Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1511283-Thats-Life
by Geisha
Rated: 13+ · Letter/Memo · Inspirational · #1511283
A tiny tidbit to enjoy when the going gets rough. With lots of love, yours truly!
Here's a little tidbit of what life (that bitch!) has taught me that I want to be here just in case one of ya'll lovelies needs some genuine pep talk and then some. *Heart*, yours truly.

1) Love bites. Bite harder.
2) If you be yourself and it ticks someone off, don't let it drag you down. Because when push comes to shove, you can't truly embrace them pretending to be someone else, yah?
3) Never, ever kneel at the feet of someone who wouldn't stand up for you. You're worth more than that until you prove otherwise.
4) Everyone deserves respect until they prove otherwise in your eyes. Don't rely on another pair to judge.
5) Poking and prodding and magnifying a fragile lil' butterfly will only make its wings fall off. Step back, take a deep breath, relax, enjoy the view.
6) You've got to learn to love yourself. When your walls are bombarded with shit, when your foundation shakes and crumbles under your feet, when your windows cloud up and smoke spills in, you've only got you and only you can get yourself out.
7) Know that hiding places are usually dark and cornered, no matter how comfortable.
8) It can hurt, yes. But you know, we're what ... 80% water? Water can be blasted, plastered with rocks, bitten, scratched, frozen, soaked up, slapped around, punched, kicked, body slammed, spit out, sucked in, flushed down, spilled, burned, boiled, tainted ... but it will always be water and it is invincible, always renewing itself and giving beauty and nourishing life. Like water, our spirits reach afar and have the limitless power to survive and revive and become pure over and over.
9) Not all those who wander are lost. Promise yourself to discover something new everyday.
10) "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on." -- Robert Frost
11) Alcohol ain't called 'spirits' for nothing. But why find yourself trapped on the bottom of a bottle to find some? Love and enjoy your very own.
12) Yesterday can be such a needy lil brat. Cut her loose and roll with the now.
13) Don't let a frown sneak onto your face too long. Tiny evil fairies slip into the wrinkles and burrow deeper and deeper into them.
14) Don't ever die for something that doesn't make you feel alive.
15) Embrace and feed your passions, stay focused, and you might get the chance 'to make ends meet' in paradise (or somethin like that!) C=
16) Happiness makes you cry. Sorrow can make you laugh. Mystery is beautiful.
17) All we have always is now and ourselves.

Well, that's all she wrote for now.

Thanks bunches!
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