Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1508649-His-retreating-messiah
by Lorian
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Crime/Gangster · #1508649
A presumed loss turns a man into Satan's accomplice,but with it comes the dire aftermath.
On a night like this,he would not have been out.But tonight it was different.Nothing could deter him tonight.It was one of those days when his overtly delirious hands held the reins of multitudinous naive and innocuos souls that probably lay asleep at the moment,blissfully unaware of the advancing peril,of being left diabolically tormented-insipid and allowed to evanesce into obscurity,off the face of the Earth.

As his hooded figure walked down the desolate pavement,braving the ruthless downpour,a sudden streak of lightning illuminated his pale,impassive face which seemed to light up when from the insides of his cloak he removed the beeping cellphone and spoke into it-

"Yes Master I'm almost there."

In reply,a smooth low voice answered,"Very well.But that was hardly the matter I wanted to prime you about."

"What is it then?"

The mellow voice leered and said,"You shall come to know of it soon,very soon.."and his voice trailed off.

To this,he smiled,wondering what could possibly make his stone of a heart cringe.But he was spared from further thought as he approached his destination-a run down,tenebrous gazebo that looked as if it could have been acting as a domicile to darkness and all its associated fears but for the slight swaying of the laced curtains on the first landing.

As his inconspiciously avaricious self moved towards the house with exemplary flair he went through all the adequate processes in his mind,which at times as such rested within the cusp of Satan's horns,he could see through his inner eye..images..from all his former accomplishments-Watching the irresistible cloud of fear creeping into those naive eyes,and then performing the vital task of helping the poor mortals attain Nirvana.But each time,the ways were..different.And with a smile that spoke of nothing but blissful contentment,he called back on all of the tasks he had successfully performed with such precision that he felt as if he were reliving those particular moments.The very first time when he had acted on his seemingly omnipotent Master's orders..he had first tasted the saccharine success,the intense pleasure..when he had simply slit the ankles of the poor guy and forced him to walk around,smearing his pathway to Hades red,or when he once gagged an old lady till her eyes were hanging off her sockets.Another 'memorable' instance was when he had used mere needles to split a man's forehead into two halves in perfect pattern and had later tossed his kids into the fireplace after cutting off their little tongues.

These memories had his sadistic enthusiasm pounding as he reached for the door,and on finding it open,pushed it ajar.He saw his object at a few yards,the dim light forming a silhoutte of a woman,a pregnant woman.Glancing at the slight bulge,he smiled and started to advance,only to be stopped by a vaguely familiar voice that called out his name-"James?"And what followed was..a blur.On hearing his name,he had been taken by absolute surprise and when the young woman moved it into the light,he glanced at her face-He was staring at..his wife.

He felt his guts tying themselves together as all his macabre thoughts seemed to get replaced as he looked at his wife-His wife..who he had presumed dead all this while..the only reason he had turned to a trade as spiteful as this..and now..his child.And then,his cellphone clicked alerting him of a message which read-

"You know what to do,or else"

His Master's words..his wife..his child-The impact of all this suddenly seemed to weigh down on him.Though his wife,now tearful,was speaking to him,it was all unintelligible to him.He could not take away the lives of..his family..neither could he walk back to his death.Or could he?

And then,all of a sudden,he glanced down at the words 'Or else' which seemed to have enlightened him,and taking out,from his inners,a tiny revolver shot himself in the head.

© Copyright 2008 Lorian (amrita16 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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