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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1509994
Katherine, with her new identity Kale, takes the Socerers exam.
         Katherine walked out of the small inn dressed as Kale; her hair cut a little shorter and styled it in the wild, messy look that was popular among young men those days. She and Cronos were staying at an inn until after the Sorcerer’s Test. The Sorcerer’s test was offered once a month and the next one would not start until the following day. It would last for three days. At Cronos’s advice, she was taking today to walk the town and prepare. The island offered teaching, supplies, weapons, and a place to practice along with the advice of the Sorcerer’s Council, who governed Ramsay and all Sorcerers.

         Katherine decided that she would spend the day meeting local Sorcerers and seeing all that Ramsay had to offer. Until late afternoon, Katherine wandered through the streets looking at vendors and their wares. She saw everything a Sorcerer would ever need. Her attention became distracted by one vendor when she walked into a man coming toward her.

         “Hey! Watch where yer goin’!” the man yelled at her.

         Katherine automatically deepened her voice after the practice, “I’m sorry, I should have been paying attention.” She tried to go around him but he side stepped in front of her.

         “Where do ya think yer goin’ without givin’ me a proper apology?” He towered over her and stared her down. He flipped his strawberry blonde hair out of his blue eyes.

         “I already said I’m sorry. What more would you want?” She tried to not let his stature intimidate her.

         He laughed, “Wha’s a tiny thin’ like ya doin’ on Ramsay Island? Did ya loose ya mummy?” Katherine didn’t respond. He chuckled, “What’r ya doin’ here, tryin’ ta be uh Sorcerer?” This time, Katherine met his gaze. He became even angrier. “Don’ be goin’ an’ messin’ round with thin’s ya don’ know. A kid like ya would never be able ta stan’ up ta me. I’m gonna be the next big thing any country has ever seen. The name’s Tobias Travato. ‘Member it when ya fail the first test.”

Tobias elbowed into Katherine as he walked by her, forcing her to the ground. She managed to soften the collision with her hands but it left her palms tingling.

         “I’m sorry about that. Tobias can be an ass sometimes.” Another man was standing in front of her with his hand outstretched. He was about Katherine’s height with short caramel hair and eyes. She took his hand and he heaved her to her feet. The man continued as she dusted herself off. “My name is Pierce Kinsley.”

         Katherine finished and stuck out her hand which Pierce shook. “I’m Kale Cohen. So how is it that you get stuck apologizing for the ruckus that that ass causes?”

         Pierce laughed, “Unfortunately, I’m the one that studied magic with him. I’m the closest thing he has to a friend and vice versa. I couldn’t help but over hear you before. Are you really trying out for the Sorcerer’s Test? You don’t look a day over eighteen.”

         “It is true and I’m sixteen.” Pierce’s shock and amazement was undeniable. “I can tell what you’re thinking and yes, I do know what I’m getting myself into. I’m told I have wisdom beyond my years.”

         Pierce finally got over his initial shock and gave her a crooked smile. “Well, I wish you luck Kale Cohen and I look forward to seeing exactly what you can do tomorrow.” He bowed his head slightly and left. Katherine watched him before continuing on her own way.

         The next day, Katherine waited as calmly as possible while the test was getting ready. She was sitting in a large room on the second floor of Sorcerers Castle. The tester was a man in his mid thirties named Zahn Rommel with black hair speckled with grey and grey eyes. Katherine recognized him from a couple of his brief visits to the main training grounds in Gaerwn. It was rumored that Zahn would become the Sorcerer adviser since Prince Brandon just inherited the crown on his twentieth birthday. Katherine was knocked out of her thought when the whistle was blown, marking the start of the first test.

         Zahn called for silence before talking. “Welcome everyone! You are here today to try to become Sorcerers. I’m sure you are aware of all of this but I must explain the rules of this test. This first part of the test is written to test your knowledge. Tomorrow, you will be tested on your magic use. This will be an intense drill depending on your specified specialty. Unless you are a Healer, you will be put in a one on one duel. On the third day, everyone will go one at a time in front of the Sorcerer’s Council to answer their questions. An announcement will be given the morning of the fourth day to announce who has passed. Are there any questions?” There was only silence. “Very well then, I will begin passing out the test now.”

         Katherine filled her personal information on the top and scanned the questions. The questions started very standard and straight forward about laws and uses of all forms of magic. Towards the end of the test the questions became more complicated including naming and purposes of spells in the room and located in the Castle and town.

         Three hours after starting, Katherine sighed as she finished the test. She quietly walked to the front to hand her test to Zahn. Half the applicants were still working on their tests and would be there for a couple more hours.

         Zahn read her name on the paper, “Kale Cohen, apprentice to Cronos Vanguard, sixteen years old. You’re only sixteen? Are you sure you are ready for this?”

         “Yes sir, I’ve been training for this.”

         “If you say so, but I warn you, it will not be easy and I have to admit, you will probably not pass. Many men come to become Sorcerers at too young an age.”

         Katherine remained polite, “I appreciate your advice sir, but I do realize what I am doing.”

         He wasn’t very convinced. He nodded her off and she left the Castle. Katherine decided to use her extra time to prepare and practice for tomorrow. It didn’t take much effort to find a secluded place near the Castle where she could practice without interruption. After two hours, she finished her practice. When she turned to walk back to town, an older man passed her by on the path. He smiled and nodded and continued on his way. Katherine was slightly confused but ignored him.

         At the inn, Katherine informed Cronos on the test “I know you passed the written test for sure and if you hold yourself back on the next test there will not be any problems. The only part I have my doubts about is the questioning from the Council.” Katherine only nodded in agreement.

         The next day, a joyful Peirce, along with the sullen Tobias, greeted Katherine at the field next to the Castle. A dirt circle at least an acre wide marked the duel ring. Everyone was gathered on the southern edge of the ring closest to the Castle. Walking along the circle, Katherine studied it. It had old, complex magic she barely recognized but knew that it was all protective magic to make a barrier. Zahn arrived soon after Katherine and started by announcing the rules for the day.

         “Everyone here I assume is in the right place. You all must know some form of fighting magic and that is what you are going to demonstrate for me now. I will call you off in pairs. When your name is called, walk into the duel ring and wait until I start the duel. You will start only when I give the command. I don’t want any cheap shots out there. The same is expected for the end of the match. You will stop when I tell you to. My recommendations on the duels are based on what you demonstrate, not on whether you win or lose. Are there any questions?”

         Pierce raised his hand and asked, “Sir, are there any types of magic not allowed?”

         “That’s a good question. There may be a few among you that are able to handle more advanced magic such as elements. I will allow everything but forbidden magic, or course. Are there any other questions?” No one responded. “Very well then, let’s begin.”

         The first two names were called off who walked to face each other in the center of the ring. Katherine and the rest of the participants whose names were not called lined up a few paces away from the ring to watch. She watched the duel intently. After one other duel, her name was called.

         “Kale Cohen verse Tobias Travato. Please take your position.”

         Katherine nervously took her place in the ring opposite Tobias when she noticed the whole audience watching her and whispering to their neighbors. Zahn called the start of the match. Katherine quickly got her mind back to where she was and watched Tobias closely.

         He smirked at her, “Zahn’s makin’ this too easy. I wanted a lil’ bit of a challenge at least.” He tested her with his magic flaring it at her. The force hit her perfectly pushing her back several yards and to her knees. She scrambled to her feet and prepared herself for his next attack. He sent another blast at her, toying with her. She dodged but caught another hit again. He laughed enjoying his time playing with her. Katherine created an illusion of herself and ran to her left while her clone ran to the right. Tobias levitated a rock into his waiting hand. He threw it at the clone with unnecessary magical force. Her clone dispersed in a puff of smoke and the rock continued on its path until it shattered against the barrier in the ring.

         Katherine used her magic to propel herself in a high arch over him. She sent multiple blasts of magic at him. He protected himself with a barrier and spun around to face where she landed behind him but she had already turned invisible.

         “So, you’re running away. I’m gonna show everyone just how useless ya really are.” Katherine felt the magic building up around him and she knew what he was about to do. “I want ya to meet my Guardian, The Great Bear, Oberon!” A giant brown bear Guardian materialized in front of him standing on its back legs. The bear was at least ten feet tall and let out a giant roar as it got down on all fours. Tobias laughed, “Ya should know that ya can’t hide from a Guardian. They see everythin’.” The bear turned in a circle and stopped to stare right at her and roared again. Tobias hurried behind Oberon when he knew Katherine’s position.

         Zahn watched nervously from the sidelines muttering under his breath, “I can’t let this go on any longer. There’s no way Kale could even attempt to beat a Guardian that size.”

         “Sir”, Pierce came up next to Zahn. “If I may say so, I think you should give them a little bit longer. I think we’re about to see what Kale can really do.”

         Katherine regained her composer in front of the bear and became visible again. She did not let on any sign of fear because she had none. She sighed and whispered, “I’m sorry, I know I said you could sit out but it looks like I am going to need your help after all, Gemini.” A Guardian appeared next to Katherine. The Guardian was that of a black wolf, it’s back just reaching Katherine’s hip.

         The sight of the other guardian ripped the smile from Tobias’s face. “Do ya even know how to control a Guardian? There’s no way ya can beat Oberon with that small beast.”

         “Zevi, take him down.”

         Zevi charged forward with acute speed and was in front of the bear within seconds. Oberon was too slow to keep up with the tremendous speed of Zevi. Unfortunately, Oberon substituted speed for strength and managed to get a slight swipe of Zevi, knocking the wolf on his side.

         “You’re done!” Tobias yelled at Katherine overjoyed. “Oberon, finish it off.” The bear reached up its giant paw.

         “Faolan!” A white wolf the same size as Zevi jumped out from in front of Katherine and clamped its razor teeth into Oberon’s outstretched paw. The bear roared out in pain and tried to throw the wolf from his arm.

         Tobias was boiling with rage. “What the hell did you do?”

         “Zevi and Faolan are twins. They’re a set.”

         Faolan released her grip on the bear and joined her brother. The two split up coming on opposite sides of the bear waiting to attack. Oberon started to panic with a wolf on each of his sides. Tobias’s fury grew and he focused as his Guardian became cornered. Katherine faced Tobias and held her hand straight in front of her. A flame grew in front of her palm and formed a ball. She pushed it at the ground next to Tobias where it rolled a circle around him lighting the grass on fire. He looked down just as the fire burst up to the height of his chin.

         “Never take your attention off your opponent in a fight. Call your bear back. This match just ended.” Zahn confirmed what she said by giving the signal for the end of a match. The fire around Tobias dwindled and vanished leaving only a scorch mark in the grass. Katherine turned and walked away, her two wolfs catching up to her. She stopped to pet them. Not until Katherine knew that Oberon was gone did she dismiss her Guardians. She watched the audience whispering, pointing, and watching her as she made her way back to the group. She noticed Pierce as he gave her a congratulatory smile but then he looked over as Tobias made his way off the field as well. Katherine nodded her understanding to Pierce and he ran off to comfort his friend. No one else dared to make any contact with Katherine. She tried to not let it bother her as she watched the rest of the matches.

         When the last match ended, all the participants gathered to hear Zahn call the results for the day. “I want to congratulate all of you on a job well done. I’ve seen a lot of talent and potential from today’s demonstration. I would like to leave everyone with a piece of advice. Emotions can make you more powerful but be careful of how and when you use your emotions. When I was young I was very cocky and a little full of myself and ended up failing the Sorcerer’s test the first time I took it. My teacher never gave me a lecture and did give me one word of advice. ‘Humiliation is its own teacher.’ Think about that tonight.” Zahn looked up at the setting sun. “The last part of the test will start at noon tomorrow. You’ll each be called in one by one to be interviewed by the Sorcerer’s Council. Be on time and look, act, and speak professionally in front of the Council. That is all. You are dismissed.”

         Zahn left but almost everyone else remained. They bragged with each other about things they had done that day and what they were really able to do. Katherine got a lot of remarks made about her fight. Everyone wanted to see more tricks from the element users. There were only three including Katherine. The man who earlier controlled the earth swore that the extent of what he could do he showed in the fight. The other man made a rope of water and preformed a couple more tricks. With only Katherine left for the element users, the entire crowd pressured her until her agreed to show them more. She commanded everyone to stand at least ten yards away from her before she would start.

         In the center of the group, Katherine placed her palms together. All of her body hair stood up as well as that of her audience. As she pulled her hands apart, tiny bolts of lightning traveled between her hands and fingers in rapid succession until her hands were too far apart to keep the reaction going. With her arms fully extended, she dropped her left arm to her side while folding all but her first two fingers on her right hand. She snapped her right arm as if cracking a whip and a rope of lightning sparked from her two fingers. The electric whip constantly crackled. Katherine then flung the lightning whip around her head before snapping it above her head. It cracked with a boom of thunder. She struck the whip in various places, the whip’s length growing and shrinking at command. She finally rested her arm and folded in her two fingers causing the whip to disappear with a sizzle.

         Mouths all around her were dangling in awe. She shifted her weight from one foot to another waiting awkwardly. Pierce was the first one to come to his senses.

         “Brilliant. There’s no other way to describe it but brilliant.” Others added their own soft praises. One by one, the men left softly in their amazement. Katherine ducked her head and joined the first to leave making her way quickly to the hotel. She had just gained the jealousy or respect of all the other candidates and she was sure there were many more of the first.

         The following day Katherine woke early and sat next to the open window watching the sun rise. Cronos came in an hour later with her breakfast. He set it down beside her and looked over the landscape with her.

         “This is the only part of the test I am unable to help you with. Are you ready?”

         Katherine stretched and inhaled the morning air. “I think I am. Just like six years ago, I’m going to convince them that I can pull this off.”

         Cronos put his hand on her shoulder. “You have a couple more hours before you have to be there. Eat, bathe, get dressed, and relax. You will do fine today.”

         Cronos left and Katherine did exactly as he said. She arrived at Sorcerers Castle with plenty of time. Katherine walked through the giant front doors and into the main entrance. She walked down the corridor to the Council hall. It reminded her of herself standing there six years ago waiting for Cronos to come out with the decision of the Council. Her stomach knotted as she thought of all the possibilities the Council could do now to her. Everyone had arrived with plenty of time. At exactly noon, the first name was called to enter the Council room. One by one, Katherine watched everyone go in, come out, and leave. After many hours, she was the only one left.

         “Kale Cohen you may now enter.”

         Katherine walked into the Council room. Nothing had changed over the years besides the fact that the Council members themselves had grown older, each with a different shade of hair in whites and grays. She sat in the one chair in front of the Council. She looked at each of the members starting on her left, Orsino, Aldo, Giovanni, Emilio, and Lorenzo.

         “Kale Cohen…or would you prefer Katherine Philena?” Giovanni, the head and oldest member of the council, asked her.

         “It does not matter to me, Master Giovanni.”

         “It’s been a long day. Let us get this over with and be done”, Orsino yawned. “This Council graciously gave you the right to learn your magic and you have. We have heard from Zahn what skills you are capable off and they impress all of us. What we want to know is why you now desire to become a certified Sorcerer, or should I say Sorceress?”

         “As I told you six years ago, I want to help people. The best way I can do that is to become a Sorcerer Knight. I am willing to do anything to achieve this. I have been dressing as a boy and training with other boys for the past year. No one has yet to suspect that I am a girl.”

         Aldo interrupted her, “Why do you not just become a Knight then? Women Knights are rare but not unheard of.”

         “May I speak openly?” she questioned polite but impatiently.

         “Please do”, Emilio smirked.

         “I have overwhelmed any expectations you may have had for me with just a portion of what I can do. I can’t keep my powers to myself forever, especially when I become a Knight. It’s again your decision if you make me a Sorcerer and I follow your rules or if I show the world what I am capable of on my own. It works in my favor either way. The choice is yours.”

Katherine could swear Giovanni was smiling under his beard during her speech.

         “Thank you, Miss. Philena. We will have the results posted tomorrow”, Aldo said as he dismissed the council.

         Katherine left the council room as well. Just before she reached the main door to the Castle someone called for her by her real name. She turned around and saw Giovanni walking toward her. “Is there a problem, Master Giovanni?”

         Giovanni soon was in front of her. “I was wondering if we could go for a walk.”

         Katherine was a little stunned by this offer but agreed. Giovanni lead her to a dirt path that lead down to the ocean. As they walked, she looked up at him to see if he was going to say anything but he remained quiet. They soon arrive on the rocky beach. Giovanni found a large rock and sat down. Katherine found another large rock next to Giovanni and sat down.

         Giovanni finally spoke. “There is a reason why I brought you down here to talk to you. I wanted to tell you that you will be a Sorcerer.” Katherine stared at him dumbfounded. Had her threat really worked? He chuckled, “The entire Council made this decision soon after you left six years ago. That is why I wanted to talk to you. It has been almost three hundred years since the last time the title of Sorceress was given. My grandfather used to tell me stories of the great Sorceresses. It was only because Sorcerer families were tradition back then that Sorceresses became illegal. Fathers were not so happy then that their daughters overpowered their sons. But the time has changed the structure of Sorcerers again and I believe that Sorceresses need to be brought back. I have worked for this since I have become a member of the Sorcerer’s Council. It was very hard for me to bind a girl from her magic because of a law that should no longer exist. I couldn’t let it happen to my own daughter. I convinced the Council of this but we realize the process must be slow to allow the people to adjust and accept it. Over the last fifteen years, the Council has selected a few girls that have not had their magic bound. My daughter and Cronos’s daughter Natalie were among the selected. When Cronos told us of how great you would become it gave me hope. The Council has been waiting for a girl who would be able to stand on equal ground with the most powerful Sorcerers. You are the one who has the power to change the mind of the public and bring Sorceresses back. You can give hope to girls like my daughter and Natalie. The Council is willing to bet everything on you. I am also teaching these concepts to my apprentice, Ezra, and my son, Remus, who are both trying to one day become members of the Sorcerer’s Council. With the Council’s help and especially yours, I think we can abolish the law against Sorceresses. Will you help us?”

         Katherine thought for a minute. “If you wanted me to be your starting point, why did the Council insist that I have my powers bound when Cronos and I first came to you?”

         “I am assuming that you were not listening much during that discussion then.” Katherine shook her head. “When Cronos told us he found the girl we had been waiting for, we had to be certain on Cronos conviction in you and your power. You were the one that showed us he was right that day and also these past few days of the test.”

         Katherine was embarrassed by the memory of her outburst in front of the Council. “I will help you but I’m not ready to make myself public yet. That’s why I disguise myself as a boy so people will take me seriously. But when the time is right, I will reveal my gender on my own.”

         Giovanni smiled at her. “We thank you and could not ask any more of you. You will be carrying a great responsibility. Take your time to build up a reputation and gain as many allies and friends as you can. You can start by knowing you have the support and trust of the entire Sorcerer’s Council. Tomorrow, you will be a Sorcerer. When you do read the notice, please come find me at the entrance to Sorcerers Castle.”

         She agreed and Giovanni left her alone on the beach. After an hour of watching the ocean, she got up and walked back to the inn. Cronos eyed her curiously with his expression asking all the questions. Katherine laughed at him and sat down next to him to retell the day’s events.

         Cronos nodded as she finished. “I have been on good standing with all the members of the Council but Lorenzo is a friend of mine from when we were children. He was the one who suggested that Natalie not have her magic bound. Master Aldo has always been the pessimist of the Council members. If you really do intend to help them, it is not going to be easy.” He grinned, “But, if I have learned anything about you over the years is that you never back down.”

         “If I could, I would not disguise myself anymore but I have nothing but the word of the Council to back me up. While they can make me a legal Sorceress, it won’t help me if the public does not accept me. I also owe Natalie the chance to have the credit she deserves. If not for her, I never…” She stopped as she remembered that no one was supposed to know about her training.

         Cronos laughed at Katherine as her checks burned red. “Do not worry. I have known for a long time that others besides Andrew knew about you being my apprentice. It became obvious who was teaching you healing magic and archery because you did not learn to aim from me.” He laughed again. “If they did not possess magic, I would say Cole and Natalie would make great spies. They have always been up to no good and hiding their deeds.”

         Katherine stood up. “Well then, I’m going to bed. If what Giovanni said is true, then who knows what he has to show me.” She kissed Cronos good night and went into her room.

         The next day, standing in front of the board with the other anxious applicants, Katherine tapped her heel waiting for the results to be posted. She just wanted to officially see her name posted and see who else passed. The messenger finally arrived and pushed his way through the small crowd to post the results. Katherine poked her way through and saw three names neatly scrawled on the paper, Peirce Kinsley, Jack Thorn, and finally Kale Cohen. She faintly heard Tobias’s shouts of rage as Peirce tried to calm him down. After Tobias stormed off in his defeat, Peirce turned to Katherine to congratulate her but before he could get her attention, she ran off to Sorcerer Castle leaving Peirce in a daze. Once she made it through the Castle gates, Giovanni approached her.

         “So, they put up the results then?” Katherine nodded. “Congratulations on passing, but I already told you that you would pass so I don’t think this should be as great of a surprise. To the point, if you truly wish to be a Sorcerer Knight, you are going to need the right equipment. So, I am offering you a magical sword that I think will be to your liking.”

         Katherine’s eyes lit up in joy. “Are you serious? You’re going to give me a sword?”

         “There’s just one catch. You can have the sword as long as you can find it.” She gave him a confused look and he explained, “If you are meant to have the sword, only you will know where the sword is. How you find it is up to you.”

         Katherine was in a stupor. She had no idea what to do. Searching random places would take too long. She stood there in concentration thinking of how to find the sword putting a strain on her mind. Giovanni watched her with thoughtful eyes as she focused her thoughts. Giovanni said it was a magical sword so she focused on magical objects in the area. It had to be on the castle grounds since Giovanni had wanted to meet her here especially. Many minutes passed before Katherine was brought back from her thoughts. “I hear something different among the magical items in the area but I don’t know how to describe it. I hear it but it’s more of a feeling then a sound, like a Guardian.” She looked at the main entrance into the Castle and walked briskly inside. Giovanni followed her. Once inside, she immediately turned left down the long hallway. At the end of the hallway was another hallway to the right and the circular turret that marked the corner of the Castle. “It’s coming from under the turret.”

         “Only the members of the Sorcerer’s Council know about this passage.” He placed his hand in the center of the floor and Katherine could sense the magic flowing to his hand and into the floor. The bricks quickly jumped out of the way from his magic revealing a staircase. “After you”, he held out his hand, offering it to her to help her down the stairs. She took his hand and used it to balance on the narrow stair case. At the bottom was another long hallway that angled upward. She could see the light at the other end but it was hard to tell how far away it was.

         The feeling was much more powerful now. “I can’t believe I or anyone else didn’t notice this before. Now, I feel as if it’s calling for me.”

         Giovanni soon joined her, his hand glowing with magic, lighting up their path as they walked down the hallway. “You would have found this room if there had not been the most powerful barriers the Council can make around this area. I just finished undoing the barriers minutes before you arrived. Also, you would be the only one on this island who would notice any change.” When they reached the end, Katherine was surprised by the large size of the room.

         Giovanni walked in beside her. “This room is on the ground level at the back of the Castle but there is only one way to get in here, by the way we came in.” Katherine’s attention was caught on the large obsidian stone in the middle of the room. It was as tall as her waist and just as wide but the most fascinating feature of the black stone was what the stone held. Stuck in the obsidian were three well crafted swords, one on top and the other two on the sides. It was one of the swords stuck in the side that intrigued her the most. In the middle of the blade near the guard rested a large, diamond shaped, shimmering ruby. Katherine walked over to the sword and brushed her fingers over the gold guard and hilt.

         Her eyes lit up as she faced Giovanni. “May I?” Giovanni smiled and nodded. Katherine carefully wrapped her right hand around the hilt and yanked on it with more force than needed. She stumbled back a few steps as the sword easily slid out. She held the sword in front of her and inspected it. Her eyes drifted to the ruby and she delicately placed two fingers from her free hand on it. As soon as her fingers came in contact with the ruby, a stream of fire burst from the ruby and spiraled all the way up the sword before disappearing. Katherine jumped in shock and held the sword as far away from herself as possible.

         Giovanni chuckled, “I should have explained beforehand. That sword you are holding is known as Hell’s Fire but its proper name is Nuri. There are a total of five magic swords that were created by Varro Philena, your ancestor. I told you yesterday that Sorcery was a family affair. Every Sorcerer family had magic and traditions that were passed down through the generations. Being part of one of the oldest Sorcerer families, there still exist certain magic and items that only you and your family are entitled to. Only someone of the Philena family is able to use one of these swords. Each sword is represented by an element. As you saw, Nuri is fire. The fifth one is meant for the person who can master all four elements.”

         “What happened to the other two swords?”

         “The water sword, Aquarius, we don’t know who has it. Someone broke in about four years ago and took it during the one week all of the Council members were off the island. That is why we placed such strong barriers around this room. We’ve been searching the Philena family tree we have for who might have it but we have no clues yet. The earth sword, Ajax, is in possession of Gregorio Philena, your uncle.”

         “My uncle? My father never mentioned he had a brother.”

         Giovanni rubbed his chin trying to concentrate. “Gregorio and your father were the only children of your Grandfather Philena. If I remember correctly, your father and his brother were not on good terms with one another. I am not sure of the reason though.”

         Katherine pondered the fact that she had another family member that she didn’t know about. The fact that really upset her was that her father never once mentioned a brother, even if they weren’t on good terms. She looked back at the sword in her hand. Curious, she attempted to touch the ruby again. This time there was no fire, the ruby only glowed brighter. “May I really keep this?”

         “It is yours and only yours. There is a custom sheath for it too, over on the wall.”

         Katherine looked where he indicated and there was indeed a sheath there, three in total. She immediately knew which one was the one for her sword and picked up the pitch black sheath. Only once she put Nuri in its sheath did she notice the triangle cut out of the sheath as a perfect indent for the ruby. Katherine strapped the sheath onto her belt and smiled.

         Giovanni smiled at her. “It fits you perfectly. Now, we better get going. Cronos is most likely waiting for you to hear the official verdict.” Katherine followed Giovanni back through the tunnel, all the way to the Castle entrance only stopping to close the passage and replace the barriers. There, Giovanni turned and faced Katherine and smiled warmly at her. “By the way, if Cronos happens to forget, there is a meeting for you and Mister Kinsley later this evening with Master Zahn because both of you have expressed your interest in becoming Sorcerer Knights. I suggest you take any advice Zahn has for you because it was just officially announced last night that he will be Lassyria’s King Brendon Vasilis’s Royal Sorcerer Adviser. I wish you the best of luck on your journey, Katherine. If you ever need any help, I will always be available for you. Come by anytime.” Katherine sensed his hesitation and laughed to herself before giving Giovanni a friendly embrace.

         “Thank you”, was the only thing she could think to say. Katherine returned his warm smile before parting to meet up with Cronos. When she told Cronos the news, he didn’t seem surprised at all. What interested him the most was the sword that Katherine now had to which she told him the story. Cronos remained silent even after Katherine was finished and simply nodded. She recognized the expression on Cronos’s face and knew he was keeping something from her. She decided not to pry and was content at the moment to know that Cronos would tell her when he was ready. Time passed quickly and Katherine was soon leaving for the meeting with Zahn. Peirce and Zahn were already there waiting for her.

         Zahn started the meeting. “I welcome both of you and I must say that I am excited to know that both of you wish to become Sorcerer Knights for Lassyria. I can vouch for both of you on your skills as Sorcerers but it’s up to you to show that you have the other skills needed. There will be qualifications held two months for all Knight positions. It will be a little harder for both of you to get in because you did not go through the proper training and apprenticeship under a Knight. I can secure both of you places in the try outs if you wish.” Katherine and Pierce expressed their gratitude. “Very well then, as long as you have as much talent with a sword as you do with magic, you two will have no problems. By the way, Pierce I understand that you already received yours, but Kale, you need to stop by the blacksmiths to pick up your teleportation key. I believe Master Giovanni requested it personally for you.”

         Katherine’s eyes lit up in wonder. “Thank you, sir.” She pondered to herself what Giovanni would have gotten her.

         “That is all and I wish you both the best on whatever path you receive in life.” Zahn dismissed them and Katherine and Pierce walked off together.

         Katherine looked at Pierce questioningly. “So, what did you have made for your teleportation key?”

         “First, it’s easier to call it a telekey. Second, my telekey is this.” He held up his gold necklace. A small pendent hung from the chain with a crest on it. “It’s my family crest. Everyone in my family has one. I’ve had it since I was a boy. I just had them place the spell on it. It’s easier than having something made because I always wear this anyway. Do you have any idea why Master Giovanni had yours custom made?”

         Katherine shrugged. Not even she could think of why Giovanni would custom make hers. She left Pierce to go to the blacksmith.

         “What can I do for you, young sir?” the blacksmith greeted her as she came in.

         “Hello, my name is Kale Cohen. I’m here to pick up my telekey.”

         “Ah! Yes, please wait right there. It should be complete by now.” He disappeared in the back and a few minutes later returned holding a ring. It was silver and looked like it could be for a man or a woman. The ring had a ruby with diamond accents on it. “Here it is,” the blacksmith said as he handed the ring to her. She slid it on her right finger. It fit perfectly.          “Master Giovanni has already paid the fees for it.”

         Katherine said her thanks and left. When she arrived back at the inn, Cronos refreshed her on how the telekey worked and its rules.

         “You are now free to teleport anywhere in the world. The teleport portals enable you to travel long distances without overwhelming yourself. I am positive you know where to find a map of all of the portals. Otherwise, you just have to think of the location you want to go to and put some magic into it. And of course, you know that certain places, like the castle in Gaerwn and Sorcerer Castle, have barriers to prevent teleportation. It will be hard at first but as time goes on it gets easier. Now, if you take along another person, that’s a different story. I am forbidding you from even attempting to take another person with until I have given you the ok. Is that all clear?” Katherine nodded. “Good, then unless you have any objections, we will leave tomorrow.” He looked at her with caring eyes. “I am so proud of you Katherine.”

         She smiled at him and threw herself at him and embraced him. “I couldn’t have done any of it without you Cronos. I hope you realize that you are like a father to me.”

         He leaned away to look her in the eye. “You have always been a part of my family.” He then leaned in and kissed her on her forehead. “No matter where you go or what you do, you will always be welcome in my family. Now, let’s get to bed.” They both headed to their rooms for the night.

         The next day, Cronos and Katherine stood outside the inn with their packed bags, recently checked out. Cronos picked up his bag and lead Katherine through town in the opposite direction of Sorcerer Castle. They walked through the market stalls and into the residential area. After a few blocks, they got to the town square. In the middle of the square was a slightly raised platform. Katherine remembered immediately that that was the portal they first arrived at six years ago.

         Cronos leaned down and whispered to Katherine. “Once we get on the portal, I want you concentrate as hard as you can on the training grounds back in Gaerwn. If you can concentrate on the portal there, if you remember where it is, that would be better. The portals are safe so the worst that can happen is that you end up at a different portal. That is all you have to worry about right now. Shall we go then?”

         “Alright, if you say that is all there is to it.” Katherine was just about to walk to the portal when someone called her.

         “Kale! Wait a moment.” Katherine turned around to see Pierce jogging up to her. She looked behind him and saw Tobias sulking and glaring at her. A middle age man, who must be Peirce and Tobias’s teacher, stood next to Tobias and waved at Cronos. Cronos looked over at Katherine and she nodded signaling that she was in no rush. Peirce finally halted to a stop in front of Katherine. He looked behind him at Tobias, Cronos, and his teacher. “Don’t worry about Tobias. Our teacher told him he had to rethink some things before he can move forward. I’m sure he’ll come around some day and retry again soon. He just wanted to pass at nineteen since he’s turning twenty in three weeks. I was hoping we could get together sometime before the Knight exam.”

         Katherine thought about Peirce’s proposal. “Well, I’ll see. I’ll be staying with Cronos till the try outs. I need to practice with my new sword in the mean time. If you’re in Gaerwn a few days before, you can probably catch me at the castle training grounds or around town.”

         Peirce gave her one of his cocked smiles. “Ok, I’ll do that. I’ll see you in two months then.”

         Katherine smiled back. “See you then.” Katherine held out her hand which Peirce shook and they parted ways. Cronos said his own goodbyes when Peirce went back to his teacher and Tobias. Once Cronos was next to her, Katherine closed her eyes and walked with Cronos onto the portal and disappeared.

         Katherine felt the magic flowing within her, powering her ring, and the feeling of weightlessness overwhelmed her. In a matter of a few seconds, she realized her feet were on solid ground again. She opened her eyes and recognized the scenery of Gaerwn’s training grounds. All at once, gravity engulfed her and her legs gave out from under her as if she was a toddler trying to walk for the first time. She heard Cronos’s deep chuckle behind her as he picked her up from behind and set her back on her feet.

         “That feeling will take a while to get use to. The only other problems new Sorcerers have are a magic drain but since you have such a high magic capacity, I knew that would not be a problem with you. Now, I believe Natalie is waiting at home for our return. We cannot keep her waiting.”

         Katherine laughed as she grabbed her bag and walked off the portal with Cronos.
© Copyright 2008 Ayame Karisuma (ayamekarisuma at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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