving at her home, Sara set about getting Ralph and what she needed to be settled. Making her bed and putting up her much loved book on the bookcase that was already there. Smiling and feeling better Sara put up the last object in her house. It was the trinity circle. Her mom gave that to her. It will protect me. Not to mention that goofy Mickey clock that sat happily on the nightstand. Must of her stuff was hand me downs but she liked old stuff. The next day came quickly and she was off to work. The college that Sara worked at was a local one. She taught A&P. That was a good class. It was a full class and I was a new teacher and I knew that in this little town I would have some small problems but for the must part I was ok with it. The students introduced themselves to me and I began to relax for sure. Packing up for the day, almost running into another teacher. “I’m sorry, Excuse me.” Dropping her bag an a few pages fell out. She looked up to see a nice pair of brown eyes. Soft and friendly, sweet smile and a tan face. Ok now we are talking. He is cute. He had bent down to help her pick up her papers. That’s when his hand touched hers. Sara was hoping he would tell her his name .Her hopes where answered. “Hi, sorry about that. My name is Allen. I teach the Algebra class next to you.” “Nice to meet you Allen. Good to know. Thank you.” Taking the pages back from him. “Hmm, well we are glad to have you here. I have heard so many good things about you. I was wondering something?” “Sure, ask away.’ “Are you free right now? Would you like to go have some coffee with me?” Allen asked in almost boyish voice. He stood there with his khakis and pullover shirt. The sun was coming through the window and it hit his hair just right for that sparkle that you see in the movies. “Sure, lets go.” replied Sara She could tell by her accepting the invite he was just so excited. He smiled more, and he stood straighter. Wondering where they where going, Allen lead her to the cafĂ© on the campus. They picked a nice seat that was near a lot of windows. They started to share stories. Well, it was more like Allen was sharing stories. He sure did like to talk about himself a lot. Before Sara left she knew where he was born, how old he was, whether he likes cats or dogs. Not to mention if he wears boxers or briefs. The small amount of answers that Sara gave Allen. Told him she was alone, she had a dog that she loved, and she enjoyed teaching. Heading home after that impromptu to date, Sara started to daydream. This place was a nice place. It was a major change compared to her last home. The simple fact that the birds sang was a good feeling. Home, it even smelled like home. Could this be my new home? Not much time passed before I had become a normal part of college life. She didn’t know it but, he was watching her. Standing outside in the shadows, there he was. He knew what to get it started. He sent up the little things. Sara pulled out her stones, anthem and her silver pot. She needed to get centered. Sitting cross-legged, Sara started the nightly pray she followed. Drawing from right to left, Sara had her circle. She couldn’t tell what was waiting for her on the other side. Sara had wondered into the kitchen when she began to feel upset. Grabbing the counter, t.Hearing that noise Ralph came running. Ralph started to bark. Sara’s eyes changed from a soft blue to a very dark black color. Bottomless eyes, empty eyes that made you run for cover. Barking and going crazy Ralph didn’t know what to do. He backed out of Sara’s way. Anger ran through her like lava .It twisted and turned her body from right to left. It was hot and mean. When it was over, Sara was laying on the kitchen floor in a heap. Getting up from that ordeal Sara went into her room. She had to shut the circle she opened. Sara was standing in the middle of her room. Sara lived alone, except for her dog Ralph. It was easy to get around and the crime was low, and that was a big change from the last place lived. The faint smell of sandalwood drifted through the air. There is always that sandalwood floating in the air when something goes goofy. It was well past eight and the quiet from outside came pouring into the house. Soft music came from the living room as Ralph pawed his way into her room and let out a small yelp in hopes of getting her attention. Her room was trashed. Books were burnt, lamps shattered all over the floor, not to mention the Mickey Mouse clock that her mother gave her before she past away. In shock, Sara sat on the only chair that wasn’t destroyed. Staring at the mess around her, questions began to pour into her mind. What happened? I don’t understand! I know I was mad but was I that mad that I trashed my own room? I don’t even remember it. How come I had gotten mad? Rubbing her hands across her face she replays the night all over again from start to finish. She had come home from dinner with a few teachers friends. She and Allen had stopped seeing each other due to his cheating ways. They parted well. Ok next thing she thought about was Ralph. She had to take Ralph out, he ran in the back yard. He grabbed his nasty ball he had and wanted to play some. Starting to remember what had gone on. Sara was not happy. She was starting to lose it. She can’t lose it. “I can do that boy.” Sara said as she rubbed her hand on the top of his head. Just then Sara heard the door slam outside. That jolted her out of the stupor she was in. Jumping up and calling Ralph to follow her, she ran into the front room. Making her way o the front bay window, she saw him. It was a man. I was getting a creepy vibe. He had the black bad guy look from he old west look down pat. One small problem, He was standing outside. It was just about dusk. He looked wet and cold. I could see him shiver. Or did I? On my street we have trees that line the road. Many of the houses were out of a southern living book. The wives have Martha Stewart on speed dial. If someone new moves in the gossip hounds are ready to attack them. So maybe this guy is waiting for someone. Scaring myself, I called the cops. They said to stay inside and to keep the phone with me. I went to find Ralph. I wanted him with me. So into the closet we went. Time past slowly. After awhile I fell asleep .Ralph laid right next to her. His big brown eyes looking up at Sara and soon he were joining her in sleep. Running, I was running. I have seen this place before. It’s dark, with tall trees. I can smell the damp forest floor. I trip over a misshaped boulder. My knees are bleeding. Oh my hands hurt. It’s cold. Help me. I don’t know where I am. My shoes are torn and black. Dirty, very dirty .I hear them. They are screaming my name. Sara. Sara!!!! Looking back, Sara was scared. Damages, all they talked about were damages. I knew I had to get away. I saw him. The hat is black. It’s low over his eyes. He wears boots. They are heavy boots. They seem to rock the forest floor. He is right behind me. “No!!!!!!!!” I screamed, and then I jumped over what looked like a lake. I hit the other side at a break neck run. What in the hell!!! With that the phone rang as if it was planned. I jumped and screamed. Ralph let out a sleepy bark. He didn’t know what was going on. Answering the phone I know I yelled into it. “Hello!!!”” just trembling from the fear. On the other line was the police department. “Mamm?” Mamm? Are you ok? The police department is outside your house. Just as she had finished saying that I heard the beating on my front door. Then Ralph was off. Racing to the front door Ralph was ready to take care of business. “I’m coming...” Opening the door I was met by two young looking cops. Both of them where over weight and they had sweat marks under their arms. Out of breath would an understatement, I thought they both would have passed out on my front step. Hoping they caught who ever was creeping around outside would explain why they looked so trashed. “Are you boys ok?” I had to ask. I just couldn’t help it. “Yes Mam .We are fine.” “Did you catch him?” “No mam, we didn’t find anything. What did you see?” As I began to start telling them what I had seen. I gave them the only parts I had. It wasn’t much. He was dressed in black and he was tall. He was staring at my house. That’s it. Report filled out the officer gave me his business card with his ext number on it. Ok, walking back into my front room I began to think. What is going on? My room is trashed and I haven’t seen or heard from anyone in awhile. So what is up with me? Not ready to deal with it. I went into the kitchen cut the lights out and walked around the house checking the locks just in case he was coming back. At a loss for words or much of anything to do next. Sara called her mom. Venting and ranting to her mother. Sara went and to tackle her bedroom, walking into her room knowing that she had a mess on her hands. That’s when it hit her again. She as in her room and it was clean as if nothing happened. Bookcase had all of her books on them. The lamps were in one piece and working. The Mickey clock sitting nice and just about to turn 1200am. “What the ‘’’’? Sara began to feel warm, really warm. Feeling dizzy I had to sit down, sitting on the chair that was once turned over and burned. Her head in hear hands, rubbing her eyes Sara felt something grab her ankle. The room began to spin. Screaming at the top of her lungs, Sara could feel something else. It covered her eyes and made the room black and she was being dragged down. Hitting the floor and feeling the carpet beneath her. Not caring about the rug burn hoping she wasn’t going to die. Fighting the blackness and the fog that surrounded her, Sara hit the ground running. Looking down she was dressed in a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt and a light jacket of some kind. Heading into a dark forest Sara just ran. She had no idea where she was going but she was going. It was like her feet knew the way. Hearing water and smelling salt I ran that way. A bunch of boulders where about ten feet ahead. Climbing them I could see the house. What house was that? I just knew I had to get there, and time was running out. Jumping down off the rock, I was off. Dressed in jeans and a t-shirt with a light jacket on. It was raining a fine mist. I was running for my life. I could smell the trees as I whisked past them. Having a lot of near miss accidents Sara kept running. The forest floor was wet from the recent rain .Dodging large trunks right and left, I made it to the shack. I ran into the door I was running so fast. Landing on my ass was the cruelest joke I could think of at the time. “Hey, here!! In here. You need to come in here!! Thinking that sounded like a good idea Sara ran and ducked into the small opening by the cave. Once she stepped inside she was amazed. In the cave she saw pots cooking on fires, and women wondering around attending to others who looked hurt. Objects lined the walls and what looked like make shift beds where farther in the back. Shock over took Sara. She sat on the ground and began to cry. What a nightmare!! Lord wake me up!!!! I will never eat what ever I ate to cause this. Not knowing this but many of the people in the cave where looking at her. Thinking she was out of her head Sara looked around more. Well, if this was a dream then, what is wrong with checking it out? No one said a word to her as she tried to get up and walk. She saw the back wall. It held the make shift beds. Above them held a picture. She has seen that picture before. Blue, green and red lines filled up the picture. Or was it a picture as she would know it? Trying to make her way closer Sara become overwhelmed. She sat down again. The tears rolled unchecked down her cheeks. Her eyes were heavy and she went to sleep fast. The ladies saw that this was too much for her right now so the put a blanket on her as slept. Sara must have cried self to sleep because when she opened her eyes she was back at home. She was in her room. The sun was out and it was Saturday. No work. Ralph was asleep at her feet. Room was neat and all was in order. Turning her head she saw her Mickey Clock. It said 8am. She never sleeps that long unless she was getting sick. What a second. That’s it. That weird dream nightmare was a way her body was saying she was getting sick. Or her mind playing a real bad joke on her. Flipping back the covers, Sara and Ralph got up. Trying to make it a normal day Sara started to make breakfast. Ralph ate fast as he can, like normal. Smiling at that scene, Sara drank her coffee and went to take a shower. Gathering towels and needed items, Sara started the shower. Warm water came from the Wal-Mart shower head she had bought. Steam was filling up the bathroom in no time at all. Taking her time Sara played the “dream” over and over in her mind. The forest was what bothered Sara. She doesn’t hike anymore since her dad died. It was too hard. Then there was the cave. Where did that come from? Shutting off the water, and stepping out. Sara had to wipe the mirror. She started to brush her auburn hair. 30 times each side and the back. Turning to put on her clothes Sara began to feel dizzy again. She hurried and put on her jogging suit. Stumbling though the door, Sara called Ralph to her side. He came running into her room and came to a halt at the bathroom door. Mean while Sara sat down on the floor. Around Sara the floor started to look fuzzy. Her chair started to take on different shapes. “Not again” thought Sara. But this time she was going to be ready. Zipping up her jacket and grabbing her bag from the bookcase. Her dad always taugt her to keep a bag with stuff in it you might need. Things that you might need if you got lost, like protein bars that stayed good for like forever. Money, paper and pens. In the little pocket, she kept a first aide kit that she had made. Aspirin, band- aids, and an ice packet that you have to crack to make cold. She also kept brandy in a small flask. That’s for safe keeping. That could age and be all the better if needed. The best part was the matches and the blankets. Nice blankets. I was thinking I didn’t have enough blankets to keep Ralph and her warm. The only other things she had added had been the gag gift that her mom gave her. The dog bowl and four bottles of water. “Ralph, Come!” Was that the last thing she was going to say? As she screamed for him, Sara could feel the floor open up. Then she was falling. Ralph was crying and whines. He and I fell through a soft hole. Blurs and bops could be seen. Sara landed with a hard thud on a dirt floor. This time she wasn’t in a forest, she was in a nice field. Ralph was lying down, whinnying. He didn’t look well. Poor baby. He did not like it. He is a lap dog and that trip was not what he signed up for. Looking around her, she saw things. Grass is one of them. It was a wet grass, it smelt sweet. Getting her bearings, Sara looked around. She saw the field and she could smell everything. What happened? Oh boy. I think I have just time traveled. This was something out of this world. I have read this, thought Sara. Sara wasn’t sure what to do. She could use tarot cards, and maybe read a palm now and then. Time travel, that was new. Getting on her own two feet, wiping her pants off and shaking out her hair of the leaves she began to walk down the dirt path. The ground was dry. Livestock was everywhere, cows, goats and maybe some sheep by the smell of it. Smells of the livestock and the country air moved toward her. Ralph and Sara walked about an hour by her watch. She found a bunch of rocks off to the corner of trees. She and Ralph made their way over there and sat down. Pulling out a bottle of water, Sara gave Ralph some in the little travel dish her mom gave her for him. It was a gag gift. Today it was a gag. He drank all of it. With her damp hair hang around her shoulders, Sara felt calm. She looked around. Cows, trees, rocks and a dirt path was all she could see. Ok. Nothing out of the ordinary, yet. It was getting hot. Looking up seeing the sun, it should be around 1:00pm or so. “You’re here.” Came a whisper. It was a strong voice of a man. Whipping around Sara was ready to fight. Ralph set to attack but he stopped in mid bark. He was surprised and then he seemed happy to see this man. Or rather hear it. Seeing nothing and scanning back and forth Sara took off at a run, only to run into an invisible wall. It landed her on her butt. “Oh, my god! What was that?” dropping her bag Sara was on her back, with her eyes closed from the force. “Ok I give. I am here, but where is here and why?” Exclaimed Sara Making himself know, Luther stood over six ten. He had dark hair with a white spot on the right side. His eyes blazed with fun and hope. He smiled down at Sara. Holding out his hand, he helped Sara up. His hands are warm. The fingers on his hands were long and tapered. She looked into his eyes. She felt that she knew him. “Yes, you remember now don’t you?” Came the question from this man. He didn’t move his lips. He thought it and she heard it as if he spoke the words. Standing Sara up. He looked at her. She was dressed in a pink and white running suit; her hair was wet. Her dog was waging his tail and hoping to be told to run. Luther looked a Ralph and with a small nod Ralph took off. Didn’t even look back at Sara. “Hey, Ralph waits...” the statement dies on Sara’s lips. She looks at this tall man. He seemed very different but yet again the same. I have seen him some where. Ok. Keeping the shock and awe down to a minor amount Sara was about to step back and ask a couple of questions. “How did I get here?” “Well, I was wondering when you had planned on asking me that. “ “I have tons of other questions to ask you. One of them is I must have hit my head some how. So, am I died?” Sara was half hearted when she asked that question. Not know what else to do and not being a wimpy girl that faints all the time Sara waited for the answer. “No you are not dead.” Was all I got from this man? “What is your name?” Sara asked “Think about it. You know who I am. “Replied Luther “I can not tell you. You have to say it yourself.” Sara was quite for a moment. Then she looks at the man some more and turns to see other side of his head. She saw the white strip in his hair. They began to walk as if the both understood where they were going. Stopping and turning, Sara had thoughts running her head. That white stripe in his head brought back memories. Her dad and her for one. H She and he dad came here ever summer. It was like another a place for us . As know what she was thinking Luther said” Yes, you are on the right track...” “You know that’s really annoying. Why can’t you just tell me who you are? Sara said with a great frustion. Crossing her arms, Sara walked ahead of Luther. He stayed right there and watched her walk away. He remembered how she was. As a child she didn’t like it when she didn’t get her way. He had watched her grow. Her time she spent in school, and when her dad had put her throw the “door”. The “door” was a place that children would go to learn how to be magic. Sara was magic. Wondering down the path Sara ,memories slammed in to her at the speed of light. Standing about ten foot feet away did Luther in his all know way .He could hear the music that was going thru her mind. She does to when is scared... Damages Chapter Two By Sophia Nelson Staring across the field Sara was mad. Why can’t he just tell me his name? I don’t like games. This is a pain in the ass. What now? Turning back toward this man, she say the white stripe again. It was shining bright in the sunlight. Then she smelled the sandalwood. It drifted slowly toward Sara. Then it was like a hand that helped her cross the dirt path. Knowing who he was, Sara walked back. He was a childhood friend. He wasn’t real. Her dad called him her guide. His name was Luther. Warm feelings and she could hear her dad’s voice. “Do it girl. You can. Its one shot of dried mustard an then you use the lavender.” Shaking her head, Sara wonder why she remembered that. That’s not anything she could use to make food with. Sara loved to cook with her Dad. Her dad taught her to play and try new things. Her dad was a chef. He cooked a lot. We always would have bottles and boxes around. Dad had cookbooks laid out all over the place. His name is Luther. Her dad was with her. “His name is Luther, sweetie. He is your guide; he will protect you when I cant.” Sara was near in tears when she replayed that memory in her head. How did that happen? She started to whisper to her self Luther. Luther. Thinking and feeling, Sara wanted to have some answers. “Luther.” She remembered him. This Luther, with his dark hair and knowing eyes. “You are Luther. You aren’t real.” Sara replied. She was standing toe to toe with Luther. He was smiling as if he knew he had the answer to everything. Luther stepped back. He had to make her understand in a short time she needed to get done. “Good, about time. Now we have things to get done. Are you ready to go? Asked Luther. He put out his hand, he waited for Sara. “Go where? This all too much for me, I feel throw a hole and now I am here. So I need answer Luther.” Answered Sara “Soon, I will fill in the answers, but I must take you to a place.” Not know what to do really do Sara put her hand into his. The warmth over took her. She walked with him toward the dirt path. They walked for what seemed like hours. Ralph played and ran ahead. In the clearing, a small house stood. Smoke was coming out of the chimney .Homey and nice. Sara stopped walking. She looked at Luther. He seemed to be younger for some reason. Confused, Sara walked up to the wooden door, opened it. Inside was a cozy little hunting cabin. Fire burning, a rug was on the floor. A table was put against the right wall. A chair with a broken leg was set near the fireplace. That’s where I saw her. She was setting there. Singing to herself, she was sewing. Not on a sewing machine. She was bent over, needle in her hand and thread hang from the fabric. A thinbile was on her pointer finger. She was wearing a dress. Simple in taste, but it served her well. The lady had a hat on. Something my grandma would wear when she would go swimming back, way back then. “Hello” speaking softly so not to disturbed her. Sara walked into the cabin. The lady looked up and smiled. “Good Morning my lady.” Looking toward Luther, Sara was surprised. What year was this? As if Luther could hear her thought he answered “Its 1800 Ad.” “How could that be? I have to be dreaming. I am from the 22nd century” “No, Sara Lynn you aren’t dreaming. Its time you knew what was going on. You are needed to stop a very bad thing. You have been able to time travel all your life. “Luther said in his tone. No one has used her full name since her dad past away, that through her for a loop. Walking over to the fireplace, Sara she stared in to the fire. The flames danced and crackled. “Huh? What are you talking about Luther, I don’t understand?” Luther had to take a moment and figure how to explain this. She hasn’t been through the “door” in a long time. Her dad took her there everyday. Her mother didn’t like it. She chose to deny her the freedom to practice. She has lost a lot of time, and he needed her to be strong and to fight. It was a power that hasn’t been fought in along time. The evil that has been traveling through time. Pain and sorrow followed the black nothingness. Luther began with a tail of her father. Her dad’s name was Darwin. Darwin came from the other side. He was magic. He was the strongest form of magic. He could make objects move at a very young age. He would run and play. He came from the time 1560. “What?” “Yes Sara Lynn. He came from 1560. That’s were I found him. He was five years old. I found him on the side of the road. He was alone, dirty but not crying. When I bent down and talked with him he knows. He just knew. “ “So, my dad time traveled?” questioned Sara “Yes.” “Is that why I came here? I mean moved to Georgia and all.” “I had hoped you had gotten all of the signs. “ Sara had to take this in. Her dad came from 1560. Ok that one thing hard to wrap her head around. Then Luther told her that her dad was magic. She loved magic. She studied magic. She kept it quite, but she did. The tarot cards, and maybe a few candle spells but didn’t everyone try that? What to make of this? “Let’s say you are telling me the truth. My dad time traveled. What does that have to do with me? Questioned Sara “As I said your dad is and was what magic wanted to be.” Explained Luther. He took her hand and began to walk her to the only time in the room. He was fast. He blinked up two chairs for us. |