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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1510153
A Fantasy Chickflick
Chapter One

Once Upon A Time…

Lilley brushed down her green dress, and frowned at herself in the looking glass. Wait don’t frown Lilley thought I’ll get frown lines. She placed her tiara in her curly long dark blonde hair and pouted it will have to do. She glanced and spotted a chipmunk that had clambered on the window ledge.

“Hello, what are you doing here? You will get squashed, you know!” laughed Lilley. She went over and let the chipmunk crawl in to her small slender hands and she placed on the nearest branch out on her balcony and watched it crawl away. Love animals she grinned, and just as she was about to sit down and read a book, she was attacked by a mass of black curls.

“Do you know what day it is?” Lilley’s twin sister shouted at the top her voice “Do you know?”

“I don’t know Skye, but I'm sure your about to tell me,” Lilley replied with sarcasm.

“It’s our sixteenth birthday!” Skye yelled at her “I don’t know how you manage to get better grades than me, sometimes you are really stupid.”

Lilley sighed “Once again you are insensitive to my feelings,” She went over to her sofa and sat down. “And it’s not so good being sixteen!”

Skye stared at her sister, her blue eyes huge with horror. “Not good? You’re right. It isn’t good. It is fantastically brilliant. It is so brilliant that I can’t find the words. And I just want to scream at the top of my lungs” and just as Skye was about to, Lilley clasped her hand over her sisters mouth.

“No, don’t scream!” She growled “you will wake up the whole palace!”

“So? I'm a princess, I'm allowed too”

Lilley rolled her eyes. She is impossible she thought.

“Hello? Princess Skye, Princess Lilley?” someone spoke as she walked through the open door. It was their mother’s lady in waiting, Ruby. “Your mother wishes you dine with her for your breakfast.” And she curtsied to them both and left the room.  Lilley and Skye looked at each other and shrugged.

“Lets go then” Skye said “what are we waiting for?”

“But Mum is never formal like that. She usually shouts us to come downstairs not send Ruby to ask if we can dine with her.” But Skye had already run out the room to join their mother in the garden. Something is up Lilley thought.

When Lilley joined her sister and their mother, she noticed that their mother wore a grave expression. Skye oblivious to any problems carried on chattering away.

“And then the duke of Jurbur’s son will fall madly I love with me and all the girls will be jealous.” Skye laughed and tossed her hair over shoulder, “or maybe I should dazzle his brother. He may be coming to night as well. He is nineteen years old. Nineteen! Even Lilley would be jealous then, and she never gets jealous isn’t that right Lil? Lilley? Mum? What is the matter with you two today?” Lilley carried on eating her toast, and their mother looked up from her plate and smiled.

“I have your presents. Do you want them?”

“Of course!” Skye shouted, and their mother handed them box after box of presents. Dresses, scents, jewels, games, books, drawing equipment, a new saddle made by the elves in Brera for Lilley and a new bow for Skye from the elves In Oka. Finally, there mother handed them a small box each.

“They are made from the purest white gold, the purest stones, forged in the hottest furnace, by the most skilled dwarfs from the mines of Grunberg,” their mother said, “They have been blessed by almost every creature leader in the kingdom, and should be enchanted.” Skye gazed at a ring that had an opal stone set in to it, whilst Lilley looked at her ring with an emerald stone.

“They are beautiful” Lilley sighed.

“Oh mum, this will go perfectly with my dress tonight!” They both got from up from their seat and hugged their mother.

“They were given to your father by the Oracle.” The Queen smiled sadly at her daughters as if she could remember something about the past. Skye and Lilley murmured their thanks, and left her alone with her thoughts.

That evening Skye swayed across the dance floor in her long, white dress, which clung to her curves, her new ring glinted in the candle light. She danced with the duke’s nineteen year old son, and Lilley was arguing with the young baron of Impey, whilst being twirled around, her baby pink dress spun with her. Skye smiled at her mother, but she was still in a different world. The Queen of Light blue eyes was filled with a sadness that neither of her daughters could understand.

Skye ran over to Lilley, as she noticed she has sat down.

“He is so handsome!” Skye gasped as she sat next to her sister, “How are you?”

“Well I have just convinced the baron that centaurs have rights and …”

“Blah, blah, blah” Skye stuck her fingers in her ears, “Do I look like I give a damn? I can’t believe that it’s our birthday and you are having a political debate!” And she shook her head and flounced across the dance floor, to join her dancing partner.

“Hey, Adrian” Skye said.

“I got you a drink” Adrian, the dukes son said. “Will you join me outside?” He asked.

“I suppose, if it makes you happy,” Skye fluttered her eyelashes at him. She followed him on to the balcony.

“You are truly stunning, Skye,” as he edged in, slowly, closer to her.

“Thanks, not to bad yourself,” they were almost nose to nose now, and just as they were about to kiss, a piercing scream filled the palace.

“Ruby?!” Skye muttered. And just a sudden as the scream, a huge wind blew the castle in to darkness. Yells came from inside.

“Skye stay here” Adrian said “Do not move from here.”

“Do not think for one minute that I’m going to stay here, my mum and sister are in there. That’s my whole family!” Skye narrowed her eyes and ran into the ballroom.

“Your highness,” Adrian called after, but Skye wasn’t paying attention, she was focusing more on the things that had run into the room. They ran on all fours, their skin grey, their eyes red, and their faces twisted. Their razor sharp teeth bit into the guests, and they climbed up the walls and jumped from the ceiling. It was like something out of a nightmare.

Skye gulped and tried to shout over the screams “Mum? Lilley? What’s going?”

She felt something grab her hand, “Calm down Skye, we must find your sister. “I have something to tell you” Her mother said, but Skye could barley hear over shrieks and shouts of their guests.

“Mum, we have to help!” Skye said trying to pull against her mothers grasp, but her mother was much stronger than her and dragged Skye along.

“Skye, don’t look!”

“Mum!” Lilley ran up to her “What in the world is going on?” But their mother was barley listening. She pulled her daughters outside.

“Quick girls,” she said, “we do not have much time left!” Their mother placed her hands on the princesses’ heads. “You must find your sisters Aqua and Ashley!”





Their mother whispered “Run, you must run to save everyone, find your sisters, this is the only way. I swear if there was any other way, any other path, I would take it but I must do this for the greater good. Please, you will understand one day.”

“Mum, we … we can help … we could do something mum… mum?”

“It is not today you are to be heroes!” Their mother drew out her sword and strode valiantly in to the ballroom. Just as she was about to walk in she turned.

“I love you Skye and Lilley, and tell your sisters I love them too!” and she smiled. Skye grabbed her sister’s hand and ran.

The Queen of Light fought bravely, but she was outnumbered and she was powerless. She fell to the ground, and around her she could she her subjects dead around her. When she looked up, she saw the master of darkness above her. 

He had the dagger over her heart he grinned wickedly and asked “Do you fear me, little queen? Are you scared? You should be.”

“I do not fear death and I do not fear you!” she was breathing heavy. He plunged the dagger into her stomach and laughed.

“And what about your daughters, your four powerless daughters; Do you fear for them? Your husband, their father gave you his powers to protect them. You have failed, and soon the whole of this kingdom, this so called kingdom of light will fall to my wrath. All will despair; people will forget how to hope and will be too frightened to dream. There is nothing you can do. NOTHING! Do you understand me? As I will have yours and your husband’s power, I will be the most powerful being on this earth. The only thing you can do is watch helplessly as I kill Aqua, Ashley, Skye and Lilley one by one. Your kingdom will bow down before me, as I will kill everything that is even a tiny threat to me from the newest of babies to the oldest of women, I will feel no pity, I will show no mercy, and there is nothing you can do.” And with that he pulled the dagger out of her body and stabbed in to her heart.

“You’re wrong,” she whispered and with that she fell into the wake less sleep she had never feared. He closed his eyes waiting for the power he so desired to fill him up. It did not come.

Chapter Two


Skye collapsed on the floor of the forest of Impey. Lilley sat down beside her.

“Now what?” Lilley panted trying to catch her breath.

“Have no idea,” Skye replied “but you know what I have just realised.”

“What’s that?” Lilley said

“Mum has been acted funny all day” Skye carried “I mean this morning she was all quiet and thoughtful and then at the ball she didn’t even compliment my dress, and may I add it is a gorgeous dress, so I think th...”

“How can you be so selfish and spoilt? I told you this morning something was wrong with mum, but oh no, you just carry on about your stupid dress and your stupid duke and your stupid party and now we have no idea what is going on, we have to find some sisters, whoever they are, and our palace was attacked by a bunch of monsters and your talking about your stupid gorgeous dress? Maybe if you would have listened to me we would at least know what mum wanted us to do!” Lilley ranted at her sister.

“I know! Someone has put a spell on the kingdom, because now you’re acting funny too. Shouting like there is tomorrow.” Skye pondered “maybe I’m the only one stronger enough to not go under the power of the spell. I must save Lilley!” Skye stood up and clicked her fingers in front of her sister “Hey, Lilley snap out of it.” But as soon as Skye caught sight of Lilley’s expression she stopped. “Maybe you are not under a spell. Anyways what time is it?”

“Half past two” Lilley said calmly “but don’t you think we should have a think about what we are going to do?”

“We can’t do anything if we are sleep deprived. So let’s go to sleep.”


“Night, Night” and she lay down “Lying on a floor, not to mention a forest floor which is outside, is disgusting, I'm not doing this again.” And Skye fell asleep. Lilley thought for a few moments and fell asleep also.

Lilley dreamt. She dreamt of a bridge in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nothing, over nothing, just in a middle of a meadow.

“This will get you to your sister Aqua and Ashley.” A clear voice rang out “Find Aqua and Ashley” Lilley started walking towards the bridge, but she stopped dead in her tracks. In the arch of the bridge, where the water was supposed run through, was a terrifying image. The bridge was showing how Lilley’s and Skye’s mother died. Lilley cried out and started running towards the bridge and she suddenly woke up.

“Lilley, wake up, it’s just a dream!” Skye was shaking her sister. Lilley shot up.

“She’s dead, she’s dead, she’s dead,” Lilley whispered repeatedly.

“I beg your pardon?” Skye looked confused. Lilley described her dream to Skye.

“Find our sisters. I think we need to find this bridge, maybe Aqua and Ashley can help us.” Skye tried purposely did not mention their dead mother. “So let’s go and find Aqua then, Lilley. Lilley?” Lilley was silently sobbing into her hands, “aww baby, its okay.” And Skye cried with her. 

Aqua woke up from the same dream she had every night, but this time it was different. Instead of usual dream of just standing at a bridge waiting (waiting for what she did not know), she saw a blonde girl running towards it. She could see the tears running down cheeks. Aqua felt helpless as she could neither move nor call out. The wind howled around her ears. As she sees the girl fall to her knees, Aqua managed to shout out and awoke. 

She crawled out of bed and pulled on her jeans and t-shirt. Aqua jumped as she heard a groan from under the piano. She got down on her hands and knees and poked the naked man under her piano.

“Who the fuck are you?” Aqua said loudly. The man rolled out from under the bed.

“Do you not remember?” The man said.

“Obviously not,” Aqua raised her eyebrows

“We, you know, sort of got it on. Twice,” The man said.

“Oh, right. Well that not unusual behaviour for me so I'm going for a shower and...”

“You want me to join you in the shower. My name is Steve by the way.” Steve said.

“No I don’t want you to join me in the shower; I want you to get the hell out off my apartment. So goodbye Steve nice meeting you” And Aqua strode out of the room into her en suite bathroom.

She padded out the shower and got dressed into fresh clothes. She walked thorough the apartment. He has gone, thank god, Aqua thought, what was I thinking! She walked in to her roommate’s bedroom. Lying under the middle of the floor were Abby and her on off boyfriend. Great thought Aqua, as she backed out of the room quietly and walked in to the hallway and slammed the door behind her, that should wake them up. She went into the kitchen.

An awkward coughing came from behind her.

“Thanks for letting me stay here, last night” The man muttered

“No problem, erm, oh Liam” Aqua replied, “Do you want some toast or something?”

“No, no, I’m heading of now cheers,” Liam said “I was just wondering if you knew where Steve went, last night, when I and Abby went off?”

“Oh, he went home in a taxi, I think,” Aqua lied.

“Oh cool then, I’ll see you around then,” Liam said

“Okay Bye. Oh, your shirt is inside out,” Aqua said. Liam turned bright red and walked out of apartment.

“Aqua, why did you wake me up?” Abby groaned

“It’s half one, and I thought you were not seeing him anymore?” Aqua laughed.

“Oh that, drunken mistake, I am not getting back with him, I promise. Last time, I swear.”

“You said that last week and the week before and the week before,” Aqua said

“Yeah okay I get the picture. I’m sorry,” Abby said sarcastically, she looked at Aqua “how about you, you were wasted last night too”

“Not really, I had a nightmare last night” Aqua sat down.

“Opposed to the normal dream?”

“No this was a development,” and Aqua went on to tell Abby about her dream.

“So what do you think?” Aqua asked.

“Well, how many bridges do you know that is in the middle of nowhere?” Abby asked back.

“None, why?” Aqua replied

“Well I was thinking that, maybe...” Abby said

Aqua raised her eyebrows, “Are you suggesting that I go and find this bridge?”

“You bet, I mean this dream obviously means something! You have had this dream every night since as long as I have known you. I remember you would come into school and you would be like everyday “I dreamt about that god damn bridge again”” Abby babbled

“Yeah, but...” Aqua tried to say

Abby carried on “And now it’s what? Sixteen years later and its suddenly changed, that means you can’t just sit around anymore!” Abby stopped and took a big breath.

“Right, Abby before you launch into another pep talk, I don’t even know if this bridge exists, and if it does, how do you propose we find it?” Aqua questioned.

“I know! Let’s Google it!” and Abby leapt out of her seat to grab Aqua’s apple laptop.

“All right then, let’s get to it,” Abby said launching into internet explorer, “Bridge in middle of nowhere surrounded by nothing” Abby said as she typed it into the Google search bar.

“The bridge probably doesn’t even exist, Abby,” Aqua said.

Abby ignored her, “Here we go, does this look like your bridge?” Abby nodded toward the screen.

“No, that has a river under it,” aqua said

“This one?”

“In a Forrest and a river under it” and they went on like this trough pages of results.

“Wait, wait click on that,” Aqua said. Abby opened her eyes and leapt into action, “Oh-Em-Gee! That’s it, that’s my bridge. I don’t believe it. After all this time it actually exists.

“Well actually it’s the town of Hancock’s Bridge. They call it the ‘Mystical Bridge of Lost Souls’” Abby read of the screen “What the hell? Hancock believe that people go missing if they walk under the bridge, they say that even the river went missing. What a load of crap. www.mysticalbridgeathancock.co.uk is a load of shit. Lost souls?”

“Great, so we have found this bridge, now what, go and see it?” Aqua asked.

“Don’t be stupid. What you should do s to go under cover, at this ‘Missing Cafe’, take up a whole new identity, tape your money behind the toilet, and wait for this girl to find you!” Abby said as if it was the only thing to do.

“This is like something out of Charlie’s Angels.”

“Exactly” Abby said, not noticing the sarcasm, “I would do come with you, but my dad will literally kill me if get chucked out of another university. I only got into this one because your dad donated another medical building,” Abby said we true sadness.

“Hey, I’ve got uni too!” Aqua pointed out “I can’t just drop everything because of a dream; my dad wouldn’t be very cool with that.” Aqua said

“Sure you can,” Abby said, “Just tell the University that you have to go and see your dad, tell your dad that you’re going on a university field trip, everything will be fine.”

“You’re so devious,” said Aqua.

“I did learn fro the best” Abby grinned at her friend.

“That is true,” Aqua laughed, “But I am not taking up a new identity and I’m not taping my money to the back of the toilet.”

“But that it is the best part of going undercover,” Abby sulked.

“Okay,” Abby leant in to the Landover, “You have a job and a penthouse apartment both tied to your bank account. Just go to 18 Brown Lane, and a guy will give you a key. Also on Monday you have to go to that ‘Missing Cafe’ for your job. You got your lucky ring?” Aqua nodded, showed her white gold ring with a sapphire stone, and put on her seatbelt, “Also, Aqua you have to ring me everyday, with an update, Okay?”

Aqua smiled “You got it, boss! I’ll see you when I see you then. I don’t even think about bringing Liam into my apartment ever again! Bye Honey!” Aqua reversed the car out of the garage.

“Bye and good luck,” Abby waved.

Here we go, Aqua thought.

Chapter Three

A Vampire and an Elf

“Skye, wake up,” Lilley said in a low voice. Skye groaned. “Come on, Skye!”

“What?” Skye said sleepily.

“Something is watching us” Lilley said. Skye shot up to her feet.

“Where?” Skye asked quietly

“I heard footsteps over there,” Lilley pointed into the darkness “what do you think it is?” Lilley asked as she stood up.

“Probably a fox or something,” Skye said trying to convince her self as well as her sister.

Suddenly, someone stepped out of the darkness.

A mellifluous voice spoke to the sisters. “Well, what have we here then, the royal Princesses on their own? What a treat.”

“Who ever you are, you had better leave us alone.” Skye shouted fiercely.

“I can’t do that,” he smiled, showing his perfect white teeth.

“And why not?” Skye said angrily

“Because I’m thirsty,” He paused to see the look on Skye’s and Lilley’s face, “Do you understand yet?”

Lilley caught sight of the fangs from inside his mouth. “You’re a... you’re a... a...” Lilley stuttered.

“He’s a what, Lilley?” Skye said, taking a step back, taking her sister with her. Skye took in the man’s handsome features, pale skin, dark shadows under his eyes, which were blood red, and his lips were perfect except from the fangs poking out!

“Oh my goodness ... you are a vampire!” Skye said, her sister trembling slightly nix to her, And just as the vampire was about to leap at them, Lilley let out a low hiss from the back of her throat. The vampire staggered back, his eyes glazed, his went blank. Skye looked as surprised an d startled as Lilley felt.

Then through the trees galloped a pure white horse, whose rider was the most amazing creature Lilley had ever seen. His golden hair hung over his shoulders; his brown eyes were glittered with green. His pointed ears framed the beautiful face. He wore a pale blue shirt, olive green trousers, a green and brown jerking and knee high green boots. An Elf. He jumped of his horse and landed lightly on his feet. He stood, took in what was happening. He then ran at the vampire and he drove a stake into his heart. The vampire fell instantly. The elf bent to check he was dead. He stood again and murmured some word under his breath.

He then turned to face the two young women, “How did you do that?” He said to Lilley.

“Yes how did you do that?” Skye asked amazed.

“I don’t know,” stammered Lilley, her green eyes fixed on the elf, “It sort of just happened.”

The elf nodded, “Like instinct?” He questioned.

“Yes,” She said, “Thank you for saving us,” she added

“I hardly saved you, I don’t think this vampire would have done anything if he would have recovered,” He looked over to the dead vampire, “The forest is not safe at night, you should not wander on your own.”

“We were not wandering we were running, and then sleeping, and then being attacked.” Skye said.

“Why were you running?” The elf asked “From this vampire”

“No,” Skye said sadly, “These creatures took over our castle and our mother said to find our sisters. Don’t even ask me who they are, but find them we must.”

“Wait,” Taron said, “Are you Princess Skye and Princess Lilley?” Skye nodded, “Many prophecies have been made about you; you and your two sisters. I’ll guide you to where you need to go.” The elf said.

“So who are you?” Skye asked.

“Within my people I’m called Maeglin Coamenal Tasartir, which in common tongue is Taron Prince of Oka.

“So, Taron?” Lilley asked. Taron nodded. “I don’t think we need a ...”

Skye interrupted, “That is so kind of you, we would love for you to accompany us, wouldn’t we Lilley.” Skye nudged her sister. Taron smiled when Lilley nodded.

“So, where to?” Taron asked.

“We are looking for a bridge, you explain it Lil.” Skye said.

“Well don’t laugh, I had a dream, in which I saw a bridge in the middle of nowhere not even over water.” Lilley explained.

“Why would I laugh?” Taron asked

“Because this whole journey is based on a dream,” Lilley said.

“Dreams are more powerful than humans think,” Taron said, “Also I know that place. It’s at the edge of this forest.

“So we could get their soon then?” Skye inquired

“I’m afraid not, this is a large forest, it will be quite a trek over a few days,” Taron said. Skye grimaced as Lilley smiled gratefully. At least I’ll be able to improve things between them two, Skye thought.

“Let’s go then,” Taron said.

“But it’s still dark,” Skye said.

“No, this is as much light you are going to get in here,” Taron said, “This forest is very old, you will have to be careful where you step.”

“Why? The tree’s going to do come alive and eat me?” Skye said. Taron looked at her, “Let’s go then,” Skye sighed, “Anyways I walk really slowly so you two may want to lead the way and I’ll go at my own pace behind you” Skye winked at Lilley

Skye trailed along suffering in silence. Taron moved the branches and spider webs for Lilley and helped her over logs.

“Aghh!” squealed Skye. Taron had let go of one of the branches and had almost hit Skye in the face.

“Don’t worry Skye, you are quite safe with me,” Skye bit her tongue, not wanting to ruin her sisters chance. Taron took Lilley’s hand and he carried on.

“We will rest here tonight,” Taron said and Skye let out a sigh of relief. Taron went off to search for firewood. Lilley offered to help, but Taron would not hear of it, so she sat down next to Skye.

“My dress is ruined,” Skye sniffed. Lilley rolled her eyes.

“He is so polite,” Lilly said.

“I suppose so,” Skye replied, “I wish he would have a house or something. I hate forests!”

“Skye? Do you think he has a partner” Lilley asked.

“I have no idea,” Skye responded, examining her shoes. At that point Taron had returned, his arms filled with dead twigs and branches.

Next evening, after walking all day, Taron had gone to get some firewood.

“It is very nice of Taron to do everything for us,” Lilley said to Skye

“Yeah, for us,” Skye said.

“What are you on about?” Lilley said confused by that last sentence.

Skye rolled her eyes “You’re so silly, sometimes,” She said, “The only reason he is doing all this is because of you.”

Lilley turned pink, “That’s not true,”

“It is, he likes you, and from that colour of your cheeks you like him too!”

Lilley went red, “Do you think so?”

“I know so,” Skye said, “so go and find him now and tell him what you think.”

I can’t,” Lilley said sadly.

“Why not?” Skye said angrily, seeing all her hard work being wasted in front of her.

“He is an elf prince, I’m a human princess. It’s bad enough that we are a separate species, but we are royalty. It’s not allowed.” Lilley said staring off into the distance.

“Forbidden love, I’m so jealous.” Skye sighed.

“What should I do?” Lilley asked. Skye had experience with types of things. Skye sighed, knowing her sister didn’t realise how stunning she actually was with her long, curly blonde hair, dark green eyes, tanned skin, her slender figure, her smarts and her wisdom. Lilley always saw her sister as the beautiful one with pale skin, sky blue eyes, long wavy almost black hair, gorgeous curves, her funny personality and her positive aspect on everything. Just as Skye was about to suggest to throw all rules about humans and elves to the winds and just tell Taron how she feels, Taron came back.

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