Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1510598-Left-Oer-Turkey-for-the-Spamslingers
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Comedy · #1510598
To the tune of "Auld Lang Syne" For the Spamslingers! Read at your own risk!
Left O’er Turkey
To The Tune Of Auld Lang Syne

Should left o’er turkey be forgot?
I’m thinking, yes it should!
And moldy pumpkin pie, and ham,
Oh yes I think it could!

For days of left o’er turkey dear,
For days of Left o’er ham,
I’ll be a washing dishes soon,
And screaming “Oh Goddamn!”

The stuffing from a month ago,
Lies in a frozen clump!
But not until it rotted some,
So in the trash I’ll dump.

For days of left o’er stuffing dear,
For green bean casserole!
The old trash can will soon be full,
I hope he’ll take it out, that asshole.

The cranberries from Christmas past
Are watery and green.
I remember once that they were red,
As baby bullfrog spleens.

For cracked and dried up gravy dear,
For yams that have gone bad,
I’ll make a nice fruitcake, my dear
And mail it to my Dad...

I made a large pot roast, I think
About a month ago.
It’s fuzzy, moldy and it stinks
I hate to let it go.

For all the left o’er food, my dears,
The Penicillin grows!
We’ll dump it out and start again,
Till Easter comes, OH NO!

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